type env_term
type ens_term
type config = int * env_term list * ens_term Cic.explicit_named_substitution * Cic.term * stack_term list
- val to_env : config -> env_term
- val to_ens : config -> ens_term
+ val to_env :
+ reduce: (config -> config) ->
+ unwind: (config -> Cic.term) ->
+ config -> env_term
+ val to_ens :
+ reduce: (config -> config) ->
+ unwind: (config -> Cic.term) ->
+ config -> ens_term
val from_stack : stack_term -> config
val from_stack_list_for_unwind :
unwind: (config -> Cic.term) ->
+module CallByValueByNameForUnwind' =
+ struct
+ type config = int * env_term list * ens_term Cic.explicit_named_substitution * Cic.term * stack_term list
+ and stack_term = config lazy_t * Cic.term lazy_t (* cbv, cbn *)
+ and env_term = config lazy_t * Cic.term lazy_t (* cbv, cbn *)
+ and ens_term = config lazy_t * Cic.term lazy_t (* cbv, cbn *)
+ let to_env ~reduce ~unwind c = lazy (reduce c),lazy (unwind c)
+ let to_ens ~reduce ~unwind c = lazy (reduce c),lazy (unwind c)
+ let from_stack (c,_) = Lazy.force c
+ let from_stack_list_for_unwind ~unwind l = List.map (function (_,c) -> Lazy.force c) l
+ let from_env (c,_) = Lazy.force c
+ let from_ens (c,_) = Lazy.force c
+ let from_env_for_unwind ~unwind (_,c) = Lazy.force c
+ let from_ens_for_unwind ~unwind (_,c) = Lazy.force c
+ let stack_to_env ~reduce ~unwind config = config
+ let compute_to_env ~reduce ~unwind k e ens t =
+ lazy (reduce (k,e,ens,t,[])), lazy (unwind (k,e,ens,t,[]))
+ let compute_to_stack ~reduce ~unwind config = lazy (reduce config), lazy (unwind config)
+ end
(* Old Machine
module CallByNameStrategy =
(incr counter ;
- ((RS.to_env (k,e,ens,C.Fix (!counter -1, fl),[]))::e'))
+ ((RS.to_env ~reduce ~unwind (k,e,ens,C.Fix (!counter -1, fl),[]))::e'))
build_env e
[] -> ens
| (uri,t)::tl ->
- push_exp_named_subst k e ((uri,RS.to_ens (k,e,ens,t,[]))::ens) tl
+ push_exp_named_subst k e ((uri,RS.to_ens ~reduce ~unwind (k,e,ens,t,[]))::ens) tl
ClosuresOnStackByValueFromEnvOrEnsByNameOnConstantsStrategy;; OK 58.094s
module R = Reduction(ClosuresOnStackByValueFromEnvOrEnsStrategy);; OK 58.127s
-module R = Reduction(CallByValueByNameForUnwind);;
+(*module R = Reduction(CallByValueByNameForUnwind);;*)
+module R = Reduction(CallByValueByNameForUnwind');;
(*module R = Reduction(CallByNameStrategy);;*)
(*module R = Reduction(ClosuresOnStackByValueFromEnvOrEnsStrategy);;*)
module U = UriManager;;