| Some t,Some (_,C.Def (ct,_)) ->
CicUnification.fo_unif_subst subst context metasenv t ct
- with _ -> raise (NotRefinable (sprintf "The local context is not consistent with the canonical context, since %s cannot be unified with %s" (CicMetaSubst.ppterm subst t) (CicMetaSubst.ppterm subst ct))))
+ with e -> raise (NotRefinable (sprintf "The local context is not consistent with the canonical context, since %s cannot be unified with %s. Reason: %s" (CicMetaSubst.ppterm subst t) (CicMetaSubst.ppterm subst ct) (match e with CicUnification.AssertFailure msg -> msg | _ -> (Printexc.to_string e)))))
| Some t,Some (_,C.Decl ct) ->
let inferredty,subst',metasenv' =
type_of_aux subst metasenv context t
subst' context metasenv' inferredty ct
- with _ -> raise (NotRefinable (sprintf "The local context is not consistent with the canonical context, since the type %s of %s cannot be unified with the expected type %s" (CicMetaSubst.ppterm subst' inferredty) (CicMetaSubst.ppterm subst' t) (CicMetaSubst.ppterm subst' ct))))
+ with e -> raise (NotRefinable (sprintf "The local context is not consistent with the canonical context, since the type %s of %s cannot be unified with the expected type %s. Reason: %s" (CicMetaSubst.ppterm subst' inferredty) (CicMetaSubst.ppterm subst' t) (CicMetaSubst.ppterm subst' ct) (match e with CicUnification.AssertFailure msg -> msg | _ -> (Printexc.to_string e)))))
| None, Some _ ->
raise (NotRefinable (sprintf
"Not well typed metavariable instance %s: the local context does not instantiate an hypothesis even if the hypothesis is not restricted in the canonical context %s"