--- /dev/null
+ ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ ||T|| Department of the University of Bologna, Italy.
+ ||I||
+ ||T||
+ ||A||
+ \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the
+ \ / GNU General Public License Version 2
+ V_____________________________________________________________*)
+include "turing/basic_machines.ma".
+include "turing/if_machine.ma".
+(* move until test *)
+definition mut_step ≝ λalpha,D,test.
+ifTM ? (test_char alpha test) (single_finalTM ? (move alpha D)) (nop ?) tc_true.
+definition R_mut_step_true ≝ λalpha,D,test,t1,t2.
+ ∃ls,c,rs.
+ t1 = midtape alpha ls c rs ∧ test c = true ∧ t2 = tape_move ? t1 D.
+definition R_mut_step_false ≝ λalpha,test.λt1,t2:tape alpha.
+ (∀ls,c,rs.t1 = midtape alpha ls c rs → test c = false)
+ ∧ t2 = t1.
+definition mut_acc : ∀alpha,D,test.states ? (mut_step alpha D test) ≝
+λalpha,D,test.(inr … (inl … (inr … start_nop))).
+lemma sem_mut_step :
+ ∀alpha,D,test.mut_step alpha D test ⊨
+ [ mut_acc … : R_mut_step_true alpha D test, R_mut_step_false alpha test] .
+#alpha #D #tets #ta
+@(acc_sem_if_app ??????????? (sem_test_char …)
+ (sem_move_single …) (sem_nop alpha) ??)
+ [#tb #tc #td * * #c * #Hcurtb #Htrue
+ cases (current_to_midtape … Hcurtb) #ls * #rs #Hmidtb
+ #tbtd #Hmove %{ls} %{c} %{rs} % // % //
+ |#tb #tc #td * #Hcurtb #Htb whd in ⊢ (%→?); #Htc whd % //
+ lapply (refl ? (current ? tb)) cases (current ? tb) in ⊢ (???%→?);
+ [#H #ls #c #rs #Htb >Htb in H; normalize #HF destruct (HF)
+ |#c #H #ls #c0 #rs #Htb @Hcurtb >Htb //
+ ]
+ ]
+definition move_until ≝ λsig,D,test.
+ whileTM sig (mut_step sig D test) (mut_acc …).
+definition R_move_l_until ≝
+ λsig,test,t1,t2.
+ (current ? t1 = None ? → t2 = t1) ∧
+ ∀ls,a,rs.t1 = midtape sig ls a rs →
+ (test a = false ∧ t2 = t1) ∨
+ ((∃ls1,b,ls2.
+ ls = ls1@b::ls2 ∧
+ test b = false ∧
+ (∀x. mem ? x (a::ls1) → test x = true) ∧
+ t2 = midtape ? ls2 b ((reverse ? (a::ls1))@rs)) ∨
+ (∃b,lss.
+ (∀x. mem ? x (a::ls) → test x = true) ∧
+ a::ls = lss@[b] ∧
+ t2 = leftof ? b ((reverse ? lss)@rs))).
+lemma sem_move_L_until:
+ ∀sig,test.
+ WRealize sig (move_until sig L test) (R_move_l_until sig test).
+#sig #test #inc #j #outc #Hloop
+lapply (sem_while … (sem_mut_step sig L test) inc j outc Hloop) [%]
+-Hloop * #t1 * #Hstar @(star_ind_l ??????? Hstar)
+[ whd in ⊢ (% → ?); * #H1 #H2 %
+ [#Htape1 @H2
+ |#ls #a #rs #Htapea % % [@(H1 … Htapea) |@H2]
+ ]
+| #tapeb #tapec #Hstar1 #HRtrue #IH #HRfalse
+ lapply (IH HRfalse) -IH -HRfalse whd in ⊢ (%→%);
+ * #IH1 #IH2 %
+ [#Htapeb cases Hstar1 #ls * #b * #rs * *
+ #H1 >H1 in Htapeb; whd in ⊢ (??%?→?); #H destruct (H)
+ |#ls #b0 #rs #Htapeb cases Hstar1
+ #ls1 * #b * #rs1 * * >Htapeb #H destruct (H)
+ #Hb cases ls1
+ [whd in ⊢ (???%→?); #Htapec >Htapec in IH1; #IH1
+ %2 %2 %{b} %{[ ]} % [% [#x * [//|@False_ind] | //] |@IH1 //]
+ |#a #ls2 whd in ⊢ (???%→?); #Htapec
+ %2 cases (IH2 … Htapec)
+ [* #afalse #Hout %1
+ %{[ ]} %{a} %{ls2}
+ %[%[%[//|//] |#x * [#eqxa >eqxa // |@False_ind]]
+ |>Hout >reverse_single @Htapec
+ ]
+ |*
+ [-IH1 -IH2 #IH
+ %1 cases IH -IH #ls3 * #b0 * #ls4 * * * #H1 #H2 #H3 #H4
+ %{(a::ls3)} %{b0} %{ls4}
+ %[%[%[>H1 //|//]| #x * [#eqxb >eqxb //|@H3]]
+ |>H4 >reverse_cons in ⊢ (???%); >associative_append //
+ ]
+ |-IH1 -IH2 #IH
+ %2 cases IH -IH #b0 * #ls3 * * #H1 #H2 #H3
+ %{b0} %{(b::ls3)}
+ %[%[#x * [#eqxb >eqxb //|@H1]|>H2 //]
+ |>H3 >reverse_cons in ⊢ (???%); >associative_append //
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+definition R_move_R_until ≝
+ λsig,test,t1,t2.
