module PER = ProofEngineReduction
module Ut = CicUtil
-(* raw cic prettyprinter ****************************************************)
-let xiter out so ss sc map l =
- let rec aux = function
- | hd :: tl when tl <> [] -> map hd; out ss; aux tl
- | hd :: tl -> map hd; aux tl
- | [] -> ()
- in
- out so; aux l; out sc
-let abst s w = Some (s, C.Decl w)
-let abbr s v w = Some (s, C.Def (v, w))
-let pp_sort out = function
- | C.Type _ -> out "*Type"
- | C.Prop -> out "*Prop"
- | C.CProp _ -> out "*CProp"
- | C.Set -> out "*Set"
-let pp_name out = function
- | C.Name s -> out s
- | C.Anonymous -> out "_"
-let pp_rel out c i =
- try match List.nth c (pred i) with
- | None -> out (Printf.sprintf "%u[?]" i)
- | Some (s, _) -> out (Printf.sprintf "%u[" i); pp_name out s; out "]"
- with Failure "nth" -> out (Printf.sprintf "%u[%u]" i (List.length c - i))
-let pp_implict out = function
- | None -> out "?"
- | Some `Closed -> out "?[Closed]"
- | Some `Type -> out "?[Type]"
- | Some `Hole -> out "?[Hole]"
-let pp_uri out a =
- out (Printf.sprintf "%s<%s>" (UM.name_of_uri a) (UM.string_of_uri a))
-let rec pp_term out e c = function
- | C.Sort h -> pp_sort out h
- | C.Rel i -> pp_rel out c i
- | C.Implicit x -> pp_implict out x
- | C.Meta (i, iss) ->
- let map = function None -> out "_" | Some v -> pp_term out e c v in
- out (Printf.sprintf "?%u" i); xiter out "[" "; " "]" map iss
- | C.Var (a, xss) ->
- pp_uri out a; pp_xss out e c xss
- | C.Const (a, xss) ->
- pp_uri out a; pp_xss out e c xss
- | C.MutInd (a, m, xss) ->
- pp_uri out a; out (Printf.sprintf "/%u" m);
- pp_xss out e c xss
- | C.MutConstruct (a, m, n, xss) ->
- pp_uri out a; out (Printf.sprintf "/%u/%u" m n);
- pp_xss out e c xss
- | C.Cast (v, w) ->
- out "type "; pp_term out e c w; out " contains "; pp_term out e c v
- | C.Appl vs ->
- xiter out "(" " @ " ")" (pp_term out e c) vs
- | C.MutCase (a, m, w, v, vs) ->
- out "match "; pp_term out e c v;
- out " of "; pp_uri out a; out (Printf.sprintf "/%u" m);
- out " to "; pp_term out e c w;
- xiter out " cases " " | " "" (pp_term out e c) vs
- | C.Prod (s, w, t) ->
- out "forall "; pp_name out s; out " of "; pp_term out e c w;
- out " in "; pp_term out e (abst s w :: c) t
- | C.Lambda (s, w, t) ->
- out "fun "; pp_name out s; out " of "; pp_term out e c w;
- out " in "; pp_term out e (abst s w :: c) t
- | C.LetIn (s, v, w, t) ->
- out "let "; pp_name out s;
- out " def "; pp_term out e c v; out " of "; pp_term out e c w;
- out " in "; pp_term out e (abbr s v w :: c) t
- | C.Fix (i, fs) ->
- let map c (s, _, w, v) = abbr (C.Name s) v w :: c in
- let c' = List.fold_left map c fs in
- let map (s, i, w, v) =
- out (Printf.sprintf "%s[%u] def " s i); pp_term out e c' v;
- out " of "; pp_term out e c w;
- in
- xiter out "let rec " " and " " in " map fs; pp_rel out c' (succ i)
- | C.CoFix (i, fs) ->
- let map c (s, w, v) = abbr (C.Name s) v w :: c in
- let c' = List.fold_left map c fs in
- let map (s, w, v) =
- out s; pp_term out e c' v;
- out " of "; pp_term out e c w;
- in
- xiter out "let corec " " and " " in " map fs; pp_rel out c' (succ i)
-and pp_xss out e c xss =
- let map (a, v) = pp_uri out a; out " <- "; pp_term out e c v in
- xiter out "[" "; " "]" map xss
(* fresh name generator *****************************************************)
let split name =
let fst3 (x, _, _) = x
let refine c t =
- try let t, _, _, _ = Rf.type_of_aux' [] c t Un.default_ugraph in t
- with e ->
- Printf.eprintf "REFINE EROR: %s\n" (Printexc.to_string e);
+ let error e =
Printf.eprintf "Ref: context: %s\n" (Pp.ppcontext c);
Printf.eprintf "Ref: term : %s\n" (Pp.ppterm t);
raise e
+ in
+ try let t, _, _, _ = Rf.type_of_aux' [] c t Un.default_ugraph in t with
+ | Rf.RefineFailure s as e ->
+ Printf.eprintf "REFINE FAILURE: %s\n" (Lazy.force s);
+ error e
+ | e ->
+ Printf.eprintf "REFINE ERROR: %s\n" (Printexc.to_string e);
