-(* Copyright (C) 2004, HELM Team.
+(* Copyright (C) 2004-2005, HELM Team.
* This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
* Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
exception Malformed_key of string
exception Key_not_found of string
exception Cyclic_definition of string
-exception Type_error of string * string * string (* expected type, value, msg *)
+exception Type_error of string (* expected type, value, msg *)
exception Parse_error of string * int * int * string (* file, line, col, msg *)
exception Invalid_value of (string * string) * string (* key, value, descr *)
-type validator_id = int
-let get_next_validator_id =
- let next_id = ref 0 in
- fun () ->
- incr next_id;
- !next_id
-let validators = Hashtbl.create magic_size
(* root XML tag: used by save_to, ignored by load_from *)
let root_tag = "helm_registry"
let backup_registry registry = Hashtbl.copy registry
let restore_registry backup registry =
Hashtbl.clear registry;
- Hashtbl.iter (fun key value -> Hashtbl.replace registry key value) backup
+ Hashtbl.iter (fun key value -> Hashtbl.add registry key value) backup
(* as \\w but:
* - no sequences of '_' longer than 1 are permitted
Str.split spaces_rex (Str.global_replace heading_spaces_rex "" s)
let merge l = String.concat " " l
+let handle_type_error f x =
+ try f x with exn -> raise (Type_error (Printexc.to_string exn))
+ (** marshallers/unmarshallers *)
+let string x = x
+let int = handle_type_error int_of_string
+let float = handle_type_error float_of_string
+let bool = handle_type_error bool_of_string
+let of_string x = x
+let of_int = handle_type_error string_of_int
+let of_float = handle_type_error string_of_float
+let of_bool = handle_type_error string_of_bool
(* escapes for xml configuration file *)
let (escape, unescape) =
let (in_enc, out_enc) = (`Enc_utf8, `Enc_utf8) in
if not (Str.string_match valid_key_rex key 0) then
raise (Malformed_key key)
-let value_is_valid ~key ~value =
- List.iter
- (fun (validator, descr) ->
- if not (validator value) then
- raise (Invalid_value ((key, value), descr)))
- (Hashtbl.find_all validators key)
let set' registry ~key ~value =
debug_print (sprintf "Setting %s = %s" key value);
key_is_valid key;
-(* value_is_valid ~key ~value; *)
- Hashtbl.replace registry key value
+ Hashtbl.add registry key value
let unset registry = Hashtbl.remove registry
let env_var_of_key = Str.global_replace dot_rex "__"
+let singleton = function
+ | [] ->
+ raise (Type_error ("empty list value found where singleton was expected"))
+ | hd :: _ -> hd
let get registry key =
let rec aux stack key =
key_is_valid key;
let msg = (String.concat " -> " (List.rev stack)) ^ " -> " ^ key in
raise (Cyclic_definition msg)
- let registry_value = (* internal value *)
- try
- Some (Hashtbl.find registry key)
- with Not_found -> None
- in
+ (* internal value *)
+ let registry_values = List.rev (Hashtbl.find_all registry key) in
let env_value = (* environment value *)
Some (Sys.getenv (env_var_of_key key))
with Not_found -> None
- let value = (* resulting value *)
- match (registry_value, env_value) with
- | Some reg, Some env -> env
- | Some reg, None -> reg
- | None, Some env -> env
- | None, None -> raise (Key_not_found key)
+ let values = (* resulting value *)
+ match registry_values, env_value with
+ | _, Some env -> [env]
+ | [], None -> raise (Key_not_found key)
+ | values, None -> values
- interpolate (key :: stack) value
+ List.map (interpolate (key :: stack)) values
and interpolate stack value =
Str.global_substitute interpolated_key_rex
(fun s ->
let matched = Str.matched_string s in
(* "$(var)" -> "var" *)
let key = String.sub matched 2 (String.length matched - 3) in
- aux stack key)
+ singleton (aux stack key))
- strip_blanks (aux [] key)
+ List.map strip_blanks (aux [] key)
let set registry = set' registry
