confirm_projection status ref
status in
- let ti,ci,n,vkn= extract_fixpoint_common uri height fix_or_cofix ifl in
- let types = Array.make n (Tdummy Kother)
- and terms = Array.make n MLdummy in
+ let ti,ci,_,vkn= extract_fixpoint_common uri height fix_or_cofix ifl in
current_fixpoints := Some uri;
- let status = ref status in
- for i = 0 to n-1 do
- if sort_of !status [] ti.(i) <> InProp then begin
- let status',e,t = extract_std_constant !status vkn.(i) ci.(i) ti.(i) in
- status := status';
- terms.(i) <- e;
- types.(i) <- t;
- end
- done;
- let status = !status in
+ let status,res = array_mapi_status status
+ (fun status i _ ->
+ let _,head = split_all_prods status ~subst:[] [] ti.(i) in
+ match head with
+ NCic.Sort _ ->
+ (*let n = type_scheme_nb_args status [] typ in*)
+ (*let ids = iterate (fun l -> anonymous_name::l) n [] in*)
+ let ids = [] in
+ status,`Type (Dtype (vkn.(i), ids, Tunknown))
+ | _ ->
+ if sort_of status [] ti.(i) <> InProp then
+ let status,e,t = extract_std_constant status vkn.(i) ci.(i) ti.(i) in
+ status,`Some (e,t)
+ else
+ status,`None
+ ) ti in
+ let axioms,terms,types =
+ Array.fold_right
+ (fun x ((axioms,terms,types) as res) ->
+ match x with
+ `None -> res
+ | `Some (t,ty) -> axioms,t::terms,ty::types
+ | `Type decl -> decl::axioms,terms,types
+ ) res ([],[],[]) in
current_fixpoints := None;
- status,Dfix (vkn, terms, types)
+ status,axioms @ [Dfix (vkn, Array.of_list terms, Array.of_list types)]
let extract_fixpoint_spec status uri height fix_or_cofix ifl =
let ti,_,_,vkn= extract_fixpoint_common uri height fix_or_cofix ifl in
| Some _ -> NReference.Def height
in NReference.reference_of_spec uri spec
- extract_constant status r bo typ
+ let status,res = extract_constant status r bo typ in
+ status,[res]
| NCic.Inductive (inductive,leftno,types,(_,ind_pragma)) ->
let status,res =
extract_inductive status uri inductive ind_pragma leftno types
- status,Dind res
+ status,[Dind res]
| NCic.Fixpoint (fix_or_cofix,ifl,(_,_,def_pragma)) ->
extract_fixpoint status uri height fix_or_cofix
(def_pragma = `Projection) ifl
- status, if logical_decl decl then None else Some decl
+ status, List.filter (fun decl -> not (logical_decl decl)) decl
let extract_spec status (uri,height,metasenv,subst,obj_kind) =