exception Unbound_identifier of string
exception Invalid_action of string (* invalid action for "/search" method *)
+ (** raised by elim when a MutInd is required but not found *)
+exception Not_a_MutInd
let daemon_name = "Moogle"
let configuration_file = "/projects/helm/etc/moogle.conf.xml"
let page_RE = Pcre.regexp "¶m\\.page=\\d+"
+let identifier_RE = Pcre.regexp "^\\s*\\w+\\s*$"
let query_kind_of_req (req: Http_types.request) =
match req#path with
let exec_action dbd (req: Http_types.request) outchan =
let term_str = req#param "expression" in
- let (context, metasenv) = ([], []) in
- let id_to_uris_raw =
- try req#param "aliases"
- with Http_types.Param_not_found _ -> ""
- in
- let parse_interpretation_choices choices =
- List.map int_of_string (Pcre.split ~pat:" " choices) in
- let parse_choices choices_raw =
- let choices = Pcre.split ~pat:";" choices_raw in
- List.fold_left
- (fun f x ->
- match Pcre.split ~pat:"\\s" x with
- | ""::id::tail
- | id::tail when id<>"" ->
- (fun id' ->
- if id = id' then
- Some (List.map (fun u -> Netencoding.Url.decode u) tail)
- else
- f id')
- | _ -> failwith "Can't parse choices")
- (fun _ -> None)
- choices
- in
- let id_to_uris = CicTextualParser2.EnvironmentP3.of_string id_to_uris_raw in
- let id_to_choices =
- try
- parse_choices (req#param "choices")
- with Http_types.Param_not_found _ -> (fun _ -> None)
- in
- let interpretation_choices =
- try
- let choices_raw = req#param "interpretation_choices" in
- if choices_raw = "" then None
- else Some (parse_interpretation_choices choices_raw)
- with Http_types.Param_not_found _ -> None
- in
- let module Chat: DisambiguateTypes.Callbacks =
- struct
- let interactive_user_uri_choice ~selection_mode ?ok
- ?enable_button_for_non_vars ~(title: string) ~(msg: string)
- ~(id: string) (choices: string list)
- =
- match id_to_choices id with
- | Some choices -> choices
- | None -> List.filter nonvar choices
+ try
+ if req#path = "/elim" && not (Pcre.pmatch ~rex:identifier_RE term_str) then
+ raise Not_a_MutInd;
+ let (context, metasenv) = ([], []) in
+ let id_to_uris_raw =
+ try req#param "aliases"
+ with Http_types.Param_not_found _ -> ""
+ in
+ let parse_interpretation_choices choices =
+ List.map int_of_string (Pcre.split ~pat:" " choices) in
+ let parse_choices choices_raw =
+ let choices = Pcre.split ~pat:";" choices_raw in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun f x ->
+ match Pcre.split ~pat:"\\s" x with
+ | ""::id::tail
+ | id::tail when id<>"" ->
+ (fun id' ->
+ if id = id' then
+ Some (List.map (fun u -> Netencoding.Url.decode u) tail)
+ else
+ f id')
+ | _ -> failwith "Can't parse choices")
+ (fun _ -> None)
+ choices
+ in
+ let id_to_uris = CicTextualParser2.EnvironmentP3.of_string id_to_uris_raw in
+ let id_to_choices =
+ try
+ parse_choices (req#param "choices")
+ with Http_types.Param_not_found _ -> (fun _ -> None)
+ in
+ let interpretation_choices =
+ try
+ let choices_raw = req#param "interpretation_choices" in
+ if choices_raw = "" then None
+ else Some (parse_interpretation_choices choices_raw)
+ with Http_types.Param_not_found _ -> None
+ in
+ let module Chat: DisambiguateTypes.Callbacks =
+ struct
+ let interactive_user_uri_choice ~selection_mode ?ok
+ ?enable_button_for_non_vars ~(title: string) ~(msg: string)
+ ~(id: string) (choices: string list)
+ =
+ match id_to_choices id with
+ | Some choices -> choices
+ | None -> List.filter nonvar choices
- let interactive_interpretation_choice interpretations =
- match interpretation_choices with
- | Some l -> l
- | None ->
- let html_interpretations =
- MooglePp.html_of_interpretations interpretations
- in
- Http_daemon.send_basic_headers ~code:(`Code 200) outchan ;
- Http_daemon.send_CRLF outchan ;
- let advanced =
- try
- req#param "advanced"
- with Http_types.Param_not_found _ -> "no"
- in
- let query_kind = query_kind_of_req req in
- iter_file
- (fun line ->
- let processed_line =
- apply_substs
- [ tag "SEARCH_ENGINE_URL", my_own_url;
- tag "ADVANCED", advanced;
- tag "INTERPRETATIONS", html_interpretations;
- tag "CURRENT_CHOICES", req#param "choices";
- tag "EXPRESSION", html_encode (req#param "expression");
- tag "QUERY_KIND", query_kind;
- tag "QUERY_SUMMARY", "disambiguation";
