+++ /dev/null
-<SCRIPT language="Javascript">
-function invia()
- {
- stadd="";
- for (num=0;num<parent.calias;num++)
- {
- stadd=stadd+parent.alist[num]+" ";
- //alert(stadd);
- }
- //top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"editorpdq.html","sw");
- top.window.sw.editalias(stadd);
- //alert(parent.mcq);
- parent.mcq=parent.mcq.replace("<font color=\"#ff0000\">[Alias list]</font>","");
- //alert(parent.mcq);
- //top.qw.document.close();
- //top.qw.document.write(parent.mcq);
- if (parent.mcq=="<font color=\"#ff0000\">[Alias list]</font> [Expr]")
- {
- parent.mcq="[Expr]";
- }
- else
- {
- parent.mcq=parent.mcq.replace("<font color=\"#ff0000\">","");
- parent.mcq=parent.mcq.replace("</font>","");
- }
- parent.parse(parent.mcq);
- }
-function rimuovialias()
- {
- //alert(document.aliaslist.elenco.value);
- if (document.aliaslist.elenco.value!="")
- {
- for (var i=document.aliaslist.elenco.length-1;i>-1;i--)
- {
- if (document.aliaslist.elenco.options[i].selected==true)
- {
- for (num=i;num<top.aliasglob.length;num++)
- {
- top.aliasglob[num]=top.aliasglob[num+1];
- }
- top.aliasglob.length--;
- //alert ("rimosso "+i);
- //parent.aggiorna();
- }
- }
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"aliaslist.html",(top.cw.frames.length==0?"cw":"bw"));
- }
- }
-function listalias()
- {
- for (num=0;num<top.aliasglob.length;num++)
- {
- document.write("<OPTION value="+num+">"+top.aliasglob[num]);
- //alert (top.aliasglob[num]);
- }
- }
-function addalias()
- {
- if (top.idcheck(document.aliaslist.idi.value)==1 && top.uricheck(document.aliaslist.uri.value)==1)
- {
- top.aliasglob[top.aliasglob.length]="alias id "+document.aliaslist.idi.value+" = "+document.aliaslist.uri.value;
- //parent.aggiorna();
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"aliaslist.html",(top.cw.frames.length==0?"cw":"bw"));
- }
- }
-function istruzioni()
- {
- top.hw.document.close();
- top.hw.document.write("You must now enter a list of alias. An Alias is the word 'alias' followed by 'id', an <a href='grammarpdq.html#Id' target='gw'>Id</a>, the equality sign '=', an <a href='grammarpdq.html#Uri' target='gw'>Uri</a>.You may enter as many of them as you want, after each one click the button 'add alias' or press enter and it will be added. When you are done, click 'done'.");
- }
-<form name="aliaslist" action="Javascript:addalias();" method="get">
-alias id
-<input name="idi" type=text size="15" value="">
-<input name="uri" type=text size="45" value="cic:/"><br>
-<input type=submit value="add alias"><input type=button value="delete selected" onClick="rimuovialias()";><br>
-<select name="elenco" multiple size=7>
-<SCRIPT language=Javascript> listalias(); document.aliaslist.idi.focus(); </SCRIPT>
-<input type=button value="Done" onClick="top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+'blank.html','hw');top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+'editorpdq.html','sw');invia();" ><br>
+++ /dev/null
-<body bgcolor="#ffffff";>
-Are you lost? Consult the <a href="http://helm.cs.unibo.it/searchEngine/manual/index.html" target="_blank">on-line manual</a>
+++ /dev/null
-<body bgcolor="#ffffff";>
+++ /dev/null
-<SCRIPT language="Javascript">
-function help()
- {
- with (document.form1) {
- if (selopt[0].checked)
- alert ("No help available.");
- if (selopt[1].checked)
- alert ("Parenthesis are employed to force precedence between operators.");
- if (selopt[2].checked)
- alert ("'not' returns true if the given [boole] is false, 'ex' returns true if there is at least one group of attributes for each [rvar] referenced by the operators or inside the given [boole] for which the condition is true.");
- if (selopt[3].checked)
- alert ("'and' returns true if both conditions are true, 'or' returns true if at least one is true.");
- if (selopt[4].checked)
- alert ("'sub' returns true if the first [val] is a subset of the second.\n'meet' returns true if the intersection between the two [val] is not empty.\n'eq' returns true if both [val] are identical.");
- }
- }
-function choice()
-with (document.form1) {
- if (selopt[0].checked) {
- top.stadd=boole1.value;
- }
- if (selopt[1].checked) {
- top.stadd="([boole])";
- }
- if (selopt[2].checked) {
- top.stadd=boole2.value+" [boole]";
- }
- if (selopt[3].checked) {
- top.stadd="[boole] "+boole3.value+" [boole]";
- }
- if (selopt[4].checked) {
- top.stadd="[val] "+boole4.value+" [val]";
- }
- if (selopt[5].checked) {
- boole5.value=top.tpa(boole5.value);
- top.stadd=boole5.value;
- }
- }
-if (top.stadd!="") top.aggq();
- else alert("You left at least one field unfilled");
-<h1> <SCRIPT language="Javascript">document.write(top.ltr) </SCRIPT>
-<input type="button" value="<-" onmouseOver="top.help(-8)" onclick="top.annulla()">
-<input type="button" value="->" onmouseOver="top.help(-81)" onclick="top.ripristina()"></h1>
-<h2> Select one of the following: </h2>
-<form name="form1" action="Javascript:choice();" method="get">
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> <select name="boole1" onFocus="selopt[0].checked=true">
-<OPTION value=false> false
-<OPTION value=true> true
-</select> <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> ( [boole] ) <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> <select name="boole2" onFocus="selopt[2].checked=true">
