exception NotConvertible
-(*CSC: Bug (or feature?). [with_what] is parsed in the context of the goal, *)
-(*CSC: while [what] can have a richer context (because of binders) *)
-(*CSC: So it is _NOT_ possible to use those binders in the [with_what] term. *)
-(*CSC: Is that evident? Is that right? Or should it be changed? *)
+(* Note: this code is almost identical to ReductionTactics.reduction_tac and
+* it could be unified by making the change function a callback *)
+(* CSC: with_what is parsed in the context of the goal, but it should replace
+ something that lives in a completely different context. Thus we
+ perform a delift + lift phase to move it in the right context. However,
+ in this way the tactic is less powerful than expected: with_what cannot
+ reference variables that are local to the term that is going to be
+ replaced. To fix this we should parse with_what in the context of the
+ term(s) to be replaced. *)
let change_tac ~pattern with_what =
- let change_tac ~what ~with_what ~pattern (proof, goal) =
- let curi,metasenv,pbo,pty = proof in
- let metano,context,ty = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
- (* are_convertible works only on well-typed terms *)
- let _,u =
- CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context with_what
- CicUniv.empty_ugraph
- in (* TASSI: FIXME *)
- let b,_ =
- CicReduction.are_convertible context what with_what u
+ let change_tac ~pattern ~with_what (proof, goal) =
+ let curi,metasenv,pbo,pty = proof in
+ let (metano,context,ty) as conjecture = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
+ let context_len = List.length context in
+ let change context'_len where terms =
+ if terms = [] then where
+ else
+ let terms, terms' =
+ List.split
+ (List.map
+ (fun (context_of_t, t) ->
+ let context_of_t_len = List.length context_of_t in
+ let with_what_in_context' =
+ if context_len > context'_len then
+ begin
+ let with_what,subst,metasenv' =
+ CicMetaSubst.delift_rels [] metasenv
+ (context_len - context'_len) with_what
+ in
+ assert (subst = []);
+ assert (metasenv = metasenv');
+ with_what
+ end
+ else
+ with_what in
+ let with_what_in_context_of_t =
+ if context_of_t_len > context'_len then
+ CicSubstitution.lift (context_of_t_len - context'_len)
+ with_what_in_context'
+ else
+ with_what
+ in
+ t, with_what_in_context_of_t) terms)
- if b then
- begin
- let replace =
- ProofEngineReduction.replace
- ~equality:(==) ~what:[what] ~with_what:[with_what]
- in
- let ty' = replace ty in
- let context' =
- List.map
- (function
- Some (name,Cic.Def (t,None))->
- Some (name,Cic.Def ((replace t),None))
- | Some (name,Cic.Decl t) -> Some (name,Cic.Decl (replace t))
- | None -> None
- | Some (_,Cic.Def (_,Some _)) -> assert false
- ) context
- in
- let metasenv' =
- List.map
- (function
- (n,_,_) when n = metano -> (metano,context',ty')
- | _ as t -> t
- ) metasenv
- in
- (curi,metasenv',pbo,pty), [metano]
- end
- else
- raise (ProofEngineTypes.Fail "Not convertible")
+ ProofEngineReduction.replace ~equality:(==) ~what:terms ~with_what:terms'
+ ~where:where in
+ let (selected_context,selected_ty) =
+ ProofEngineHelpers.select ~metasenv ~conjecture ~pattern in
+ let ty' = change context_len ty selected_ty in
+ let context' =
+ List.fold_right2
+ (fun entry selected_entry context' ->
+ let context'_len = List.length context' in
+ match entry,selected_entry with
+ None,None -> None::context'
+ | Some (name,Cic.Decl ty),Some (`Decl selected_ty) ->
+ let ty' = change context'_len ty selected_ty in
+ Some (name,Cic.Decl ty')::context'
+ | Some (name,Cic.Def (bo,ty)),Some (`Def (selected_bo,selected_ty)) ->
+ let bo' = change context'_len bo selected_bo in
+ let ty' =
+ match ty,selected_ty with
+ None,None -> None
+ | Some ty,Some selected_ty ->
+ Some (change context'_len ty selected_ty)
+ | _,_ -> assert false
+ in
+ Some (name,Cic.Def (bo',ty'))::context'
+ | _,_ -> assert false
+ ) context selected_context [] in
+ let metasenv' =
+ List.map (function
+ | (n,_,_) when n = metano -> (metano,context',ty')
+ | _ as t -> t
+ ) metasenv
+ in
+ (curi,metasenv',pbo,pty), [metano]
- mk_tactic (change_tac ~what ~with_what ~pattern)
-*) assert false
+ mk_tactic (change_tac ~pattern ~with_what)