type npattern =
NotationPt.term option * (string * NotationPt.term) list * NotationPt.term option
-type auto_params = NotationPt.term list option * (string*string) list
+type auto_params = (bool * NotationPt.term list) option * (string*string) list
type ntactic =
| NApply of loc * NotationPt.term
) seqs)
| GrafiteAst.NAuto (_loc, (None,a)) ->
NnAuto.auto_tac ~params:(None,a) ?trace_ref:None
- | GrafiteAst.NAuto (_loc, (Some l,a)) ->
+ | GrafiteAst.NAuto (_loc, (Some (_,l),a)) ->
~params:(Some List.map (fun x -> "",0,x) l,a) ?trace_ref:None
| GrafiteAst.NBranch _ -> NTactics.branch_tac ~force:false
| None ->
- | Some (`Univ univ) ->
+ | Some (b,`Univ univ) ->
- [G.NAuto(loc,(Some univ,["depth",depth]@params))])
- | Some `EmptyUniv ->
+ [G.NAuto(loc,(Some (b,univ),["depth",depth]@params))])
+ | Some (b,`EmptyUniv) ->
- [G.NAuto(loc,(Some [],["depth",depth]@params))])
- | Some `Trace ->
+ [G.NAuto(loc,(Some (b,[]),["depth",depth]@params))])
+ | Some (b,`Trace) ->
G.NAutoInteractive (loc, (None,["depth",depth]@params))))
| IDENT "intros" -> G.NMacro (loc, G.NIntroGuess loc)
i = auto_fixed_param -> i,""
| i = auto_fixed_param ; SYMBOL "="; v = [ v = int ->
string_of_int v | v = IDENT -> v ] -> i,v ];
- just = OPT [ IDENT "by"; by =
- [ univ = tactic_term_list1 -> `Univ univ
- | SYMBOL "{"; SYMBOL "}" -> `EmptyUniv
- | SYMBOL "_" -> `Trace ] -> by ] -> just,params
+ just = OPT [ is_user_trace =
+ [ IDENT "by" -> true
+ | IDENT "trace" -> false ];
+ by =
+ [ univ = tactic_term_list1 -> `Univ univ
+ | SYMBOL "{"; SYMBOL "}" -> `EmptyUniv
+ | SYMBOL "_" -> `Trace ] -> is_user_trace,by ] -> just,params
module Ast = NotationPt
module NRef = NReference
-let debug_print s = prerr_endline (Lazy.force s);;
-(* let debug_print _ = ();; *)
+(*let debug_print s = prerr_endline (Lazy.force s);;*)
+let debug_print _ = ();;
let cic_name_of_name = function
| Ast.Ident (n,_) -> n
let print ?(depth=0) s =
prerr_endline (String.make (2*depth) ' '^Lazy.force s)
let noprint ?(depth=0) _ = ()
-let debug_print = noprint
+let debug_print = print
open Continuationals.Stack
open NTacStatus
let ty = NCicTypeChecker.typeof status subst metasenv ctx t in
is_a_fact status (mk_cic_term ctx ty)
-let current_goal status =
+let current_goal ?(single_goal=true) status =
let open_goals = head_goals status#stack in
- assert (List.length open_goals = 1);
+ if single_goal
+ then assert (List.length open_goals = 1)
+ else assert (List.length open_goals >= 1);
let open_goal = List.hd open_goals in
let gty = get_goalty status open_goal in
let ctx = ctx_of gty in
let add_to_trace status ~depth cache t =
match t with
| Ast.NRef _ ->
- debug_print ~depth (lazy ("Adding to trace: " ^ NotationPp.pp_term status t));
+ print ~depth (lazy ("Adding to trace: " ^ NotationPp.pp_term status t));
{cache with trace = t::cache.trace}
| Ast.NCic _ (* local candidate *)
| _ -> (*not an application *) cache
(NDiscriminationTree.TermSet.elements t))
- let candidates =
+ (* To allow using Rels in the user-specified candidates, we need a context
+ * but in the case where multiple goals are open, there is no single context
+ * to type the Rels. At this time, we require that Rels be typed in the
+ * context of the first selected goal *)
