~unify:(fun m s c t1 t2 ->
try Some (NCicUnification.unify status m s c t1 t2)
with NCicUnification.UnificationFailure _ | NCicUnification.Uncertain _ -> None)
- metasenv subst context 0 (0,NCic.Irl 0) typ
+ metasenv subst context ~-1 (0,NCic.Irl 0) typ
NCicMetaSubst.MetaSubstFailure _
| NCicMetaSubst.Uncertain _ ->
+(* CSC: temporary thing, waiting for better times *)
+let mk_fresh_name context name =
+ let rex = Str.regexp "[0-9']*$" in
+ let rex2 = Str.regexp "'*$" in
+ let basename = Str.global_replace rex "" in
+ let suffix name =
+ ignore (Str.search_forward rex name 0);
+ let n = Str.matched_string name in
+ let n = Str.global_replace rex2 "" n in
+ if n = "" then 0 else int_of_string n
+ let name' = basename name in
+ let name' = if name' = "_" then "H" else name' in
+ let last =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun last (name,_) ->
+ if basename name = name' then
+ max last (suffix name)
+ else
+ last
+ ) (-1) context
+ in
+ name' ^ (if last = -1 then "" else string_of_int (last + 1))
+with exn -> prerr_endline ("XXX" ^ Printexc.to_string exn); assert false
let rec typeof (status:#NCicCoercion.status)
?(localise=fun _ -> Stdpp.dummy_loc)
metasenv subst context term expty
| NCicUnification.Uncertain _
| NCicUnification.UnificationFailure _ as exc ->
try_coercions status ~localise
- metasenv subst context t orig infty expty true exc)
+ metasenv subst context t orig infty (`Type expty) exc)
| None -> metasenv, subst, t, infty
(*D*)in outside true; rc with exc -> outside false; raise exc
and try_coercions status
- metasenv subst context t orig_t infty expty perform_unification exc
+ metasenv subst context t orig_t infty expty exc
let cs_subst = NCicSubstitution.subst status ~avoid_beta_redexes:true in
- pp (lazy "WWW: trying coercions -- preliminary unification");
- let metasenv, subst =
- NCicUnification.unify status metasenv subst context infty expty
- in metasenv, subst, t, expty
+ (match expty with
+ `Type expty ->
+ pp (lazy "WWW: trying coercions -- preliminary unification");
+ let metasenv, subst =
+ NCicUnification.unify status metasenv subst context infty expty
+ in metasenv, subst, t, expty
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "Special case Prod or Sort"))
| exn ->
(* we try with a coercion *)
"The term\n%s\nhas type\n%s\nbut is here used with type\n%s"
(status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t)
(status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context infty)
- (status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context expty))) exc)
+ expty)) exc)
| (_,metasenv, newterm, newtype, meta)::tl ->
pp (lazy("K=" ^ status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context newterm));
status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t ^ " === " ^
status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context meta ^ "\n"));
let metasenv, subst =
- NCicUnification.unify status metasenv subst context t meta
- in
- pp (lazy ( "UNIFICATION in CTX:\n"^
- status#ppcontext ~metasenv ~subst context
- ^ "\nMENV: " ^
- status#ppmetasenv metasenv ~subst
- ^ "\nOF: " ^
- status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context newtype ^ " === " ^
- status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context expty ^ "\n"));
- let metasenv, subst =
- if perform_unification then
- NCicUnification.unify status metasenv subst context newtype expty
- else metasenv, subst
- in
- metasenv, subst, newterm, newtype
+ NCicUnification.unify status metasenv subst context t meta in
+ match expty with
+ `Type expty ->
+ pp (lazy ( "UNIFICATION in CTX:\n"^
+ status#ppcontext ~metasenv ~subst context
+ ^ "\nMENV: " ^
+ status#ppmetasenv metasenv ~subst
+ ^ "\nOF: " ^
+ status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context newtype ^ " === " ^
+ status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context expty ^ "\n"));
+ let metasenv,subst =
+ NCicUnification.unify status metasenv subst context newtype expty
+ in
+ metasenv, subst, newterm, newtype
+ | `Sort ->
+ (match NCicReduction.whd status ~subst context newtype with
+ NCic.Sort _ -> metasenv,subst,newterm,newtype
+ | _ -> first exc tl)
+ | `Prod ->
+ (match NCicReduction.whd status ~subst context newtype with
+ NCic.Prod _ -> metasenv,subst,newterm,newtype
+ | _ -> first exc tl)
| NCicUnification.UnificationFailure _ -> first exc tl
| NCicUnification.Uncertain _ as exc -> first exc tl
pp (lazy "WWW: trying coercions -- inner check");
match infty, expty, t with
- | _,_, NCic.Match (Ref.Ref (_,Ref.Ind (_,tyno,leftno)) as r,outty,m,pl) ->
+ (* `Sort|`Prod + Match not implemented *)
+ | _,`Type expty, NCic.Match (Ref.Ref (_,Ref.Ind (_,tyno,leftno)) as r,outty,m,pl) ->
(*{{{*) pp (lazy "CASE");
(* {{{ helper functions *)
let get_cl_and_left_p refit outty =
cl, left_p, leftno, rno
| _ -> raise exn
+ (*{{{*) pp (lazy "CASE");
let rec keep_lambdas_and_put_expty ctx t bo right_p matched n =
match t,n with
| _,0 ->
(*let eq = NCic.Const (NReference.reference_of_string ("cic:/matita/ng/Plogic/equality/eq.ind(1,0,2)")) in
let eq_refl = NCic.Const (NReference.reference_of_string ("cic:/matita/ng/Plogic/equality/eq.con(0,1,2)")) in*)
