url_is_valid = (fun _ -> true);
- (** given a list of length 2
- @return a pair formed by the elements of the list
- @raise Assert_failure if the list length isn't 2
- *)
-let pair_of_2_sized_list = function
- | [a;b] -> (a,b)
- | _ -> assert false
(** given an HTTP like query string (e.g. "name1=value1&name2=value2&...")
@return a list of pairs [("name1", "value1"); ("name2", "value2")]
@raise Malformed_query if the string isn't a valid query string
let split_query_params =
let (bindings_sep, binding_sep) = (Pcre.regexp "&", Pcre.regexp "=") in
+ let http_decode url = Netencoding.Url.decode ~plus:false url in
fun ~query ->
let bindings = Pcre.split ~rex:bindings_sep query in
if List.length bindings < 1 then
let pieces = Pcre.split ~rex:binding_sep binding in
if List.length pieces <> 2 then
raise (Malformed_query_binding (binding, query));
- pair_of_2_sized_list pieces)
+ (match pieces with
+ | [a; b] -> (http_decode a, http_decode b)
+ | _ -> assert false))
(** given an input channel and a separator
patch_empty_path (String.concat "/" (url_path request_uri))
let query_params =
- try split_query_params (url_query request_uri) with Not_found -> []
+ try (* act on HTTP encoded URIs *)
+ split_query_params (url_query ~encoded:true request_uri)
+ with Not_found -> []