let rec size_of_type =
- | Var v -> 1
+ | Var _ -> 1
| Unit -> 1
| Top -> 1
- | TConst c -> 1
+ | TConst _ -> 1
| Arrow _ -> 2
| TSkip t -> size_of_type t
| Forall _ -> 2
- | TAppl l -> 1
+ | TAppl _ -> 1
(* None = dropped abstraction *)
let rec size_of_term =
- | Rel r -> 1
+ | Rel _ -> 1
| UnitTerm -> 1
- | Const c -> 1
+ | Const _ -> 1
| Lambda (_, body) -> 1 + size_of_term body
| Appl l -> List.length l
| LetIn (_, def, body) -> 1 + size_of_term def + size_of_term body
| UnsafeCoerce t -> 1 + size_of_term t
+module ReferenceMap = Map.Make(struct type t = NReference.reference let compare = NReference.compare end)
+type info_el = typ_context * typ option
+type info = (NReference.reference * info_el) list
+type db = info_el ReferenceMap.t
+let empty_info = []
+let register_info db (ref,info) = ReferenceMap.add ref info db
+let register_infos = List.fold_left register_info
type obj_kind =
TypeDeclaration of typ_former_decl
| TypeDefinition of typ_former_def
| TermDeclaration of term_former_decl
| TermDefinition of term_former_def
- | LetRec of (NReference.reference * obj_kind) list
+ | LetRec of (info * NReference.reference * obj_kind) list
(* reference, left, right, constructors *)
- | Algebraic of (NReference.reference * typ_context * typ_context * (NReference.reference * typ) list) list
+ | Algebraic of (info * NReference.reference * typ_context * typ_context * (NReference.reference * typ) list) list
-type obj = NReference.reference * obj_kind
+type obj = info * NReference.reference * obj_kind
(* For LetRec and Algebraic blocks *)
let dummyref =
(* Lambdas can me met in branches of matches, expecially when the
output type is a product *)
classify_not_term status ((n,NCic.Decl s)::context) t
- | NCic.Match (r,_,_,pl) ->
+ | NCic.Match (_,_,_,pl) ->
let classified_pl = List.map (classify_not_term status context) pl in
sup classified_pl
| NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (_,NReference.Fix _)) ->
| `Term _ -> assert false (* IMPOSSIBLE *)
-module ReferenceMap = Map.Make(struct type t = NReference.reference let compare = NReference.compare end)
-type db = (typ_context * typ option) ReferenceMap.t
class type g_status =
method extraction_db: db
- (fun (_, name, ty) pat ->
+ (fun (_, _name, ty) pat ->
(*BUG: recomputing every time the type of the constructor*)
let ty = typ_of status ~metasenv context ty in
let context,lhs,rhs = eat_branch leftno ty context [] pat in
ctx0 ctx
let bo = typ_of status ~metasenv ctx bo in
+ let info = ref,(nicectx,Some bo) in
- (ReferenceMap.add ref (nicectx,Some bo)
- status#extraction_db),
- Success (ref,TypeDefinition((nicectx,res),bo))
+ (register_info status#extraction_db info),
+ Success ([info],ref,TypeDefinition((nicectx,res),bo))
| `Kind -> status, Erased (* DPM: but not really, more a failure! *)
| `PropKind
| `Proposition -> status, Erased
let ty = typ_of status ~metasenv [] ty in
- Success (ref, TermDefinition (split_typ_prods [] ty, term_of status ~metasenv [] bo))
+ Success ([],ref, TermDefinition (split_typ_prods [] ty, term_of status ~metasenv [] bo))
| `Term _ -> status, Failure "Non-term classified as a term. This is a bug."
let right,left = HExtlib.split_nth (List.length ctx - leftno) ctx in
let ref =
NReference.reference_of_spec uri (NReference.Ind (ind,i,leftno)) in
+prerr_endline ("AGGIUNGO" ^ NReference.string_of_reference ref);
+ let info = ref,(ctx,None) in
let status =
- (ReferenceMap.add ref (ctx,None) status#extraction_db) in
+ (register_info status#extraction_db info) in
let cl =
(fun (_,_,ty) j ->
NReference.mk_constructor (j+1) ref,ty
) cl
- status,i+1,(ref,left,right,cl)::res
+ status,i+1,([info],ref,left,right,cl)::res
) (status,0,[]) il
match rev_tyl with
[] -> status,Erased
- | _ -> status, Success (dummyref, Algebraic (List.rev rev_tyl))
+ | _ -> status, Success ([], dummyref, Algebraic (List.rev rev_tyl))
let object_of status (uri,height,metasenv,subst,obj_kind) =
| `Kind ->
let ty = kind_of status ~metasenv [] ty in
let ctx,_ as res = split_kind_prods [] ty in
+ let info = ref,(ctx,None) in
- (ReferenceMap.add ref (ctx,None) status#extraction_db),
- Success (ref, TypeDeclaration res)
+ (register_info status#extraction_db info),
+ Success ([info],ref, TypeDeclaration res)
| `PropKind
| `Proposition -> status, Erased
| `Type
| `KindOrType (*???*) ->
let ty = typ_of status ~metasenv [] ty in
- status, Success (ref, TermDeclaration (split_typ_prods [] ty))
+ status, Success ([],ref, TermDeclaration (split_typ_prods [] ty))
| `Term _ -> status, Failure "Type classified as a term. This is a bug.")