- let eq = NCic.Const (NReference.reference_of_string ("cic:/matita/ng/Plogic/jmeq/jmeq.ind(1,0,2)")) in
- let eq_refl = NCic.Const (NReference.reference_of_string ("cic:/matita/ng/Plogic/jmeq/jmeq.con(0,1,2)")) in
+ let eq = NCic.Const (NReference.reference_of_string ("cic:/matita/basics/jmeq/jmeq.ind(1,0,2)")) in
+ let eq_refl = NCic.Const (NReference.reference_of_string ("cic:/matita/basics/jmeq/jmeq.con(0,1,2)")) in
let add_params
metasenv subst context cty outty mty m i
~context ~metasenv ~subst pbo));
let metasenv, subst, pbo, _ =
try_coercions status ~localise menv s context pbo
- orig_t (*??*) infty_pbo expty_pbo perform_unification exc
+ orig_t (*??*) infty_pbo (`Type expty_pbo) exc
(lazy ("CASE: pbo2: " ^ status#ppterm
let t = NCic.Appl (NCic.Match(r,new_outty,m,pl) :: eqs)
metasenv, subst, t, expty (*}}}*)
- | NCic.Prod (nameprod, src, ty),NCic.Prod (_, src2, ty2), _ ->
- let rec mk_fresh_name ctx firstch n =
- let candidate = (String.make 1 firstch) ^ (string_of_int n) in
- if (List.for_all (fun (s,_) -> s <> candidate) ctx) then candidate
- else mk_fresh_name ctx firstch (n+1)
+ | _,`Type expty,NCic.LetIn(name,ty,t,bo) ->
+ pp (lazy "LETIN");
+ let name' = mk_fresh_name context name in
+ let context_bo = (name', NCic.Def (t,ty)) :: context in
+ let metasenv, subst, bo2, _ =
+ try_coercions status ~localise metasenv subst context_bo
+ bo orig_t (NCicSubstitution.lift status 1 infty)
+ (`Type (NCicSubstitution.lift status 1 expty)) exc
+ let coerced = NCic.LetIn (name',ty,t,bo2) in
+ pp (lazy ("LETIN: coerced = " ^ status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context coerced));
+ metasenv, subst, coerced, expty
+ | NCic.Prod (nameprod, src, ty),`Type (NCic.Prod (_, src2, ty2) as expty), _ ->
(*{{{*) pp (lazy "LAM");
pp (lazy ("LAM: t = " ^ status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t));
- let name_con = mk_fresh_name context 'c' 0
- (*FreshNamesGenerator.mk_fresh_name
- ~subst metasenv context ~typ:src2 Cic.Anonymous*)
- in
+ let namename = match t with NCic.Lambda (n,_,_) -> n | _ -> nameprod in
+ let name_con = mk_fresh_name context namename in
let context_src2 = ((name_con, NCic.Decl src2) :: context) in
(* contravariant part: the argument of f:src->ty *)
let metasenv, subst, rel1, _ =
try_coercions status ~localise metasenv subst context_src2
(NCic.Rel 1) orig_t (NCicSubstitution.lift status 1 src2)
- (NCicSubstitution.lift status 1 src) perform_unification exc
+ (`Type (NCicSubstitution.lift status 1 src)) exc
(* covariant part: the result of f(c x); x:src2; (c x):src *)
let name_t, bo =
let ty = cs_subst rel1 (NCicSubstitution.lift_from status 2 1 ty) in
let metasenv, subst, bo, _ =
try_coercions status ~localise metasenv subst context_src2
- bo orig_t ty ty2 perform_unification exc
+ bo orig_t ty (`Type ty2) exc
let coerced = NCic.Lambda (name_t,src2, bo) in
pp (lazy ("LAM: coerced = " ^ status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context coerced));
metasenv, subst, coerced, expty (*}}}*)
| _ -> raise exc
with exc2 ->
+ let expty =
+ match expty with
+ `Type expty -> expty
+ | `Sort ->
+ NCic.Sort (NCic.Type
+ (match NCicEnvironment.get_universes () with
+ | x::_ -> x
+ | _ -> assert false))
+ | `Prod -> NCic.Prod ("_",NCic.Implicit `Type,NCic.Implicit `Type)
+ in
pp(lazy("try_coercion " ^
status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context infty ^ " |---> " ^
status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context expty));
metasenv, subst, t, ty
Failure _ ->
+ let msg =
+ (lazy (localise orig_t,
+ "The type of " ^ status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t ^
+ " is not a sort: " ^ status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context ty)) in
let ty = NCicReduction.whd status ~subst context ty in
+ let exn =
+ if NCicUnification.could_reduce status ~subst context ty then
+ Uncertain msg
+ else
+ RefineFailure msg
+ in
try_coercions status ~localise metasenv subst context
- t orig_t ty (NCic.Sort (NCic.Type
- (match NCicEnvironment.get_universes status with
- | x::_ -> x
- | _ -> assert false))) false
- (Uncertain (lazy (localise orig_t,
- "The type of " ^ status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t ^
- " is not a sort: " ^ status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context ty)))
+ t orig_t ty `Sort exn
and sort_of_prod status localise metasenv subst context orig_s orig_t (name,s)
t (t1, t2)
let metasenv, subst, newhead, newheadty =
try_coercions status ~localise metasenv subst context
(NCicUntrusted.mk_appl he (List.rev args_so_far)) orig_he ty
- (NCic.Prod ("_",NCic.Implicit `Term,NCic.Implicit `Term))
- false
+ `Prod
(RefineFailure (lazy (localise orig_he, Printf.sprintf
("The term %s is here applied to %d arguments but expects " ^^
"only %d arguments") (status#ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context he)
NCicReduction.whd status ~subst [] ty_sort
(C.Sort (C.Type u1) as s1), (C.Sort (C.Type u2) as s2) ->
- if not (NCicEnvironment.universe_leq status u1 u2) then
+ if not (NCicEnvironment.universe_leq u1 u2) then
(lazy(localise te, "The type " ^
match !times with time1::tl -> times := tl; time1 | [] -> assert false in
