-<script language="JavaScript">
-var locked;
-var unlocked;
-var workarea;
-var scriptcell;
-var goalcell;
-var goals;
-var goalview;
-var filename;
-var logarea;
-var advanceButton;
-var retractButton;
-var cursorButton;
-var bottomButton;
-function initialize()
- locked = document.getElementById("locked");
- unlocked = document.getElementById("unlocked");
- workarea = document.getElementById("workarea");
- scriptcell = document.getElementById("scriptcell");
- goalcell = document.getElementById("goalcell");
- goals = document.getElementById("goals");
- goalview = document.getElementById("goalview");
- filename = document.getElementById("filename");
- logarea = document.getElementById("logarea");
- advanceButton = document.getElementById("advance");
- retractButton = document.getElementById("retract");
- cursorButton = document.getElementById("cursor");
- bottomButton = document.getElementById("bottom");
- // hide sequent view at start
- hideSequent();
-function debug(txt)
- logarea.innerHTML = txt + "\n" + logarea.innerHTML;
-function listhd(l)
- ar = l.split("#");
- debug("hd of '" + l + "' = '" + ar[0] + "'");
- return (ar[0]);
-function listtl(l)
- i = l.indexOf("#");
- tl = l.substr(i+1);
- debug("tl of '" + l + "' = '" + tl + "'");
- return (tl);
-function listcons(x,l)
- debug("cons '" + x + "' on '" + l + "'");
- return (x + "#" + l);
-function listnil()
- return ("");
-function is_nil(l)
- return (l == "");
-function fold_left (f,acc,l)
- if (is_nil(l))
- { debug("'" + l + "' is fold end");
- return (acc); }
- else
- { debug("'" + l + "' is fold cons");
- return(fold_left (f,f(acc,(listhd(l))),listtl(l))); }
-function listiter (f,l)
- if (is_nil(l))
- { debug("'" + l + "' is nil");
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- debug("'" + l + "' is not nil");
- f(listhd(l));
- listiter(f,listtl(l));
- }
-function listmap (f,l)
- debug("listmap on " + l);
- if (is_nil(l))
- { debug("returning listnil");
- return(listnil());
- }
- else
- { debug("cons f(hd) map(f,tl)");
- return(f(listhd(l)) + "#" + listmap(f,listtl(l)));
- }
-var statements = listnil();
-var goalarray;
-var metalist = listnil();
-function pairmap (f,p)
- debug("pairmap of '" + p + "'");
- ar = p.split("|");
- return (f(ar[0],ar[1]));
-function tripletmap (f,p)
- debug("tripletmap of '" + p + "'");
- ar = p.split("|");
- return (f(ar[0],ar[1],ar[2]));
-function fst (p)
- debug("fst");
- return (pairmap (function (a,b) { return (a); }, p));
-function p13 (p)
- debug("p13");
- return (tripletmap (function (a,b,c) { return (a); }, p));
-function p23 (p)
- debug("p23");
- return (tripletmap (function (a,b,c) { return (b); }, p));
-function p33 (p)
- debug("f33");
- return (tripletmap (function (a,b,c) { return (c); }, p));
-function populate_goalarray(txt)
- if (txt == "") {
- try {
- hideSequent();
- } catch (err) { };
- } else {
- showSequent();
- debug("populate with '" + txt + "'");
- goalarray = new Array();
- metalist = listnil();
- var tmp_goallist = "";
- listiter (function(item)
- {
- debug ("item is '" + item + "'");
- tripletmap (function(a,ahtml,b) {
- debug ("found meta n. " + a);
- debug ("found goal\nBEGIN" + unescape(b) + "\nEND");
- goalarray[a] = unescape(b);
- tmp_goallist = " <A href=\"javascript:switch_goal(" + a + ")\">" + unescape(ahtml) + "</A>" + tmp_goallist;
- metalist = listcons(a,metalist);
- debug ("goalarray[\"" + a + "\"] = " + goalarray[a]);
- },item);
- }, txt);
- // metalist = listmap (p13,txt);
- goals.innerHTML = tmp_goallist;
- debug("new metalist is '" + metalist + "'");
- if (is_nil(metalist)) {
- switch_goal();
- }
- else {
- switch_goal(listhd(metalist));
- }
- }
-function switch_goal(meta)
- if (typeof meta == "undefined") {