-<OPTION value=not> not
-<OPTION value=ex> ex
-</select> [boole] <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> [boole] <select name="boole3" onFocus="selopt[3].checked=true">
-<OPTION value=and> and
-<OPTION value=or> or
-</select> [boole] <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> [val] <select name="boole4" onFocus="selopt[4].checked=true">
-<OPTION value=sub> sub
-<OPTION value=meet> meet
-<OPTION value=eq> eq
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> <input name="boole5" type=text onFocus="selopt[5].checked=true;top.help(1)"> <br>
-<input type="submit" value="compose"><input type="button" value="get help" onclick="help()">
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- <head>
- <title>Refine the Constraints</title>
- <style> A { text-decoration: none } </style>
- </head>
- <body>
- <form name="constraints">
- <b>You can now proceed using the default generated constraints or you
- can refine them by hand before going on.</b> <br /> <br />
- <SCRIPT language="Javascript">
- <input type="button" value="Submit Query" onClick="top.constraints_choice_template_invia(document,aliases,constr_obj_len,constr_rel_len,constr_sort_len)"/>
- @FORM@
- <br />
- </form>
- </body>
+++ /dev/null
-<SCRIPT language="Javascript">
-function invia()
- {
- window.open(top.ask_uwobo(top.topurl+"/execute?query="+encodeURIComponent(document.edit.qta.value)),"cw");
- }
-function parse1()
- {
- while (fb.indexOf("<")>-1){
- if (fb.indexOf("<")>0)
- {
- fb=fb.replace("<","<");
- }
- }
- while (fb.indexOf(">")>-1){
- if (fb.indexOf(">")>0)
- {
- fb=fb.replace(">",">");
- }
- }
- //while (fb.indexOf("[?")>-1){
- //fb=fb.replace("[?",">");
- // }
- }
-function parse()
- {
- while (fb.indexOf("<set>")>-1)
- {
- fb=fb.replace("<set>","[set]");
- }
- while (fb.indexOf("<val>")>-1)
- {
- fb=fb.replace("<val>","[val]");
- }
- while (fb.indexOf("<boole>")>-1)
- {
- fb=fb.replace("<boole>","[boole]");
- }
- parse1();
- }
-function armageddon()
- {
- if (confirm("This will delete your query and restart a new one. Are you sure?")) {
- top.initialize();
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"start.html","qw");
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"blank.html","cw");
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"blank.html","hw");
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"blank.html","gw");
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"blank.html","sw");
- }
- }
-function comprimispazi()
- {
- stringa=document.edit.qta.value;
- while (stringa.charAt(0)==" ") {stringa=stringa.substring(1,stringa.length)}
- sle=stringa.length;
- for (i=1;i<sle;i++)
- {
- if (stringa.charAt(i)==" " && stringa.charAt(i+1)==" ") {
- //alert("i="+i+"char="+stringa.charAt(i));
- //alert(stringa.substring(0,i)+"---"+stringa.substring(i+1,stringa.length));
- stringa=stringa.substring(0,i)+stringa.substring(i+1,stringa.length); i--;}
- }
- document.edit.qta.value=stringa;
- }
-function apply()
- {
- top.storep=1;
- fb=document.edit.qta.value;
- ok=qbf.test(fb);
- if (ok){
- parse();
- //alert("parse ok");
- top.fb=fb;
- top.storeps=1;top.storepv=1;top.storepb=1;
- top.parse();
- //alert("top.parse ok");
- top.query=top.fb;
- top.qw.document.close();
- top.qw.document.write(top.query);
- top.aggform(); //alert("aggform ok");
- top.aggcw();//alert("aggcw ok");
- comprimispazi();}
- }
-function inserisci(mq)
- {
- document.edit.qta.focus();
- var TR=document.selection.createRange();
- if(TR!=null)
- {
- TR.text=TR.text+mq;
- }
- else document.edit.qta.value+=mq;
- //comprimispazi();
- }
-function agg()
- {
- document.edit.qta.value=top.cquery;
- comprimispazi();
- }
-<form name="edit" method="get" action="Javascript:invia()">
-<textarea name="qta" cols="40" rows="8" onMouseOver="top.help(-2)";>
-<input type="button" value="set" onMouseOver="top.help(-6)" onClick="inserisci(' <set> ');"><br>
-<input type="button" value="val" onMouseOver="top.help(-6)" onClick="inserisci(' <val> ');"><br>
-<input type="button" value="bol" onMouseOver="top.help(-6)" onClick="inserisci(' <boole> ');"><br>
-<input type="submit" value="Submit the query" onMouseOver="top.help(-4)"></input>
-<input type="button" value="Restart" onMouseOver="top.help(-5)" onClick="armageddon()"></input>
-<input type="button" value="Apply Changes" onMouseOver="top.help(-3)" onClick="apply();top.actinput++;top.storia[top.actinput]=top.query;top.numeroazioniannullate=0;"></input>
+++ /dev/null
-<SCRIPT language="Javascript">
-var alias="";
-var expr="";
-function armageddon()
- {
- if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete your query and start a new one?"))
- {
- top.terminecic="";top.listaliases="";top.ricordaliaslist=0;top.vlds=new Array();var alias="";var expr="";
- top.initialize();
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"start.html","qw");
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"blank.html","cw");
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"blank.html","hw");
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"blank.html","gw");
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"blank.html","sw");
- }
- }
-function nuovapdqsa()
- {
- if (confirm("Are you sure you want to change expression?"))