prerr_endline ("}}} " ^ !indent ^ " " ^ string_of_float (time2 -. time1));
(match exc_opt with
+ | Some (UnificationFailure msg) -> prerr_endline ("exception raised: NCicUnification.UnificationFailure:" ^ Lazy.force msg)
+ | Some (Uncertain msg) -> prerr_endline ("exception raised: NCicUnification.Uncertain:" ^ Lazy.force msg)
| Some e -> prerr_endline ("exception raised: " ^ Printexc.to_string e)
| None -> ());
(* the argument must be a term in whd *)
-let rec could_reduce =
+let rec could_reduce status ~subst context =
| C.Meta _ -> true
| C.Appl (C.Const (Ref.Ref (_,Ref.Fix (_,recno,_)))::args)
- when List.length args > recno -> could_reduce (List.nth args recno)
- | C.Match (_,_,arg,_) -> could_reduce arg
- | C.Appl (he::_) -> could_reduce he
+ when List.length args > recno ->
+ let t = NCicReduction.whd status ~subst context (List.nth args recno) in
+ could_reduce status subst context t
+ | C.Match (_,_,arg,_) -> could_reduce status ~subst context arg
+ | C.Appl (he::_) -> could_reduce status ~subst context he
| C.Sort _ | C.Rel _ | C.Prod _ | C.Lambda _ | C.Const _ -> false
| C.Appl [] | C.LetIn _ | C.Implicit _ -> assert false
+let put_in_whd status subst context m1 m2 =
+ NCicReduction.reduce_machine status ~delta:max_int ~subst context m1,
+ NCicReduction.reduce_machine status ~delta:max_int ~subst context m2
let rec instantiate status test_eq_only metasenv subst context n lc t swap =
(*D*) inside 'I'; try let rc =
pp (lazy(string_of_int n^" :=?= "^ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst ~context t));
ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst ~context t));
let (metasenv, subst), t =
- NCicMetaSubst.delift status
- ~unify:(fun m s c t1 t2 ->
- let ind = !indent in
- let res =
- try Some (unify status test_eq_only m s c t1 t2 false)
- with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ -> None
- in
- indent := ind; res)
+ NCicMetaSubst.delift status ~unify:(unify_for_delift status)
metasenv subst context n lc t
with NCicMetaSubst.Uncertain msg ->
pp (lazy ("delift is uncertain: " ^ Lazy.force msg));
NCic.Implicit (`Typeof _) ->
let (metasenv, subst), ty_t =
- NCicMetaSubst.delift status
- ~unify:(fun m s c t1 t2 ->
- let ind = !indent in
- let res = try Some (unify status test_eq_only m s c t1 t2 false )
- with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ -> None
- in
- indent := ind; res)
+ NCicMetaSubst.delift status ~unify:(unify_for_delift status)
metasenv subst context n lc ty_t
with NCicMetaSubst.Uncertain msg ->
pp (lazy ("delift is uncertain: " ^ Lazy.force msg));
(*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn
-and unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap =
- (*D*) inside 'U'; try let rc =
- let fo_unif test_eq_only metasenv subst (norm1,t1) (norm2,t2) =
- (*D*) inside 'F'; try let rc =
- pp (lazy(" " ^ ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst ~context t1 ^
- (if swap then " ==>?== "
- else " ==<?==" ) ^
- ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst ~context t2 ^ ppmetasenv status
- ~subst metasenv));
- pp (lazy(" " ^ ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst:[] ~context t1 ^
- (if swap then " ==>??== "
- else " ==<??==" ) ^
- ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst:[] ~context t2 ^ ppmetasenv status
- ~subst metasenv));
- if t1 === t2 then
- metasenv, subst
+and fo_unif_w_hints during_delift status swap test_eq_only metasenv subst context (_,t1 as m1) (_,t2 as m2) =
+ try fo_unif during_delift status swap test_eq_only metasenv subst context m1 m2
+ with
+ | UnificationFailure _ as exn -> raise exn
+ | KeepReducing _ | Uncertain _ as exn ->
+ let (t1,norm1 as tm1),(t2,norm2 as tm2) =
+ put_in_whd status subst context (0,[],t1,[]) (0,[],t2,[])
+ in
+ match
+ try_hints status swap test_eq_only metasenv subst context
+ (norm1,NCicReduction.unwind status t1) (norm2,NCicReduction.unwind status t2)
+ with
+ | Some x -> x
+ | None ->
+ match exn with
+ | KeepReducing msg -> raise (KeepReducingThis (msg,tm1,tm2))
+ | Uncertain _ as exn -> raise exn
+ | _ -> assert false
+and unify_for_delift status metasenv subst context t1 t2 =
+ let ind = !indent in
+ let res =
+ try Some
+ (fo_unif_w_hints true status false true(*test_eq_only*) metasenv subst
+ context (false,t1) (false,t2))
+ with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ | KeepReducingThis _ -> None
+ in
+ indent := ind; res
+and fo_unif0 during_delift status swap test_eq_only metasenv subst context (norm1,t1 as m1) (norm2,t2 as m2) =
+ (*D*) inside 'F'; try let rc =
+ pp (lazy(" " ^ ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst ~context t1 ^
+ (if swap then " ==>?== "
+ else " ==<?==" ) ^
+ ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst ~context t2 ^ ppmetasenv status
+ ~subst metasenv));
+ pp (lazy(" " ^ ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst:[] ~context t1 ^
+ (if swap then " ==>??== "
+ else " ==<??==" ) ^
+ ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst:[] ~context t2 ^ ppmetasenv status
+ ~subst metasenv));
+ if t1 === t2 then
+ metasenv, subst
(* CSC: To speed up Oliboni's stuff. Why is it necessary, anyway?