+ let _,ctx,_ = current_goal ~single_goal:false status in
+ let status, candidates =
match univ with
- | None -> None
+ | None -> status, None
| Some l ->
- let to_Ast t =
- let status, res = disambiguate status [] t None in
- let _,res = term_of_cic_term status res (ctx_of res)
- in Ast.NCic res
- in Some (List.map to_Ast l)
+ let to_Ast (st,l) t =
+ let st, res = disambiguate st ctx t None in
+ let st, res = term_of_cic_term st res (ctx_of res)
+ in (st, Ast.NCic res::l)
+ in
+ let status, l' = List.fold_left to_Ast (status,[]) l in
+ status, Some l'
let depth = int "depth" flags 3 in
let size = int "size" flags 10 in
| Proved (s,trace) ->
debug_print (lazy ("proved at depth " ^ string_of_int x));
List.iter (toref incr_uses statistics) trace;
+ let _ = debug_print (pptrace status trace) in
let trace = cleanup_trace s trace in
let _ = debug_print (pptrace status trace) in
let stack =
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ // apparea.resize(htmlwidth,htmlheight);
+ apparea.resize($(window).width(),$(window).height());
function updateSide() {
let to_be_committed = ref [];;
+let html_of_matita s =
+ let patt1 = Str.regexp "\005" in
+ let patt2 = Str.regexp "\006" in
+ let patt3 = Str.regexp "<" in
+ let patt4 = Str.regexp ">" in
+ let res = Str.global_replace patt4 ">" s in
+ let res = Str.global_replace patt3 "<" res in
+ let res = Str.global_replace patt2 ">" res in
+ let res = Str.global_replace patt1 "<" res in
+ res
(* adds a user to the commit queue; concurrent instances possible, so we
* enclose the update in a CS
match statement with
| `Raw text ->
(* if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:only_dust_RE text then raise Margin; *)
+ prerr_endline ("raw text = " ^ text);
let strm =
GrafiteParser.parsable_statement status
(Ulexing.from_utf8_string text) in
+ prerr_endline "before get_ast";
let ast = MatitaEngine.get_ast status include_paths strm in
+ prerr_endline "after get_ast";
ast, text
| `Ast (st, text) -> st, text
+ (* do we want to generate a trace? *)
+ let is_auto (l,a) =
+ not (List.mem_assoc "demod" a || List.mem_assoc "paramod" a ||
+ List.mem_assoc "fast_paramod" a || List.assoc "depth" a = "1" ||
+ l <> None)
+ in
+ let get_param a param =
+ try
+ Some (param ^ "=" ^ List.assoc param a)
+ with Not_found -> None
+ in
let floc = match ast with
| GrafiteAst.Executable (loc, _)
| GrafiteAst.Comment (loc, _) -> loc in
- let _,lend = HExtlib.loc_of_floc floc in
+ let lstart,lend = HExtlib.loc_of_floc floc in
let parsed_text, _parsed_text_len =
HExtlib.utf8_parsed_text unparsed_text (HExtlib.floc_of_loc (0,lend)) in
+ let parsed_text_len = utf8_length parsed_text in
let byte_parsed_text_len = String.length parsed_text in
let unparsed_txt' =
String.sub unparsed_text byte_parsed_text_len
(String.length unparsed_text - byte_parsed_text_len)
+ let pre = Netconversion.ustring_sub `Enc_utf8 0 lstart parsed_text in
+ let mk_univ trace =
+ let href r =
+ Printf.sprintf "\005A href=\"%s\"\006%s\005/A\006"
+ (NReference.string_of_reference r) (NCicPp.r2s status true r)
+ in
+ if trace = [] then "{}"
+ else String.concat ", "
+ (HExtlib.filter_map (function
+ | NotationPt.NRef r -> Some (href r)
+ | _ -> None)
