NCicLibrary.add_obj uri obj;
{status with
GrafiteTypes.ng_status =
- GrafiteTypes.CommandMode lexicon_status },`Old []
+ GrafiteTypes.CommandMode lexicon_status },`New [uri]
| _ -> raise (GrafiteTypes.Command_error "Not in proof mode"))
| GrafiteAst.Relation (loc, id, a, aeq, refl, sym, trans) ->
Setoids.add_relation id a aeq refl sym trans;
NCicLibrary.add_obj uri obj;
{status with
GrafiteTypes.ng_status=GrafiteTypes.CommandMode lexicon_status },
- `Old []
+ `New [uri]
| _ ->
let ninitial_stack = Continuationals.Stack.of_nmetasenv nmenv in
{ status with
{ NTacStatus.gstatus = ninitial_stack;
istatus = { NTacStatus.pstatus = obj; lstatus = lexicon_status}}
- },`Old [])
+ },`New [])
| GrafiteAst.Obj (loc,obj) ->
let ext,name =
match obj with
eval_tactical status
(punctuation_tactical_of_ast (text,prefix_len,punct)),`Old []
| GrafiteAst.NTactic (_(*loc*), tac, punct) ->
- (match status.GrafiteTypes.ng_status with
+ (match status.GrafiteTypes.ng_status with
| GrafiteTypes.CommandMode _ -> assert false
| GrafiteTypes.ProofMode nstatus ->
let nstatus = eval_ng_tac (text,prefix_len,tac) nstatus in
let nstatus = eval_ng_punct (text,prefix_len,punct) nstatus in
NTacStatus.pp_tac_status nstatus;
- { status with GrafiteTypes.ng_status = GrafiteTypes.ProofMode nstatus }, `Old [])
+ { status with GrafiteTypes.ng_status= GrafiteTypes.ProofMode nstatus },
+ `New [])
| GrafiteAst.NonPunctuationTactical (_, tac, punct) ->
let status =
eval_tactical status
(fun status uri ->
let obj,_ = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph uri in
add_aliases_for_object status uri obj) status uris
- | `New nrefs -> assert false
+ | `New nrefs ->
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun status nref ->
+ let references = NCicLibrary.aliases_of nref in
+ let new_env =
+ (fun u ->
+ let name = NCicPp.r2s true u in
+ DisambiguateTypes.Id name,
+ LexiconAst.Ident_alias (name,NReference.string_of_reference u)
+ ) references
+ in
+ LexiconEngine.set_proof_aliases status new_env
+ ) status nrefs
module OrderedId =
idref (Ast.Ident (name,None))
with Failure "nth" | Invalid_argument "List.nth" ->
idref (Ast.Ident ("-" ^ string_of_int (n - List.length ctx),None)))
- | NCic.Const r -> idref (Ast.Ident (NCicPp.r2s false r, None))
+ | NCic.Const r -> idref (Ast.Ident (NCicPp.r2s true r, None))
| NCic.Meta (n,lc) when List.mem_assoc n subst ->
let _,_,t,_ = List.assoc n subst in
k ctx (NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc t)
let resolve name =
- (fun (name',nref) -> if name'=name then Some nref else None) !aliases
+ (fun (_,name',nref) -> if name'=name then Some nref else None) !aliases
Not_found -> raise (ObjectNotFound (lazy name))
+let aliases_of uri =
+ try
+ HExtlib.filter_map
+ (fun (uri',_,nref) -> if NUri.eq uri' uri then Some nref else None) !aliases
+ with
+ Not_found -> raise (ObjectNotFound (lazy (NUri.string_of_uri uri)))
let add_obj u obj =
storage := (u,obj)::!storage;
let _,height,_,_,obj = obj in
let references =
match obj with
NCic.Constant (_,name,None,_,_) ->
- [name,NReference.reference_of_spec u NReference.Decl]
+ [u,name,NReference.reference_of_spec u NReference.Decl]
| NCic.Constant (_,name,Some _,_,_) ->
- [name,NReference.reference_of_spec u (NReference.Def height)]
+ [u,name,NReference.reference_of_spec u (NReference.Def height)]
| NCic.Fixpoint (is_ind,fl,_) ->
(fun (_,name,recno,_,_) i ->
if is_ind then
- name,NReference.reference_of_spec u (NReference.Fix(i,recno,height))
+ u,name,NReference.reference_of_spec u(NReference.Fix(i,recno,height))
- name,NReference.reference_of_spec u (NReference.CoFix i)) fl
+ u,name,NReference.reference_of_spec u (NReference.CoFix i)) fl
| NCic.Inductive (inductive,leftno,il,_) ->
(fun (_,iname,_,cl) i ->
(fun (_,cname,_) j->
- cname,NReference.reference_of_spec u (NReference.Con (i,j,leftno))
+ u,cname,
+ NReference.reference_of_spec u (NReference.Con (i,j,leftno))
) cl @
- [iname,
+ [u,iname,
NReference.reference_of_spec u
(NReference.Ind (inductive,i,leftno))]
) il)
exception ObjectNotFound of string Lazy.t
val add_obj: NUri.uri -> NCic.obj -> unit
+val aliases_of: NUri.uri -> NReference.reference list
val resolve: string -> NReference.reference list
val get_obj: NUri.uri -> NCic.obj
UriManager.buri_of_uri (UriManager.uri_of_string v) =
- UriManager.IllFormedUri _ -> false (* v is a description, not a URI *)
+ UriManager.IllFormedUri _ ->
+ try
+ (* this too! *)
+ let NReference.Ref (uri,_) = NReference.reference_of_string v in
+ let ouri = NCic2OCic.ouri_of_nuri uri in
+ UriManager.buri_of_uri ouri = baseuri
+ with
+ NReference.IllFormedReference _ ->
+ false (* v is a description, not a URI *)
if b then
(* *)
-(* ATTENZIONE: si puo' eseguire solo con MatitaC e dopo aver scelto
- Debug → always show all disambiguation errors (that, moreover, slows
- down the library a lot) *)
include "nat/".
ndefinition thesis0: ∀A:Type.Type ≝ λA. A → A.