| NCic.Constant (_,_,Some bo,ty,_) ->
let ref = NReference.reference_of_spec uri (NReference.Def height) in
let status,obj = object_of_constant ~metasenv status ref bo ty in
match obj with
- | Success (ref,obj) -> i+1,status, (ref,obj)::res
+ | Success (info,ref,obj) -> i+1,status, (info,ref,obj)::res
| _ -> i+1,status, res) fs (0,status,[])
- status, Success (dummyref,LetRec objs)
+ status, Success ([],dummyref,LetRec objs)
| NCic.Inductive (ind,leftno,il,_) ->
object_of_inductive status ~metasenv uri ind leftno il
| Inst t -> pretty_print_term status ctxt t
-let rec pp_obj status (ref,obj_kind) =
+let rec pp_obj status (_,ref,obj_kind) =
let pretty_print_context ctx =
String.concat " " (List.rev (snd
| Algebraic il ->
String.concat "\n"
- (fun ref,left,right,cl ->
+ (fun _,ref,left,right,cl ->
"data " ^ pp_ref status ref ^ " " ^
pretty_print_context (right@left) ^ " where\n " ^
String.concat "\n " (List.map
)) il)
(* inductive and records missing *)
+let rec infos_of (info,_,obj_kind) =
+ info @
+ match obj_kind with
+ LetRec l -> List.concat (List.map (fun (infos,_,_) -> infos) l)
+ | Algebraic l -> List.concat (List.map (fun (infos,_,_,_,_) -> infos) l)
+ | _ -> []
let haskell_of_obj status (uri,_,_,_,_ as obj) =
let status, obj = object_of status obj in
match obj with
- Erased -> "-- [?] " ^ NUri.name_of_uri uri ^ " erased due to term being propositionally irrelevant.\n"
- | OutsideTheory -> "-- [?] " ^ NUri.name_of_uri uri ^ " erased due to image of term under extraction residing outside Fω.\n"
- | Failure msg -> "-- [?] " ^ NUri.name_of_uri uri ^ " FAILURE: " ^ msg ^ "\n"
- | Success o -> pp_obj status o ^ "\n"
+ Erased -> "-- [?] " ^ NUri.name_of_uri uri ^ " erased due to term being propositionally irrelevant.\n",[]
+ | OutsideTheory -> "-- [?] " ^ NUri.name_of_uri uri ^ " erased due to image of term under extraction residing outside Fω.\n",[]
+ | Failure msg -> "-- [?] " ^ NUri.name_of_uri uri ^ " FAILURE: " ^ msg ^ "\n",[]
+ | Success o -> pp_obj status o ^ "\n", infos_of o
+let refresh_uri_in_typ ~refresh_uri_in_reference =
+ let rec refresh_uri_in_typ =
+ function
+ | Var _
+ | Unit
+ | Top as t -> t
+ | TConst r -> TConst (refresh_uri_in_reference r)
+ | Arrow (t1,t2) -> Arrow (refresh_uri_in_typ t1, refresh_uri_in_typ t2)
+ | TSkip t -> TSkip (refresh_uri_in_typ t)
+ | Forall (n,k,t) -> Forall (n,k,refresh_uri_in_typ t)
+ | TAppl tl -> TAppl (List.map refresh_uri_in_typ tl)
+ in
+ refresh_uri_in_typ
+let refresh_uri_in_info ~refresh_uri_in_reference infos =
+ List.map
+ (function (ref,(ctx,typ)) ->
+ let typ =
+ match typ with
+ None -> None
+ | Some t -> Some (refresh_uri_in_typ ~refresh_uri_in_reference t)
+ in
+ refresh_uri_in_reference ref,(ctx,typ))
+ infos