if b then 1::safes' else safes'
get_new_safes ta2 ta1 tl safes'' (n+1) (nn+1) (x+1)
- | (C.MutInd _, e, []) -> (e,safes,n,nn,x)
+ | (C.Prod _, (C.MutConstruct _ as e), _)
+ | (C.Prod _, (C.Rel _ as e), _)
+ | (C.MutInd _, e, [])
| (C.Appl _, e, []) -> (e,safes,n,nn,x)
- | (_,_,_) -> raise (Impossible 7)
+ | (_,_,_) ->
+ (* CSC: If the next exception is raised, it just means that *)
+ (* CSC: the proof-assistant allows to use very strange things *)
+ (* CSC: as a branch of a case whose type is a Prod. In *)
+ (* CSC: particular, this means that a new (C.Prod, x,_) case *)
+ (* CSC: must be considered in this match. (e.g. x = MutCase) *)
+ raise (Impossible 7)
and split_prods n te =
let module C = Cic in