replace the \G{} node with the $\NLDROP_n$.
+ \item{$\NLDROP_n$}\\
+ replace the $\NLDROP_n$ with the cursor.
\paragraph{Right Drop}
+ %************************* \RDROP has at least a following node ****************************************
remove the $\RDROP$ and append it after the delimiter
- \item{\verb+*[#$]/+$\RDROP$}\\
- remove the $\RDROP$ and insert it after its parent.
- remove the token and replace the $\RDROP$ with the $\RDROP_n$.
+ remove the token and replace the $\RDROP$ with the cursor $\RDROP_n$.
- \item{\verb+*[#<sp|sb>]+}\\
- ?
- % this rule is overridden bu those above.
+ % this rule is overridden by those ones above.
remove the $\RDROP$ and append it as the first child of the following node.
+ %************************** \RDROP has neither following nor preceding nodes ******************************
+ \item{\verb+c[#$][!p[*]]/+$\RDROP$}\\
+ replace the \CNODE{} with the $\RDROP$.
+ \item{\verb+p[^#$]/+$\RDROP$}\\
+ move the $\RDROP$ after the \PNODE{} node.
+ \item{\verb+g[^#$]/+$\RDROP$}\\
+ replace the \G{} node with the $\RDROP$.
+\paragraph{Normalize Right Drop}
+ % at the moment it's the only rule, defined for this symbol.
+ \item{\verb+g[@id][^#$]/+$\RDROP_n$}\\
+ replace the \G{} node with the $\RDROP_n$.
+ \item{$\RDROP_n$}\\
+ replace the $\RDROP$ with the cursor.