let obj =
prerr_endline "CSC: here we should fix the height!!!";
- uri,height,[],[],NTacStatus.apply_subst_obj subst obj
+ uri,height,[],[],
+ NCicUntrusted.map_obj_kind (NCicUntrusted.apply_subst subst) obj
NCicLibrary.add_obj uri obj;
{status with
(* CSC: cut&paste code from NQed *)
let obj =
prerr_endline "CSC: here we should fix the height!!!";
- uri,height,[],[],NTacStatus.apply_subst_obj nsubst nobj
+ uri,height,[],[],
+ NCicUntrusted.map_obj_kind (NCicUntrusted.apply_subst nsubst) nobj
NCicLibrary.add_obj uri obj;
{status with
(fun (_,cname,_) j->
- NReference.reference_of_spec u (NReference.Con (i,j,leftno))
+ NReference.reference_of_spec u (NReference.Con (i,j+1,leftno))
) cl @
NReference.reference_of_spec u
NUri.name_of_uri u ^"("^ string_of_int i ^ ")"
| _ -> assert false)
- with NCicLibrary.ObjectNotFound _ -> R.string_of_reference r
+ with
+ | NCicLibrary.ObjectNotFound _
+ | Failure "nth"
+ | Invalid_argument "List.nth" -> R.string_of_reference r
let string_of_implicit_annotation = function
| t -> C.Appl [t ; C.Rel 1]
C.Prod (name,so, aux (liftno+1) ((name,(C.Decl so))::context) cons de)
- | _ -> raise (AssertFailure (lazy "type_of_branch"))
+ | t -> raise (AssertFailure
+ (lazy ("type_of_branch, the contructor has type: " ^ NCicPp.ppterm
+ ~metasenv:[] ~context:[] ~subst:[] t)))
aux 0 context cons tycons
| NCic.Appl l -> NCic.Appl (l@args)
| _ -> NCic.Appl (he::args)
+let map_obj_kind f =
+ function
+ NCic.Constant (relev,name,bo,ty,attrs) ->
+ NCic.Constant (relev,name,HExtlib.map_option f bo, f ty,attrs)
+ | NCic.Fixpoint (ind,fl,attrs) ->
+ let fl =
+ List.map
+ (function (relevance,name,recno,ty,bo) -> relevance,name,recno,f ty,f bo)
+ fl
+ in
+ NCic.Fixpoint (ind,fl,attrs)
+ | NCic.Inductive (is_ind,lno,itl,attrs) ->
+ let itl =
+ List.map
+ (fun (relevance,name,ty,cl) ->
+ let cl =
+ List.map (fun (relevance, name, ty) ->
+ relevance, name, f ty)
+ cl
+ in
+ relevance, name, f ty, cl)
+ itl
+ in
+ NCic.Inductive (is_ind,lno,itl,attrs)
+let apply_subst subst t =
+ let rec apply_subst subst () =
+ function
+ NCic.Meta (i,lc) ->
+ (try
+ let _,_,t,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in
+ let t = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc t in
+ apply_subst subst () t
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ match lc with
+ _,NCic.Irl _ -> NCic.Meta (i,lc)
+ | n,NCic.Ctx l ->
+ NCic.Meta
+ (i,(0,NCic.Ctx
+ (List.map (fun t ->
+ apply_subst subst () (NCicSubstitution.lift n t)) l))))
+ | t -> NCicUtils.map (fun _ () -> ()) () (apply_subst subst) t
+ in
+ apply_subst subst () t
(NCic.hypothesis -> 'k -> 'k) -> 'k ->
('k -> 'a -> NCic.term -> 'a * NCic.term) -> 'a -> NCic.term -> 'a * NCic.term
+val map_obj_kind: (NCic.term -> NCic.term) -> NCic.obj_kind -> NCic.obj_kind
val metas_of_term : NCic.substitution -> NCic.context -> NCic.term -> int list
module NCicHash : Hashtbl.S with type key = NCic.term
val mk_appl : NCic.term -> NCic.term list -> NCic.term
+val apply_subst : NCic.substitution -> NCic.term -> NCic.term
?(localise=fun _ -> Stdpp.dummy_loc)
~look_for_coercion (uri,height,metasenv,subst,obj)
- let check_type metasenv subst (ty as orig_ty) = (* XXX fattorizza *)
+ let check_type metasenv subst context (ty as orig_ty) = (* XXX fattorizza *)
let metasenv, subst, ty, sort =
- typeof hdb ~localise ~look_for_coercion metasenv subst [] ty None
+ typeof hdb ~localise ~look_for_coercion metasenv subst context ty None
let metasenv, subst, ty, sort =
force_to_sort hdb ~look_for_coercion