else if
NCicUntrusted.metas_of_term subst context t1 = [] &&
raise (UnificationFailure (lazy "Closed terms not convertible"))
- else
- match (t1,t2) with
- | C.Appl [_], _ | _, C.Appl [_] | C.Appl [], _ | _, C.Appl []
- | C.Appl (C.Appl _::_), _ | _, C.Appl (C.Appl _::_) ->
- prerr_endline "Appl [Appl _;_] or Appl [] or Appl [_] invariant";
- assert false
- | (C.Sort (C.Type a), C.Sort (C.Type b)) when not test_eq_only ->
- let a, b = if swap then b,a else a,b in
- if NCicEnvironment.universe_leq status a b then metasenv, subst
- else raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2))
- | (C.Sort (C.Type a), C.Sort (C.Type b)) ->
- if NCicEnvironment.universe_eq a b then metasenv, subst
- else raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2))
- | (C.Sort C.Prop,C.Sort (C.Type _)) when not swap ->
- if (not test_eq_only) then metasenv, subst
- else raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2))
- | (C.Sort (C.Type _), C.Sort C.Prop) when swap ->
- if (not test_eq_only) then metasenv, subst
- else raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2))
- | (C.Lambda (name1,s1,t1), C.Lambda(_,s2,t2))
- | (C.Prod (name1,s1,t1), C.Prod(_,s2,t2)) ->
- let metasenv, subst = unify status true metasenv subst context s1 s2 swap in
- unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst ((name1, C.Decl s1)::context) t1 t2 swap
- | (C.LetIn (name1,ty1,s1,t1), C.LetIn(_,ty2,s2,t2)) ->
- let metasenv,subst=unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context ty1 ty2 swap in
- let metasenv,subst=unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context s1 s2 swap in
- let context = (name1, C.Def (s1,ty1))::context in
- unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap
- | (C.Meta (n1,(s1,l1 as lc1)),C.Meta (n2,(s2,l2 as lc2))) when n1 = n2 ->
- (try
- let l1 = NCicUtils.expand_local_context l1 in
- let l2 = NCicUtils.expand_local_context l2 in
- let metasenv, subst, to_restrict, _ =
- List.fold_right2
- (fun t1 t2 (metasenv, subst, to_restrict, i) ->
- try
- let metasenv, subst =
- unify status (*test_eq_only*) true metasenv subst context
- (NCicSubstitution.lift status s1 t1) (NCicSubstitution.lift status s2 t2)
- swap
- in
- metasenv, subst, to_restrict, i-1
- with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ ->
- metasenv, subst, i::to_restrict, i-1)
- l1 l2 (metasenv, subst, [], List.length l1)
- in
- if to_restrict <> [] then
- let metasenv, subst, _, _ =
- NCicMetaSubst.restrict status metasenv subst n1 to_restrict
- in
- metasenv, subst
- else metasenv, subst
- with
- | Invalid_argument _ -> assert false
- | NCicMetaSubst.MetaSubstFailure msg ->
- try
- let _,_,term,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst n1 subst in
- let term1 = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta status lc1 term in
- let term2 = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta status lc2 term in
- unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context term1 term2 swap
- with NCicUtils.Subst_not_found _-> raise (UnificationFailure msg))
- | NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,_)::_ as l1),
- NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (j,_)::_ as l2) when i=j ->
- (try
- List.fold_left2
- (fun (metasenv, subst) t1 t2 ->
- unify status (*test_eq_only*) true metasenv subst context t1
- t2 swap)
- (metasenv,subst) l1 l2
- with Invalid_argument _ ->
- raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2)))
- | _, NCic.Meta (n, _) when is_locked n subst && not swap->
- (let (metasenv, subst), i =
- match NCicReduction.whd status ~subst context t1 with
- | NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,l) as meta :: args) ->
- let metasenv, lambda_Mj =
- lambda_intros status metasenv subst context (List.length args)
- (NCicTypeChecker.typeof status ~metasenv ~subst context meta)
- in
- unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context
- (C.Meta (i,l)) lambda_Mj false,
- i
- | NCic.Meta (i,_) -> (metasenv, subst), i
- | _ ->
- raise (UnificationFailure (lazy "Locked term vs non
- flexible term; probably not saturated enough yet!"))
- in
- let t1 = NCicReduction.whd status ~subst context t1 in
- let j, lj =
- match t1 with NCic.Meta (j,l) -> j, l | _ -> assert false
- in
+ else
+ match (t1,t2) with
+ | C.Appl [_], _ | _, C.Appl [_] | C.Appl [], _ | _, C.Appl []
+ | C.Appl (C.Appl _::_), _ | _, C.Appl (C.Appl _::_) ->
+ prerr_endline "Appl [Appl _;_] or Appl [] or Appl [_] invariant";
+ assert false
+ | (C.Sort (C.Type a), C.Sort (C.Type b)) when not test_eq_only ->
+ let a, b = if swap then b,a else a,b in
+ if NCicEnvironment.universe_leq status a b then metasenv, subst
+ else raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2))
+ | (C.Sort (C.Type a), C.Sort (C.Type b)) ->
+ if NCicEnvironment.universe_eq a b then metasenv, subst
+ else raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2))
+ | (C.Sort C.Prop,C.Sort (C.Type _)) when not swap ->
+ if (not test_eq_only) then metasenv, subst
+ else raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2))
+ | (C.Sort (C.Type _), C.Sort C.Prop) when swap ->
+ if (not test_eq_only) then metasenv, subst
+ else raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2))
+ | (C.Lambda (name1,s1,t1), C.Lambda(_,s2,t2))
+ | (C.Prod (name1,s1,t1), C.Prod(_,s2,t2)) ->
+ let metasenv, subst = unify status true metasenv subst context s1 s2 swap in
+ unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst ((name1, C.Decl s1)::context) t1 t2 swap
+ | (C.LetIn (name1,ty1,s1,t1), C.LetIn(_,ty2,s2,t2)) ->
+ let metasenv,subst=unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context ty1 ty2 swap in
+ let metasenv,subst=unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context s1 s2 swap in
+ let context = (name1, C.Def (s1,ty1))::context in
+ unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap
+ | (C.Meta (n1,(s1,l1 as lc1)),C.Meta (n2,(s2,l2 as lc2))) when n1 = n2 ->
+ (try
+ let l1 = NCicUtils.expand_local_context l1 in
+ let l2 = NCicUtils.expand_local_context l2 in
+ let metasenv, subst, to_restrict, _ =
+ List.fold_right2
+ (fun t1 t2 (metasenv, subst, to_restrict, i) ->
+ try
let metasenv, subst =
- instantiate status test_eq_only metasenv subst context j lj t2 true