- {
- top.terminecic="";
- document.invio.expression.value="";document.invio.aliaslist.value=decodeURIComponent(top.listaliases);
- top.ricordaliaslist=1;
- window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"pdq.html","cw");
- window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"editorpdq.html","sw");
- }
- }
-function invia()
- {
- if (document.invio.expression.value!="")
- {top.terminecic=encodeURIComponent(document.invio.expression.value);
- top.listaliases="";
- for (i=0;i<top.aliasglob.length;i++)
- {
- top.listaliases=top.listaliases+encodeURIComponent(top.aliasglob[i]+" ");
- }
- //alert(top.listaliases);
- window.open(top.ask_uwobo(top.topurl+"/"+top.current_query+"?term="+encodeURIComponent(document.invio.expression.value)+"&aliases="+top.listaliases),"cw");
- }
- //window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"templateambigpdq2.html","bw")}
- else {alert("Please complete the query before.")}
- }
-function warning()
- {
- alert("You may not modify this field.",alias);
- document.invio.aliaslist.value=alias;
- document.invio.expression.value=expr;
- }
-function editalias(valore)
- {
- top.window.sw.alias=valore;
- document.invio.aliaslist.value=valore;
- }
-function editexpr(valore)
- {
- top.window.sw.expr=valore;
- document.invio.expression.value=valore;
- }
-function listalias()
- {
- for (num=0;num<top.aliasglob.length;num++)
- {
- //alert(top.aliasglob[num]);
- document.write("<OPTION value="+num+">"+top.aliasglob[num]);
- }
- }
-function editaalias()
- {
- if (document.invio.expression.value!=""){top.terminecic=encodeURIComponent(document.invio.expression.value)}
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"aliaslist.html",(top.cw.frames.length==0?"cw":"bw"));
- }
-<form name="invio" action="Javascript:invia();">
-<select name="aliaslist" size=1>
-<SCRIPT language=Javascript> listalias(); </script>
-</select> Your list of alias.
-<input type=button value="edit" onMouseOver="top.help(-9)" onClick="editaalias()";>
-<textarea name="expression" cols="43" rows="6"></textarea><br>Your expression.<br>
-<input type=submit value="Submit" onMouseOver="top.help(-4)"></input>
-<input type=button value="Restart" onMouseOver="top.help(-5)" onClick="armageddon()"></input>
-<input type=button value="New expression" onMouseOver="top.help(-7)" onClick="nuovapdqsa()"></input>
-<SCRIPT language=Javascript>document.invio.expression.value=decodeURIComponent(top.terminecic); </script>
+++ /dev/null
-<SCRIPT language="Javascript">
-function invia()
- {
- stadd="{";
- for (num=0;num<parent.calias;num++)
- {
- stadd=stadd+parent.alist[num]+":=[Expr];";
- //alert(stadd);
- }
- //alert(parent.mcq);
- //alert(stadd.charAt(stadd.length-1));
- if (stadd.charAt(stadd.length-1)==";"){stadd=stadd.substring(0,stadd.length-1);}
- stadd=stadd+"}"
- if (stadd==("{}")){stadd=""}
- parent.mcq=parent.mcq.replace("<font color=\"#ff0000\">[exp_named_subst]</font>",stadd);
- //alert(parent.mcq);
- //top.qw.document.close();
- //top.qw.document.write(parent.mcq);
- parent.parse(parent.mcq);
- }
-function rimuovialias()
- {
- //alert(document.aliaslist.elenco.value);
- if (document.aliaslist.elenco.value!=""){
- for (num=Number(document.aliaslist.elenco.value);num<parent.calias;num++)
- {
- //alert (parent.alist[num]+" "+parent.alist[num+1]);
- parent.alist[num]=parent.alist[num+1];
- }
- parent.calias--;parent.aggiorna2();}
- }
-function listalias()
- {
- for (num=0;num<parent.calias;num++)
- {
- document.write("<OPTION value="+num+">"+parent.alist[num]);
- //alert (parent.alist[num]);
- }
- }
-function addalias()
- {
- ok=0;
- if (document.aliaslist.varid.value.indexOf("/")>0)
- {if (top.uricheck(document.aliaslist.varid.value)==1 && document.aliaslist.varid.value.substring(document.aliaslist.varid.value.length-3,document.aliaslist.varid.value.length)=="var")
- {ok=1}
- }
- else {if (top.idcheck(document.aliaslist.varid.value)==1)
- {ok=1}
- }
- if (ok==1)
- {
- //alert (document.aliaslist.idi.value+" "+document.aliaslist.uri.value);
- parent.alist[parent.calias]=document.aliaslist.varid.value
- //alert (parent.alist[parent.calias]);
- parent.calias=parent.calias+1;
- parent.aggiorna2();
- }
- }
-You must now enter a list of named_subst. A named_subst is an <a href="grammarpdq.html#Id" target="gw">Id</a> or a <a href="grammarpdq.html#Varuri" target="gw">Varuri</a> followed by ":=" followed by an expression.
-You may enter as many of them as you want (even none), after each one click the button "add" or press enter and it will be added. When you are done, click "done".
-<form name="aliaslist" action="Javascript:addalias();" method="get">
-<input name="varid" type=text size="35"> Insert here the Id or the Uri you want to add.