+ error e
let get_type msg c t =
let log s =
prerr_endline ("TC: " ^ s);
prerr_endline ("TC: context: " ^ Pp.ppcontext c);
- prerr_string "TC: term : "; pp_term prerr_string [] c t;
+ prerr_string "TC: term : "; Ut.pp_term prerr_string [] c t;
prerr_newline (); prerr_endline ("TC: location: " ^ msg)
try let ty, _ = TC.type_of_aux' [] c t Un.default_ugraph in ty with
-val pp_term:
- (string -> unit) -> Cic.metasenv -> Cic.context -> Cic.term -> unit
val mk_fresh_name:
Cic.context -> ->
val list_fold_right_cps:
module TC = CicTypeChecker
module Un = CicUniv
module L = Librarian
+module Ut = CicUtil
module H = ProceduralHelpers
module Cl = ProceduralClassify
let g st bo =
if !debug then begin
Printf.eprintf "Optimized : %s\n" (Pp.ppterm bo);
- prerr_string "H.pp_term : ";
- H.pp_term prerr_string [] c bo; prerr_newline ()
+ prerr_string "Ut.pp_term : ";
+ Ut.pp_term prerr_string [] c bo; prerr_newline ()
(* let _ = H.get_type "opt" [] (C.Cast (bo, ty)) in *)
let nodes = Printf.sprintf "Optimized nodes: %u" (I.count_nodes 0 bo) in
module X = HExtlib
module T = Types
module G = Grafite
-module HP = Http_getter
+module HG = Http_getter
module O = Options
output_path: string;
input_type: string;
output_type: T.output_kind;
+ includes: (string * string) list;
coercions: (string * string) list;
files: string list;
requires: (string * string) list;
let matita_registry = Filename.concat !O.cwd "matita" in
load_registry default_registry;
load_registry matita_registry;
- HP.init ()
+ HG.init ()
let make registry =
let id x = x in
- let get_coercions = R.get_list (R.pair id id) in
+ let get_pairs = R.get_list (R.pair id id) in
let get_output_type key =
match R.get_string key with
| "procedural" -> T.Procedural
output_path = R.get_string "package.output_path";
input_type = R.get_string "package.input_type";
output_type = get_output_type "package.output_type";
- coercions = get_coercions "package.coercion";
+ includes = get_pairs "package.include";
+ coercions = get_pairs "package.coercion";
files = [];
requires = [];
scripts = Array.make default_scripts default_script
path, Some item
| item -> path, Some item
+ let set_includes st name =
+ try require st name (List.assoc name st.includes)
+ with Not_found -> ()
+ in
Printf.eprintf "processing file name: %s ...\n" name; flush stderr;
let file = Filename.concat st.input_path (name ^ st.input_type) in
let ich = open_in file in
let comment = T.Line (Printf.sprintf "From %s" name) in
if global_items <> [] then
set_items st st.input_package (comment :: global_items);
- init name; require st name st.input_package;
+ init name; require st name st.input_package; set_includes st name;
set_items st name local_items; commit st name
with e ->
prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string e); close_in ich
(* $Id$ *)
-module C = Cic
+module C = Cic
+module UM = UriManager
exception Meta_not_found of int
exception Subst_not_found of int
List.fold_left map g
sober_term c (fun b -> b) t true
+(* raw cic prettyprinter ****************************************************)
+let xiter out so ss sc map l =
+ let rec aux = function
+ | hd :: tl when tl <> [] -> map hd; out ss; aux tl
+ | hd :: tl -> map hd; aux tl
+ | [] -> ()
+ in
+ out so; aux l; out sc
+let abst s w = Some (s, C.Decl w)
+let abbr s v w = Some (s, C.Def (v, w))
+let pp_sort out = function
+ | C.Type _ -> out "*Type"
+ | C.Prop -> out "*Prop"
+ | C.CProp _ -> out "*CProp"
+ | C.Set -> out "*Set"
+let pp_name out = function
+ | C.Name s -> out s
+ | C.Anonymous -> out "_"
+let pp_rel out c i =
+ try match List.nth c (pred i) with
+ | None -> out (Printf.sprintf "%u[?]" i)
+ | Some (s, _) -> out (Printf.sprintf "%u[" i); pp_name out s; out "]"
+ with Failure "nth" -> out (Printf.sprintf "%u[%u]" i (List.length c - i))
+let pp_implict out = function
+ | None -> out "?"