+ unify status (*test_eq_only*) true metasenv subst context
+ (NCicSubstitution.lift status s1 t1) (NCicSubstitution.lift status s2 t2)
+ swap
- (* We need to remove the out_scope_tags to avoid propagation of
- them that triggers again the ad-hoc case *)
- let subst =
- List.map (fun (i,(tag,ctx,bo,ty)) ->
- let tag =
- List.filter
- (function `InScope | `OutScope _ -> false | _ -> true) tag
- in
- i,(tag,ctx,bo,ty)
- ) subst
- in
- (try
- let name, ctx, term, ty = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in
- let term = eta_reduce status subst term in
- let subst = List.filter (fun (j,_) -> j <> i) subst in
- metasenv, ((i, (name, ctx, term, ty)) :: subst)
- with Not_found -> assert false))
- | NCic.Meta (n, _), _ when is_locked n subst && swap ->
- unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context t2 t1 false
- | t, C.Meta (n,lc) when List.mem_assoc n subst ->
- let _,_,term,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst n subst in
- let term = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta status lc term in
- unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context t term swap
- | C.Meta (n,_), _ when List.mem_assoc n subst ->
- unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context t2 t1 (not swap)
- | _, NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,l)::args) when List.mem_assoc i subst ->
- let _,_,term,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in
- let term = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta status l term in
- unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1
- (mk_appl status ~upto:(List.length args) term args) swap
- | NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,_)::_), _ when List.mem_assoc i subst ->
- unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context t2 t1 (not swap)
- | C.Meta (n,_), C.Meta (m,lc') when
- let _,cc1,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_meta n metasenv in
- let _,cc2,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_meta m metasenv in
- (n < m && cc1 = cc2) ||
- let len1 = List.length cc1 in
- let len2 = List.length cc2 in
- len2 < len1 && cc2 = fst (HExtlib.split_nth len2 cc1) ->
- instantiate status test_eq_only metasenv subst context m lc'
- (NCicReduction.head_beta_reduce status ~subst t1) (not swap)
- | C.Meta (n,lc), C.Meta (m,lc') when
- let _,_,tyn = NCicUtils.lookup_meta n metasenv in
- let _,_,tym = NCicUtils.lookup_meta m metasenv in
- let tyn = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta status lc tyn in
- let tym = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta status lc tym in
- match tyn,tym with
- NCic.Sort NCic.Type u1, NCic.Sort NCic.Type u2 ->
- NCicEnvironment.universe_lt status u1 u2
- | _,_ -> false ->
- instantiate status test_eq_only metasenv subst context m lc'
- (NCicReduction.head_beta_reduce status ~subst t1) (not swap)
- | C.Meta (n,lc), t ->
- instantiate status test_eq_only metasenv subst context n lc
- (NCicReduction.head_beta_reduce status ~subst t) swap
- | t, C.Meta (n,lc) ->
- instantiate status test_eq_only metasenv subst context n lc
- (NCicReduction.head_beta_reduce status ~subst t) (not swap)
- (* higher order unification case *)
- | NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,l) as meta :: args), _ ->
- (* this easy_case handles "(? ?) =?= (f a)", same number of
- * args, preferring the instantiation "f" over "\_.f a" for the
- * metavariable in head position. Since the arguments of the meta
- * are flexible, delift would ignore them generating a constant
- * function even in the easy case above *)
- let easy_case =
- match t2 with
- | NCic.Appl (f :: f_args)
- when
- List.exists (NCicMetaSubst.is_flexible status context ~subst) args ->
- let mlen = List.length args in
- let flen = List.length f_args in
- let min_len = min mlen flen in
- let mhe,margs = HExtlib.split_nth (mlen - min_len) args in
- let fhe,fargs = HExtlib.split_nth (flen - min_len) f_args in
- (try
- Some (List.fold_left2
- (fun (m, s) t1 t2 ->
- unify status test_eq_only m s context t1 t2 swap
- ) (metasenv,subst)
- ((NCicUntrusted.mk_appl meta mhe)::margs)
- ((NCicUntrusted.mk_appl f fhe)::fargs))
- with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ | KeepReducing _ ->
- None)
- | _ -> None
+ metasenv, subst, to_restrict, i-1
+ with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ ->
+ metasenv, subst, i::to_restrict, i-1)
+ l1 l2 (metasenv, subst, [], List.length l1)
+ in
+ if to_restrict <> [] then
+ let metasenv, subst, _, _ =
+ NCicMetaSubst.restrict status metasenv subst n1 to_restrict
+ in
+ metasenv, subst
+ else metasenv, subst
+ with
+ | Invalid_argument _ -> assert false
+ | NCicMetaSubst.MetaSubstFailure msg ->
+ try
+ let _,_,term,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst n1 subst in
+ let term1 = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta status lc1 term in
+ let term2 = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta status lc2 term in
+ unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context term1 term2 swap
+ with NCicUtils.Subst_not_found _-> raise (UnificationFailure msg))
+ | NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,_)::_ as l1),
+ NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (j,_)::_ as l2) when i=j ->
+ (try
+ List.fold_left2
+ (fun (metasenv, subst) t1 t2 ->
+ unify status (*test_eq_only*) true metasenv subst context t1
+ t2 swap)
+ (metasenv,subst) l1 l2
+ with Invalid_argument _ ->
+ raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2)))
+ | _, NCic.Meta (n, _) when is_locked n subst && not swap && not during_delift ->
+ (let (metasenv, subst), i =
+ match NCicReduction.whd status ~subst context t1 with
+ | NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,l) as meta :: args) ->
+ let metasenv, lambda_Mj =
+ lambda_intros status metasenv subst context (List.length args)
+ (NCicTypeChecker.typeof status ~metasenv ~subst context meta)
+ in
+ unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context
+ (C.Meta (i,l)) lambda_Mj false,
+ i
+ | NCic.Meta (i,_) -> (metasenv, subst), i
+ | _ ->
+ raise (UnificationFailure (lazy "Locked term vs non
+ flexible term; probably not saturated enough yet!"))
