* http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
-let debug_print = fun _ -> ()
+ let debug_print = prerr_endline
+(* let debug_print = fun _ -> () *)
(* Da rimuovere, solo per debug*)
let print_context ctx =
-(** splits a list of goals in three groups: closed propositional goals,
- open propositional goals and non proposotional goals *)
-let split proof l =
- let _,metasenv,_,_ = proof in
- List.fold_left
- (fun (c,o,z,n) g ->
- try
- let (_, ey, ty) = CicUtil.lookup_meta g metasenv in
- let ty_sort,u =
- CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv ey ty CicUniv.empty_ugraph in
- let b,_ =
- CicReduction.are_convertible ey (Cic.Sort Cic.Prop) ty_sort u in
- if b then
- (if CicUtil.is_meta_closed ty then
- (g::c,o,z,n)
- else
- (c,g::o,z,n))
- else (c,o,z,g::n)
- with
- CicUtil.Meta_not_found _ -> (c,o,g::z,n)
- )
- ([],[],[],[]) l
-let my_weight dbd sign proof g =
- let res =
- search_theorems_in_context (proof,g) in
- (* @
- (List.map snd (MetadataQuery.experimental_hint
- ~dbd ~facts:false ?signature:sign (proof,g))) in *)
- List.fold_left
- (fun n (_,(_,l)) -> n+(List.length l)+1)
- 0 res
-let add_weight dbd sign proof =
- List.map (function g -> (g,my_weight dbd sign proof g))
-(* let reorder_goals dbd sign proof goals =
- List.rev goals *)
-(* let reorder_goals dbd sign proof goals =
- let (c,o,z,n) = split proof goals
- in c@o@n@z *)
-let reorder_goals dbd sign proof goals =
- let (c,o,z,n) = split proof goals in
- match o with
- [] -> c@n@z
- | [g] ->c@[g]@n@z
- | l ->
- let l' = add_weight dbd sign proof l in
- c@(List.map fst (List.sort (fun (_,x) (_,y) -> x - y) l'))@n@z
let compare_goals proof goal1 goal2 =
let _,metasenv,_,_ = proof in
[] (* the empty list means no choices, i.e. failure *)
| No _
| NotYetInspected ->
- (*
debug_print ("CURRENT GOAL = " ^ (CicPp.ppterm ty));
debug_print ("CURRENT PROOF = " ^ (CicPp.ppterm p));
debug_print ("CURRENT HYP = " ^ (fst (print_context ey)));
- *)
let sign, new_sign =
if is_meta_closed then
None, Some (MetadataConstraints.signature_of ty)
search_theorems_in_context dbd
proof goal (depth-1) new_sign in
- let global_choices = [] in
+ let global_choices =
(fun status ->
List.map snd
~dbd ~facts:facts ?signature:sign status))
- dbd proof goal (depth-1) new_sign in *)
+ dbd proof goal (depth-1) new_sign in
let all_choices =
local_choices@global_choices in
let sorted_choices =
| (subst,(proof, (goal,0)::_, _))::tl ->
auto_new dbd width already_seen_goals tl
| (subst,(proof, goals, _))::tl when
- (List.length goals) > width+1 ->
+ (List.length goals) > width ->
auto_new dbd width already_seen_goals tl
| (subst,(proof, (goal,depth)::gtl, sign))::tl ->
- let maxdepthgoals,othergoals =
- let rec aux acc =
- function
- (g,d)::l when d=depth -> aux (g::acc) l
- |l -> (acc,l) in
- aux [goal] gtl in
let _,metasenv,p,_ = proof in
- let len1 = List.length maxdepthgoals in
- let maxdepthgoals = reorder_goals dbd sign proof maxdepthgoals in
- let len2 = List.length maxdepthgoals in
- match maxdepthgoals with
- [] -> debug_print
- ("caso sospetto " ^ (string_of_int (List.length othergoals)) ^ " " ^ string_of_int depth);
- auto_new dbd
- width already_seen_goals((subst,(proof, othergoals, sign))::tl)
- | goal::tgs ->
- let gtl = (List.map (fun x->(x,depth)) tgs)@othergoals in
- begin
- let meta_inf =
- try
- let (_, ey ,ty) =
- CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
- Some (ey,ty)
- with _ -> None
- in
- match meta_inf with
- | Some (ey,ty) ->
- begin
- match (auto_single dbd proof goal ey ty depth
- (width - (List.length gtl) - (len1-len2)) sign already_seen_goals)
- with
- [] -> auto_new dbd width already_seen_goals tl
- | (local_subst,(proof,[],sign))::tl1 ->
- let new_subst f t = f (subst t) in
- let is_meta_closed = CicUtil.is_meta_closed ty in
- let all_choices =
- if is_meta_closed then
- (new_subst local_subst,(proof,gtl,sign))::tl
- else
- let tl2 =
- (List.map
- (function (f,(p,l,s)) -> (new_subst f,(p,l@gtl,s))) tl1)
- in
- (new_subst local_subst,(proof,gtl,sign))::tl2@tl in
- auto_new dbd width already_seen_goals all_choices
- | _ -> assert false
- end
- | None -> debug_print "caso none";
- auto_new
- dbd width already_seen_goals ((subst,(proof, gtl, sign))::tl)
- end
+ let (_, ey ,ty) = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
+ match (auto_single dbd proof goal ey ty depth
+ (width - (List.length gtl)) sign already_seen_goals)
+ with
+ [] -> auto_new dbd width already_seen_goals tl
+ | (local_subst,(proof,[],sign))::tl1 ->
+ let new_subst f t = f (subst t) in
+ let is_meta_closed = CicUtil.is_meta_closed ty in
+ let all_choices =
+ if is_meta_closed then
+ (new_subst local_subst,(proof,gtl,sign))::tl
+ else
+ let tl2 =
+ (List.map
+ (function (f,(p,l,s)) -> (new_subst f,(p,l@gtl,s))) tl1)
+ in
+ (new_subst local_subst,(proof,gtl,sign))::tl2@tl in
+ auto_new dbd width already_seen_goals all_choices
+ | _ -> assert false
+ ;;
let default_depth = 5
let default_width = 3