module type GraphvizFormatter =
- val header: ?name:string -> Format.formatter -> unit
+ val header:
+ ?name:string -> ?graph_attrs:(attribute list) ->
+ ?node_attrs:(attribute list) -> ?edge_attrs:(attribute list) ->
+ Format.formatter ->
+ unit
val node: string -> ?attrs:(attribute list) -> Format.formatter -> unit
val edge:
string -> string -> ?attrs:(attribute list) -> Format.formatter ->
let attribute fmt (k, v) = fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>%s=@,\"%s\",@]" k v
let attributes attrs fmt = List.iter (attribute fmt) attrs
- let header ?(name = "g") fmt = fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>digraph %s {@," name
- let node name ?(attrs = []) fmt =
- fprintf fmt "@[<hov2>\"%s\"@ [" name;
+ let node name ~quote ?(attrs = []) fmt =
+ let quote_string = if quote then "\"" else "" in
+ fprintf fmt "@[<hov2>%s%s%s@ [" quote_string name quote_string;
attributes attrs fmt;
fprintf fmt "];@]@,"
+ let header ?(name = "g") ?(graph_attrs = []) ?node_attrs ?edge_attrs fmt =
+ fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>strict digraph %s {@," name;
+ List.iter (fun (k, v) -> fprintf fmt "@[<hv2>%s=@,%s;@]@," k v)
+ graph_attrs;
+ (match node_attrs with
+ | Some attrs -> node "node" ~quote:false ~attrs fmt
+ | None -> ());
+ (match edge_attrs with
+ | Some attrs -> node "edge" ~quote:false ~attrs fmt
+ | None -> ())
+ let node = node ~quote:true
let edge name1 name2 ?(attrs = []) fmt =
fprintf fmt "@[<hov2>\"%s\" ->@ \"%s\"@ [" name1 name2;
attributes attrs fmt;
module type GraphvizFormatter =
- val header: ?name:string -> Format.formatter -> unit
+ (** @param name graph name
+ * @param graph_attrs graph attributes
+ * @param node_attrs graph-wide node attributes
+ * @param edge_attrs graph-wide edge attributes *)
+ val header:
+ ?name:string -> ?graph_attrs:(attribute list) ->
+ ?node_attrs:(attribute list) -> ?edge_attrs:(attribute list) ->
+ Format.formatter ->
+ unit
val node: string -> ?attrs:(attribute list) -> Format.formatter -> unit
val edge:
string -> string -> ?attrs:(attribute list) -> Format.formatter ->