let has registry key = Hashtbl.mem registry key
-let mk_get_set type_name
- (from_string: string -> 'a) (to_string: 'a -> string)
- =
- let getter registry key =
- let value = get registry key in
- try
- from_string value
- with exn ->
- raise (Type_error (type_name, value, Printexc.to_string exn))
- in
- let setter registry ~key ~value =
- set registry ~key ~value:(to_string value)
- in
- (getter, setter)
+let get_typed registry unmarshaller key =
+ let value = singleton (get registry key) in
+ unmarshaller value
-let (get_string, set_string) = (get, set)
-let (get_int, set_int) = mk_get_set "int" int_of_string string_of_int
-let (get_float, set_float) = mk_get_set "float" float_of_string string_of_float
-let (get_bool, set_bool) = mk_get_set "bool" bool_of_string string_of_bool
-let (get_string_list, set_string_list) = mk_get_set "string list" split merge
+let set_typed registry marshaller ~key ~value =
+ set registry ~key ~value:(marshaller value)
-let get_opt registry getter key =
+let get_opt registry unmarshaller key =
- Some (getter registry key)
+ Some (unmarshaller (singleton (get registry key)))
with Key_not_found _ -> None
-let set_opt registry setter ~key ~value =
- match value with
- | None -> unset registry key
- | Some value -> setter registry ~key ~value
-let get_opt_default registry getter default key =
- match get_opt registry getter key with
+let get_opt_default registry unmarshaller ~default key =
+ match get_opt registry unmarshaller key with
| None -> default
| Some v -> v
-let add_validator ~key ~validator ~descr =
- let id = get_next_validator_id () in
- Hashtbl.add validators key (validator, descr);
- id
+let set_opt registry marshaller ~key ~value =
+ match value with
+ | None -> unset registry key
+ | Some value -> set registry ~key ~value:(marshaller value)
+let get_list registry unmarshaller key =
+ try
+ List.map unmarshaller (get registry key)
+ with Key_not_found _ -> []
+let set_list registry marshaller ~key ~value =
+ List.iter (fun v -> set registry ~key ~value:(marshaller v)) value
type xml_tree =
| Cdata of string
Xml.pp_to_outchan token_stream oc;
close_out oc
-(* PXP version *)
-(*open Pxp_dtd*)
-(*open Pxp_document*)
-(*open Pxp_types*)
-(*open Pxp_yacc*)
-(*let save_to =*)
-(* let dtd = new dtd PxpHelmConf.pxp_config.warner `Enc_utf8 in*)
-(* let create_key_node key value = |+ create a <key name="foo">value</key> +|*)
-(* let element =*)
-(* create_element_node ~valcheck:false PxpHelmConf.pxp_spec dtd*)
-(* "key" ["name", key]*)
-(* in*)
-(* let data = create_data_node PxpHelmConf.pxp_spec dtd value in*)
-(* element#append_node data;*)
-(* element*)
-(* in*)
-(* let is_section name =*)
-(* fun node ->*)
-(* match node#node_type with*)
-(* | T_element "section" ->*)
-(* (try node#attribute "name" = Value name with Not_found -> false)*)
-(* | _ -> false*)
-(* in*)
-(* let add_key_node root sections key value =*)
-(* let rec aux node = function*)
-(* | [] ->*)
-(* let key_node = create_key_node key value in*)
-(* node#append_node key_node*)
-(* | section :: tl ->*)
-(* let next_node =*)
-(* try*)
-(* find ~deeply:false (is_section section) node*)
-(* with Not_found ->*)
-(* let section_node =*)
-(* create_element_node ~valcheck:false PxpHelmConf.pxp_spec dtd*)
-(* "section" ["name", section]*)
-(* in*)
-(* node#append_node section_node;*)
-(* section_node*)
-(* in*)
-(* aux next_node tl*)
-(* in*)
-(* aux root sections*)
-(* in*)
-(* fun registry fname ->*)
-(* let xml_root =*)
-(* create_element_node ~valcheck:false PxpHelmConf.pxp_spec dtd*)
-(* "helm_registry" []*)
-(* in*)
-(* Hashtbl.iter*)
-(* (fun key value ->*)
-(* let sections, key =*)
-(* let hd, tl =*)
-(* match List.rev (Str.split dot_RE key) with*)
-(* | hd :: tl -> hd, tl*)
-(* | _ -> assert false*)
-(* in*)
-(* List.rev tl, hd*)
-(* in*)
-(* add_key_node xml_root sections key value)*)
-(* registry;*)
