type problem = {\r
orig_freshno: int\r
; freshno : int\r
+ ; label : string\r
; div : t\r
; conv : t\r
; sigma : (var * t) list (* substitutions *)\r
exception B;;\r
exception Done of (var * t) list (* substitution *);;\r
-exception Fail of int * string;;\r
+exception Unseparable of string;;\r
+exception Backtrack of string;;\r
+let rec try_all label f = function\r
+ | x::xs -> (try f x with Backtrack _ -> try_all label f xs)\r
+ | [] -> raise (Backtrack label)\r
let problem_fail p reason =\r
print_endline "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAIL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";\r
print_endline (string_of_problem p);\r
- raise (Fail (-1, reason))\r
+ failwith reason\r
let freshvar ({freshno} as p) =\r
let sigma = sub :: p.sigma in\r
let div, g = try subst sub p.div with B -> raise (Done sigma) in\r
assert (g = []);\r
- let conv, f = try subst sub p.conv with B -> raise (Fail(-1, "p.conv diverged")) in\r
+ let conv, f = try subst sub p.conv with B -> raise (Backtrack "p.conv diverged") in\r
assert (g = []);\r
{p with div; conv; sigma}\r
let sigma = List.map (fun (v,t) -> v, purify t) sigma in\r
let freshno = List.fold_right (max ++ fst) sigma 0 in\r
let env = Pure.env_of_sigma freshno sigma in\r
- assert (Pure.diverged (Pure.mwhd (env,div,[])));\r
- print_endline " D diverged.";\r
- assert (not (Pure.diverged (Pure.mwhd (env,conv,[]))));\r
- print_endline " C converged.";\r
+ (if not (Pure.diverged (Pure.mwhd (env,div,[])))\r
+ then failwith "D converged in Pure");\r
+ print_endline "- D diverged.";\r
+ (if Pure.diverged (Pure.mwhd (env,conv,[]))\r
+ then failwith "C diverged in Pure");\r
+ print_endline "- C converged.";\r
let sanity p =\r
print_endline (string_of_problem p); (* non cancellare *)\r
- if not (is_inert p.div) then problem_fail p "p.div converged";\r
+ if not (is_inert p.div) then raise (Backtrack "p.div converged");\r
(* Trailing constant args can be removed because do not contribute to eta-diff *)\r
let rec remove_trailing_constant_args = function\r
| A(t1, t2) when is_constant t2 -> remove_trailing_constant_args t1\r
if List.exists (fun t -> snd (get_inert t) >= n_args) tms\r
then (\r
(* let tms = List.sort (fun t1 t2 -> - compare (snd (get_inert t1)) (snd (get_inert t2))) tms in *)\r
- List.iter (fun t -> try\r
+ try_all "no similar terms" (fun t ->\r
let js = find_eta_difference p t in\r
(* print_endline (String.concat ", " (List.map string_of_int js)); *)\r
- if js = [] then problem_fail p "no eta difference found (div subterm of conv?)";\r
let js = List.rev js in\r
- List.iter\r
+ try_all "no eta difference"\r
(fun j ->\r
- try\r
let k = 1 + max\r
(compute_max_lambdas_at hd_var j p.div)\r
(compute_max_lambdas_at hd_var j p.conv) in\r
- ignore (aux (step j k p))\r
- with Fail(_, s) ->\r
- print_endline ("Backtracking (eta_diff) because: " ^ s)) js;\r
- raise (Fail(-1, "no eta difference"))\r
- with Fail(_, s) ->\r
- print_endline ("Backtracking (get_subterms) because: " ^ s)) tms;\r
- raise (Fail(-1, "no similar terms"))\r
+ aux (step j k p)) js) tms\r
problem_fail (finish p) "Finish did not complete the problem"\r
| Some div -> aux 0 (div :> Num.nf)\r
| None -> assert false in\r
let varno = List.length var_names in\r
- {orig_freshno=varno; freshno=1+varno; div; conv; sigma=[]}\r
+ {orig_freshno=varno; freshno=1+varno; div; conv; sigma=[]; label}\r
let solve p =\r
- if is_constant p.div\r
- then print_endline "!!! div is stuck. Problem was not run !!!"\r
- else if eta_subterm p.div p.conv\r
- then print_endline "!!! div is subterm of conv. Problem was not run !!!"\r
- else let p = sanity p (* initial sanity check *) in check p (auto p)\r
+ let c = if String.length p.label > 0 then String.sub (p.label) 0 1 else "" in\r
+ let module M = struct exception Okay end in\r
+ try\r
+ if eta_subterm p.div p.conv\r
+ then raise (Unseparable "div is subterm of conv")\r
+ else\r
+ let p = sanity p (* initial sanity check *) in\r
+ check p (auto p);\r
+ raise M.Okay\r
+ with\r
+ | M.Okay -> if c = "?" then\r
+ failwith "The problem succeeded, but was supposed to be unseparable"\r
+ | e when c = "!" ->\r
+ failwith ("The problem was supposed to be separable, but: "^Printexc.to_string e)\r
+ | e ->\r
+ print_endline ("The problem failed, as expected ("^Printexc.to_string e^")")\r
Problems.main (solve ++ problem_of);\r