inherit Interpretations.g_status
inherit TermContentPres.g_status
- inherit CicNotationParser.g_status
method lstatus: lexicon_status
inherit Interpretations.status
inherit TermContentPres.status
- inherit CicNotationParser.status ~keywords:[]
val lstatus = initial_status
method lstatus = lstatus
method set_lstatus v = {< lstatus = v >}
method set_lexicon_engine_status : 'status. #g_status as 'status -> 'self
- = fun o -> (((self#set_lstatus o#lstatus)#set_interp_status o)#set_content_pres_status o)#set_notation_parser_status o
+ = fun o -> ((self#set_lstatus o#lstatus)#set_interp_status o)#set_content_pres_status o
inherit Interpretations.g_status
inherit TermContentPres.g_status
- inherit CicNotationParser.g_status
method lstatus: lexicon_status
inherit g_status
inherit Interpretations.status
inherit TermContentPres.status
- inherit CicNotationParser.status
method set_lstatus: lexicon_status -> 'self
method set_lexicon_engine_status: #g_status -> 'self
|--> auto
|--> eq
|--> lexicon
- |--> notation_parser
- |--> interpretation
- | |--> nciccoercion --> unif_hint
+ |--> interpretation --> nciccoercion --> unif_hint
|--> termcontentpres
- |
- |-> interpretation -> nciccoercion
- | |
- | unif_hint
- |
- |-> termcontentpres
(* $Id$ *)
-class status =
- object
- inherit Interpretations.status
- inherit TermContentPres.status
- end
let mpres_document pres_box =
Xml.add_xml_declaration (CicNotationPres.print_box pres_box)
(* *)
-class status :
- object ('self)
- inherit Interpretations.status
- inherit TermContentPres.status
- end
val ntxt_of_cic_sequent:
- map_unicode_to_tex:bool -> int -> #status ->
+ map_unicode_to_tex:bool -> int -> #LexiconTypes.status ->
NCic.metasenv -> NCic.substitution -> (* metasenv, substitution *)
int * NCic.conjecture -> (* sequent *)
string (* text *)
val ntxt_of_cic_object:
- map_unicode_to_tex:bool -> int -> #status -> NCic.obj -> string
+ map_unicode_to_tex:bool -> int -> #LexiconTypes.status -> NCic.obj -> string
(** load a sequent and render it into parent widget *)
method nload_sequent:
- #ApplyTransformation.status -> NCic.metasenv -> NCic.substitution -> int -> unit
+ #LexiconTypes.status -> NCic.metasenv -> NCic.substitution -> int -> unit
- method load_nobject: #ApplyTransformation.status -> NCic.obj -> unit
+ method load_nobject: #LexiconTypes.status -> NCic.obj -> unit
class type sequentsViewer =
method load_logo_with_qed: unit
method nload_sequents: #NTacStatus.tac_status -> unit
method goto_sequent:
- #ApplyTransformation.status -> int -> unit (* to be called _after_ load_sequents *)
+ #LexiconTypes.status -> int -> unit (* to be called _after_ load_sequents *)
method cicMathView: cicMathView
val mutable current_mathml = None
method nload_sequent:
- 'status. #ApplyTransformation.status as 'status -> NCic.metasenv ->
+ 'status. #LexiconTypes.status as 'status -> NCic.metasenv ->
NCic.substitution -> int -> unit
= fun status metasenv subst metano ->
let sequent = List.assoc metano metasenv in
self#load_root ~root:txt
method load_nobject :
- 'status. #ApplyTransformation.status as 'status -> NCic.obj -> unit
+ 'status. #LexiconTypes.status as 'status -> NCic.obj -> unit
= fun status obj ->
let txt = ApplyTransformation.ntxt_of_cic_object ~map_unicode_to_tex:false
80 status obj in
self#render_page status ~page ~goal_switch))
method private render_page:
- 'status. #ApplyTransformation.status as 'status -> page:int ->
+ 'status. #LexiconTypes.status as 'status -> page:int ->
goal_switch:Stack.switch -> unit
= fun status ~page ~goal_switch ->
(match goal_switch with
List.assoc goal_switch goal2win ()
with Not_found -> assert false)
- method goto_sequent: 'status. #ApplyTransformation.status as 'status -> int -> unit
+ method goto_sequent: 'status. #LexiconTypes.status as 'status -> int -> unit
= fun status goal ->
let goal_switch, page =