try String.sub s i j with Invalid_argument _ -> assert false
let heading_nl_RE = Pcre.regexp "^\\s*\n\\s*"
-let heading_nl_RE' = Pcre.regexp "^(\\s*\n\\s*)(.*)"
let only_dust_RE = Pcre.regexp "^(\\s|\n|%%[^\n]*\n)*$"
let multiline_RE = Pcre.regexp "^\n[^\n]+$"
let newline_RE = Pcre.regexp "\n"
String.sub s 0 nl_pos
with Not_found -> s
+let prepend_text header base =
+ if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:heading_nl_RE base then
+ sprintf "\n%s%s" header base
+ else
+ sprintf "\n%s\n%s" header base
(** creates a statement AST for the Goal tactic, e.g. "goal 7" *)
let goal_ast n =
let module A = GrafiteAst in
let parsed_text_length = String.length parsed_text in
let loc, ex =
- match st with TA.Executable (loc,ex) -> loc, ex | _ -> assert false in
- let initial_space,parsed_text =
- try
- let pieces = Pcre.extract ~rex:heading_nl_RE' parsed_text in
- pieces.(1), pieces.(2)
- with
- Not_found -> "", parsed_text in
- (* we add the goal command if needed *)
- let inital_space,new_status,new_status_and_text_list' =
+ match st with TA.Executable (loc,ex) -> loc, ex | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let goal_changed = ref false in
+ let status =
match status.proof_status with
| Incomplete_proof (_, goal) when goal <> user_goal ->
- let status =
+ goal_changed := true;
MatitaEngine.eval_ast ~include_paths:include_
- ~do_heavy_checks:true status (goal_ast user_goal) in
- let initial_space =
- if initial_space = "" then "\n" else initial_space
- in
- "\n", status,
- [status, initial_space ^ TAPp.pp_tactic (TA.Goal (loc, user_goal))]
- | _ -> initial_space,status,[] in
+ ~do_heavy_checks:true status (goal_ast user_goal)
+ | _ -> status
+ in
let new_status =
- ~include_paths:include_ ~do_heavy_checks:true new_status st
+ ~include_paths:include_ ~do_heavy_checks:true status st
let new_aliases =
match ex with
| _ -> MatitaSync.alias_diff ~from:status new_status
(* we remove the defined object since we consider them "automatic aliases" *)
- let initial_space,status,new_status_and_text_list_rev =
+ let new_aliases =
let module DTE = DisambiguateTypes.Environment in
let module UM = UriManager in
DTE.fold (
- fun k ((v,_) as value) (initial_space,status,acc) ->
+ fun k ((v,_) as value) acc ->
let b =
let v = UM.strip_xpointer (UM.uri_of_string v) in
with UM.IllFormedUri _ -> false
if b then
- initial_space,status,acc
+ acc
- let new_text =
- let initial_space =
- if initial_space = "" then "\n" else initial_space in
- initial_space ^
- DisambiguatePp.pp_environment(DTE.add k value DTE.empty) in
- let new_status =
- {status with aliases = DTE.add k value status.aliases}
- in
- "\n",new_status,((new_status, new_text)::acc)
- ) new_aliases (initial_space,status,[]) in
- let parsed_text = initial_space ^ parsed_text in
- let res =
- List.rev new_status_and_text_list_rev @ new_status_and_text_list' @
- [new_status, parsed_text]
+ DTE.add k value acc
+ ) new_aliases DTE.empty
+ in
+ let new_text =
+ if DisambiguateTypes.Environment.is_empty new_aliases then
+ parsed_text
+ else
+ prepend_text (DisambiguatePp.pp_environment new_aliases)
+ parsed_text
+ in
+ let new_text =
+ if !goal_changed then
+ prepend_text
+ (TAPp.pp_tactic (TA.Goal (loc, user_goal))(* ^ "\n"*))
+ new_text
+ else
+ new_text
- res,parsed_text_length
+ [ new_status, new_text ], parsed_text_length
let eval_with_engine guistuff status user_goal parsed_text st =