- goalview.innerHTML = "";
- }
- else {
- debug("switch_goal " + meta + "\n" + goalarray[meta]);
- goalview.innerHTML = "<B>Goal ?" + meta + ":</B>\n\n" + goalarray[meta];
- }
-String.prototype.unescapeHTML = function()
- var patt1 = /<br(\/|)>/gi;
- var patt2 = /</gi;
- var patt3 = />/gi;
- var result = this;
- result = result.replace(patt1,"\n");
- result = result.replace(patt2,"<");
- result = result.replace(patt3,">");
- return (unescape(result));
-function pause()
- advanceButton.disabled = true;
- retractButton.disabled = true;
- cursorButton.disabled = true;
- bottomButton.disabled = true;
-function resume()
- advanceButton.disabled = false;
- retractButton.disabled = false;
- cursorButton.disabled = false;
- bottomButton.disabled = false;
-function advanceForm1(cb)
- var req = null;
- pause();
- if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
- {
- req = new XMLHttpRequest();
- }
- else if (window.ActiveXObject)
- {
- try {
- req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
- } catch (e)
- {
- try {
- req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- }
- req.onreadystatechange = function()
- {
- rs = req.readyState;
- stat = req.status;
- stxt = req.statusText;
- if(rs == 4)
- {
- var len;
- if(stat == 200)
- {
- debug("advance: received response\nBEGIN\n" + req.responseText + "\nEND");
- response = req.responseText.split("@");
- len = parseInt(response[0]);
- len0 = unlocked.innerHTML.length;
- unescaped = unlocked.innerHTML.unescapeHTML();
- parsedtxt = unescaped.substr(0,len);
- unparsedtxt = unescaped.substr(len);
- locked.innerHTML = locked.innerHTML + parsedtxt;
- unlocked.innerHTML = unparsedtxt;
- len1 = unlocked.innerHTML.length;
- len2 = len0 - len1;
- populate_goalarray(response[1]);
- statements = listcons(len2,statements);
- unlocked.scrollIntoView(true);
- }
- else
- {
- debug("advance error: returned status code " + req.status + " " + req.statusText + "\n" +
- req.responseText);
- len = 0;
- }
- resume();
- if (cb) {
- cb(len);
- }
- }
- };
- req.open("POST", "advance"); // + escape(unlocked.innerHTML), true);
- req.send(unlocked.innerHTML.unescapeHTML());
-function gotoBottom()
- var req = null;
- pause();
- if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
- {
- req = new XMLHttpRequest();
- }
- else if (window.ActiveXObject)
- {
- try {
- req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
- } catch (e)
- {
- try {
- req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- }
- req.onreadystatechange = function()
- {
- rs = req.readyState;
- stat = req.status;
- stxt = req.statusText;
- if(rs == 4)
- {
- if(stat == 200)
- {
- debug("goto bottom: received response\nBEGIN\n" + req.responseText + "\nEND");
- response = req.responseText.split("@");
- len = parseInt(response[0]);
- len0 = unlocked.innerHTML.length;
- unescaped = unlocked.innerHTML.unescapeHTML();
- parsedtxt = unescaped.substr(0,len);
- unparsedtxt = unescaped.substr(len);
- locked.innerHTML = locked.innerHTML + parsedtxt;
- unlocked.innerHTML = unparsedtxt;
- len1 = unlocked.innerHTML.length;
- len = len0 - len1;
- populate_goalarray(response[1]);
- statements = listcons(len,statements);
- unlocked.scrollIntoView(true);
- }
- else
- {
- debug("goto bottom error: returned status code " + req.status + " " + req.statusText + "\n" +
- req.responseText);
- }
- resume();
- }
- };
- req.open("POST", "bottom"); // + escape(unlocked.innerHTML), true);
- req.send(unlocked.innerHTML.unescapeHTML());
-function gotoPos(offset)
- if (!offset) {
- offset = getCursorPos();
- }
- if (offset > 0) {
- advanceForm1(function(len) {
- gotoPos(offset-len)
- });
- }
-function retract()
- var req = null;
