alias not /Coq/Init/Logic/not.con
alias or /Coq/Init/Logic/or.ind#1/1
-(*test real*)
+(Rlt (Rmult(Ropp x)R1)
+->(Rlt R0 x)
+// test 3x4 -> 35''
-> (Rlt z R1)
+// test 6x6 ->
+(Rplus (Ropp x) (Rplus y (Rplus z (Rplus t (Rplus u (Rplus v (Rplus R1 R1)))))))
+ R0)
+(Rplus x (Rplus (Ropp y) (Rplus (Ropp z) (Rplus (Ropp t) (Rplus (Ropp u) (Rplus R1 R1))))))
+ R0)
+(Rplus y (Rplus (Ropp z) (Rplus t (Rplus u (Rplus R1 R1)))))
+ R0)
+(Rplus y (Rplus z (Rplus (Ropp t) (Rplus (Ropp (Rmult (Rplus R1 R1)v)) (Rplus R1 R1)))))
+ R0)
+(Rplus y (Rplus z (Rplus t (Rplus (Ropp u) (Rplus R1 R1)))))
+ R0)
+(Rplus (Rmult (Rplus R1 R1) x) (Rplus v y))
+ R0)
+-> (Rlt (Rmult (Rplus R1 R1) x) R0)
//test base1 ok
!x:R.!y:R.(Rle x y) -> (Rge (Rplus y R1) (Rminus x R1))
(* élimination de la première variable à partir d'une liste d'inéquations:
opération qu'on itère dans l'algorithme de Fourier.
-let deduce1 s =
+let deduce1 s i=
match (partitionne s) with
[lneg;lnul;lpos] ->
- let lnew = deduce_add lneg lpos in
- ( ie_tl lnul)@lnew
- |_->assert false
+ let lnew = deduce_add lneg lpos in
+ (match lneg with [] -> print_string("non posso ridurre "^string_of_int i^"\n")|_->();
+ match lpos with [] -> print_string("non posso ridurre "^string_of_int i^"\n")|_->());
+ ( ie_tl lnul)@lnew
+ |_->assert false
(* algorithme de Fourier: on élimine successivement toutes les variables.
let n = List.length (fst (List.hd lie)) in
let lie=ref (add_hist lie) in
for i=1 to n-1 do
- lie:= deduce1 !lie;
+ lie:= deduce1 !lie i;
@param c a rational
@return the new flin
-let flin_add f x c =
- let cx = flin_coef f x in
- Hashtbl.remove f.fhom x;
- Hashtbl.add f.fhom x (rplus cx c);
- f
+let flin_add f x c =
+ match x with
+ Cic.Rel(n) ->(
+ let cx = flin_coef f x in
+ Hashtbl.remove f.fhom x;
+ Hashtbl.add f.fhom x (rplus cx c);
+ f)
+ |_->debug ("Internal error in Fourier! this is not a Rel "^CicPp.ppterm x^"\n");
+ let cx = flin_coef f x in
+ Hashtbl.remove f.fhom x;
+ Hashtbl.add f.fhom x (rplus cx c);
+ f
Adds c to f.fcste
- @return f times a
+ @return a times f
let flin_emult a f =
let f2 = flin_zero() in
(* coq wrapper
let rational_of_const = rational_of_term;;
+let fails f a =
+ try
+ let tmp = (f a) in
+ false
+ with
+ _-> true
+ ;;
let rec flin_of_term t =
let fl_of_binop f l =
let arg1 = (List.hd next) and
arg2 = (List.hd( next))
- try
+ if fails rational_of_term arg1
+ then
+ if fails rational_of_term arg2
+ then
+ ( (* prodotto tra 2 incognite ????? impossibile*)
+ failwith "Sistemi lineari!!!!\n"
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ match arg1 with
+ Cic.Rel(n) -> (*trasformo al volo*)
+ (flin_add (flin_zero()) arg1 (rational_of_term arg2))
+ |_-> (* test this *)
+ let tmp = flin_of_term arg1 in
+ flin_emult (rational_of_term arg2) (tmp)
+ )
+ else
+ if fails rational_of_term arg2
+ then
+ (
+ match arg2 with
+ Cic.Rel(n) -> (*trasformo al volo*)
+ (flin_add (flin_zero()) arg2 (rational_of_term arg1))
+ |_-> (* test this *)
+ let tmp = flin_of_term arg2 in
+ flin_emult (rational_of_term arg1) (tmp)
+ )
+ else
+ ( (*prodotto tra razionali*)
+ (flin_add_cste (flin_zero()) (rmult (rational_of_term arg1) (rational_of_term arg2)))
+ )
+ (*try
- let a = rational_of_term arg1 in
+ (*let a = rational_of_term arg1 in
+ debug("ho fatto rational of term di "^CicPp.ppterm arg1^
+ " e ho ottenuto "^string_of_int a.num^"/"^string_of_int a.den^"\n");*)
+ let a = flin_of_term arg1
let b = (rational_of_term arg2) in
+ debug("ho fatto rational of term di "^CicPp.ppterm arg2^
+ " e ho ottenuto "^string_of_int b.num^"/"^string_of_int b.den^"\n");
(flin_add_cste (flin_zero()) (rmult a b))
- _ -> (flin_add (flin_zero()) arg2 a)
+ _ -> debug ("ho fallito2 su "^CicPp.ppterm arg2^"\n");
+ (flin_add (flin_zero()) arg2 a)
- _-> (flin_add(flin_zero()) arg1 (rational_of_term arg2))
+ _-> debug ("ho fallito1 su "^CicPp.ppterm arg1^"\n");
+ (flin_add(flin_zero()) arg1 (rational_of_term arg2))
+ *)
let a=(rational_of_term (List.hd next)) in
|_-> assert false
|_-> assert false)
- with _ -> flin_add (flin_zero()) t r1
+ with _ -> debug("eccezione = "^CicPp.ppterm t^"\n");flin_add (flin_zero()) t r1
(* coq wrapper
Hashtbl.iter (fun x c ->
try (Hashtbl.find hvar x;())
with _-> nvar:=(!nvar)+1;
- Hashtbl.add hvar x (!nvar))
+ Hashtbl.add hvar x (!nvar);
+ debug("aggiungo una var "^
+ string_of_int !nvar^" per "^
+ CicPp.ppterm x^"\n"))
(*print_hash hvar;*)