| C.Prod (n,s,t) ->
let n' = mk_fresh_name metasenv context n ~typ:s in
let (context',ty,bo) =
- collect_context ((Some (n',(C.Decl s)))::context) (howmany - 1) do_whd t
+ let ctx = (Some (n',(C.Decl s)))::context in
+ collect_context ctx (howmany - 1) do_whd t
| C.LetIn (n,s,t) ->
TC.type_of_aux' metasenv' context eliminator_ref ugraph in
(* FG: ADDED PART ***********************************************************)
(* FG: we can not assume eliminator is the default eliminator ***************)
let add_lambdas n t =
let rec aux n t =
if n <= 0 then t
aux n (S.lift n t)
let rec args_init n f =
if n <= 0 then [] else f n :: args_init (pred n) f
| _, C.Appl (C.Rel i :: _) when i > 1 && i <= args_no -> i
| _ -> raise NotAnEliminator
let _, lambdas = PEH.split_with_whd (List.nth splits pred_pos) in
let termty_ty =
let termty_ty,_ugraph = TC.type_of_aux' metasenv' context termty ugraph in
CicReduction.whd context termty_ty
let metasenv', term, pred, upto = match cpatt, termty_ty with
| C.Implicit (Some `Hole), _
List.map (function (_,cty) -> aux paramsno context cty) cl
| _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let _,right_args =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun x (n,acc) -> if n > 0 then (n-1,x::acc) else (n,acc))
+ args (List.length args - paramsno, [])
let outtype =
- let target =
- C.Lambda (C.Name "fixme",C.Implicit None,
- ProofEngineReduction.replace_lifting
+ let n_lambdas = List.length right_args + 1 in
+ let lifted_ty = CicSubstitution.lift n_lambdas ty in
+ let replace = ProofEngineReduction.replace_lifting
- ~what:[CicSubstitution.lift (paramsno+1) term]
- ~with_what:[C.Rel (paramsno+1)]
- ~where:(CicSubstitution.lift (paramsno+1) ty))
- let rec add_lambdas =
- function
- 0 -> target
- | n -> C.Lambda (C.Name "fixme",C.Implicit None,add_lambdas (n-1))
+ let captured_ty =
+ let what =
+ List.map (CicSubstitution.lift n_lambdas) (right_args@[term])
+ in
+ let with_what =
+ let rec mkargs = function
+ | 0 -> []
+ | 1 -> [Cic.Rel 1]
+ | n -> (Cic.Implicit None)::(mkargs (n-1))
+ in
+ mkargs n_lambdas
+ in
+ replace ~what ~with_what ~where:lifted_ty
+ in
+ let captured_term_ty =
+ let term_ty = CicSubstitution.lift (n_lambdas-1) termty in
+ let rec mkrels = function 0 -> []|n -> (Cic.Rel n)::(mkrels (n-1)) in
+ let rec fstn acc l n =
+ if n = 0 then acc else fstn (acc@[List.hd l]) (List.tl l) (n-1)
+ in
+ match term_ty with
+ | C.MutInd _ -> term_ty
+ | C.Appl ((C.MutInd (a,b,c))::args) ->
+ C.Appl ((C.MutInd (a,b,c))::
+ fstn [] args paramsno @ mkrels (n_lambdas -1))
+ | _ -> raise NotAnInductiveTypeToEliminate
+ in
+ let rec add_lambdas = function
+ | 0 -> captured_ty
+ | 1 ->
+ C.Lambda (C.Name "matched", captured_term_ty, (add_lambdas 0))
+ | n ->
+ C.Lambda (C.Name ("right_"^(string_of_int (n-1))),
+ C.Implicit None, (add_lambdas (n-1)))
- add_lambdas (count_prods context itty - paramsno)
+ add_lambdas n_lambdas
let term_to_refine =
C.MutCase (uri,typeno,outtype,term,patterns)