- if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
- {
- req = new XMLHttpRequest();
- }
- else if (window.ActiveXObject)
- {
- try {
- req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
- } catch (e)
- {
- try {
- req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- }
- req.onreadystatechange = function()
- {
- rs = req.readyState;
- stat = req.status;
- stxt = req.statusText;
- if(rs == 4)
- {
- if(stat == 200)
- {
- debug("retract: received response\nBEGIN\n" + req.responseText + "\nEND");
- response = req.responseText;
- statementlen = parseInt(listhd(statements));
- statements = listtl(statements);
- lockedlen = locked.innerHTML.length - statementlen;
- statement = locked.innerHTML.substr(lockedlen, statementlen);
- locked.innerHTML = locked.innerHTML.substr(0,lockedlen);
- unlocked.innerHTML = statement + unlocked.innerHTML;
- populate_goalarray(response);
- unlocked.scrollIntoView(true);
- }
- else
- {
- debug("retract error: returned status code " + req.status + " " + req.statusText + "\n" +
- req.responseText);
- }
- resume();
- }
- };
- req.open("GET", "retract"); // + escape(unlocked.innerHTML), true);
- req.send();
-function openFile()
- var req = null;
- if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
- {
- req = new XMLHttpRequest();
- }
- else if (window.ActiveXObject)
- {
- try {
- req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
- } catch (e)
- {
- try {
- req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- }
- req.onreadystatechange = function()
- {
- rs = req.readyState;
- stat = req.status;
- stxt = req.statusText;
- if(rs == 4)
- {
- if(stat == 200)
- {
- locked.innerHTML = "";
- unlocked.innerHTML = req.responseText;
- }
- else
- {
- debug("open error: returned status code " + req.status + " " + req.statusText + "\n" +
- req.responseText);
- }
- }
- };
- req.open("GET", "open?file=" + escape(filename.value), true);
- req.send();
-var goalcell;
-function hideSequent() {
- goalcell.parentNode.removeChild(goalcell);
- scriptcell.setAttribute("colspan","2");
-function showSequent() {
- scriptcell.setAttribute("colspan","1");
- workarea.appendChild(goalcell);
-function removeElement(id) {
- var element = document.getElementById(id);
- element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
-function getCursorPos() {
- var cursorPos;
- if (window.getSelection) {
- var selObj = window.getSelection();
- var selRange = selObj.getRangeAt(0);
- //cursorPos = findNode(selObj.anchorNode.parentNode.childNodes, selObj.anchorNode) + selObj.anchorOffset;
- cursorPos = findNode(unlocked.childNodes, selObj.anchorNode,0) + selObj.anchorOffset;
- /* FIXME the following works wrong in Opera when the document is longer than 32767 chars */
- return(cursorPos);
- }
- else if (document.selection) {
- var range = document.selection.createRange();
- var bookmark = range.getBookmark();
- /* FIXME the following works wrong when the document is longer than 65535 chars */
- cursorPos = bookmark.charCodeAt(2) - 11; /* Undocumented function [3] */
- return(cursorPos);
- }
-function findNode(list, node, acc) {
- for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
- if (list[i] == node) {
- // debug("success " + i);
- return acc;
- }
- if (list[i].hasChildNodes()) {
- try {
- // debug("recursion on node " + i);
- return (findNode(list[i].childNodes,node,acc))
- }
- catch (e) { /* debug("recursion failed"); */ }
- }
- sandbox = document.getElementById("sandbox");
- dup = list[i].cloneNode(true);
- sandbox.appendChild(dup);
-// debug("fail " + i + ": " + sandbox.innerHTML);
- acc += sandbox.innerHTML.length;
- sandbox.removeChild(dup);
- }
- throw "not found";
-function test () {
- debug("cursor test: " + unlocked.innerHTML.substr(0,getCursorPos()));
