let sort_tbl = MetadataTypes.sort_tbl () in
let rel_tbl = MetadataTypes.rel_tbl () in
let name_tbl = MetadataTypes.name_tbl () in
- (*let conclno_tbl = MetadataTypes.conclno_tbl () in
- let conclno_hyp_tbl = MetadataTypes.fullno_tbl () in*)
let count_tbl = MetadataTypes.count_tbl () in
- let statements = [
- sprintf "DROP TABLE %s ;" obj_tbl;
- sprintf "DROP TABLE %s ;" sort_tbl;
- sprintf "DROP TABLE %s ;" rel_tbl;
- sprintf "DROP TABLE %s ;" name_tbl;
- sprintf "DROP TABLE %s ;" count_tbl
- (*sprintf "DROP TABLE %s ;" conclno_tbl;
- sprintf "DROP TABLE %s ;" conclno_hyp_tbl*) ] in
-DROP INDEX refObj_source ON refObj (source);
-DROP INDEX refObj_target ON refObj (h_occurrence);
-DROP INDEX refObj_position ON refObj (h_position);
-DROP INDEX refSort_source ON refSort (source);
-DROP INDEX objectName_value ON objectName (value);
-DROP INDEX no_inconcl_aux_source ON no_inconcl_aux (source);
-DROP INDEX no_inconcl_aux_no ON no_inconcl_aux (no);
-DROP INDEX no_concl_hyp_source ON no_concl_hyp (source);
-DROP INDEX no_concl_hyp_no ON no_concl_hyp (no);
+ let tbls = [
+ (obj_tbl,`RefObj) ; (sort_tbl,`RefSort) ; (rel_tbl,`RefRel) ;
+ (name_tbl,`ObjectName) ; (count_tbl,`Count) ]
+ in
+ let statements =
+ (SqlStatements.drop_tables tbls) @ (SqlStatements.drop_indexes tbls)
+ in
let owned_uris =
MetadataDb.clean ~dbd
ignore (Mysql.exec dbd statement)
with Mysql.Error _ as exn ->
match Mysql.errno dbd with
- | Mysql.Bad_table_error -> ()
+ | Mysql.Bad_table_error
+ | Mysql.No_such_index | Mysql.No_such_table -> ()
| _ -> raise exn
) statements;
let create_owner_environment () =
let dbd = instance () in
- let owner = (Helm_registry.get "matita.owner") in
let obj_tbl = MetadataTypes.obj_tbl () in
let sort_tbl = MetadataTypes.sort_tbl () in
let rel_tbl = MetadataTypes.rel_tbl () in
let name_tbl = MetadataTypes.name_tbl () in
- (*let conclno_tbl = MetadataTypes.conclno_tbl () in
- let conclno_hyp_tbl = MetadataTypes.fullno_tbl ()*)
let count_tbl = MetadataTypes.count_tbl () in
- let statements = [
- sprintf "CREATE TABLE %s (
- source varchar(255) binary not null,
- h_occurrence varchar(255) binary not null,
- h_position varchar(255) binary not null,
- h_depth integer
- );" obj_tbl;
- sprintf "CREATE TABLE %s (
- source varchar(255) binary not null,
- h_position varchar(255) binary not null,
- h_depth integer not null,
- h_sort varchar(255) binary not null
- );" sort_tbl;
- sprintf "CREATE TABLE %s (
- source varchar(255) binary not null,
- h_position varchar(255) binary not null,
- h_depth integer not null
- );" rel_tbl;
- sprintf "CREATE TABLE %s (
- source varchar(255) binary not null,
- value varchar(255) binary not null
- );" name_tbl;
- sprintf "CREATE TABLE %s (
- source varchar(255) binary unique not null,
- conclusion smallint(6) not null,
- hypothesis smallint(6) not null,
- statement smallint(6) not null
-);" count_tbl
- (* sprintf "CREATE TABLE %s (
- source varchar(255) binary not null,
- no tinyint(4) not null
- );" conclno_tbl;
- sprintf "CREATE TABLE %s (
- source varchar(255) binary not null,
- no tinyint(4) not null
- );" conclno_hyp_tbl *)] in
-CREATE INDEX refObj_source ON refObj (source);
-CREATE INDEX refObj_target ON refObj (h_occurrence);
-CREATE INDEX refObj_position ON refObj (h_position);
-CREATE INDEX refSort_source ON refSort (source);
-CREATE INDEX objectName_value ON objectName (value);
-CREATE INDEX no_inconcl_aux_source ON no_inconcl_aux (source);
-CREATE INDEX no_inconcl_aux_no ON no_inconcl_aux (no);
-CREATE INDEX no_concl_hyp_source ON no_concl_hyp (source);
-CREATE INDEX no_concl_hyp_no ON no_concl_hyp (no);
+ let tbls = [
+ (obj_tbl,`RefObj) ; (sort_tbl,`RefSort) ; (rel_tbl,`RefRel) ;
+ (name_tbl,`ObjectName) ; (count_tbl,`Count) ]
+ in
+ let statements =
+ (SqlStatements.create_tables tbls) @ (SqlStatements.create_indexes tbls)
+ in
List.iter (fun statement ->
ignore (Mysql.exec dbd statement)