-<input type=submit value="add"><input type=button value="delete selected" onClick="rimuovialias()";>
-<select name="elenco" size=7>
-<SCRIPT language=Javascript> listalias(); </SCRIPT>
-<input type=button value="Done" onClick="invia();" >
+++ /dev/null
-<SCRIPT language="Javascript">
-function choice()
- {
-with (document.form1) {
- stadd="";top.qw.document.close();quanti=0;
- if (selopt[0].checked) {stadd="\\lambda [Genid] : [Expr].[Expr]"}
- if (selopt[1].checked) {stadd="let [Genid] = [Expr] in [Expr]"}
- if (selopt[2].checked) {stadd="\\forall [Genid]:[Expr].[Expr]"}
- if (selopt[3].checked) {stadd="[Expr] \\to [Expr]"}
- if (selopt[4].checked) {stadd="?"}
- if (selopt[5].checked) {stadd=document.form1.ex2.value}
- if (selopt[6].checked) {
- while (quanti<1)
- {
- quanti=prompt("How many expressions in the list?","1");//alert(quanti);
- if (isNaN(quanti)){quanti=0;}
- }
- stadd="(";
- for (i=0;i<Math.floor(quanti);i++)
- {stadd=stadd+"[Expr] "}
- stadd=stadd+")";
- }
- if (selopt[7].checked) {
- stadd=document.form1.id_or_uri.value;
- //alert(stadd.substring(0,5));
- if (stadd.substring(0,5)=="cic:/")
- {if (!top.uricheck(stadd)){stadd="";}}
- else if (!top.idcheck(stadd)){stadd="";}
- //alert(stadd);
- }
- if (stadd!="") {parent.mcq=parent.mcq.replace("<font color=\"#ff0000\">[Expr]</font>",stadd);
- //top.qw.document.write(parent.mcq);
- parent.parse(parent.mcq);}
- }
- }
-You are entering an expression. Select one of the following.
-<form name="form1" action="Javascript:choice();" method="get">
-<input type="radio" name="selopt">\lambda [Genid]:[Expr].[Expr] <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt">let [Genid] = [Expr] in [Expr] <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt">\forall [Genid]:[Expr].[Expr] <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt">[Expr] \to [Expr]<br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt">?<br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> <select name="ex2" onFocus="selopt[4].checked=true;">
-<option value="Prop"> Prop
-<option value="Set"> Set
-<option value="Type"> Type
-<option value="?"> ?
-</select> <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> ( [Expr list] ) <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> <input name="id_or_uri" type="text" onFocus="selopt[6].checked=true;top.help(-10)"><br>
-<input type=submit value="Select">
+++ /dev/null
-<SCRIPT language="Javascript">
-function choice()
- {
- if (sel==0){stadd=document.form1.gen0.value;if (!top.idcheck(document.form1.gen0.value)){stadd=""}}
- if (sel==1){stadd=document.form1.gen1.value;if (!top.uricheck(document.form1.gen1.value)){stadd=""}
- if (stadd.substring(stadd.length-3,stadd.length)=="con"){stadd="";alert("You may not enter a Conuri.")}}
- if (sel==1 && stadd!="") {stadd=stadd+" [exp_named_subst]";}
- if (stadd!="") {parent.mcq=parent.mcq.replace("<font color=\"#ff0000\">[Genid]</font>",stadd);
- //top.qw.document.close();top.qw.document.write(parent.mcq);
- parent.parse(parent.mcq);}
- sel=2;
- }
-You are now entering a Genid. It may be a simple <a href="grammarpdq.html#Id" target="gw">Id</a>, or an <a href="grammarpdq.html#Uri" target="gw">Uri</a> followed by nothing or by an <a href="grammarpdq.html#Exp_Named_Subst" target="gw">Exp_Named_Subst</a>.
-<form name="form1" action="Javascript:choice();" method="get">
-<input name="gen0" type=text onFocus="sel=0"> Insert here the <a href="grammarpdq.html#Id" target="gw">Id</a>
-<input name="gen1" type=text value="cic:/" onFocus="sel=1"> Or insert here the <a href="grammarpdq.html#Uri" target="gw">Uri</a>. The uri may not be a <a href="grammarpdq.html#Conuri" target="gw">Conuri</a>.<br>
-<input type=submit value="Enter">
+++ /dev/null
-<A NAME="string">
-<P><B><string></B>::= '"' [ "\" . | '^ " \' ] * '"'</A>
-<A NAME="path">
-<P><B><path></B>::= <<A HREF="#string">string</A>> [ "/" <<A HREF="#string">string</A>> ] *</A>
-<A NAME="string_list">
-<P><B><string_list></B>::= <<A HREF="#string">string</A>> [ "," <<A HREF="#string">string</A>> ] *</A>
-<A NAME="alpha">
-<P><B><alpha></B>::= [ 'A - Z' | 'a - z' |' :_' ] + </A>
-<A NAME="number">
-<P><B><number></B>::= [ '0 - 9' ] + </A>
-<A NAME="id">
-<P><B><id></B>::= <<A HREF="#alpha">alpha</A>> [ <<A HREF="#alpha">alpha</A>> | <<A HREF="#number">number</A>> ] * </A>
-<A NAME="rvar">
-<P><B><rvar></B>::= "@" <<A HREF="#id">id</A>> </A>
-<A NAME="svar">
-<P><B><svar></B>::= "%" <<A HREF="#id">id</A>> </A>
-<A NAME="vvar">
-<P><B><vvar></B>::= "$" <<A HREF="#id">id</A>> </A>
-<A NAME="refine">
-<P><B><refine></B>::= [ "sub" | "super" ] ? </A>
-<A NAME="qualifier">