+ trace)
+ in
- let status =
- MatitaEngine.eval_ast ~include_paths ~do_heavy_checks:false status ("",0,ast)
- in
- (status, parsed_text, unparsed_txt'),"",(*parsed_text_len*)
- utf8_length parsed_text
+ match ast with
+ | GrafiteAst.Executable (_,
+ GrafiteAst.NTactic (_,
+ [GrafiteAst.NAuto (_, (l,a as auto_params))])) when is_auto auto_params
+ ->
+ let l = match l with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some _,l' -> Some (List.map (fun x -> "",0,x) l')
+ in
+ let trace_ref = ref [] in
+ let status = NnAuto.auto_tac ~params:(l,a) ~trace_ref status in
+ let new_parsed_text = pre ^ (Printf.sprintf
+ "/\005span class='autotactic'\006%s\005span class='autotrace'\006 trace %s\005/span\006\005/span\006/"
+ (String.concat " "
+ (List.assoc "depth" a::
+ HExtlib.filter_map (get_param a) ["width";"size"]))
+ (mk_univ !trace_ref))
+ in
+ (status,new_parsed_text, unparsed_txt'),parsed_text_len
+ | _ ->
+ let status =
+ MatitaEngine.eval_ast ~include_paths ~do_heavy_checks:false status ("",0,ast)
+ in
+ let new_parsed_text = Ulexing.from_utf8_string parsed_text in
+ let interpr = GrafiteDisambiguate.get_interpr status#disambiguate_db in
+ let outstr = ref "" in
+ ignore (SmallLexer.mk_small_printer interpr outstr new_parsed_text);
+ prerr_endline ("baseuri after advance = " ^ status#baseuri);
+ (* prerr_endline ("parser output: " ^ !outstr); *)
+ (status,!outstr, unparsed_txt'),parsed_text_len
(*let save_moo status =
let script = MatitaScript.current () in
(* prerr_endline ("sending metasenv:\n" ^ res); res *)
-let html_of_matita s =
- let patt1 = Str.regexp "\005" in
- let patt2 = Str.regexp "\006" in
- let patt3 = Str.regexp "<" in
- let patt4 = Str.regexp ">" in
- let res = Str.global_replace patt4 ">" s in
- let res = Str.global_replace patt3 "<" res in
- let res = Str.global_replace patt2 ">" res in
- let res = Str.global_replace patt1 "<" res in
- res
let heading_nl_RE = Pcre.regexp "^\\s*\n\\s*";;
let first_line s =
let advance0 sid text =
let status = MatitaAuthentication.get_status sid in
let status = status#reset_disambiguate_db () in
- let (st,new_statements,new_unparsed),(* newtext TODO *) _,parsed_len =
+ let (st,new_statements,new_unparsed),parsed_len =
eval_statement !include_paths (*buffer*) status (`Raw text)
in raise (Ambiguous strchoices)
(* | End_of_file -> ... *)
- let stringbuf = Ulexing.from_utf8_string new_statements in
- let interpr = GrafiteDisambiguate.get_interpr st#disambiguate_db in
- let outstr = ref "" in
- ignore (SmallLexer.mk_small_printer interpr outstr stringbuf);
- prerr_endline ("baseuri after advance = " ^ st#baseuri);
- (* prerr_endline ("parser output: " ^ !outstr); *)
MatitaAuthentication.set_status sid st;
Netencoding.Html.encode ~in_enc:`Enc_utf8 ~prefer_name:false
- () (html_of_matita !outstr), new_unparsed, st
+ () (html_of_matita new_statements), new_unparsed, st
let register (cgi : Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi_types.cgi_activation) =
let cgi = Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi_types.of_compat_activation cgi in
let plen,new_parsed,new_unparsed,_new_status = advance0 sid text in
aux (parsed_len+plen) (parsed_txt ^ new_parsed) new_unparsed
- | End_of_file ->