+<script type="text/javascript" src="matitaweb.js"></script>
<body onLoad="initialize();">
--- /dev/null
+var locked;
+var unlocked;
+var workarea;
+var scriptcell;
+var goalcell;
+var goals;
+var goalview;
+var filename;
+var logarea;
+var advanceButton;
+var retractButton;
+var cursorButton;
+var bottomButton;
+var metasenv = "";
+function initialize()
+ locked = document.getElementById("locked");
+ unlocked = document.getElementById("unlocked");
+ workarea = document.getElementById("workarea");
+ scriptcell = document.getElementById("scriptcell");
+ goalcell = document.getElementById("goalcell");
+ goals = document.getElementById("goals");
+ goalview = document.getElementById("goalview");
+ filename = document.getElementById("filename");
+ logarea = document.getElementById("logarea");
+ advanceButton = document.getElementById("advance");
+ retractButton = document.getElementById("retract");
+ cursorButton = document.getElementById("cursor");
+ bottomButton = document.getElementById("bottom");
+ // hide sequent view at start
+ hideSequent();
+function debug(txt)
+ logarea.innerHTML = txt + "\n" + logarea.innerHTML;
+function listhd(l)
+ ar = l.split("#");
+ debug("hd of '" + l + "' = '" + ar[0] + "'");
+ return (ar[0]);
+function listtl(l)
+ i = l.indexOf("#");
+ tl = l.substr(i+1);
+ debug("tl of '" + l + "' = '" + tl + "'");
+ return (tl);
+function listcons(x,l)
+ debug("cons '" + x + "' on '" + l + "'");
+ return (x + "#" + l);
+function listnil()
+ return ("");
+function is_nil(l)
+ return (l == "");
+function fold_left (f,acc,l)
+ if (is_nil(l))
+ { debug("'" + l + "' is fold end");
+ return (acc); }
+ else
+ { debug("'" + l + "' is fold cons");
+ return(fold_left (f,f(acc,(listhd(l))),listtl(l))); }
+function listiter (f,l)
+ if (is_nil(l))
+ { debug("'" + l + "' is nil");
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ debug("'" + l + "' is not nil");
+ f(listhd(l));
+ listiter(f,listtl(l));
+ }
+function listmap (f,l)
+ debug("listmap on " + l);
+ if (is_nil(l))
+ { debug("returning listnil");
+ return(listnil());
+ }
+ else
+ { debug("cons f(hd) map(f,tl)");
+ return(f(listhd(l)) + "#" + listmap(f,listtl(l)));
+ }
+var statements = listnil();
+var goalarray;
+var metalist = listnil();
+function pairmap (f,p)
+ debug("pairmap of '" + p + "'");
+ ar = p.split("|");
+ return (f(ar[0],ar[1]));
+function tripletmap (f,p)
+ debug("tripletmap of '" + p + "'");
+ ar = p.split("|");
+ return (f(ar[0],ar[1],ar[2]));
+function fst (p)
+ debug("fst");
+ return (pairmap (function (a,b) { return (a); }, p));
+function p13 (p)
+ debug("p13");
+ return (tripletmap (function (a,b,c) { return (a); }, p));
+function p23 (p)
+ debug("p23");
+ return (tripletmap (function (a,b,c) { return (b); }, p));
+function p33 (p)
+ debug("f33");
+ return (tripletmap (function (a,b,c) { return (c); }, p));
+function populate_goalarray(txt)
+ if (txt == "") {
+ try {
+ hideSequent();
+ } catch (err) { };
+ } else {
+ showSequent();
+ debug("populate with '" + txt + "'");
+ goalarray = new Array();
+ metalist = listnil();
+ var tmp_goallist = "";
+ listiter (function(item)
+ {
+ debug ("item is '" + item + "'");
+ tripletmap (function(a,ahtml,b) {
+ debug ("found meta n. " + a);
+ debug ("found goal\nBEGIN" + unescape(b) + "\nEND");
+ goalarray[a] = unescape(b);
+ tmp_goallist = " <A href=\"javascript:switch_goal(" + a + ")\">" + unescape(ahtml) + "</A>" + tmp_goallist;
+ metalist = listcons(a,metalist);
+ debug ("goalarray[\"" + a + "\"] = " + goalarray[a]);
+ },item);
+ }, txt);
+ // metalist = listmap (p13,txt);
+ goals.innerHTML = tmp_goallist;
+ debug("new metalist is '" + metalist + "'");
+ if (is_nil(metalist)) {