+ in
+ let t1 = NCicReduction.whd status ~subst context t1 in
+ let j, lj =
+ match t1 with NCic.Meta (j,l) -> j, l | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let metasenv, subst =
+ instantiate status test_eq_only metasenv subst context j lj t2 true
+ in
+ (* We need to remove the out_scope_tags to avoid propagation of
+ them that triggers again the ad-hoc case *)
+ let subst =
+ List.map (fun (i,(tag,ctx,bo,ty)) ->
+ let tag =
+ List.filter
+ (function `InScope | `OutScope _ -> false | _ -> true) tag
+ in
+ i,(tag,ctx,bo,ty)
+ ) subst
+ in
+ (try
+ let name, ctx, term, ty = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in
+ let term = eta_reduce status subst term in
+ let subst = List.filter (fun (j,_) -> j <> i) subst in
+ metasenv, ((i, (name, ctx, term, ty)) :: subst)
+ with Not_found -> assert false))
+ | NCic.Meta (n, _), _ when is_locked n subst && swap ->
+ fo_unif0 during_delift status false test_eq_only metasenv subst context m2 m1
+ | _, C.Meta (n,lc) when List.mem_assoc n subst ->
+ let _,_,term,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst n subst in
+ let term = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta status lc term in
+ fo_unif0 during_delift status swap test_eq_only metasenv subst context
+ m1 (false,term)
+ | C.Meta (n,_), _ when List.mem_assoc n subst ->
+ fo_unif0 during_delift status (not swap) test_eq_only metasenv subst context m2 m1
+ | _, NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,l)::args) when List.mem_assoc i subst ->
+ let _,_,term,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in
+ let term = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta status l term in
+ fo_unif0 during_delift status swap test_eq_only metasenv subst context
+ m1 (false,mk_appl status ~upto:(List.length args) term args)
+ | NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,_)::_), _ when List.mem_assoc i subst ->
+ fo_unif0 during_delift status (not swap) test_eq_only metasenv subst context m2 m1
+ | C.Meta (n,_), C.Meta (m,lc') when
+ let _,cc1,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_meta n metasenv in
+ let _,cc2,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_meta m metasenv in
+ (n < m && cc1 = cc2) ||
+ let len1 = List.length cc1 in
+ let len2 = List.length cc2 in
+ len2 < len1 && cc2 = fst (HExtlib.split_nth len2 cc1) ->
+ instantiate status test_eq_only metasenv subst context m lc'
+ (NCicReduction.head_beta_reduce status ~subst t1) (not swap)
+ | C.Meta (n,lc), C.Meta (m,lc') when
+ let _,_,tyn = NCicUtils.lookup_meta n metasenv in
+ let _,_,tym = NCicUtils.lookup_meta m metasenv in
+ let tyn = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta status lc tyn in
+ let tym = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta status lc tym in
+ match tyn,tym with
+ NCic.Sort NCic.Type u1, NCic.Sort NCic.Type u2 ->
+ NCicEnvironment.universe_lt u1 u2
+ | _,_ -> false ->
+ instantiate status test_eq_only metasenv subst context m lc'
+ (NCicReduction.head_beta_reduce status ~subst t1) (not swap)
+ | C.Meta (n,lc), t ->
+ instantiate status test_eq_only metasenv subst context n lc
+ (NCicReduction.head_beta_reduce status ~subst t) swap
+ | t, C.Meta (n,lc) ->
+ instantiate status test_eq_only metasenv subst context n lc
+ (NCicReduction.head_beta_reduce status ~subst t) (not swap)
+ (* higher order unification case *)
+ | NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,l) as meta :: args), _ ->
+ (* this easy_case handles "(? ?) =?= (f a)", same number of
+ * args, preferring the instantiation "f" over "\_.f a" for the
+ * metavariable in head position. Since the arguments of the meta
+ * are flexible, delift would ignore them generating a constant
+ * function even in the easy case above *)
+ let easy_case =
+ match t2 with
+ | NCic.Appl (f :: f_args)
+ when
+ List.exists (NCicMetaSubst.is_flexible status context ~subst) args ->
+ let mlen = List.length args in
+ let flen = List.length f_args in
+ let min_len = min mlen flen in
+ let mhe,margs = HExtlib.split_nth (mlen - min_len) args in
+ let fhe,fargs = HExtlib.split_nth (flen - min_len) f_args in
+ (try
+ Some (List.fold_left2
+ (fun (m, s) t1 t2 ->
+ unify status test_eq_only m s context t1 t2 swap
+ ) (metasenv,subst)
+ ((NCicUntrusted.mk_appl meta mhe)::margs)
+ ((NCicUntrusted.mk_appl f fhe)::fargs))
+ with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ | KeepReducing _ ->
+ None)
+ | _ -> None
+ in
+ (match easy_case with
+ | Some ms -> ms
+ | None ->
+ (* This case handles "(?_f ..ti..) =?= t2", abstracting every
+ * non flexible ti (delift skips local context items that are
+ * flexible) from t2 in two steps:
+ * 1) ?_f := \..xi.. .?
+ * 2) ?_f ..ti.. =?= t2 --unif_machines-->
+ ?_f[..ti..] =?= t2 --instantiate-->
+ delift [..ti..] t2 *)
+ let metasenv, lambda_Mj =
+ lambda_intros status metasenv subst context (List.length args)
+ (NCicTypeChecker.typeof status ~metasenv ~subst context meta)
- (match easy_case with
- | Some ms -> ms
- | None ->
- (* This case handles "(?_f ..ti..) =?= t2", abstracting every
- * non flexible ti (delift skips local context items that are
- * flexible) from t2 in two steps:
- * 1) ?_f := \..xi.. .?