-<P><B><qualifier></B>::= [ "inverse" ] ? <<A HREF="#refine">refine</A>> <<A HREF="#path">path</A>> </A>
-<A NAME="assign">
-<P><B><assign></B>::= <<A HREF="#vvar">vvar</A>> "<-" <<A HREF="#path">path</A>> </A>
-<A NAME="attr_list">
-<P><B><attr_list></B>::= [ "attr" <<A HREF="#assign">assign</A>> [ "," <<A HREF="#assign">assign</A>>] * ] ? </A>
-<A NAME="set">
-<P><B><set></B>::= "ref" <<A HREF="#val">val</A>> </A><BR>
-| "pattern" <<A HREF="#val">val</A>><BR>
-| <<A HREF="#svar">svar</A>><BR>
-| <<A HREF="#rvar">rvar</A>><BR>
-| "(" <<A HREF="#set">set</A>> ")"<BR>
-| "relation" <<A HREF="#qualifier">qualifier</A>> <<A HREF="#val">val</A>> <<A HREF="#attr_list">attr_list</A>><BR>
-| "select" <<A HREF="#rvar">rvar</A>> "in" <<A HREF="#set">set</A>> "where" <<A HREF="#boole">boole</A>><BR>
-| <<A HREF="#set">set</A>> [ "union" | "intersect" | "diff" ] <<A HREF="#set">set</A>><BR>
-| "let" <<A HREF="#svar">svar</A>> "be" <<A HREF="#set">set</A>> "in" <<A HREF="#set">set</A>> <BR>
-| "let" <<A HREF="#vvar">vvar</A>> "be" <<A HREF="#val">val</A>> "in" <<A HREF="#set">set</A>> <BR> </A>
-<A NAME="boole">
-<P><B><boole></B>::= [ "false" | "true" ] </A><BR>
-| "(" <<A HREF="#boole">boole</A>> ")"<BR>
-| [ "not" | "ex" ] <<A HREF="#boole">boole</A>> <BR>
-| <<A HREF="#boole">boole</A>> [ "and" | "or" ] <<A HREF="#boole">boole</A>> <BR>
-| <<A HREF="#val">val</A>> [ "sub" | "meet" | "eq" ] <<A HREF="#val">val</A>> <BR> </A>
-<A NAME="val">
-<P><B><val></B>::= "{" [ <<A HREF="#string_list">string_list</A>> ] ? "}" </A><BR>
-| <<A HREF="#string">string</A>><BR>
-| "refof" <<A HREF="#set">set</A>><BR>
-| <<A HREF="#rvar">rvar</A>> "." <<A HREF="#vvar">vvar</A>><BR>
-| <<A HREF="#vvar">vvar</A>><BR>
-| "(" <<A HREF="#val">val</A>> ")"<BR>
-| "property" <<A HREF="#qualifier">qualifier</A>> <<A HREF="#val">val</A>></A>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-<SCRIPT language="Javascript">
-<a name="Id">
-<p><b><Id></b>::= [ 'A-Z' | 'a-z' ][ 'A-Z' | 'a-z' | '0-9' | \- | _ | \' ]*</a>
-<a name="Uri">
-<p><b><Uri></b>::= <<a href="#Conuri">Conuri</a>> | <<a href="#Varuri">Varuri</a>> | <<a href="#Indtyuri">Indtyuri</a>> | <<a href="#Indconuri">Indconuri</a>></a>
-<a name="Conuri">
-<p><b><Conuri></b>::= "cic:/" [<<a href="#Id">Id</a>> "/" ]*<<a href="#Id">Id</a>> ".con"</a>
-<a name="Varuri">
-<p><b><Varuri></b>::= "cic:/" [<<a href="#Id">Id</a>> "/" ]*<<a href="#Id">Id</a>> ".var"</a>
-<a name="Indtyuri">
-<p><b><Indtyuri></b>::= "cic:/" [<<a href="#Id">Id</a>> "/" ]*<<a href="#Id">Id</a>> ".ind#1/" ['0-9']+</a>
-<a name="Indconuri">
-<p><b><Indconuri></b>::= "cic:/" [<<a href="#Id">Id</a>> "/" ]*<<a href="#Id">Id</a>> ".ind#1/" ['0-9']+ "/" ['0-9']+</a>
-<a name="Exp_Named_Subst">
-<p><b><Exp_Named_Subst></b>::= "{" [ [ [<<a href="#Id">Id</a>> | <<a href="#Varuri">Varuri</a>> ] ":=" <Expression> ";" ]* [ [<<a href="#Id">Id</a>> | <<a href="#Varuri">Varuri</a>> ] ":=" <Expression> ] ]? "}"</a>
-<a name="Alias">
-<p><b><Alias></b>::= "alias" "id" <<a href="#Id">Id</a>> = <<a href="#Uri">Uri</a>>
-<a name="Genid">
-<p><b><Genid></b>::= [ <<a href="#Id">Id</a>> | <<a href="#Varuri">Varuri</a>> | <<a href="#Indtyuri">Indtyuri</a>> | <<a href="#Indconuri">Indconuri</a>> ] <<a href="#Exp_Named_Subst">Exp_Named_Subst</a>>
-<a name="Expr">
-<p><b><Expr></b>::= "\" <<a href="#Genid">Genid</a>> [ ":" | ":=" ] <<a href="#Expr">Expr</a>>"."<<a href="#Expr">Expr</a>>
-::= "!" <<a href="#Genid">Genid</a>> ":" <<a href="#Expr">Expr</a>>"."<<a href="#Expr">Expr</a>>
-::= <<a href="#Expr">Expr</a>>"->"<<a href="#Expr">Expr</a>>
-::= "(" <<a href="#Expr">Expr</a>> ")" "->"<<a href="#Expr">Expr</a>>
-::= "(" <<a href="#Expr">Expr</a>> [ " " <<a href="#Expr">Expr</a>>]* ")"
-::= "Prop" | "Set" | "Type" | "?" | <<a href="#Uri">Uri</a>> | <<a href="#Id">Id</a>>
+++ /dev/null
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- {
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- top.initialize();
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"start.html","qw");
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"blank.html","cw");
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"blank.html","hw");
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"blank.html","gw");
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"blank.html","sw");
- }
-function invia()
- {
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"start.html","qw");
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- }
-<form name="locate" method="get" action="Javascript:invia();">
-<input name="oggetto" type=text size=30>
-Insert here the name of the object you want to search.