+ | Some `Closed -> out "?[Closed]"
+ | Some `Type -> out "?[Type]"
+ | Some `Hole -> out "?[Hole]"
+let pp_uri out a =
+ out (Printf.sprintf "%s<%s>" (UM.name_of_uri a) (UM.string_of_uri a))
+let rec pp_term out e c = function
+ | C.Sort h -> pp_sort out h
+ | C.Rel i -> pp_rel out c i
+ | C.Implicit x -> pp_implict out x
+ | C.Meta (i, iss) ->
+ let map = function None -> out "_" | Some v -> pp_term out e c v in
+ out (Printf.sprintf "?%u" i); xiter out "[" "; " "]" map iss
+ | C.Var (a, xss) ->
+ pp_uri out a; pp_xss out e c xss
+ | C.Const (a, xss) ->
+ pp_uri out a; pp_xss out e c xss
+ | C.MutInd (a, m, xss) ->
+ pp_uri out a; out (Printf.sprintf "/%u" m);
+ pp_xss out e c xss
+ | C.MutConstruct (a, m, n, xss) ->
+ pp_uri out a; out (Printf.sprintf "/%u/%u" m n);
+ pp_xss out e c xss
+ | C.Cast (v, w) ->
+ out "type "; pp_term out e c w; out " contains "; pp_term out e c v
+ | C.Appl vs ->
+ xiter out "(" " @ " ")" (pp_term out e c) vs
+ | C.MutCase (a, m, w, v, vs) ->
+ out "match "; pp_term out e c v;
+ out " of "; pp_uri out a; out (Printf.sprintf "/%u" m);
+ out " to "; pp_term out e c w;
+ xiter out " cases " " | " "" (pp_term out e c) vs
+ | C.Prod (s, w, t) ->
+ out "forall "; pp_name out s; out " of "; pp_term out e c w;
+ out " in "; pp_term out e (abst s w :: c) t
+ | C.Lambda (s, w, t) ->
+ out "fun "; pp_name out s; out " of "; pp_term out e c w;
+ out " in "; pp_term out e (abst s w :: c) t
+ | C.LetIn (s, v, w, t) ->
+ out "let "; pp_name out s;
+ out " def "; pp_term out e c v; out " of "; pp_term out e c w;
+ out " in "; pp_term out e (abbr s v w :: c) t
+ | C.Fix (i, fs) ->
+ let map c (s, _, w, v) = abbr (C.Name s) v w :: c in
+ let c' = List.fold_left map c fs in
+ let map (s, i, w, v) =
+ out (Printf.sprintf "%s[%u] def " s i); pp_term out e c' v;
+ out " of "; pp_term out e c w;
+ in
+ xiter out "let rec " " and " " in " map fs; pp_rel out c' (succ i)
+ | C.CoFix (i, fs) ->
+ let map c (s, w, v) = abbr (C.Name s) v w :: c in
+ let c' = List.fold_left map c fs in
+ let map (s, w, v) =
+ out s; pp_term out e c' v;
+ out " of "; pp_term out e c w;
+ in
+ xiter out "let corec " " and " " in " map fs; pp_rel out c' (succ i)
+and pp_xss out e c xss =
+ let map (a, v) = pp_uri out a; out " <- "; pp_term out e c v in
+ xiter out "[" "; " "]" map xss
+and pp_attrs out attrs =
+ let map = function
+ | _ -> ()
+ in
+ xiter out "[" "; " "] " map attrs
+let pp_pars out pars =
+ xiter out " (" ", " ")\n" (pp_uri out) pars
+let pp_obj out = function
+ | C.Constant (s, None, u, pars, attrs) ->
+ out "fun "; pp_attrs out attrs; out s; pp_pars out pars;
+ out " of "; pp_term out [] [] u
+ | C.Constant (s, Some t, u, pars, attrs) ->
+ out "let "; pp_attrs out attrs; out s; pp_pars out pars;
+ out " def "; pp_term out [] [] t; out " of "; pp_term out [] [] u
+ | C.Variable (s, None, u, pars, attrs) ->
+ out "Local declaration"
+ | C.Variable (s, Some t, u, pars, attrs) ->
+ out "Local definition"
+ | C.CurrentProof (s, e, t, u, pars, attrs) ->
+ out "Current Proof"
+ | C.InductiveDefinition (us, pars, lpno, attrs) ->
+ out "Inductive Definition"
* detects applications without arguments
