type typ =
Var of int
+ | Unit
| Top
| TConst of typformerreference
| Arrow of typ * typ
type term =
Rel of int
+ | UnitTerm
| Const of reference
| Lambda of string * (* typ **) term
| Appl of term list
| `Proposition
| `Type -> assert false (* IMPOSSIBLE *)
| `Kind
- | `KindOrType -> `KindOrType
+ | `KindOrType -> `Type
| `PropKind -> `Proposition)
| NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (_,NReference.Ind _) as ref) ->
let _,_,ityl,_,i = NCicEnvironment.get_checked_indtys status ref in
match classify status ~metasenv context arg with
| `KindOrType
| `Type
- | `Term `TypeFormer -> arg::skip_args status ~metasenv context (tl1,tl2)
+ | `Term `TypeFormer ->
+ Some arg::skip_args status ~metasenv context (tl1,tl2)
| `Kind
| `Proposition
- | `PropKind -> unitty::skip_args status ~metasenv context (tl1,tl2)
+ | `PropKind -> None::skip_args status ~metasenv context (tl1,tl2)
| `Term _ -> assert false (* IMPOSSIBLE *)
module ReferenceMap = Map.Make(struct type t = NReference.reference let compare = NReference.compare end)
-type db = typ_context ReferenceMap.t
+type db = (typ_context * typ option) ReferenceMap.t
class type g_status =
| NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (_,NReference.Def _) as ref)
| NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (_,NReference.Decl) as ref)
| NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (_,NReference.Fix _) as ref) ->
- (try ReferenceMap.find ref status#extraction_db
+ (try fst (ReferenceMap.find ref status#extraction_db)
Not_found -> assert false (* IMPOSSIBLE *))
| NCic.Match _ -> assert false (* TODO ???? *)
| NCic.Appl (he::args) ->
let he_context = context_of_typformer status ~metasenv context he in
TAppl (typ_of status ~metasenv context he ::
- List.map (typ_of status ~metasenv context)
+ List.map
+ (function None -> Unit | Some ty -> typ_of status ~metasenv context ty)
(skip_args status ~metasenv context (List.rev he_context,args)))
| NCic.Appl _ -> assert false (* TODO: when head is a match/let rec;
otherwise NOT A TYPE *)
| NCic.Match (_,_,_,_) -> assert false (* TODO *)
+let rec fomega_subst k t1 =
+ function
+ | Var n ->
+ if k=n then t1
+ else if n < k then Var n
+ else Var (n-1)
+ | Top -> Top
+ | TConst ref -> TConst ref
+ | Unit -> Unit
+ | Arrow (ty1,ty2) -> Arrow (fomega_subst k t1 ty1, fomega_subst (k+1) t1 ty2)
+ | Skip t -> Skip (fomega_subst (k+1) t1 t)
+ | Forall (n,kind,t) -> Forall (n,kind,fomega_subst (k+1) t1 t)
+ | TAppl args -> TAppl (List.map (fomega_subst k t1) args)
+let fomega_lookup status ref = snd (ReferenceMap.find ref status#extraction_db)
+let rec fomega_whd status ty =
+ match ty with
+ | TConst r ->
+ (match fomega_lookup status r with
+ None -> ty
+ | Some ty -> fomega_whd status ty)
+ | TAppl (TConst r::args) ->
+ (match fomega_lookup status r with
+ None -> ty
+ | Some ty -> fomega_whd status (List.fold_right (fomega_subst 1) args ty))
+ | _ -> ty
let rec term_of status ~metasenv context =
| NCic.Implicit _
| `Term _ -> assert false (* IMPOSSIBLE *))
| NCic.LetIn (b,ty,t,bo) ->
(match classify status ~metasenv context t with
+ | `Term `TypeFormerOrTerm (* ???? *)
| `Term `Term ->
LetIn (b,term_of status ~metasenv context t,
term_of status ~metasenv ((b,NCic.Def (t,ty))::context) bo)
| `Proposition
| `Term `PropFormer
| `Term `TypeFormer
- | `Term `TypeFormerOrTerm
- | `Term `Proof -> assert false (* NOT IN PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES? EXPAND IT ??? *))
+ | `Term `Proof ->
+ (* not in programming languages, we expand it *)
+ term_of status ~metasenv context