- * 2) ?_f ..ti.. =?= t2 --unif_machines-->
- ?_f[..ti..] =?= t2 --instantiate-->
- delift [..ti..] t2 *)
- let metasenv, lambda_Mj =
- lambda_intros status metasenv subst context (List.length args)
- (NCicTypeChecker.typeof status ~metasenv ~subst context meta)
- in
- let metasenv, subst =
- unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context
- (C.Meta (i,l)) lambda_Mj swap
- in
- let metasenv, subst =
- unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap
- in
- (try
- let name, ctx, term, ty = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in
- let term = eta_reduce status subst term in
- let subst = List.filter (fun (j,_) -> j <> i) subst in
- metasenv, ((i, (name, ctx, term, ty)) :: subst)
- with Not_found -> assert false))
- | _, NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (_,_) :: _) ->
- unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context t2 t1 (not swap)
- (* processing this case here we avoid a useless small delta step *)
- | (C.Appl ((C.Const r1) as _hd1::tl1), C.Appl (C.Const r2::tl2))
- when Ref.eq r1 r2 ->
- let relevance = NCicEnvironment.get_relevance status r1 in
- let metasenv, subst, _ =
- try
- List.fold_left2
- (fun (metasenv, subst, relevance) t1 t2 ->
- let b, relevance =
- match relevance with b::tl -> b,tl | _ -> true, [] in
- let metasenv, subst =
- try unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2
- swap
- with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ when not b ->
- metasenv, subst
- in
- metasenv, subst, relevance)
- (metasenv, subst, relevance) tl1 tl2
- with
- Invalid_argument _ ->
- raise (Uncertain (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2))
- | KeepReducing _ | KeepReducingThis _ -> assert false
- in
- metasenv, subst
- | (C.Match (Ref.Ref (_,Ref.Ind (_,tyno,_)) as ref1,outtype1,term1,pl1),
- C.Match (ref2,outtype2,term2,pl2)) when Ref.eq ref1 ref2 ->
- let _,_,itl,_,_ = NCicEnvironment.get_checked_indtys status ref1 in
- let _,_,ty,_ = List.nth itl tyno in
- let rec remove_prods ~subst context ty =
- let ty = NCicReduction.whd status ~subst context ty in
- match ty with
- | C.Sort _ -> ty
- | C.Prod (name,so,ta) ->
- remove_prods ~subst ((name,(C.Decl so))::context) ta
- | _ -> assert false
+ let metasenv, subst =
+ unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context
+ (C.Meta (i,l)) lambda_Mj swap
- let is_prop =
- match remove_prods ~subst [] ty with
- | C.Sort C.Prop -> true
- | _ -> false
+ let metasenv, subst =
+ unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap
- (* if not (Ref.eq ref1 ref2) then
- raise (Uncertain (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2))
- else*)
- let metasenv, subst =
- unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context outtype1 outtype2 swap in
- let metasenv, subst =
- try unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context term1 term2 swap
- with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ when is_prop ->
- metasenv, subst
- in
- (try
- List.fold_left2
- (fun (metasenv,subst) t1 t2 ->
- unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap)
- (metasenv, subst) pl1 pl2
- with Invalid_argument _ -> assert false)
- | (C.Implicit _, _) | (_, C.Implicit _) -> assert false
- | _ when norm1 && norm2 ->
- if (could_reduce t1 || could_reduce t2) then
- raise (Uncertain (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2))
- else
- raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2))
- | _ -> raise (KeepReducing (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2))
- (*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn
- in
- let fo_unif test_eq_only metasenv subst (norm1,t1 as nt1) (norm2,t2 as nt2)=
- try fo_unif test_eq_only metasenv subst nt1 nt2
- with
- UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ when not norm1 || not norm2 ->
- raise (KeepReducing (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2))
- in
- let try_hints metasenv subst (_,t1 as mt1) (_,t2 as mt2) (* exc*) =
- if NCicUntrusted.metas_of_term status subst context t1 = [] &&
- NCicUntrusted.metas_of_term status subst context t2 = []
- then None
- else begin
- (*D*) inside 'H'; try let rc =
- pp(lazy ("\nProblema:\n" ^
- ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst ~context t1 ^ " =?= " ^
- ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst ~context t2));
- let candidates =
- NCicUnifHint.look_for_hint status metasenv subst context t1 t2
- in
- let rec cand_iter = function
- | [] -> None (* raise exc *)
- | (metasenv,(c1,c2),premises)::tl ->
- pp (lazy ("\nProvo il candidato:\n" ^
- String.concat "\n"
- (List.map
- (fun (a,b) ->
- ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst ~context a ^ " =?= " ^
- ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst ~context b) premises) ^
- "\n-------------------------------------------\n"^
- ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst ~context c1 ^ " = " ^
- ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst ~context c2));
- try
- (*D*) inside 'K'; try let rc =
- let metasenv,subst =
- fo_unif test_eq_only metasenv subst mt1 (false,c1) in
- let metasenv,subst =
- fo_unif test_eq_only metasenv subst (false,c2) mt2 in
- let metasenv,subst =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (metasenv, subst) (x,y) ->
- unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context x y false)
- (metasenv, subst) (List.rev premises)
- in
- pp(lazy("FUNZIONA!"));
- Some (metasenv, subst)
- (*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn
- with
- KeepReducing _ | UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ -> cand_iter tl
- | KeepReducingThis _ -> assert false
- in
- cand_iter candidates
- (*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn
- end
- in
- let put_in_whd m1 m2 =
- NCicReduction.reduce_machine status ~delta:max_int ~subst context m1,
- NCicReduction.reduce_machine status ~delta:max_int ~subst context m2
- in
- let fo_unif_w_hints test_eq_only metasenv subst (_,t1 as m1) (_,t2 as m2) =
- try fo_unif test_eq_only metasenv subst m1 m2
- with
- | UnificationFailure _ as exn -> raise exn
- | KeepReducing _ | Uncertain _ as exn ->
- let (t1,norm1 as tm1),(t2,norm2 as tm2) =
- put_in_whd (0,[],t1,[]) (0,[],t2,[])
- in
- match
- try_hints metasenv subst
- (norm1,NCicReduction.unwind status t1) (norm2,NCicReduction.unwind status t2)
+ (try
+ let name, ctx, term, ty = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in
+ let term = eta_reduce status subst term in
+ let subst = List.filter (fun (j,_) -> j <> i) subst in
+ metasenv, ((i, (name, ctx, term, ty)) :: subst)
+ with Not_found -> assert false))
+ | _, NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (_,_) :: _) ->
+ fo_unif0 during_delift status (not swap) test_eq_only metasenv subst context m2 m1
+ | (C.Appl (hd1::tl1), C.Appl (hd2::tl2)) ->
+ let metasenv,subst =
+ fo_unif0 during_delift status swap test_eq_only metasenv subst context
+ (false,hd1) (false,hd2) in
+ let relevance =
+ match hd1 with
+ | C.Const r -> NCicEnvironment.get_relevance status r
+ | _ -> [] in
+ let metasenv, subst, _ =
+ try
+ List.fold_left2
+ (fun (metasenv, subst, relevance) t1 t2 ->
