sequentPp.cmx: cic2Xml.cmx cic2acic.cmx proofEngine.cmx sequentPp.cmi
mQueryLevels.cmo: mQueryLevels.cmi
mQueryLevels.cmx: mQueryLevels.cmi
-mQueryGenerator.cmo: mQueryGenerator.cmi
-mQueryGenerator.cmx: mQueryGenerator.cmi
+mQueryGenerator.cmo: mQueryLevels.cmi mQueryGenerator.cmi
+mQueryGenerator.cmx: mQueryLevels.cmx mQueryGenerator.cmi
gTopLevel.cmo: cic2Xml.cmi cic2acic.cmi logicalOperations.cmi \
- mQueryGenerator.cmi proofEngine.cmi sequentPp.cmi xml2Gdome.cmi
+ mQueryGenerator.cmi mQueryLevels.cmi proofEngine.cmi sequentPp.cmi \
+ xml2Gdome.cmi
gTopLevel.cmx: cic2Xml.cmx cic2acic.cmx logicalOperations.cmx \
- mQueryGenerator.cmx proofEngine.cmx sequentPp.cmx xml2Gdome.cmx
+ mQueryGenerator.cmx mQueryLevels.cmx proofEngine.cmx sequentPp.cmx \
+ xml2Gdome.cmx
let prooffiletype = "/home/tassi/miohelm/tmp/currentprooftype";;
-let prooffile = "/public/sacerdot/currentproof";;
-let prooffiletype = "/public/sacerdot/currentprooftype";;
+let prooffile = "/public/natile/currentproof";;
+let prooffiletype = "/public/natile/currentprooftype";;
(*CSC: the getter should handle the innertypes, not the FS *)
let constanttypefile = "/home/tassi/miohelm/tmp/constanttype";;
-let innertypesfile = "/public/sacerdot/innertypes";;
-let constanttypefile = "/public/sacerdot/constanttype";;
+let innertypesfile = "/public/natile/innertypes";;
+let constanttypefile = "/public/natile/constanttype";;
let empty_id_to_uris = ([],function _ -> None);;
None -> ()
| Some metano ->
let (_, ey ,ty) = List.find (function (m,_,_) -> m=metano) metasenv in
- let result = MQueryGenerator.searchPattern metasenv ey ty level in
+ let list_of_must,can = MQueryLevels.out_restr metasenv ey ty in
+ let len = List.length list_of_must in
+ let must = if level < len then List.nth list_of_must level else can in
+ let result = MQueryGenerator.searchPattern metasenv ey ty must can in
let uris =
(function uri,_ ->
execute_query q
-let searchPattern e c t level =
+let searchPattern e c t must_use can_use =
let module M = MathQL in
let module L = MQueryLevels in
let mainConclusion =
M.VVar "universe"
) in
- let uri_of_entry (r, b, v) = r in
- let rec restrict level = function
+ let uri_of_entry (r, b) = r in
+ (*let rec restrict level = function
| [] -> []
| (u, b, v) :: tail ->
if v <= level then (u, b, v) :: restrict level tail
else restrict level tail
- in
- let build_select (r, b, v) =
+ in*)
+ let build_select (r, b) =
+ print_endline (">>>>LA URI: "^r);
let pos = if b then mainConclusion else inConclusion in
| [hd] -> build_select hd
| hd :: tl -> M.Intersect (build_select hd, build_intersect tl)
- let levels = L.levels_of_term e c t in
+ (* let levels = L.levels_of_term e c t in
let rest = restrict level levels in
- info := [string_of_int (List.length rest)];
- let q_in = build_intersect rest in
+ info := [string_of_int (List.length rest)];*)
+ let q_in = build_intersect must_use in
let q_select = M.Select ("uri0", q_in, q_where) in
- let universe = M.Const ( uri_of_entry levels) in
+ let universe = M.Const ( uri_of_entry can_use) in
let q_let_u = M.LetVVar ("universe", universe, q_select) in
let q_let_p = M.LetVVar ("positions", v_pos, q_let_u) in
-prerr_endline ("### " ^ MQueryUtil.text_of_query q_let_p) ;
+print_endline ("### " ^ MQueryUtil.text_of_query q_let_p) ; flush stdout;
execute_query q_let_p
val locate : string -> MathQL.result
-val searchPattern : Cic.metasenv -> Cic.context -> Cic.term -> int -> MathQL.result
+val searchPattern : Cic.metasenv -> Cic.context -> Cic.term -> (string * bool) list -> (string * bool) list -> MathQL.result
val get_query_info : unit -> string list
levels_out l
+let out_restr e c t =
+(* let rec restrict level = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (u, b, v) :: tail ->
+ if v <= level then (u, b, v) :: restrict level tail
+ else restrict level tail
+ in*)
+ let can = levels_of_term e c t in (* can restrictions *)
+print_endline "";
+ print_string "#### IN LEVELS @@@@ lunghezza can:";
+ print_int (List.length can); flush stdout;
+ print_endline "";
+(* let rest = restrict level levels in *)
+ let uri_pos (u,b,v) = (u,b) in
+ let can_use = uri_pos can in
+ let lofl (u,b,v) = [(u,b)] in
+ let rec organize_restr rlist prev_r=
+ match rlist with
+ [] -> []
+ | r::tl ->let curr_r = r@prev_r in
+ curr_r::(organize_restr tl curr_r)
+ in
+ let mrest = lofl can in
+ let must_use = organize_restr mrest [] in (* must restrictions *)
+ (must_use,can_use)
(* *)
+(*type can_restrictions = (string * bool) list
+type must_restrictions = ((string * bool) list) list*)
type levels_spec = (string * bool * int) list
-val levels_of_term : Cic.metasenv -> Cic.context -> Cic.term -> levels_spec
+val levels_of_term: Cic.metasenv -> Cic.context -> Cic.term -> levels_spec
+val out_restr: Cic.metasenv -> Cic.context -> Cic.term -> ( ((string * bool) list) list * (string * bool) list)
val string_of_levels : levels_spec -> string -> string
if Mqint.get_stat () then
print_string ("? " ^ CicPp.ppterm term ^ nl);
let t0 = Sys.time () in
- let r = Gen.searchPattern [] [] term level in
+ let list_of_must,can = MQueryLevels.out_restr [] [] term in
+ let len = List.length list_of_must in
+ let must = if level < len then List.nth list_of_must level else can in
+ let r = Gen.searchPattern [] [] term must can in
let t1 = Sys.time () -. t0 in
let info = Gen.get_query_info () in
let num = List.nth info 0 in