+ (NCicSubstitution.subst status ~avoid_beta_redexes:true t bo))
| NCic.Rel n -> Rel n
| NCic.Const ref -> Const ref
| NCic.Appl (he::args) ->
- assert false (* TODO
+ eat_args status metasenv
+ (term_of status ~metasenv context he) context
+ (typ_of status ~metasenv context
+ (NCicTypeChecker.typeof status ~metasenv ~subst:[] context he))
+ args
let he_context = context_of_typformer status ~metasenv context he in
- TAppl (typ_of status ~metasenv context he ::
- List.map (typ_of status ~metasenv context)
- (skip_args status ~metasenv context (List.rev he_context,args)))*)
+ let process_args he =
+ function
+ `Empty -> he
+ | `Inst tl -> Inst (process_args he tl)
+ | `Appl (arg,tl) -> process_args (Appl (he,... arg)) tl
+ in
+ Appl (typ_of status ~metasenv context he ::
+ process_args (typ_of status ~metasenv context he)
+ (skip_term_args status ~metasenv context (List.rev he_context,args))
| NCic.Appl _ -> assert false (* TODO: when head is a match/let rec;
otherwise NOT A TYPE *)
| NCic.Meta _ -> assert false (* TODO *)
| NCic.Match (ref,_,t,pl) ->
Match (ref,term_of status ~metasenv context t,
List.map (term_of status ~metasenv context) pl)
+and eat_args status metasenv acc context tyhe =
+ function
+ [] -> acc
+ | arg::tl ->
+ let mk_appl f x =
+ match f with
+ Appl args -> Appl (args@[x])
+ | _ -> Appl [f;x]
+ in
+ match fomega_whd status tyhe with
+ Arrow (s,t) ->
+ let arg =
+ match s with
+ Unit -> UnitTerm
+ | _ -> term_of status ~metasenv context arg in
+ eat_args status metasenv (mk_appl acc arg) context t tl
+ | Forall (_,_,t) ->
+ eat_args status metasenv (Inst acc)
+ context (fomega_subst 1 (typ_of status ~metasenv context arg) t) tl
+ | Skip t ->
+ eat_args status metasenv acc context t tl
+ | Top -> assert false (*TODO: HOW??*)
+ | Unit | Var _ | TConst _ | TAppl _ -> assert false (* NOT A PRODUCT *)
let obj_of status (uri,height,metasenv,subst,obj_kind) =
let ctx,_ as res = split_kind_prods [] ty in
let ref = NReference.reference_of_spec uri NReference.Decl in
- (ReferenceMap.add ref ctx status#extraction_db),
+ (ReferenceMap.add ref (ctx,None) status#extraction_db),
Some (uri, TypeDeclaration res)
| `PropKind
| `Proposition -> status, None
let ref =
NReference.reference_of_spec uri (NReference.Def height) in
+ let bo = typ_of status ~metasenv ctx bo in
- (ReferenceMap.add ref ctx0 status#extraction_db),
- Some (uri,TypeDefinition((nicectx,res),typ_of status ~metasenv ctx bo))
+ (ReferenceMap.add ref (nicectx,Some bo)
+ status#extraction_db),
+ Some (uri,TypeDefinition((nicectx,res),bo))
| `Kind -> status, None
| `PropKind
| `Proposition -> status, None
| `Term _ -> assert false (* IMPOSSIBLE *))
NotInFOmega ->
- prerr_endline "NOT IN F_omega";
+ prerr_endline "-- NOT IN F_omega";
status, None
(************************ HASKELL *************************)
let rec pp_typ status ctx =
Var n -> List.nth ctx (n-1)
+ | Unit -> "()"
| Top -> assert false (* ??? *)
| TConst ref -> pp_ref status ref
| Arrow (t1,t2) -> "(" ^ pp_typ status ctx t1 ^ ") -> " ^ pp_typ status ("_"::ctx) t2
let rec pp_term status ctx =
Rel n -> List.nth ctx (n-1)
+ | UnitTerm -> "()"
| Const ref -> pp_ref status ref
| Lambda (name,t) -> "(\\" ^ name ^ " -> " ^ pp_term status (name@::ctx) t ^ ")"
| Appl tl -> "(" ^ String.concat " " (List.map (pp_term status ctx) tl) ^ ")"
let haskell_of_obj status obj =
let status, obj = obj_of status obj in
- status,HExtlib.map_option (pp_obj status) obj
+ status,
+ match obj with
+ None -> "-- ERASED\n"
+ | Some obj -> pp_obj status obj ^ "\n"
let rec typ_of context =