- tag "ACTION", string_tail req#path ]
- line
- in
- output_string outchan (processed_line ^ "\n"))
- choices_TPL;
- raise Chat_unfinished
+ let interactive_interpretation_choice interpretations =
+ match interpretation_choices with
+ | Some l -> l
+ | None ->
+ let html_interpretations =
+ MooglePp.html_of_interpretations interpretations
+ in
+ Http_daemon.send_basic_headers ~code:(`Code 200) outchan ;
+ Http_daemon.send_CRLF outchan ;
+ let advanced =
+ try
+ req#param "advanced"
+ with Http_types.Param_not_found _ -> "no"
+ in
+ let query_kind = query_kind_of_req req in
+ iter_file
+ (fun line ->
+ let processed_line =
+ apply_substs
+ [ tag "SEARCH_ENGINE_URL", my_own_url;
+ tag "ADVANCED", advanced;
+ tag "INTERPRETATIONS", html_interpretations;
+ tag "CURRENT_CHOICES", req#param "choices";
+ tag "EXPRESSION", html_encode (req#param "expression");
+ tag "QUERY_KIND", query_kind;
+ tag "QUERY_SUMMARY", "disambiguation";
+ tag "ACTION", string_tail req#path ]
+ line
+ in
+ output_string outchan (processed_line ^ "\n"))
+ choices_TPL;
+ raise Chat_unfinished
- let input_or_locate_uri ~title ?id () =
- match id with
- | Some id -> raise (Unbound_identifier id)
- | None -> assert false
- end
- in
- let module Disambiguate' = Disambiguate.Make(Chat) in
- let ast = CicTextualParser2.parse_term (Stream.of_string term_str) in
- let (id_to_uris, metasenv, term) =
- match
- Disambiguate'.disambiguate_term dbd context metasenv ast id_to_uris
- with
- | [id_to_uris,metasenv,term,_] -> id_to_uris,metasenv,term
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let uris =
- match req#path with
- | "/match" -> MetadataQuery.match_term ~dbd term
- | "/hint" ->
- let status = ProofEngineTypes.initial_status term metasenv in
- let intros = PrimitiveTactics.intros_tac () in
- let subgoals = ProofEngineTypes.apply_tactic intros status in
- (match subgoals with
- | proof, [goal] ->
- let (uri,metasenv,bo,ty) = proof in
- List.map fst (MetadataQuery.hint ~dbd (proof, goal))
- | _ -> assert false)
- | "/elim" ->
- let uri =
- match term with
- | Cic.MutInd (uri, typeno, _) ->
- UriManager.string_of_uriref (uri, [typeno])
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- MetadataQuery.elim ~dbd uri
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- send_results ~id_to_uris (`Results uris) req outchan
+ let input_or_locate_uri ~title ?id () =
+ match id with
+ | Some id -> raise (Unbound_identifier id)
+ | None -> assert false
+ end
+ in
+ let module Disambiguate' = Disambiguate.Make(Chat) in
+ let ast = CicTextualParser2.parse_term (Stream.of_string term_str) in
+ let (id_to_uris, metasenv, term) =
+ match
+ Disambiguate'.disambiguate_term dbd context metasenv ast id_to_uris
+ with
+ | [id_to_uris,metasenv,term,_] -> id_to_uris,metasenv,term
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let uris =
+ match req#path with
+ | "/match" -> MetadataQuery.match_term ~dbd term
+ | "/hint" ->
+ let status = ProofEngineTypes.initial_status term metasenv in
+ let intros = PrimitiveTactics.intros_tac () in
+ let subgoals = ProofEngineTypes.apply_tactic intros status in
+ (match subgoals with
+ | proof, [goal] ->
+ let (uri,metasenv,bo,ty) = proof in
+ List.map fst (MetadataQuery.hint ~dbd (proof, goal))
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | "/elim" ->
+ let uri =
+ match term with
+ | Cic.MutInd (uri, typeno, _) ->
+ UriManager.string_of_uriref (uri, [typeno])
+ | _ -> raise Not_a_MutInd
+ in
+ MetadataQuery.elim ~dbd uri
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ send_results ~id_to_uris (`Results uris) req outchan
+ with
+ | Not_a_MutInd ->
+ send_results (`Error (MooglePp.pp_error "Not an inductive type"
+ ("elim requires as input an identifier corresponding to an inductive"
+ ^ " type")))
+ req outchan
let callback dbd (req: Http_types.request) outchan =
| Http_types.Param_not_found attr_name ->
bad_request (sprintf "Parameter '%s' is missing" attr_name) outchan
| CicTextualParser2.Parse_error (_, msg) ->
- send_results (`Error (MooglePp.pp_error "Parse_error" msg)) req outchan
+ send_results (`Error (MooglePp.pp_error "Parse error" msg)) req outchan
| Unbound_identifier id ->
send_results (`Error (MooglePp.pp_error "Unbound identifier" id)) req