if p.div = B then raise (Done p.sigma);\r
if p.phase = `Two && p.div = delta then raise (Done p.sigma);\r
if not (is_inert p.div) then problem_fail p "p.div converged";\r
+ (* Trailing constant args can be removed because do not contribute to eta-diff *)\r
+ let rec remove_trailing_constant_args = function\r
+ | A(t1, t2) when is_constant t2 -> remove_trailing_constant_args t1\r
+ | _ as t -> t in\r
+ let p = {p with div=remove_trailing_constant_args p.div} in\r
| Some div -> aux 0 (div :> Num.nf)\r
| None -> assert false in\r
let varno = List.length var_names in\r
- let p = {orig_freshno=varno; freshno=1+varno; div; conv; sigma=[]; stepped=[]; phase=`One} in\r
- (* initial sanity check *)\r
- sanity p\r
+ {orig_freshno=varno; freshno=1+varno; div; conv; sigma=[]; stepped=[]; phase=`One}\r
let solve p =\r
- if is_stuck p.div then print_endline "!!! div is stuck. Problem was not run !!!"\r
+ if is_constant p.div\r
+ then print_endline "!!! div is stuck. Problem was not run !!!"\r
else if eta_subterm p.div p.conv\r
then print_endline "!!! div is subterm of conv. Problem was not run !!!"\r
- else check p (auto p)\r
+ else let p = sanity p (* initial sanity check *) in check p (auto p)\r
Problems.main (solve ++ problem_of);\r