+ (current ? t1 = None ? → t2 = t1) ∧
+ ∀ls,a,rs.t1 = midtape sig ls a rs →
+ (test a = false ∧ t2 = t1) ∨
+ ((∃rs1,b,rs2.
+ rs = rs1@b::rs2 ∧
+ test b = false ∧
+ (∀x. mem ? x (a::rs1) → test x = true) ∧
+ t2 = midtape ? ((reverse ? (a::rs1))@ls) b rs2) ∨
+ (∃b,rss.
+ (∀x. mem ? x (a::rs) → test x = true) ∧
+ a::rs = rss@[b] ∧
+ t2 = rightof ? b ((reverse ? rss)@ls))).
+lemma sem_move_R_until:
+ ∀sig,test.
+ WRealize sig (move_until sig R test) (R_move_R_until sig test).
+#sig #test #inc #j #outc #Hloop
+lapply (sem_while … (sem_mut_step sig R test) inc j outc Hloop) [%]
+-Hloop * #t1 * #Hstar @(star_ind_l ??????? Hstar)
+[ whd in ⊢ (% → ?); * #H1 #H2 %
+ [#Htape1 @H2
+ |#ls #a #rs #Htapea % % [@(H1 … Htapea) |@H2]
+ ]
+| #tapeb #tapec #Hstar1 #HRtrue #IH #HRfalse
+ lapply (IH HRfalse) -IH -HRfalse whd in ⊢ (%→%);
+ * #IH1 #IH2 %
+ [#Htapeb cases Hstar1 #ls * #b * #rs * *
+ #H1 >H1 in Htapeb; whd in ⊢ (??%?→?); #H destruct (H)
+ |#ls #b0 #rs #Htapeb cases Hstar1
+ #ls1 * #b * #rs1 * * >Htapeb #H destruct (H)
+ #Hb cases rs1
+ [whd in ⊢ (???%→?); #Htapec >Htapec in IH1; #IH1
+ %2 %2 %{b} %{[ ]} % [% [#x * [//|@False_ind] | //] |@IH1 //]
+ |#a #rs2 whd in ⊢ (???%→?); #Htapec
+ %2 cases (IH2 … Htapec)
+ [* #afalse #Hout %1
+ %{[ ]} %{a} %{rs2}
+ %[%[%[//|//] |#x * [#eqxa >eqxa // |@False_ind]]
+ |>Hout >reverse_single @Htapec
+ ]
+ |*
+ [-IH1 -IH2 #IH
+ %1 cases IH -IH #rs3 * #b0 * #rs4 * * * #H1 #H2 #H3 #H4
+ %{(a::rs3)} %{b0} %{rs4}
+ %[%[%[>H1 //|//]| #x * [#eqxb >eqxb //|@H3]]
+ |>H4 >reverse_cons in ⊢ (???%); >associative_append //
+ ]
+ |-IH1 -IH2 #IH
+ %2 cases IH -IH #b0 * #rs3 * * #H1 #H2 #H3
+ %{b0} %{(b::rs3)}
+ %[%[#x * [#eqxb >eqxb //|@H1]|>H2 //]
+ |>H3 >reverse_cons in ⊢ (???%); >associative_append //
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+(* termination *)
+lemma WF_mut_niltape:
+ ∀alpha,D,test. WF ? (inv ? (R_mut_step_true alpha D test)) (niltape alpha).
+#alpha #D #test @wf #t1 whd in ⊢ (%→?); * #ls * #b * #rs * * #H destruct
+lemma WF_mut_rightof:
+ ∀alpha,D,test,a,ls. WF ? (inv ? (R_mut_step_true alpha D test)) (rightof alpha a ls).