-<br><input type=submit value="Display results" onMouseOver="top.help(-4)">
-<input type=button value="Restart" onMouseOver="top.help(-5)" onClick="armageddon()"></input>
+++ /dev/null
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-<h3>There are more than one possible interpretations.</h3>
-<br />Please select one or more of the following:
-<br />
-<form name="form">
- <input type="hidden" name="no_choices" value="@NO_CHOICES@"/>
- <input type="hidden" name="keys" value="S,T1,T2,L,RT,E"/>
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- <p>
- <b>There are several possible interpretations</b>
- </p>
- <p>
- Please choose one of the following interpretations:
- </p>
- <p>
- <helm:uwobo_form>
- <helm:hidden_params />
- <input type="hidden" name="keys" value="S,T1,T2,L,RT,E"/>
- <input type="hidden" name="param.expression" value="@EXPRESSION@"/>
- <input type="hidden" name="param.action" value="@ACTION@"/>
- <input type="hidden" name="param.advanced" value="@ADVANCED@"/>
- <input type="hidden" name="param.choices" value="@CURRENT_CHOICES@"/>
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- </p>
+++ /dev/null
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- <helm:j_params />
- <b>You can now proceed using the default generated constraints or you
- can refine them by hand before going on.</b> <br /> <br />
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- onclick="Javascript:{
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-function apriquery()
- {
- window.open(top.topurl+"/getpage?url=index.html","new",hotkeys="no");
- }
-<a href="#" onClick="apriquery();">Query composer</a>
+++ /dev/null
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-alist=new Array(10);
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-function armageddon()
- {
- top.initialize();
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"start.html","qw");
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"blank.html","cw");
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"blank.html","hw");
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"blank.html","gw");
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"blank.html","sw");
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- {
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- top.cw.bw.document.aliaslist.idi.focus();
- }
-function aggiorna2()
- {
- window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"expnamedsubst.html","bw");
- bw.document.aliaslist.varid.focus();
- }
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- {
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- {
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-function armageddon()
- {
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- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"start.html","qw");
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"blank.html","cw");
- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"blank.html","hw");
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- top.window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"blank.html","sw");
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- <input type=radio name="qc" onFocus="top.cw.bw.location=top.topurl+top.action+'mat_con.html';top.qw.location=top.topurl+top.action+'blank.html';top.current_query='locateInductivePrinciple';top.sw.location=top.topurl+top.action+'editorpdq.html';parent.toq=3;this.blur();"> Locate Inductive Principle
-<SCRIPT language="Javascript">
-if (top.ricordaliaslist==1)
- {
- window.open(top.topurl+top.action+"expr.html","bw");parent.mcq="<font color=\"#ff0000\">[Expr]</font>";
- top.qw.document.close();top.qw.document.write("<font color=\"#ff0000\">[Expr]</font>");
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-var inputok=0;
-function listrvars()
- {
- for (num=0; num<top.norvars; num++)
- {
- document.write("<OPTION value="+top.rvars[num]+">"+top.rvars[num]);
- }
- }
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- {
- for (num=0; num<top.nosvars; num++)
- {
- document.write("<OPTION value="+top.svars[num]+">"+top.svars[num]);
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- }
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- {
- for (num=0; num<top.novvars; num++)
- {
- document.write("<OPTION value="+top.vvars[num]+">"+top.vvars[num]);
- }
- }
-function help()
- {
-with (document.form1) {
- if (selopt[0].checked)
- alert ("Turns a list of strings which cannot have attributes (the [val]) in a list of strings which can have them, but initially has none (a [set]).");
- if (selopt[1].checked)
- alert ("Taken a list of posix regular expressions, 'pattern [val]' searches the HELM library for all the URIs which match with at least one of those and returns a [set] representing them.");
- if (selopt[2].checked)
- alert ("A [svar] represents a list of URIs with attributes.");
- if (selopt[3].checked)
- alert ("A [rvar] is a single URI with attributes.");
- if (selopt[4].checked)
- alert ("Parenthesis are employed to force precedence between operators.");
- if (selopt[5].checked)
- alert ("The [path] you must enter represents a relation; this production returns a [set] composed by the union of all the URIs which match the chosen relation in the [val] you will enter afterwards, without attributes. If you select 'inverse', you'll obtain a list of all the URIs for which the [val] matches the chosen relation, 'sub' and 'super' modify the result depending on the chosen relation and the last input box allows you to add attributes to the result.");
- if (selopt[6].checked)
- alert ("This production returns a [set] composed by all the URIs in the given [set] which match the condition in the given [boole].");
- if (selopt[7].checked)
- alert ("'Union' returns a [set] which is the union of the two given [set]; should an URI be present in each [set] with different attributes, it will be included in the result only once with all the attributes.\n'Intersect' returns a [set] which contains the cartesian product of the URIs listed in each given [set].\n'Diff' returns a [set] which contains the URIs found in the first given [set] but not in the second. Attributes are ignored.");