+ switch_goal();
+ }
+ else {
+ switch_goal(listhd(metalist));
+ }
+ }
+function switch_goal(meta)
+ if (typeof meta == "undefined") {
+ goalview.innerHTML = "";
+ }
+ else {
+ debug("switch_goal " + meta + "\n" + goalarray[meta]);
+ goalview.innerHTML = "<B>Goal ?" + meta + ":</B>\n\n" + goalarray[meta];
+ }
+String.prototype.unescapeHTML = function()
+ var patt1 = /<br(\/|)>/gi;
+ var patt2 = /</gi;
+ var patt3 = />/gi;
+ var result = this;
+ result = result.replace(patt1,"\n");
+ result = result.replace(patt2,"<");
+ result = result.replace(patt3,">");
+ return (unescape(result));
+function pause()
+ advanceButton.disabled = true;
+ retractButton.disabled = true;
+ cursorButton.disabled = true;
+ bottomButton.disabled = true;
+function resume()
+ advanceButton.disabled = false;
+ retractButton.disabled = false;
+ cursorButton.disabled = false;
+ bottomButton.disabled = false;
+function is_defined(x)
+ return (typeof x != "undefined");
+/* servicename: name of the service being called
+ * reqbody: text of the request
+ * processResponse: processes the server response
+ * (takes the response text in input, undefined in case of error)
+ */
+function callServer(servicename,processResponse,reqbody)
+ var req = null;
+ // pause();
+ if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
+ {
+ req = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ }
+ else if (window.ActiveXObject)
+ {
+ try {
+ req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
+ } catch (e)
+ {
+ try {
+ req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+ } catch (e) {}
+ }
+ }
+ req.onreadystatechange = function()
+ {
+ rs = req.readyState;
+ if(rs == 4)
+ {
+ stat = req.status;
+ stxt = req.statusText;
+ if(stat == 200)
+ {
+ processResponse(req.responseText);
+ } else {
+ processResponse();
+ }
+ // resume();
+ }
+ };
+ req.open("POST", servicename); // + escape(unlocked.innerHTML), true);
+ if (reqbody) {
+ req.send(reqbody);
+ } else {
+ req.send();
+ }
+function advanceForm1()
+ processor = function(responseText) {
+ if (is_defined(responseText)) {
+ // debug("advance: received response\nBEGIN\n" + req.responseText + "\nEND");
+ response = responseText.split("@");
+ len = parseInt(response[0]);
+ len0 = unlocked.innerHTML.length;
+ unescaped = unlocked.innerHTML.unescapeHTML();
+ parsedtxt = unescaped.substr(0,len);
+ unparsedtxt = unescaped.substr(len);
+ locked.innerHTML = locked.innerHTML + parsedtxt;
+ unlocked.innerHTML = unparsedtxt;
+ len1 = unlocked.innerHTML.length;
+ len2 = len0 - len1;
+ metasenv = response[1];
+ populate_goalarray(response[1]);
+ statements = listcons(len2,statements);
+ unlocked.scrollIntoView(true);
+ } else {
+ debug("advance failed");
+ }
+ resume();
+ };
+ pause();
+ callServer("advance",processor,unlocked.innerHTML.unescapeHTML());
+function gotoBottom()
+ processor = function(responseText) {
+ if (is_defined(responseText)) {
+ // debug("goto bottom: received response\nBEGIN\n" + req.responseText + "\nEND");
+ response = responseText.split("@");
+ len = parseInt(response[0]);
+ len0 = unlocked.innerHTML.length;
+ unescaped = unlocked.innerHTML.unescapeHTML();
+ parsedtxt = unescaped.substr(0,len);
+ unparsedtxt = unescaped.substr(len);
+ locked.innerHTML = locked.innerHTML + parsedtxt;
+ unlocked.innerHTML = unparsedtxt;
+ len1 = unlocked.innerHTML.length;
+ len = len0 - len1;
+ populate_goalarray(response[1]);
+ statements = listcons(len,statements);
+ unlocked.scrollIntoView(true);
+ } else {
+ debug("goto bottom failed");
+ }
+ resume();
+ };
+ pause();
+ callServer("bottom",processor,unlocked.innerHTML.unescapeHTML());
+function gotoPos(offset)
+ if (!is_defined(offset)) {
+ offset = getCursorPos();
+ }
