1) fixed many bugs and added support for implicit detection in
cic -> declarative
2) added a tactic to find a proof rewriting n times with a given universe
used instead of auto_paramodulation in the declarative language
(here you know that 1 rewriting step with that lemma is enough)
3) added ESCAPE to sql queries using LIKE, to make sqlite and mysql compatible
conclude_aux ?skip_initial_lambdas_internal conclude in
let ann_concl =
@@ -286,11+321,14 @@ and proof2pres ?skip_initial_lambdas is_top_down term2pres p =
|| conclude.Con.conclude_method = "TD_Conversion"
- else if omit_conclusion then B.Text([],"done.")
+ else if omit_conclusion then
+ B.H([], [B.b_kw "done" ; B.Text([],".") ])
else B.b_hv []
- ((if not is_top_down || omit_dot then [make_concl "we proved" concl; B.Text([],if not is_top_down then "(previous)" else "")] else [B.Text([],"done")]) @ if not omit_dot then [B.Text([],".")] else [])
+ ((if not is_top_down || omit_dot then [make_concl "we proved"
+ concl; B.Text([],if not is_top_down then "(previous)" else "")]
+ else [B.b_kw "done"]) @ if not omit_dot then [B.Text([],".")] else [])