val is_sober: Cic.context -> Cic.term -> bool
+val pp_term:
+ (string -> unit) -> Cic.metasenv -> Cic.context -> Cic.term -> unit
+val pp_obj:
+ (string -> unit) -> Cic.obj -> unit
module C = Cic
module Un = CicUniv
module E = CicEnvironment
+module Ut = CicUtil
+module TC = CicTypeChecker
let hashtbl_size = 11
let debug = ref false
+let out = prerr_string
(* helper functions *********************************************************)
+let typecheck t =
+ if !debug then begin
+ let _ = TC.type_of_aux' [] [] t Un.default_ugraph in
+ out "Typecheck : OK\n"
+ end
let list_pos found l =
let rec aux n = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
if vs' == vs then t else C.Appl (flatten vs')
| C.Cast (v, w) ->
let v', w' = discharge_term st v, discharge_term st w in
- if v' = v && w' = w then t else
+ if v' == v && w' == w then t else
C.Cast (sh v v', sh w w')
| C.MutCase (u, m, w, v, vs) ->
+ let args = get_args st u in
+ let u' = if args = [] then u else st.du u in
let w', v', vs' =
discharge_term st w, discharge_term st v,
list_map_sh (discharge_term st) vs
- if w' = w && v' = v && vs' == vs then t else
- C.MutCase (st.du u, m, sh w w', sh v v', sh vs vs')
+ if UM.eq u u' && w' == w && v' == v && vs' == vs then t else
+ C.MutCase (u', m, sh w w', sh v v', sh vs vs')
| C.Prod (b, w, v) ->
let w', v' = discharge_term st w, discharge_term (add st 1) v in
- if w' = w && v' = v then t else
+ if w' == w && v' == v then t else
C.Prod (b, sh w w', sh v v')
| C.Lambda (b, w, v) ->
let w', v' = discharge_term st w, discharge_term (add st 1) v in
- if w' = w && v' = v then t else
+ if w' == w && v' == v then t else
C.Lambda (b, sh w w', sh v v')
| C.LetIn (b, y, w, v) ->
let y', w', v' =
discharge_term st y, discharge_term st w, discharge_term (add st 1) v
- if y' = y && w' = w && v' == v then t else
+ if y' == y && w' == w && v' == v then t else
C.LetIn (b, sh y y', sh w w', sh v v')
| C.CoFix (i, s) ->
let no = List.length s in
and discharge_cofun st no f =
let b, w, v = f in
let w', v' = discharge_term st w, discharge_term (add st no) v in
- if w' = w && v' = v then f else
+ if w' == w && v' == v then f else
b, sh w w', sh v v'
and discharge_fun st no f =
let b, i, w, v = f in
let w', v' = discharge_term st w, discharge_term (add st no) v in
- if w' = w && v' = v then f else
+ if w' == w && v' == v then f else
b, i, sh w w', sh v v'
let close is_type st t =
| C.Variable (b, None, w, vars, attrs) ->
let st = init_status dn du ls vars in
let w' = discharge_term st w in
- if w' = w && vars = [] then obj else
+ if w' == w && vars = [] then obj else
let w'' = sh w w' in
+ let _ = typecheck w'' in
C.Variable (dn b, None, w'', [], attrs)
| C.Variable (b, Some v, w, vars, attrs) ->
let st = init_status dn du ls vars in
let w', v' = discharge_term st w, discharge_term st v in
- if w' = w && v' = v && vars = [] then obj else
+ if w' == w && v' == v && vars = [] then obj else
let w'', v'' = sh w w', sh v v' in
+ let _ = typecheck (C.Cast (v'', w'')) in
C.Variable (dn b, Some v'', w'', [], attrs)
| C.Constant (b, None, w, vars, attrs) ->
let st = init_status dn du ls vars in
