(* $Id$ *)
+exception DisambiguationError of
+ int *
+ ((Stdpp.location list * string * string) list *
+ (DisambiguateTypes.domain_item * string) list *
+ (Stdpp.location * string) Lazy.t * bool) list list
open Printf
let debug = false;;
set_aliases pass (try_pass pass)
with Disambiguate.NoWellTypedInterpretation (offset,newerrors) ->
- raise (GrafiteDisambiguator.DisambiguationError (offset, errors @ [newerrors])))
+ raise (DisambiguationError (offset, errors @ [newerrors])))
| hd :: tl ->
set_aliases hd (try_pass hd)
(* $Id$ *)
+exception DisambiguationError of
+ int *
+ ((Stdpp.location list * string * string) list *
+ (DisambiguateTypes.domain_item * string) list *
+ (Stdpp.location * string) Lazy.t * bool) list list
val disambiguate_term :
context:NCic.context ->
metasenv:NCic.metasenv ->