exception LRefNotFound of B.message
type machine = {
+ i: int;
c: B.context;
s: B.term list
type ho_whd_result =
| Sort of int
+ | GRef of U.uri * B.term list
| Abst of B.term
type ac_result = (int * NUri.uri * Bag.term list) list option
(* Internal functions *******************************************************)
+let term_of_whdr = function
+ | Sort_ h -> B.Sort h
+ | LRef_ (i, _) -> B.LRef i
+ | GRef_ (_, uri, _) -> B.GRef uri
+ | Bind_ (l, id, w, t) -> B.bind_abst l id w t
let level = 5
let error i = raise (LRefNotFound (L.items1 (string_of_int i)))
-let empty_machine = {c = B.empty_context; s = []}
-let contents f c m =
- let f gl ges = B.contents (f gl ges) m.c in
- B.contents f c
+let empty_machine = {i = 0; c = B.empty_context; s = []}
-let unwind_to_context f c m = B.append f c m.c
+let inc m = {m with i = succ m.i}
let unwind_to_term f m t =
let map f t (l, id, b) = f (B.Bind (l, id, b, t)) in
| None -> error i
let f c = B.get f c i in
- unwind_to_context f c m
+ B.append f c m.c
let push f c m l id w =
assert (m.s = []);
begin match m.s with
| [] -> f m (Bind_ (l, id, w, t))
| v :: tl ->
- let f mc = whd f c {c = mc; s = tl} t in
+ let f mc = whd f c {m with c = mc; s = tl} t in
B.push f m.c l id (B.Abbr (B.Cast (w, v)))
| B.Bind (l, id, b, t) ->
let rec ho_whd f c m x =
let aux m = function
- | Sort_ h -> f c (Sort h)
- | Bind_ (_, _, w, _) ->
- let f c = f c (Abst w) in unwind_to_context f c m
- | LRef_ (_, Some w) -> ho_whd f c m w
- | GRef_ (_, _, B.Abst u) -> ho_whd f c m u
- | GRef_ (_, _, B.Abbr t) -> ho_whd f c m t
- | LRef_ (_, None) -> assert false
- | GRef_ (_, _, B.Void) -> assert false
+ | Sort_ h -> f (Sort h)
+ | Bind_ (_, _, w, _) ->
+ let f w = f (Abst w) in unwind_to_term f m w
+ | LRef_ (_, Some w) -> ho_whd f c m w
+ | GRef_ (_, uri, B.Abst w) ->
+ let f = function
+ | Abst _ as r -> f r
+ | GRef _ as r -> f r
+ | Sort _ ->
+ let f vs = f (GRef (uri, vs)) in unwind_stack f m
+ in
+ ho_whd f c m w
+ | GRef_ (_, _, B.Abbr v) -> ho_whd f c m v
+ | LRef_ (_, None) -> assert false
+ | GRef_ (_, _, B.Void) -> assert false
whd aux c m x
let ho_whd f c t =
- let f c r = L.unbox level; f c r in
+ let f r = L.unbox level; f r in
L.box level; L.log O.specs level (L.ct_items1 "Now scanning" c t);
ho_whd f c empty_machine t
let rec are_convertible f xl c m1 t1 m2 t2 =
- let rec aux m1 r1 m2 r2 = match r1, r2 with
+ let rec aux m1 r1 m2 r2 =
+ let u, t = term_of_whdr r1, term_of_whdr r2 in
+ L.log O.specs level (L.ct_items2 "Now really converting" c u "and" c t);
+ match r1, r2 with
| Sort_ h1, Sort_ h2 ->
if h1 = h2 then f xl else f None
| LRef_ (i1, _), LRef_ (i2, _) ->
whd (aux_rev m2 r2) c m1 v1
| Bind_ (l1, id1, w1, t1), Bind_ (l2, id2, w2, t2) ->
let f xl =
- let h c = S.subst (are_convertible f xl c m1 t1 m2) l1 l2 t2 in
+ let h c =
+ let m1, m2 = inc m1, inc m2 in
+ S.subst (are_convertible f xl c m1 t1 m2) l1 l2 t2
+ in
if xl = None then f xl else push h c m1 l1 id1 w1