-(* let outfile = open_out fname in*)
-(* Unix.lockf (Unix.descr_of_out_channel outfile) Unix.F_LOCK 0; |+ blocks +|*)
-(* if*)
-(* Unix.system "xmllint --version &> /dev/null" = Unix.WEXITED 0*)
-(* then begin*)
-(* let (xmllint_in, xmllint_out) =*)
-(* Unix.open_process "xmllint --format --encode utf8 -"*)
-(* in*)
-(* xml_root#write (`Out_channel xmllint_out) `Enc_utf8;*)
-(* close_out xmllint_out;*)
-(* try*)
-(* while true do*)
-(* output_string outfile (input_line xmllint_in ^ "\n")*)
-(* done*)
-(* with End_of_file ->*)
-(* close_in xmllint_in;*)
-(* ignore (Unix.close_process (xmllint_in, xmllint_out))*)
-(* end else*)
-(* xml_root#write (`Out_channel outfile) `Enc_utf8;*)
-(* Unix.lockf (Unix.descr_of_out_channel outfile) Unix.F_ULOCK 0;*)
-(* close_out outfile*)
-(* PXP version *)
-(*let load_from_absolute =*)
-(* let config = PxpHelmConf.pxp_config in*)
-(* let entry = `Entry_document [ `Extend_dtd_fully; `Parse_xml_decl ] in*)
-(* let fold_key key_stack key =*)
-(* match key_stack with*)
-(* | [] -> key*)
-(* | _ -> String.concat "." key_stack ^ "." ^ key*)
-(* in*)
-(* fun registry fname ->*)
-(* debug_print ("Loading configuration from " ^ fname);*)
-(* let document =*)
-(* parse_wfdocument_entity config (from_file fname) PxpHelmConf.pxp_spec*)
-(* in*)
-(* let rec aux key_stack node =*)
-(* node#iter_nodes (fun n ->*)
-(* try*)
-(* (match n#node_type with*)
-(* | T_element "section" ->*)
-(* let section = n#required_string_attribute "name" in*)
-(* aux (key_stack @ [section]) n*)
-(* | T_element "key" ->*)
-(* let key = n#required_string_attribute "name" in*)
-(* let value = n#data in*)
-(* set registry ~key:(fold_key key_stack key) ~value*)
-(* | _ -> ())*)
-(* with exn ->*)
-(* let (fname, line, pos) = n#position in*)
-(* raise (Parse_error (fname, line, pos,*)
-(* "Uncaught exception: " ^ Printexc.to_string exn)))*)
-(* in*)
-(* let backup = backup_registry registry in*)
-(* Hashtbl.clear registry;*)
-(* try*)
-(* aux [] document#root*)
-(* with exn ->*)
-(* restore_registry backup registry;*)
-(* raise exn*)
-(* XmlPushParser version *)
let load_from_absolute registry fname =
- let path = ref [] in (* <section> elements entered so far *)
+ let path = ref [] in (* <section> elements entered so far *)
let in_key = ref false in (* have we entered a <key> element? *)
+ let cdata = ref "" in (* collected cdata (inside <key> *)
let push_path name = path := name :: !path in
let pop_path () = path := List.tl !path in
let start_element tag attrs =
let end_element tag =
match tag with
| "section" -> pop_path ()
- | "key" -> in_key := false; pop_path ()
+ | "key" ->
+ let key = String.concat "." (List.rev !path) in
+ set registry ~key ~value:!cdata;
+ cdata := "";
+ in_key := false;
+ pop_path ()
| "helm_registry" -> ()
| _ -> assert false
let character_data text =
- if !in_key then
- let key = String.concat "." (List.rev !path) in
- let value =
- if Hashtbl.mem registry key then
- Hashtbl.find registry key ^ text
- else
- text
- in
- set registry ~key ~value
+ if !in_key then cdata := !cdata ^ text
let callbacks = {
XmlPushParser.default_callbacks with
load_from_absolute registry fname
let fold registry ?prefix ?(interpolate = true) f init =
- let value_of k v = if interpolate then get registry k else strip_blanks v in
+ let value_of k v =
+ if interpolate then singleton (get registry k) else strip_blanks v
+ in
match prefix with
| None -> Hashtbl.fold (fun k v acc -> f acc k (value_of k v)) registry init
| Some s ->
(list_uniq (List.sort Pervasives.compare sections), keys)
-(** {2 OO interface} *)
-class registry ?path fname =
- object (self)
- val _registry = Hashtbl.create magic_size
- initializer load_from _registry ?path fname
- method get = get _registry
- method set = set _registry
- method has = has _registry
- method unset = unset _registry
- method fold:
- 'a.
