(HExtlib.list_concat ~sep:[ C.Semicolon ]
(List.map (fun t -> [ C.Tactical (C.Tactic t) ]) tactics)))
+(* Tacticals that cannot be implemented on top of tynycals *)
+let const_tac res = PET.mk_tactic (fun _ -> res)
let if_ ~start ~continuation ~fail =
- S.mk_tactic
- (fun istatus ->
- let xostatus =
- try
- let res = C.eval (C.Tactical (C.Tactic start)) istatus in
+ let if_ status =
+ let xoutput =
+ try
+ let result = PET.apply_tactic start status in
info (lazy ("Tacticals.if_: succedeed!!!"));
- Some res
+ Some result
with PET.Fail _ -> None
- match xostatus with
- | Some ostatus ->
- let opened,closed = S.goals ostatus in
- begin match opened with
- | [] -> ostatus
- | _ ->
- fold_eval (S.focus ~-1 ostatus)
- [ C.Semicolon; C.Tactical (C.Tactic continuation) ]
- end
- | None -> C.eval (C.Tactical (C.Tactic fail)) istatus
- )
-(* Tacticals that cannot be implemented on top of tynycals *)
+ let tactic = match xoutput with
+ | Some res -> then_ ~start:(const_tac res) ~continuation
+ | None -> fail
+ in
+ PET.apply_tactic tactic status
+ in
+ PET.mk_tactic if_
let first ~tactics =
let rec first ~(tactics: tactic list) status =
PET.mk_tactic (first ~tactics)
let rec do_tactic ~n ~tactic =
(function status ->