+ let b, relevance =
+ match relevance with b::tl -> b,tl | _ -> true, [] in
+ let metasenv, subst =
+ try unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2
+ swap
+ with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ when not b ->
+ metasenv, subst
+ in
+ metasenv, subst, relevance)
+ (metasenv, subst, relevance) tl1 tl2
- | Some x -> x
- | None ->
- match exn with
- | KeepReducing msg -> raise (KeepReducingThis (msg,tm1,tm2))
- | Uncertain _ as exn -> raise exn
- | _ -> assert false
- in
+ Invalid_argument _ ->
+ raise (Uncertain (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2))
+ | KeepReducing _ | KeepReducingThis _ -> assert false
+ in
+ metasenv, subst
+ | (C.Match (Ref.Ref (_,Ref.Ind (_,tyno,_)) as ref1,outtype1,term1,pl1),
+ C.Match (ref2,outtype2,term2,pl2)) when Ref.eq ref1 ref2 ->
+ let _,_,itl,_,_ = NCicEnvironment.get_checked_indtys status ref1 in
+ let _,_,ty,_ = List.nth itl tyno in
+ let rec remove_prods ~subst context ty =
+ let ty = NCicReduction.whd status ~subst context ty in
+ match ty with
+ | C.Sort _ -> ty
+ | C.Prod (name,so,ta) ->
+ remove_prods ~subst ((name,(C.Decl so))::context) ta
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let is_prop =
+ match remove_prods ~subst [] ty with
+ | C.Sort C.Prop -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ (* if not (Ref.eq ref1 ref2) then
+ raise (Uncertain (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2))
+ else*)
+ let metasenv, subst =
+ unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context outtype1 outtype2 swap in
+ let metasenv, subst =
+ try unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context term1 term2 swap
+ with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ when is_prop ->
+ metasenv, subst
+ in
+ (try
+ List.fold_left2
+ (fun (metasenv,subst) t1 t2 ->
+ unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap)
+ (metasenv, subst) pl1 pl2
+ with Invalid_argument _ -> assert false)
+ | (C.Implicit _, _) | (_, C.Implicit _) -> assert false
+ | _ when norm1 && norm2 ->
+ if (could_reduce status ~subst context t1 || could_reduce status ~subst context t2) then
+ raise (Uncertain (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2))
+ else
+ raise (UnificationFailure (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2))
+ | _ -> raise (KeepReducing (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2))
+ (*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn
+and try_hints status swap test_eq_only metasenv subst context (_,t1 as mt1) (_,t2 as mt2) (* exc*) =
+ if NCicUntrusted.metas_of_term status subst context t1 = [] &&
+ NCicUntrusted.metas_of_term status subst context t2 = []
+ then None
+ else begin
+(*D*) inside 'H'; try let rc =
+ pp(lazy ("\nProblema:\n" ^
+ ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst ~context t1 ^ " =?= " ^
+ ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst ~context t2));
+ let candidates =
+ NCicUnifHint.look_for_hint status metasenv subst context t1 t2
+ in
+ let rec cand_iter = function
+ | [] -> None (* raise exc *)
+ | (metasenv,(c1,c2),premises)::tl ->
+ pp (lazy ("\nProvo il candidato:\n" ^
+ String.concat "\n"
+ (List.map
+ (fun (a,b) ->
+ ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst ~context a ^ " =?= " ^
+ ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst ~context b) premises) ^
+ "\n-------------------------------------------\n"^
+ ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst ~context c1 ^ " = " ^
+ ppterm status ~metasenv ~subst ~context c2));
+ try
+(*D*) inside 'K'; try let rc =
+ let metasenv,subst =
+ fo_unif false status swap test_eq_only metasenv subst context mt1 (false,c1) in
+ let metasenv,subst =
+ fo_unif false status swap test_eq_only metasenv subst context (false,c2) mt2 in
+ let metasenv,subst =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (metasenv, subst) (x,y) ->
+ unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context x y false)
+ (metasenv, subst) (List.rev premises)
+ in
+ pp(lazy("FUNZIONA!"));
+ Some (metasenv, subst)
+ (*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn
+ with
+ KeepReducing _ | UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ -> cand_iter tl
+ | KeepReducingThis _ -> assert false
+ in
+ cand_iter candidates
+ (*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn
+ end
+and fo_unif during_delift status swap test_eq_only metasenv subst context (norm1,t1 as nt1) (norm2,t2 as nt2)=
+ try fo_unif0 during_delift status swap test_eq_only metasenv subst context nt1 nt2
+ with
+ UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ when not norm1 || not norm2 ->
+ raise (KeepReducing (mk_msg status metasenv subst context t1 t2))
+and unify status test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 swap =
+ (*D*) inside 'U'; try let rc =
let fo_unif_heads_and_cont_or_unwind_and_hints
test_eq_only metasenv subst m1 m2 cont hm1 hm2
and makes unification stronger, but looks not frequent to me
that heads unify but not the arguments and that an hints can fix
that *)
- try fo_unif test_eq_only metasenv subst m1 m2, cont
+ try fo_unif false status swap test_eq_only metasenv subst context m1 m2, cont
| UnificationFailure _
| KeepReducing _ | Uncertain _ as exn ->
let (t1,norm1),(t2,norm2) = hm1, hm2 in
- try_hints metasenv subst
+ try_hints status swap test_eq_only metasenv subst context
(norm1,NCicReduction.unwind status t1) (norm2,NCicReduction.unwind status t2)
| Some x -> x, fun x -> x
let t1 = NCicReduction.from_stack ~delta:max_int t1 in
let t2 = NCicReduction.from_stack ~delta:max_int t2 in
- unif_machines metasenv subst (put_in_whd t1 t2)
+ unif_machines metasenv subst (put_in_whd status subst context t1 t2)
with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ when not b ->
metasenv, subst
| UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ when (not (norm1 && norm2))
-> unif_machines metasenv subst (small_delta_step ~subst m1 m2)
| UnificationFailure msg
- when could_reduce (NCicReduction.unwind status (fst m1))
- || could_reduce (NCicReduction.unwind status (fst m2))
+ when could_reduce status ~subst context (NCicReduction.unwind status (fst m1))
+ || could_reduce status ~subst context (NCicReduction.unwind status (fst m2))
-> raise (Uncertain msg)
(*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn
- try fo_unif_w_hints test_eq_only metasenv subst (false,t1) (false,t2)
+ try fo_unif_w_hints false status swap test_eq_only metasenv subst context (false,t1) (false,t2)
| KeepReducingThis (msg,tm1,tm2) ->
let lc = List.rev args @ mk_irl (List.length context) (List.length args+1) in
let (metasenv, subst), t =
- NCicMetaSubst.delift status
- ~unify:(fun m s c t1 t2 ->
- let ind = !indent in
- let res =
- try Some (unify status false m s c t1 t2 false)
- with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ -> None
- in
- indent := ind; res)
- metasenv subst context 0 (0,NCic.Ctx lc) t
+ NCicMetaSubst.delift status ~unify:(unify_for_delift status)
+ metasenv subst context (-1) (0,NCic.Ctx lc) t
NCicMetaSubst.MetaSubstFailure _
| NCicMetaSubst.Uncertain _ -> (metasenv, subst), t