- ?prefix:string -> ?interpolate: bool ->
- ('a -> string -> string -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
- =
- fun ?prefix ?interpolate f init ->
- fold _registry ?prefix ?interpolate f init
- method iter = iter _registry
- method to_list = to_list _registry
- method ls = ls _registry
- method get_string = get_string _registry
- method get_int = get_int _registry
- method get_float = get_float _registry
- method get_bool = get_bool _registry
- method get_string_list = get_string_list _registry
- method set_string = set_string _registry
- method set_int = set_int _registry
- method set_float = set_float _registry
- method set_bool = set_bool _registry
- method set_string_list = set_string_list _registry
- method get_opt: 'a. (string -> 'a) -> string -> 'a option =
- fun getter key ->
- try Some (getter key) with Key_not_found _ -> None
- method set_opt:
- 'a. (key:string -> value:'a -> unit) -> key:string -> value:'a option ->
- unit
- =
- fun setter ~key ~value ->
- match value with
- | None -> self#unset key
- | Some value -> setter ~key ~value
- method get_opt_default: 'a. (string -> 'a) -> 'a -> string -> 'a =
- fun getter default key ->
- match self#get_opt getter key with
- | None -> default
- | Some v -> v
- method save_to = save_to _registry
-(* method load_from = load_from _registry *)
- end
(** {2 API implementation}
* functional methods above are wrapped so that they work on a default
* (imperative) registry*)
let default_registry = Hashtbl.create magic_size
-let get = get default_registry
+let get key = singleton (get default_registry key)
let set = set default_registry
let has = has default_registry
let fold ?prefix ?interpolate f init =
let iter = iter default_registry
let to_list = to_list default_registry
let ls = ls default_registry
-let get_string = get_string default_registry
-let get_int = get_int default_registry
-let get_float = get_float default_registry
-let get_bool = get_bool default_registry
-let get_string_list = get_string_list default_registry
-let set_string = set_string default_registry
-let set_int = set_int default_registry
-let set_float = set_float default_registry
-let set_bool = set_bool default_registry
-let set_string_list = set_string_list default_registry
-let get_opt getter key = try Some (getter key) with Key_not_found _ -> None
-let set_opt setter ~key ~value =
- match value with
- | None -> unset default_registry key
- | Some value -> setter ~key ~value
+let get_typed unmarshaller = get_typed default_registry unmarshaller
+let get_opt unmarshaller = get_opt default_registry unmarshaller
+let get_opt_default unmarshaller = get_opt_default default_registry unmarshaller
+let get_list unmarshaller = get_list default_registry unmarshaller
+let set_typed marshaller = set_typed default_registry marshaller
+let set_opt unmarshaller = set_opt default_registry unmarshaller
+let set_list marshaller = set_list default_registry marshaller
let unset = unset default_registry
-let get_opt_default getter default key =
- match get_opt getter key with
- | None -> default
- | Some v -> v
let save_to = save_to default_registry
let load_from = load_from default_registry
+let get_string = get_typed string
+let get_int = get_typed int
+let get_float = get_typed float
+let get_bool = get_typed bool
+let set_string = set_typed of_string
+let set_int = set_typed of_int
+let set_float = set_typed of_float
+let set_bool = set_typed of_bool
-(* Copyright (C) 2004, HELM Team.
+(* Copyright (C) 2004-2005, HELM Team.
* This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
* Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
* @param msg brief description of the definition cycle *)
exception Cyclic_definition of string
- (** raised when a looked up key doesn't have the required type
- * @param expected_type
- * @param value
- * @param msg *)
-exception Type_error of string * string * string
+ (** raised when a looked up key doesn't have the required type, parameter is
+ * an error message *)
+exception Type_error of string
(** raised when a malformed key is encountered
* @param key malformed key *)
* parsing of an integer number from ; strings list to the splitting at blanks
* of it (heading and trailing blanks are removed before splitting) *)
-val get_string: string -> string (* alias for bare "get" above *)
-val get_int: string -> int
-val get_float: string -> float
-val get_bool: string -> bool
-val get_string_list: string -> string list
- (* alias for bare "set" above *)
-val set_string: key:string -> value:string -> unit
-val set_int: key:string -> value:int -> unit
-val set_float: key:string -> value:float -> unit
-val set_bool: key:string -> value:bool -> unit
-val set_string_list: key:string -> value:string list -> unit
-(** {3 Optional values interface}
- * Functions below took as first argument respectively a "getter" and a "setter"
- * function. A getter is one of the get_* function above, a setter is one of the
- * set_* function above. Returned value is a get (set) function typed as the
- * given getter (setter) whith optional values. None is returned for missing
- * keys and None can be assigned to a key removing it from the registry.
- *
- * Sample usage:
- *
- * match Helm_registry.get_opt Helm_registry.get_int "foo.bar" with
- * | Some i -> ...