- if (selopt[8].checked)
- alert ("Allows you to assign a value to a [svar]");
- if (selopt[9].checked)
- alert ("Allows you to assign a value to a [vvar]");
- }
- }
-function choice()
-with (document.form1) {
- inputok=0;voidfield=0;top.wrong=0;
- if (selopt[0].checked) {
- top.stadd="ref [val]";
- inputok=1;
- }
- if (selopt[1].checked) {
- top.stadd="pattern [val]";
- inputok=1;
- }
- if (selopt[2].checked) {
- top.stadd=set1.value;
- if (set1.value!="") {inputok=1} else voidfield=1;
- }
- if (selopt[3].checked) {
- top.stadd=set2.value;
- if (set2.value!="") {inputok=1} else voidfield=1;
- }
- if (selopt[4].checked) {
- top.stadd="([set])";
- inputok=1;
- }
- if (selopt[5].checked) {
- if (set5.value.charAt(set5.value.length-1)==","){set5.value=set5.value.substring(0,set5.value.length-1)}
- if (set5.value.length<7) {set5.value=""};
- set4.value=top.tpa(set4.value);
- top.stadd="relation "+set25.value+" "+set3.value+" "+set4.value+" [val] "+set5.value;
- top.gramcheck("qp",set4.value);
- //alert(set5.value.charAt(set5.value.length-1));
- top.stadd=top.tpa(top.stadd);
- //while (top.stadd.indexOf("<")>-1)
- //{top.stadd=top.stadd.replace("<","<");}
- if (set5.value!="")
- {top.gramcheck("vlist",set5.value);}
- else inputok=1;
- }
- if (selopt[6].checked) {
- top.stadd="select @"+set6.value+" in [set] where [boole]";
- top.gramcheck("id",set6.value);
- if ((set6.value!="") && (inputok==1))
- {
- top.rvars[top.norvars]="@"+set6.value;
- top.norvars++;
- }
- }
- if (selopt[7].checked) {
- top.stadd="[set] "+set7.value+" [set]";
- inputok=1;
- }
- if (selopt[8].checked) {
- top.stadd="let %"+set8.value+" be [set] in [set]";
- top.gramcheck("id",set8.value);
- if ((set8.value!="") && (inputok==1))
- {
- top.svars[top.nosvars]="%"+set8.value;
- top.nosvars++;
- }
- }
- if (selopt[9].checked) {
- top.stadd="let $"+set9.value+" be [val] in [set]";
- top.gramcheck("id",set9.value);
- if ((set9.value!="") && (inputok==1))
- {
- top.vvars1[top.novvars1]="$"+set9.value;
- top.novvars1++;
- }
- }
- if (selopt[10].checked) {
- set10.value=top.tpa(set10.value);
- top.stadd=set10.value;
- if (set10.value!="") {inputok=1} else voidfield=1;
- }
- }
-if (top.stadd!="" && inputok==1) {top.aggq()}
- else if (voidfield==1) alert("You left at least one field unfilled");
-<h1> <SCRIPT language="Javascript">document.write(top.ltr) </SCRIPT>
-<input type="button" value="<-" onmouseOver="top.help(-8)" onclick="top.annulla()">
-<input type="button" value="->" onmouseOver="top.help(-81)" onclick="top.ripristina()"></h1>
-<h2> Select one of the following: </h2>
-<form name="form1" action="Javascript:choice();" method="get">
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> ref [val] <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> pattern [val] <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> <select name="set1" type=text onFocus="selopt[2].checked=true;top.help(6)">
-<SCRIPT language=Javascript> listsvars(); </SCRIPT>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> <select name="set2" type=text onFocus="selopt[3].checked=true;top.help(4)">
-<SCRIPT language=Javascript> listrvars(); </SCRIPT>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> ( [set] ) <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> relation
-<select name="set25" onFocus="selopt[5].checked=true">
-<OPTION selected value="">
-<OPTION value=inverse> inverse
-<select name="set3" onFocus="selopt[5].checked=true">
-<OPTION selected value="">
-<OPTION value=sub> sub
-<OPTION value=super> super
-<input name="set4" type=text size=15 value="""" onFocus="selopt[5].checked=true;top.help(5)">
-[val] <input name="set5" type=text size=20 onFocus="selopt[5].checked=true;top.help(2);if (this.value=='') this.value='attr $';">
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> select @ <input name="set6" type=text onFocus="selopt[6].checked=true;top.help(3)">
-in [set] where [boole] <br> <input type="radio" name="selopt"> [set]
-<select name="set7" onFocus="selopt[7].checked=true">
-<OPTION value=union> union
-<OPTION value=intersect> intersect
-<OPTION value=diff> diff
-[set] <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> let %<input name="set8" type=text onFocus="selopt[8].checked=true;top.help(3)"> be [set] in [set] <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> let $<input name="set9" type=text onFocus="selopt[9].checked=true;top.help(3)"> be [val] in [set] <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> <input name="set10" type=text
-onFocus="selopt[10].checked=true;top.help(1)"> <br>
-<input type="submit" value="compose"><input type="button" value="get help" onclick="help()">
-<!--input type="button" value="compose" onclick="choice()"><!--input type="button" value="get help" onclick="help()">
+++ /dev/null
-<SCRIPT language="Javascript">
-Are you lost? Consult the <a href="http://helm.cs.unibo.it/searchEngine/manual/index.html" target="_blank">on-line manual</a>
- <input type=button value="Compose a query" onClick="top.cw.location=top.topurl+top.action+'set.html';top.gw.location=top.topurl+top.action+'grammar.html#set';top.sw.location=top.topurl+top.action+'editor.html';top.qw.location=top.topurl+top.action+'almost_blank.html';top.initialize();">
-<input type=button value="Submit a pre-defined query" onClick="top.cw.location=top.topurl+top.action+'pdq.html';top.gw.location=top.topurl+top.action+'blank.html';top.sw.location=top.topurl+top.action+'blank.html';top.qw.location=top.topurl+top.action+'almost_blank.html';top.initialize();">
+++ /dev/null
-<SCRIPT language="Javascript">
-function armageddon()
- {
- top.ltr=top.query;
- top.stadd=document.win.parqu.value;
- top.aggq();
- }
-function fill()
- {
- document.win.parqu.value=top.query;
- }
-<FORM NAME="win">
-<TEXTAREA ROWS=20 COLS=58 NAME="parqu" onMouseOver=fill()>
-<INPUT type="button" value="modifica" onClick=armageddon()>
+++ /dev/null
-<style> A { text-decoration: none } </style>
-<SCRIPT language="Javascript">
- var ambiguousinput='@MSG@';
- var elenco = new Array(@CHOICES@);
- var ident = '@ID@';
-<h3><SCRIPT language="Javascript">document.write(ambiguousinput);</SCRIPT></h3>
-<br />Please select one or more of the following.
