| cases (H (b2pT ? ? (eqP d s t) Hcmp))
-| constructor 2; unfold Not; intros (H);
- (* XXX destruct H; *)
- change in Hcmp with (cmp d (match {?,ps} with [(mk_sigma s _)⇒s]) t = false);
- rewrite > H in Hcmp; simplify in Hcmp; rewrite > cmp_refl in Hcmp; destruct Hcmp;
+| constructor 2; unfold Not; intros (H); destruct H;
+ rewrite > Hcut in Hcmp; rewrite > cmp_refl in Hcmp; destruct Hcmp;]
definition sub_eqType ≝ λd : eqType.λp. mk_eqType ? ? (sigma_eq_dec d p).
|2,3,5: destruct H;
|4: rewrite > (b2pT ? ? (eqP d ? ?) H); reflexivity;
|6,7: unfold Not; intros (H1); destruct H1
-|8: unfold Not; intros (H1);
- (* ancora injection non va *)
- cut (s = s1); [ rewrite > Hcut in H; rewrite > cmp_refl in H; destruct H;].
- change with (match (Some d s) with
- [ None ⇒ s | (Some s) ⇒ s] = s1); rewrite > H1;
- simplify; reflexivity;]
+|8: unfold Not; intros (H1); destruct H1;
+ rewrite > Hcut in H; rewrite > cmp_refl in H; destruct H;]
definition option_eqType : eqType → eqType ≝ λd:eqType.mk_eqType ? ? (ocmpP d).
lemma mem_filter :
- ∀d1,d2:eqType.(*∀y:d1.*)∀x:d2.∀l:list d1.∀p:d1 → option d2.
+ ∀d1,d2:eqType.∀x:d2.∀l:list d1.∀p:d1 → option d2.
(∀y.mem d1 y l = true →
match (p y) with [None ⇒ false | (Some q) ⇒ cmp d2 x q] = false) →
mem d2 x (filter d1 d2 p l) = false.
| simplify; intros;
cases (b2pT ? ? (andbPF ? ?) (p2bT ? ? (negbP ?) H)); clear H;
[ intros; lapply (b2pF ? ? (eqP d ? ?) H1) as H'; clear H1;
- (* XXX destruct H; *)
- change in H' with (Not ((match (x1::tl1) with [nil⇒x1|(cons x1 _) ⇒ x1]) = s));
- rewrite > H in H'; simplify in H'; apply H'; reflexivity;
- | intros; lapply (IH ? H1) as H';
- (* XXX destruct H1 *)
- change in H' with (Not ((match (x1::tl1) with [nil⇒tl1|(cons _ l) ⇒ l]) = l));
- rewrite > H in H'; simplify in H'; apply H'; reflexivity;]]]]
+ destruct H; rewrite > Hcut in H'; apply H'; reflexivity;
+ | intros; lapply (IH ? H1) as H'; destruct H;
+ rewrite > Hcut1 in H'; apply H'; reflexivity;]]]]
definition list_eqType : eqType → eqType ≝ λd:eqType.mk_eqType ? ? (lcmpP d).