- * | None -> ...
- *)
+(** {3 Unmarshallers} *)
-val get_opt:
- (string -> 'a) (* getter *) ->
- string -> 'a option
-val set_opt:
- (key:string -> value:'a -> unit) (* setter *) ->
- key:string -> value:'a option -> unit
-val get_opt_default: (* as get_opt with an additional default value *)
- (string -> 'a) -> 'a -> string -> 'a
-(** {2 Validators}
- * Each key may have zero or more associated validators, that are predicates
- * "this value is valid for this key". Each time a value is set, all validators
- * associated to the corresponding key are executed, if at least one of them
- * fails, Invalid_value exception will be raised *)
-type validator_id
- (** register a new validator for a given key
- * @param key key to which validator applies
- * @param validator a function applying to a value returning true if that
- * value is valid, false otherwise
- * @param descr validator description, for the final user when a validation
- * attempt fails
- * @return validator_id should be used to remove the validator later on *)
-val add_validator:
- key:string -> validator:(string -> bool) -> descr:string ->
- validator_id
-val remove_validator: validator_id -> unit
-(** {2 Persistent configuration}
- * Validators aren't saved. load_from/save_to sequences don't preserve comments
- *)
+val string: string -> string
+val int: string -> int
+val float: string -> float
+val bool: string -> bool
+(** {3 Typed getters} *)
+ (** like get, with an additional unmarshaller
+ * @param unmarshaller conversion function from string to the desired type.
+ * Use one of the above unmarshallers *)
+val get_typed: (string -> 'a) -> string -> 'a
+val get_opt: (string -> 'a) -> string -> 'a option
+val get_opt_default: (string -> 'a) -> default:'a -> string -> 'a
+ (** never fails with Key_not_found, instead return the empty list *)
+val get_list: (string -> 'a) -> string -> 'a list
+(** {4 Shorthands} *)
+val get_string: string -> string
+val get_int: string -> int
+val get_float: string -> float
+val get_bool: string -> bool
- (** @param fname file to which save current configuration
- * If xmllint is available then it will be used for pretty printing fname,
- * otherwise fname will be in the usual pxp ugly format *)
+(** {3 Marshallers} *)
+val of_string: string -> string
+val of_int: int -> string
+val of_float: float -> string
+val of_bool: bool -> string
+(** {3 Typed setters} *)
+ (** like set, with an additional marshaller
+ * @param marshaller conversion function to string.
+ * Use one of the above marshallers *)
+val set_typed: ('a -> string) -> key:string -> value:'a -> unit
+val set_opt: ('a -> string) -> key:string -> value:'a option -> unit
+val set_list: ('a -> string) -> key:string -> value:'a list -> unit
+(** {4 Shorthands} *)
+val set_string: key:string -> value:string -> unit
+val set_int: key:string -> value:int -> unit
+val set_float: key:string -> value:float -> unit
+val set_bool: key:string -> value:bool -> unit
+(** {2 Persistent configuration} *)
+ (** @param fname file to which save current configuration *)
val save_to: string -> unit
(** @param fname file from which load new configuration. If it's an absolute
val load_from: ?path:string list -> string -> unit
-(** {2 OO interface} *)
- (** @see load_from *)
-class registry: ?path: string list -> string ->
- object
- method get: string -> string
- method set: key:string -> value:string -> unit
- method has: string -> bool
- method unset: string -> unit
- method fold:
- ?prefix:string -> ?interpolate:bool ->
- ('a -> string -> string -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
- method iter:
- ?prefix:string -> ?interpolate:bool -> (string -> string -> unit) -> unit
- method to_list:
- ?prefix:string -> ?interpolate:bool -> unit -> (string * string) list
- method ls: string -> string list * string list
- method get_string: string -> string
- method get_int: string -> int
- method get_float: string -> float
- method get_bool: string -> bool
- method get_string_list: string -> string list
- method set_string: key:string -> value:string -> unit
- method set_int: key:string -> value:int -> unit
- method set_float: key:string -> value:float -> unit
- method set_bool: key:string -> value:bool -> unit
- method set_string_list: key:string -> value:string list -> unit
- method get_opt:
- (string -> 'a) (* getter *) ->
- string -> 'a option
- method set_opt:
- (key:string -> value:'a -> unit) (* setter *) ->
- key:string -> value:'a option -> unit
- method get_opt_default:
- (string -> 'a) (* getter *) ->
- 'a -> string -> 'a
- method save_to: string -> unit
- end