-<br />
-<form name="disamb">
-<SCRIPT language="Javascript">top.templateambigpdq1_listauri(document,elenco);</SCRIPT><br />
-<input type="button" value="Ok" onClick="top.templateambigpdq1_invia(document,top,elenco,ident);" />
-<input type="button" value="Constants Only" onClick="top.templateambigpdq1_selezionaCostanti(document,elenco);" />
-<input type="button" value="Cancel" onClick="top.templateambigpdq1_resetta();" />
+++ /dev/null
-<style> A { text-decoration: none } </style>
-<SCRIPT language="Javascript">
- var elenco = new Array(@INTERPRETATIONS@);
- var labels = new Array(@INTERPRETATIONS_LABELS@);
-<h3>There are more than one possible interpretations.</h3>
-<br />Please choose one of the following.
-<br />
-<form name="disamb">
-<SCRIPT language="Javascript">top.templateambigpdq2_listainterpretazioni(document,elenco,labels);</SCRIPT><br />
-<input type="button" value="Ok" onClick="top.templateambigpdq2_invia(document,elenco);" />
-<input type="button" value="Cancel" onClick="top.templateambigpdq2_resetta();" />
+++ /dev/null
- <head>
- <style> A { text-decoration: none } </style>
- top.templateambigpdq3_init(new Array(@NEW_ALIASES@));
- </head>
- <body>
- </body>
+++ /dev/null
-<SCRIPT language="Javascript">
-function listrvars()
- {
- for (num=0; num<top.norvars; num++)
- {
- document.write("<OPTION value="+top.rvars[num]+">"+top.rvars[num]);
- }
- }
-function listvvars1()
- {
- for (num=0; num<top.novvars1; num++)
- {
- document.write("<OPTION value="+top.vvars1[num]+">"+top.vvars1[num]);
- }
- }
-function listvvars2()
- {
- for (num=0; num<top.novvars2; num++)
- {
- document.write("<OPTION value="+top.vvars2[num]+">"+top.vvars2[num]);
- }
- }
-function help()
- {
- with (document.form1) {
- if (selopt[0].checked)
- alert ("No help available.");
- if (selopt[1].checked)
- alert ("Turns a list of strings which can have attributes ( the [set] ) in a list of strings which cannot have them ( a [val] ).");
- if (selopt[2].checked)
- alert ("Returns the attribute of the given [vvar] in the given [rvar].");
- if (selopt[3].checked)
- alert ("No help available.");
- if (selopt[4].checked)
- alert ("Parenthesis are employed to force precedence between operators.");
- if (selopt[5].checked)
- alert ("The [path] you must enter represents a relation; this production returns a [val] composed by the union of all the URIs which match the chosen relation in the [val] you will enter afterwards. If you select 'inverse', you'll obtain a list of all the URIs for which the [val] matches the chosen relation, 'sub' and 'super' modify the result depending on the chosen relation.");
- }
- }
-function choice()
-with (document.form1) {
- if (selopt[0].checked) {
- voidfield=0;
- val1.value=top.tpa(val1.value);
- top.stadd=val1.value;
- top.gramcheck("qsl",val1.value);
- }
- if (selopt[1].checked) {
- top.stadd="refof [set]";
- }
- if (selopt[2].checked) {
- if (val2.value==""||val8.value==""){voidfield=1;}
- else {top.stadd=val2.value+"."+val8.value;}
- }
- if (selopt[3].checked) {
- top.stadd=val3.value;
- }
- if (selopt[4].checked) {
- top.stadd="([val])";
- }
- if (selopt[5].checked) {
- voidfield=0;
- val6.value=top.tpa(val6.value);
- top.stadd="property "+val45.value+" "+val5.value+" "+val6.value+" [val]";
- top.gramcheck("qp",val6.value);
- }
- if (selopt[6].checked) {
- val7.value=top.tpa(val7.value);
- top.stadd=val7.value;
- if (val7.value!="") {inputok=1} else voidfield=1;
- }
- }
-if (top.stadd!="") top.aggq();
- else if (voidfield==1) alert ("You left at least one field unfilled");
-<h1> <SCRIPT language="Javascript">document.write(top.ltr) </SCRIPT>
-<input type="button" value="<-" onmouseOver="top.help(-8)" onclick="top.annulla()">
-<input type="button" value="->" onmouseOver="top.help(-81)" onclick="top.ripristina()"></h1>
-<h2> Select one of the following: </h2>
-<form name="form1" action="Javascript:choice();" method="get">
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> <input name="val1" type=text value="{""}" onFocus="selopt[0].checked=true;top.help(7)"> <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> refof [set] <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> <select name="val2" type=text onFocus="selopt[2].checked=true;top.help(4)">
-<SCRIPT language=Javascript> listrvars(); </SCRIPT>
-</select> . <select name="val8" type=text onFocus="selopt[2].checked=true;top.help(8)">
-<SCRIPT language=Javascript> listvvars2(); </SCRIPT>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> <select name="val3" type=text onFocus="selopt[3].checked=true;top.help(81)">
-<SCRIPT language=Javascript> listvvars1(); </SCRIPT>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> ( [val] ) <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> property
-<select name="val45" onFocus="selopt[5].checked=true">
-<OPTION selected value="">
-<OPTION value=inverse> inverse
-<select name="val5" onFocus="selopt[5].checked=true">
-<OPTION selected value="">
-<OPTION value=sub> sub
-<OPTION value=super> super
-</select> <input name="val6" type=text value="""" onFocus="selopt[5].checked=true;top.help(5)"> [val] <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt"> <input name="val7" type=text onFocus="selopt[6].checked=true;top.help(1)"> <br>
-<input type="submit" value="compose"><input type="button" value="get help" onclick="help()">