| _ -> assert false\r
+let args_of_inert =\r
+ let rec aux acc =\r
+ function\r
+ | V _ | C -> acc\r
+ | A(t, a) -> aux (a::acc) t\r
+ | _ -> assert false\r
+ in\r
+ aux []\r
(* precomputes the number of leading lambdas in a term,\r
after replacing _v_ w/ a term starting with n lambdas *)\r
let rec no_leading_lambdas v n = function\r
(* return the index of the first argument with a difference\r
- (the first argument is 0)\r
- precondition: p.div and t have n+1 arguments\r
- *)\r
-let find_eta_difference p t argsno =\r
- let t = inert_cut_at argsno t in\r
- let rec aux t u k = match t, u with\r
- | V _, V _ -> []\r
- | A(t1,t2), A(u1,u2) ->\r
- print_endline (string_of_t t2 ^ " vs " ^ string_of_t u2);\r
- if not (eta_eq t2 u2) then (k-1)::aux t1 u1 (k-1)\r
- else aux t1 u1 (k-1)\r
- | _, _ -> assert false\r
- in aux p.div t argsno\r
+ (the first argument is 0) *)\r
+let find_eta_difference p t =\r
+ let divargs = args_of_inert p.div in\r
+ let conargs = args_of_inert t in\r
+ let rec aux k divargs conargs =\r
+ match divargs,conargs with\r
+ [],_ -> []\r
+ | _::_,[] -> [k]\r
+ | t1::divargs,t2::conargs ->\r
+ (if not (eta_eq t1 t2) then [k] else []) @ aux (k+1) divargs conargs\r
+ in\r
+ aux 0 divargs conargs\r
let compute_max_lambdas_at hd_var j =\r
then (\r
(* let tms = List.sort (fun t1 t2 -> - compare (snd (get_inert t1)) (snd (get_inert t2))) tms in *)\r
List.iter (fun t -> try\r
- let js = find_eta_difference p t n_args in\r
+ let js = find_eta_difference p t in\r
(* print_endline (String.concat ", " (List.map string_of_int js)); *)\r
if js = [] then problem_fail p "no eta difference found (div subterm of conv?)";\r
let js = List.rev js in\r