> inductive generation of formal topologies
by Stefano Berardi and Silvio Valentini.
The tutorial is by Enrico Tassi.
The tutorial spends a considerable amount of effort in defining
to make the formalization (at least the definitions and proved
statements) readable to the author of the paper.
+The formalization uses the ng (new generation) version of Matita
+(that will be named 1.x when finally released).
+Last stable release of the "old" system is named 0.5.7; the ng system
+is cohexisting with the old one in every development release with a
+version strictly grater then 0.5.7.
example W has Ω, 𝕎 and 𝐖, L has Λ, 𝕃, and 𝐋, F has Φ, …
Variants are listed in the aforementioned TeX/UTF-8 table.
+The syntax of terms (and types) is the one of the λ-calculus CIC
+on which Matita is based. The main syntactical difference w.r.t.
+the usual mathematical notation is the function application, written
+`(f x y)` in place of `f(x,y)`.
Pressing `F1` opens the Matita manual.
CIC (as [implemented in Matita][3]) in a nutshell