are_convertible f xl c m1 w1 m2 w2
(* we detect the AUT-QE reduction rule for type/prop inclusion *)
- | GRef_ (_, uri, B.Abst _), Bind_ (l2, _, _, _) ->
- let g vs = insert f l2 uri vs xl in
+ | GRef_ (_, uri, B.Abst _), Bind_ (l1, _, _, _) ->
+ let g vs = insert f l1 uri vs xl in
if U.eq uri I.imp then unwind_stack g m1 else
+ if U.eq uri I.all then unwind_stack g m1 else
begin L.warn (U.string_of_uri uri); f None end
| _ -> f None
and aux_rev m2 r2 m1 r1 = aux m1 r1 m2 r2 in
add f v
| B.Bind (l, _, _, _) when i = l ->
if U.eq uri I.imp then f (mk_gref I.mt (vs @ [x])) else
+ if U.eq uri I.all then f (mk_gref I.alli (vs @ [x])) else
assert false
| B.Bind (l, id, B.Abst w, t) ->
let f ww =
let f cc = b_type_of f g cc t in
B.push f c l id B.Void
| B.Appl (v, t) ->
- let h xv vv xt tt cc = function
- | R.Sort _ -> error1 "not a function" c xt
- | R.Abst w ->
+ let f xv vv xt tt = function
+ | R.Abst w ->
L.box (succ level);
- L.log O.specs (succ level) (L.ct_items1 "Just scanned" cc w);
+ L.log O.specs (succ level) (L.ct_items1 "Just scanned" c w);
L.unbox (succ level);
let f = function
- | Some l -> f (S.sh2 v xv t xt x B.appl) (B.appl xv tt)
- | None -> error2 "the term" cc xv "must be of type" cc w
+ | Some [] -> f (S.sh2 v xv t xt x B.appl) (B.appl xv tt)
+ | Some l ->
+ L.log O.specs level (L.items1 "Rechecking coerced term");
+ let f xv = b_type_of f g c (S.sh2 v xv t xt x B.appl) in
+ add_coercions f xv l
+ | None -> error2 "The term" c xv "must be of type" c w
- R.are_convertible f cc w vv
- in
- let f xv vv xt = function
-(* inserting a missing "modus ponens" *)
- | B.Appl (y2, B.Appl (y1, B.GRef uri)) when U.eq uri I.imp ->
- b_type_of f g c (mk_gref I.mp [y1; y2; xv; xt])
- | B.Appl (y1, B.GRef uri) when U.eq uri I.not ->
- b_type_of f g c (mk_gref I.mp [y1; B.GRef I.con; xv; xt])
- | tt -> R.ho_whd (h xv vv xt tt) c tt
+ R.are_convertible f c w vv
+(* inserting a missing "modus ponens" *)
+ | R.GRef (uri, vs) when U.eq uri I.imp ->
+ L.log O.specs level (L.items1 "Rechecking coerced term");
+ b_type_of f g c (mk_gref I.mp (vs @ [xv; xt]))
+ | R.GRef (uri, vs) when U.eq uri I.all ->
+ L.log O.specs level (L.items1 "Rechecking coerced term");
+ b_type_of f g c (mk_gref I.alle (vs @ [xv; xt]))
+ | _ ->
+ error1 "not a function" c xt
+ let f xv vv xt tt = R.ho_whd (f xv vv xt tt) c tt in
let f xv vv = b_type_of (f xv vv) g c t in
type_of f g c v
| B.Cast (u, t) ->
let f xu xt = function
| Some [] -> f (S.sh2 u xu t xt x B.cast) xu
| Some l ->
- let f xt = type_of f g c (S.sh2 u xu t xt x B.cast) in
+ L.log O.specs level (L.items1 "Rechecking coerced term");
+ let f xt = b_type_of f g c (S.sh2 u xu t xt x B.cast) in
add_coercions f xt l
- | None -> error2 "the term" c xt "must be of type" c xu
+ | None -> error2 "The term" c xt "must be of type" c xu
let f xu xt tt = R.are_convertible (f xu xt) c xu tt in
let f xu _ = b_type_of (f xu) g c t in