let w' = discharge_term st w in
- if w' = w && vars = [] then obj else
+ if w' == w && vars = [] then obj else
let w'' = close true st (sh w w') in
+ let _ = typecheck w'' in
C.Constant (dn b, None, w'', [], attrs)
| C.Constant (b, Some v, w, vars, attrs) ->
let st = init_status dn du ls vars in
let w', v' = discharge_term st w, discharge_term st v in
- if w' = w && v' = v && vars = [] then obj else
+ if w' == w && v' == v && vars = [] then obj else
let w'', v'' = close true st (sh w w'), close false st (sh v v') in
+ let _ = typecheck (C.Cast (v'', w'')) in
C.Constant (dn b, Some v'', w'', [], attrs)
| C.InductiveDefinition (types, vars, lpsno, attrs) ->
let st = init_status dn du ls vars in
HLog.warn not_implemented; obj
and discharge_uri dn du uri =
+ let prerr msg obj =
+ if !debug then begin
+ out msg; Ut.pp_obj out obj; out "\n"
+ end
+ in
let obj, _ = E.get_obj Un.default_ugraph uri in
- if !debug then prerr_endline ("Plain : " ^ CicPp.ppobj obj);
+ prerr "Plain : " obj;
let obj' = discharge_object dn du obj in
- if !debug then prerr_endline ("Discharged: " ^ CicPp.ppobj obj');
+ prerr "Discharged: " obj';
obj', obj' == obj
and discharge_vars dn du vars =
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
<key name="output_path">contribs/procedural/Coq</key>
<key name="input_type">.v</key>
<key name="output_type">procedural</key>
+ <key name="include">Arith/EqNat Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Arith/Even Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Arith/Le Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Bool/Bool Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Bool/DecBool Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Bool/Sumbool Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Lists/Streams Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Logic/Berardi Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Logic/ChoiceFacts Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Logic/ClassicalFacts Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Logic/Decidable Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Logic/Eqdep Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Logic/Eqdep_dec Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Logic/Hurkens Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Logic/RelationalChoice Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">NArith/BinPos Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Relations/Relation_Definitions Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Relations/Rstar Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Setoids/Setoid Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Sets/Ensembles Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Sets/Permut Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Sets/Relations_1 Init/Prelude</key>
+ <key name="include">Wellfounded/Inverse_Image Init/Prelude</key>
<key name="coercion">Z_of_nat cic:/Coq/ZArith/BinInt/Z_of_nat.con</key>
<key name="coercion">Zpos cic:/Coq/ZArith/BinInt/Z.ind#xpointer(1/1/2)</key>
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
include "".
+include "Init/".