+#alpha #D #test #a #ls @wf #t1 whd in ⊢ (%→?); * #ls * #b * #rs * * #H destruct
+lemma WF_mut_leftof:
+ ∀alpha,D,test,a,rs. WF ? (inv ? (R_mut_step_true alpha D test)) (leftof alpha a rs).
+#alpha #D #test #a #rs @wf #t1 whd in ⊢ (%→?); * #ls * #b * #rs * * #H destruct
+lemma terminate_move_until_L:
+ ∀alpha,test.∀t. Terminate alpha (move_until alpha L test) t.
+#alpha #test #t @(terminate_while … (sem_mut_step alpha L test)) [%]
+cases t // #ls elim ls
+ [#c1 #l1 @wf #t1 whd in ⊢ (%→?); * #ls * #b * #rs * *
+ #_ #_ #Ht1 >Ht1 //
+ |#a #ls1 #Hind #c1 #l1 @wf #t1 whd in ⊢ (%→?); * #ls * #b * #rs * *
+ #_ #_ #Ht1 >Ht1 //
+ ]
+lemma terminate_move_until_R:
+ ∀alpha,test.∀t. Terminate alpha (move_until alpha R test) t.
+#alpha #test #t @(terminate_while … (sem_mut_step alpha R test)) [%]
+cases t // #ls #c #rs lapply c -c lapply ls -ls elim rs
+ [#c1 #l1 @wf #t1 whd in ⊢ (%→?); * #ls * #b * #rs * *
+ #_ #_ #Ht1 >Ht1 //
+ |#a #ls1 #Hind #c1 #l1 @wf #t1 whd in ⊢ (%→?); * #ls * #b * #rs * *
+ #_ #_ #Ht1 >Ht1 //
+ ]
+lemma ssem_move_until_L :
+ ∀alpha,test.
+ Realize alpha (move_until alpha L test) (R_move_l_until alpha test).
+/2/ qed.
+lemma ssem_move_until_R :
+ ∀alpha,test.
+ Realize alpha (move_until alpha R test) (R_move_R_until alpha test).
+/2/ qed.
+(*********************************** extend ***********************************)
+(* if current = Null write a character a. Used to dynamically extend the tape *)
+definition extend ≝ λalpha,a.
+ ifTM ? (test_null alpha) (nop ?) (write alpha a) tc_true.
+definition R_extend ≝ λalpha,a,t1,t2.
+ (current ? t1 = None ? → t2 = midtape alpha (left ? t1) a (right ? t1)) ∧
+ (current ? t1 ≠ None ? → t2 = t1).
+lemma sem_extend : ∀alpha,a.
+ extend alpha a ⊨ R_extend alpha a.
+#alpha #a #ta
+@(sem_if_app … (sem_test_null …) (sem_nop … ) (sem_write_strong …) ??)
+-ta #t1 #t2 #t3 *
+ [* * #H1 #H2 #H3 %
+ [#Hcur >Hcur in H1; * #H @False_ind @H //|#_ >H2 @H3]
+ |* * #H1 #H2 #H3 %
+ [#_ >H2 @H3 | >H1 * #H @False_ind @H //]
+ ]
+(********************************** extend1 ***********************************)
+(* a slightly different version: we add a to the left of the current position *)
+definition extendL ≝ λalpha,a.
+ (move_l alpha) · (write alpha a) · (move_r alpha).
+definition R_extendL ≝ λalpha,a,t1,t2.
+ (∀b,ls. t1 = leftof ? b ls → t2 = midtape alpha [a] b ls) ∧
+ (∀b,ls,rs. t1 = midtape ? ls b rs → t2 = midtape alpha (a::(tail ? ls)) b rs).
+lemma sem_extendL : ∀alpha,a.
+ extendL alpha a ⊨ R_extendL alpha a.
+#alpha #a
+@(sem_seq_app … (sem_move_l …)
+ (sem_seq … (sem_write_strong … ) (sem_move_r …) …))
+#tin #tout * #t1 * * #Ht1a #Ht1b * #t2 * #Ht2 * #_ #Ht3 %
+ [#b #ls #Htin >Htin in Ht1a; #Ht1 <(Ht1 … (refl … )) in Ht2;
+ normalize in ⊢ (%→?); #Ht2 @(Ht3 … Ht2)
+ |#b #ls #rs #Htin lapply (Ht1b … Htin) #Ht1 >Ht1 in Ht2;
+ #Ht2 lapply(Ht3 ??? Ht2) cases ls normalize //
+ ]