- metasenv subst [] ty orig_ty localise sort
+ metasenv subst context ty orig_ty localise sort
metasenv, subst, ty, sort
match obj with
| C.Constant (relevance, name, bo, ty , attr) ->
- let metasenv, subst, ty, _ = check_type metasenv subst ty in
+ let metasenv, subst, ty, _ = check_type metasenv subst [] ty in
let metasenv, subst, bo, ty, height =
match bo with
| Some bo ->
let types, metasenv, subst, rev_fl =
(fun (types, metasenv, subst, fl) (relevance,name,k,ty,bo) ->
- let metasenv, subst, ty, _ = check_type metasenv subst ty in
+ let metasenv, subst, ty, _ = check_type metasenv subst [] ty in
let dbo = NCicTypeChecker.debruijn uri len [] bo in
let localise = relocalise localise dbo bo in
(name,C.Decl ty)::types,
let metasenv,subst,rev_itl,tys =
(fun (metasenv,subst,res,ctx) (relevance,n,ty,cl) ->
- let metasenv, subst, ty, _ = check_type metasenv subst ty in
+ let metasenv, subst, ty, _ = check_type metasenv subst [] ty in
metasenv,subst,(relevance,n,ty,cl)::res,(n,NCic.Decl ty)::ctx
) (metasenv,subst,[],[]) itl in
let metasenv,subst,itl,_ =
) (metasenv,subst,[]) sx_context_ty_rev sx_context_te_rev
with Invalid_argument "List.fold_left2" -> assert false
- let metasenv, subst, te, con_sort = check_type metasenv subst te in
+ let metasenv, subst, te, con_sort =
+ check_type metasenv subst context te
+ in
NCicReduction.whd ~subst context con_sort,
NCicReduction.whd ~subst [] ty_sort
(lazy (localise te,
"Non positive occurence in " ^ NUri.string_of_uri uri)))
+ let te =
+ NCicSubstitution.psubst
+ (fun i -> NCic.Const (NReference.reference_of_spec uri
+ (NReference.Ind (ind,i,leftno))))
+ (List.rev (HExtlib.list_seq 0 (List.length itl)))
+ te
+ in
) cl (metasenv,subst,[])
- metasenv,subst,(it_relev,n,ty,cl)::res,i-1
- ) (metasenv,subst,[],List.length rev_itl) rev_itl
+ metasenv,subst,(it_relev,n,ty,cl)::res,i+1
+ ) (metasenv,subst,[],1) rev_itl
uri, height, metasenv, subst, C.Inductive (ind, leftno, itl, attr)
let mk_cic_term c t = None,c,t ;;
-(* CSC: next two functions to be moved elsewhere *)
-let rec apply_subst subst ctx =
- function
- NCic.Meta (i,lc) ->
- (try
- let _,_,t,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in
- let t = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc t in
- apply_subst subst ctx t
- with
- Not_found ->
- match lc with
- _,NCic.Irl _ -> NCic.Meta (i,lc)
- | n,NCic.Ctx l ->
- NCic.Meta
- (i,(0,NCic.Ctx
- (List.map (fun t ->
- apply_subst subst ctx (NCicSubstitution.lift n t)) l))))
- | t -> NCicUtils.map (fun item ctx -> item::ctx) ctx (apply_subst subst) t
-let apply_subst_obj subst =
- function
- NCic.Constant (relev,name,bo,ty,attrs) ->
- NCic.Constant
- (relev,name,HExtlib.map_option (apply_subst subst []) bo,
- apply_subst subst [] ty,attrs)
- | NCic.Fixpoint (ind,fl,attrs) ->
- let fl =
- List.map
- (function (relevance,name,recno,ty,bo) ->
- relevance,name,recno,apply_subst subst [] ty,apply_subst subst [] bo
- ) fl
- in
- NCic.Fixpoint (ind,fl,attrs)
- | _ -> assert false (* not implemented yet *)
let apply_subst status ctx t =
let status, (name,_,t) = relocate status ctx t in
let _,_,_,subst,_ = status.pstatus in
- status, (name, ctx, apply_subst subst ctx t)
+ status, (name, ctx, NCicUntrusted.apply_subst subst t)
val apply_subst:
lowtac_status -> NCic.context -> cic_term -> lowtac_status * cic_term
-(* CSC: this function must be moved elsewhere *)
-val apply_subst_obj: NCic.substitution -> NCic.obj_kind -> NCic.obj_kind
val get_goalty: lowtac_status -> int -> cic_term
val mk_meta:
lowtac_status -> ?name:string -> NCic.context ->