+ processor = function(responseText) {
+ if (is_defined(responseText)) {
+ // debug("advance: received response\nBEGIN\n" + req.responseText + "\nEND");
+ response = responseText.split("@");
+ len = parseInt(response[0]);
+ len0 = unlocked.innerHTML.length;
+ unescaped = unlocked.innerHTML.unescapeHTML();
+ parsedtxt = unescaped.substr(0,len);
+ unparsedtxt = unescaped.substr(len);
+ locked.innerHTML = locked.innerHTML + parsedtxt;
+ unlocked.innerHTML = unparsedtxt;
+ len1 = unlocked.innerHTML.length;
+ len2 = len0 - len1;
+ statements = listcons(len2,statements);
+ metasenv = response[1];
+ // la populate non andrebbe fatta a ogni passo
+ if (offset <= len) {
+ populate_goalarray(response[1]);
+ resume();
+ } else {
+ gotoPos(offset - len);
+ }
+ } else {
+ unlocked.scrollIntoView(true);
+ populate_goalarray(metasenv);
+ resume();
+ }
+ }
+ pause();
+ callServer("advance",processor,unlocked.innerHTML.unescapeHTML());
+function retract()
+ processor = function(responseText) {
+ if (typeof responseText != "undefined") {
+ debug("retract: received response\nBEGIN\n" + responseText + "\nEND");
+ statementlen = parseInt(listhd(statements));
+ statements = listtl(statements);
+ lockedlen = locked.innerHTML.length - statementlen;
+ statement = locked.innerHTML.substr(lockedlen, statementlen);
+ locked.innerHTML = locked.innerHTML.substr(0,lockedlen);
+ unlocked.innerHTML = statement + unlocked.innerHTML;
+ populate_goalarray(responseText);
+ unlocked.scrollIntoView(true);
+ } else {
+ debug("retract failed");
+ }
+ resume();
+ };
+ debug("retract 1");
+ pause();
+ callServer("retract",processor);
+ debug("retract 2");
+function openFile()
+ processor = function(responseText)
+ {
+ if (responseText) {
+ locked.innerHTML = "";
+ unlocked.innerHTML = responseText;
+ } else {
+ debug("file open failed");
+ }
+ };
+ callServer("open?file=" + escape(filename.value),processor);
+var goalcell;
+function hideSequent() {
+ goalcell.parentNode.removeChild(goalcell);
+ scriptcell.setAttribute("colspan","2");
+function showSequent() {
+ scriptcell.setAttribute("colspan","1");
+ workarea.appendChild(goalcell);
+function removeElement(id) {
+ var element = document.getElementById(id);
+ element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
+function getCursorPos() {
+ var cursorPos;
+ if (window.getSelection) {
+ var selObj = window.getSelection();
+ var selRange = selObj.getRangeAt(0);
+ //cursorPos = findNode(selObj.anchorNode.parentNode.childNodes, selObj.anchorNode) + selObj.anchorOffset;
+ cursorPos = findNode(unlocked.childNodes, selObj.anchorNode,0) + selObj.anchorOffset;
+ /* FIXME the following works wrong in Opera when the document is longer than 32767 chars */
+ return(cursorPos);
+ }
+ else if (document.selection) {
+ var range = document.selection.createRange();
+ var bookmark = range.getBookmark();
+ /* FIXME the following works wrong when the document is longer than 65535 chars */
+ cursorPos = bookmark.charCodeAt(2) - 11; /* Undocumented function [3] */
+ return(cursorPos);
+ }
+function findNode(list, node, acc) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+ if (list[i] == node) {
+ // debug("success " + i);
+ return acc;
+ }
+ if (list[i].hasChildNodes()) {
+ try {
+ // debug("recursion on node " + i);
+ return (findNode(list[i].childNodes,node,acc))
+ }
+ catch (e) { /* debug("recursion failed"); */ }
+ }
+ sandbox = document.getElementById("sandbox");
+ dup = list[i].cloneNode(true);
+ sandbox.appendChild(dup);
+// debug("fail " + i + ": " + sandbox.innerHTML);
+ acc += sandbox.innerHTML.length;
+ sandbox.removeChild(dup);
+ }
+ throw "not found";
+function test () {
+ debug("cursor test: " + unlocked.innerHTML.substr(0,getCursorPos()));