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
Reals/ Arith/ Logic/ Reals/ Reals/
Lists/ Lists/
Arith/ Arith/
+Setoids/ Init/
Logic/ Logic/
ZArith/ ZArith/
ZArith/ Arith/ Arith/ Arith/ Arith/ NArith/ ZArith/
ZArith/ Arith/ Arith/ Arith/ Logic/ NArith/ ZArith/ ZArith/ ZArith/
Reals/ Reals/
+Logic/ Init/
ZArith/ ZArith/
Init/ Init/ Init/ Init/ Init/ Init/ Init/
Bool/ Bool/
+Arith/ Init/
Lists/ Lists/
Arith/ Arith/
IntMap/ Arith/ Bool/ Bool/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ ZArith/
Sets/ Sets/
Logic/ Logic/
Reals/ Arith/ Logic/ Logic/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/
+Wellfounded/ Init/
Reals/ Reals/
Bool/ Bool/
Wellfounded/ Wellfounded/
Sets/ Sets/
Sorting/ Lists/ Relations/ Sets/ Sorting/
Init/ Init/ Init/ Init/
+Sets/ Init/
Reals/ Arith/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/
Reals/ Reals/
Relations/ Relations/
Arith/ Arith/
Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/
Arith/ Arith/
+Logic/ Init/
Arith/ Arith/
Reals/ Reals/ Reals/
+Bool/ Init/
Reals/ Reals/
IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/
Sets/ Sets/
Reals/ Arith/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/
ZArith/ ZArith/
Sets/ Sets/ Sets/
+Logic/ Init/
Reals/ ZArith/
Reals/ Reals/
IntMap/ IntMap/
Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/
Sets/ Sets/
IntMap/ Arith/ Arith/ Bool/ IntMap/ ZArith/
+NArith/ Init/
Lists/ Lists/
NArith/ NArith/
Relations/ Relations/
Arith/ Arith/
ZArith/ ZArith/
Arith/ Arith/ Arith/
+Arith/ Init/
+Bool/ Init/
Arith/ Arith/
ZArith/ Bool/ ZArith/ ZArith/ ZArith/ ZArith/ ZArith/
NArith/ NArith/
Logic/ Logic/ Logic/
Wellfounded/ Relations/ Relations/
+Logic/ Init/
Reals/ Reals/
Init/ Init/ Init/ Init/
Sets/ Arith/ Arith/ Arith/ Logic/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/
NArith/ NArith/ NArith/
NArith/ NArith/
ZArith/ Bool/ ZArith/ ZArith/ ZArith/
+Relations/ Init/
Sorting/ Sorting/
Sets/ Arith/ Arith/ Arith/ Logic/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/
Reals/ Logic/ Reals/ Reals/
Reals/ Reals/
IntMap/ Arith/ Bool/ Bool/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ ZArith/
Reals/ Reals/
+Bool/ Init/
Arith/ Arith/ Arith/ Arith/ Logic/
Sorting/ Lists/ Relations/ Sets/
Sets/ Logic/ Sets/ Sets/
IntMap/ IntMap/
Reals/ Reals/
Reals/ Reals/
+Logic/ Init/
Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/
Arith/ Arith/
Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/
Reals/ Reals/
Reals/ Reals/
Reals/ Reals/
+Arith/ Init/
ZArith/ ZArith/
Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/
Reals/ Arith/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/
IntMap/ IntMap/
Wellfounded/ Logic/ Relations/ Wellfounded/
Sets/ Sets/
+Logic/ Init/
IntMap/ IntMap/
ZArith/ ZArith/
ZArith/ ZArith/ ZArith/ ZArith/ ZArith/ ZArith/ ZArith/ ZArith/ ZArith/ ZArith/
Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/
Lists/ Lists/
Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/
+Sets/ Init/
Reals/ Reals/
Reals/ Reals/
Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/
NArith/ Arith/ Arith/ Arith/ Arith/ Arith/ Arith/ NArith/
Sets/ Sets/
Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/
+Sets/ Init/
IntMap/ IntMap/
Logic/ Logic/
ZArith/ ZArith/
Reals/ Arith/ Arith/ Reals/ Reals/
Reals/ Reals/
Arith/ Arith/
+Logic/ Init/
Reals/ Reals/
Sets/ Sets/
+Logic/ Init/
ZArith/ ZArith/
ZArith/ ZArith/
Sets/ Logic/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/ Sets/
ZArith/ ZArith/
Arith/ Arith/
Logic/ Logic/
+Lists/ Init/
Reals/ Arith/ Logic/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/
Reals/ Reals/
ZArith/ ZArith/ ZArith/ ZArith/ ZArith/ ZArith/ ZArith/
Sorting/ Sorting/
Sets/ Sets/
+Relations/ Init/
Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/ Reals/
IntMap/ Arith/ Bool/ Bool/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ IntMap/ Lists/ ZArith/
Bool/ Bool/