+ | (* End_of_file *) _ ->
let status = MatitaAuthentication.get_status sid in
~baseuri:(NUri.uri_of_string status#baseuri) status;
if parsed_len > 0 then
MatitaAuthentication.set_history sid (status::history);
parsed_len, parsed_txt
- | _ -> parsed_len, parsed_txt
+ (*| _ -> parsed_len, parsed_txt*)
cgi # set_header
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
- width:300px;
+ width:350px;
margin-right: auto;*/
- min-width:67%;
- max-width:67%;
+/* min-width:67%;
+ max-width:67%; */
margin-right: auto;*/
- min-width:33%;
- max-width:33%;
+/* min-width:33%;
+ max-width:33%; */
overflow: auto;
+span.autotactic {
+ color: green;
+ font-weight: bold;
+span.autotrace {
+ display:none;
span.activegoal {
color: red;
font-weight: bold;
// initialize keyboard events in the unlocked script
+ init_autotraces();
+function init_autotraces() {
+ $("#unlocked .autotactic").tooltip({
+ delay: 0,
+ showURL: false,
+ bodyHandler: function() {
+ return (trace_of($(this)[0]));
+ }
+ });
+ $("#locked .autotactic").tooltip({
+ delay: 0,
+ showURL: false,
+ bodyHandler: function() {
+ return (trace_of($(this)[0]));
+ }
+ });
+function trace_of(node) {
+ return text_of_html(filterByClass(node.childNodes,"autotrace")[0]);
function changeFile(name) {
current_fname = name;
matitaTitle.innerHTML = "Matita - cic:/matita/" + name;
- for (;tags.length > 0;) {
+ while (tags.length > 0) {
if (s == " ") {
j = getCursorPos();
- i = unlocked.innerHTML.lastIndexOf('\\',j);
+ i = unlocked.innerHTML.html_to_matita().lastIndexOf('\\',j);
if (i >= 0) {
- match = unlocked.innerHTML.substring(i,j);
+ match = unlocked.innerHTML.html_to_matita().substring(i,j);
sym = unescape_html(lookup_tex(match));
if (sym != "undefined") {
if (window.getSelection) { // non IE
var len2 = parsedtxt.length;
var metasenv = xml.getElementsByTagName("meta");
+ init_autotraces();
statements = listcons(len2,statements);
// len1 = unlocked.innerHTML.length;
len2 = parsedtxt.length;
metasenv = xml.getElementsByTagName("meta");
+ init_autotraces();
if (len2 > 0)
statements = listcons(len2,statements);
unlocked.innerHTML = lockedbackup + unlocked.innerHTML;
lockedbackup = "";
locked.innerHTML = lockedbackup;
+ init_autotraces();
} else {
// la populate non andrebbe fatta a ogni passo
if (offset <= len) {
+ init_autotraces();
} else {
gotoPos(offset - len);
} else {
+ init_autotraces();
locked.innerHTML = lockedbackup;
unlocked.innerHTML = statement + unlocked.innerHTML;
metasenv = xml.getElementsByTagName("meta");
+ init_autotraces();
} else {
} else {
unlocked.innerHTML = xml.childNodes[0].textContent;
+ init_autotraces();
} else {
debug("file open failed");
//transition effect
- $('#mask').fadeIn(1000);
- $('#mask').fadeTo("slow",0.8);
+ $('#mask').fadeIn(100);
+ $('#mask').fadeTo(200,0.8);
//Get the window height and width
var winH = $(window).height();
$('#dialogBox').css('left', winW/2-$('#dialogBox').width()/2);
//transition effect
- $('#dialogBox').fadeIn(2000);
+ $('#dialogBox').fadeIn(200);
dialogBox.style.display = "block";
dup = list[i].cloneNode(true);
// debug("fail " + i + ": " + sandbox.innerHTML);
- acc += sandbox.innerHTML.length;
+ acc += sandbox.innerHTML.html_to_matita().length;
throw "not found";