sn_triangle_inequality: ∀x,y:V. semi_norm (x + y) ≤ semi_norm x + semi_norm y
+theorem eq_semi_norm_zero_zero:
+ ∀R:real.∀V:vector_space R.∀semi_norm:V→R.
+ is_semi_norm ? ? semi_norm →
+ semi_norm 0 = 0.
+ intros;
+ (* facile *)
+ elim daemon.
record is_norm (R:real) (V:vector_space R) (norm:V → R) : Prop \def
{ n_semi_norm:> is_semi_norm ? ? norm;
n_properness: ∀x:V. norm x = 0 → x = 0
+record is_semi_distance (R:real) (C:Type) (semi_d: C→C→R) : Prop \def
+ { sd_positive: ∀x,y:C. 0 ≤ semi_d x y;
+ sd_properness: \forall x:C. semi_d x x = 0;
+ sd_triangle_inequality: ∀x,y,z:C. semi_d x z ≤ semi_d x y + semi_d z y
+ }.
+record is_distance (R:real) (C:Type) (d:C→C→R) : Prop \def
+ { d_semi_distance:> is_semi_distance ? ? d;
+ d_properness: ∀x,y:C. d x y = 0 → x=y
+ }.
+definition induced_distance ≝
+ λR:real.λV:vector_space R.λnorm:V→R.
+ λf,g:V.norm (f - g).
+theorem induced_distance_is_distance:
+ ∀R:real.∀V:vector_space R.∀norm:V→R.
+ is_norm ? ? norm → is_distance ? ? (induced_distance ? ? norm).
+ intros;
+ apply mk_is_distance;
+ [ apply mk_is_semi_distance;
+ [ unfold induced_distance;
+ intros;
+ apply sn_positive;
+ apply n_semi_norm;
+ assumption
+ | unfold induced_distance;
+ intros;
+ unfold minus;
+ rewrite < plus_comm;
+ rewrite > opp_inverse;
+ apply eq_semi_norm_zero_zero;
+ apply n_semi_norm;
+ assumption
+ | unfold induced_distance;
+ intros;
+ (* ??? *)
+ elim daemon
+ ]
+ | unfold induced_distance;
+ intros;
+ generalize in match (n_properness ? ? ? H ? H1);
+ intro;
+ (* facile *)
+ elim daemon
+ ].
record is_lattice (C:Type) (join,meet:C→C→C) : Prop \def
{ (* abelian semigroup properties *)
l_comm_j: symmetric ? join;
interpretation "Lattice le" 'leq a b =
(cic:/matita/integration_algebras/le.con _ _ a b).
+definition lt \def λC:Type.λL:lattice C.λf,g. le ? L f g ∧ f ≠ g.
+interpretation "Lattice lt" 'lt a b =
+ (cic:/matita/integration_algebras/lt.con _ _ a b).
definition carrier_of_lattice ≝
λC:Type.λL:lattice C.C.
2. Fremlin proves |x|/\u=0 \to u=0. How do we remove the absolute value?
λR:real.λV:archimedean_riesz_space R.λunit: V.
∀x:V. meet x unit = 0 → u = 0.
-*) λR:real.λV:archimedean_riesz_space R.λe:V.True.
+ 3. Fremlin proves u > 0 implies x /\ u > 0 > 0 for Archimedean spaces
+ only. We pick this definition for now.
+*) λR:real.λV:archimedean_riesz_space R.λe:V.
+ ∀v:V. lt ? V 0 v → lt ? V 0 (meet ? V v e).
(* Here we are avoiding a construction (the quotient space to define
f=g iff I(|f-g|)=0 *)
) * irs_unit))) 0;
- f=g → integral (absolute_value ? irs_archimedean_riesz_space (f - g)) = 0
+ integral (absolute_value ? irs_archimedean_riesz_space (f - g)) = 0 → f=g
+definition induced_norm ≝
+ λR:real.λV:integration_riesz_space R.λf:V.
+ integral ? ? (absolute_value ? ? f).
+lemma induced_norm_is_norm:
+ ∀R:real.∀V:integration_riesz_space R.is_norm ? V (induced_norm ? V).
+ intros;
+ apply mk_is_norm;
+ [ apply mk_is_semi_norm;
+ [ unfold induced_norm;
+ intros;
+ apply i_positive;
+ [ apply (irs_integral_properties ? V)
+ | (* difficile *)
+ elim daemon
+ ]
+ | intros;
+ unfold induced_norm;
+ (* facile *)
+ elim daemon
+ | intros;
+ unfold induced_norm;
+ (* difficile *)
+ elim daemon
+ ]
+ | intros;
+ unfold induced_norm in H;
+ apply irs_quotient_space1;
+ unfold minus;
+ rewrite < plus_comm;
+ rewrite < eq_zero_opp_zero;
+ rewrite > zero_neutral;
+ assumption
+ ].
+definition distance_induced_by_integral ≝
+ λR:real.λV:integration_riesz_space R.
+ induced_distance ? ? (induced_norm R V).
+theorem distance_induced_by_integral_is_distance:
+ ∀R:real.∀V:integration_riesz_space R.
+ is_distance ? ? (distance_induced_by_integral ? V).
+ intros;
+ unfold distance_induced_by_integral;
+ apply induced_distance_is_distance;
+ apply induced_norm_is_norm.
record is_algebra (K: field) (V:vector_space K) (mult:V→V→V) (one:V) : Prop
{ (* ring properties *)
apply cauchy_max_seq.
-definition abs \def λR:real.λx:R. max R x (-x).
\ No newline at end of file
+definition abs \def λR:real.λx:R. max R x (-x).
+lemma comparison:
+ ∀R:real.∀f,g:nat→R. is_cauchy_seq ? f → is_cauchy_seq ? g →
+ (∀n:nat.f n ≤ g n) → lim ? f ? ≤ lim ? g ?.
+ [ assumption
+ | assumption
+ | intros;
+ elim daemon
+ ].
+definition to_zero ≝
+ λR:real.λn.
+ -(inv R (sum_field R (S n))
+ (not_eq_sum_field_zero R (S n) (le_S_S O n (le_O_n n)))).
+axiom is_cauchy_seq_to_zero: ∀R:real. is_cauchy_seq ? (to_zero R).
+lemma technical1: ∀R:real.lim R (to_zero R) (is_cauchy_seq_to_zero R) = 0.
+ intros;
+ unfold lim;
+ elim daemon.
+lemma abs_x_ge_O: \forall R: real. \forall x:R. 0 ≤ abs R x.
+ intros;
+ unfold abs;
+ unfold max;
+ rewrite < technical1;
+ apply comparison;
+ intros;
+ unfold to_zero;
+ unfold max_seq;
+ elim
+ (to_cotransitive R (of_le R) R 0
+(inv R (sum_field R (S n))
+ (not_eq_sum_field_zero R (S n) (le_S_S O n (le_O_n n)))) (x--x)
+(lt_zero_to_le_inv_zero R (S n)
+ (not_eq_sum_field_zero R (S n) (le_S_S O n (le_O_n n)))));
+ [ simplify;
+ (* facile *)
+ elim daemon
+ | simplify;
+ (* facile *)
+ elim daemon
+ ].
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