-REQUIRES = http helm-cic_textual_parser helm-cic_proof_checking \
+REQUIRES = http helm-cic_textual_parser2 helm-cic_proof_checking \
helm-xml gdome2-xslt helm-cic_unification helm-mathql \
- helm-mathql_interpreter helm-mathql_generator helm-logger
-OCAMLOPTIONS = -package "$(REQUIRES)" -pp camlp4o -I ../gTopLevel
+ helm-mathql_interpreter helm-mathql_generator helm-logger \
+ helm-tex_cic_textual_parser
+OCAMLOPTIONS = -thread -package "$(REQUIRES)" -pp camlp4o -I ../gTopLevel
OCAMLC = ocamlfind ocamlc $(OCAMLOPTIONS)
OCAMLOPT = ocamlfind ocamlopt $(OCAMLOPTIONS)
-GTOPLEVEL_MODULES = disambiguate
+GTOPLEVEL_MODULES = oldDisambiguate disambiguatingParser
CMOS = $(patsubst %,%.cmo,$(MODULES))
CMXS = $(patsubst %,%.cmx,$(MODULES))
if (top.idcheck(document.aliaslist.idi.value)==1 && top.uricheck(document.aliaslist.uri.value)==1)
- top.aliasglob[top.aliasglob.length]="alias "+document.aliaslist.idi.value+" "+document.aliaslist.uri.value;
+ top.aliasglob[top.aliasglob.length]="alias id "+document.aliaslist.idi.value+" = "+document.aliaslist.uri.value;
function istruzioni()
- top.hw.document.write("You must now enter a list of alias. An Alias is the word 'alias' followed by an <a href='grammarpdq.html#Id' target='gw'>Id</a>, followed by an <a href='grammarpdq.html#Uri' target='gw'>Uri</a>.You may enter as many of them as you want, after each one click the button 'add alias' or press enter and it will be added. When you are done, click 'done'.");
+ top.hw.document.write("You must now enter a list of alias. An Alias is the word 'alias' followed by 'id', an <a href='grammarpdq.html#Id' target='gw'>Id</a>, the equality sign '=', an <a href='grammarpdq.html#Uri' target='gw'>Uri</a>.You may enter as many of them as you want, after each one click the button 'add alias' or press enter and it will be added. When you are done, click 'done'.");
<form name="aliaslist" action="Javascript:addalias();" method="get">
+alias id
<input name="idi" type=text size="15" value="">
<input name="uri" type=text size="45" value="cic:/"><br>
<input type=submit value="add alias"><input type=button value="delete selected" onClick="rimuovialias()";><br>
<select name="elenco" multiple size=7>
with (document.form1) {
- if (selopt[0].checked) {stadd="\[Genid]"+document.form1.ex1.value+"[Expr].[Expr]"}
- if (selopt[1].checked) {stadd="![Genid]:[Expr].[Expr]"}
- if (selopt[2].checked) {stadd="[Expr]->[Expr]"}
- if (selopt[3].checked) {stadd="([Expr])->[Expr]"}
- if (selopt[4].checked) {stadd=document.form1.ex2.value}
- if (selopt[5].checked) {
+ if (selopt[0].checked) {stadd="\\lambda [Genid] : [Expr].[Expr]"}
+ if (selopt[1].checked) {stadd="let [Genid] = [Expr] in [Expr]"}
+ if (selopt[2].checked) {stadd="\\forall [Genid]:[Expr].[Expr]"}
+ if (selopt[3].checked) {stadd="[Expr] \\to [Expr]"}
+ if (selopt[4].checked) {stadd="?"}
+ if (selopt[5].checked) {stadd=document.form1.ex2.value}
+ if (selopt[6].checked) {
while (quanti<1)
quanti=prompt("How many expressions in the list?","1");//alert(quanti);
{stadd=stadd+"[Expr] "}
- if (selopt[6].checked) {
+ if (selopt[7].checked) {
if (stadd.substring(0,5)=="cic:/")
You are entering an expression. Select one of the following.
<form name="form1" action="Javascript:choice();" method="get">
-<input type="radio" name="selopt">\[Genid]<select name="ex1" onFocus="selopt[0].checked=true;">
-<option value=":">:
-<option value=":=">:=
-</select>[Expr].[Expr] <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt">![Genid]:[Expr].[Expr] <br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt">[Expr]->[Expr]<br>
-<input type="radio" name="selopt">([Expr])->[Expr]<br>
+<input type="radio" name="selopt">\lambda [Genid]:[Expr].[Expr] <br>
+<input type="radio" name="selopt">let [Genid] = [Expr] in [Expr] <br>
+<input type="radio" name="selopt">\forall [Genid]:[Expr].[Expr] <br>
+<input type="radio" name="selopt">[Expr] \to [Expr]<br>
+<input type="radio" name="selopt">?<br>
<input type="radio" name="selopt"> <select name="ex2" onFocus="selopt[4].checked=true;">
<option value="Prop"> Prop
<option value="Set"> Set
<input type=submit value="Select">
\ No newline at end of file
<a name="Exp_Named_Subst">
<p><b><Exp_Named_Subst></b>::= "{" [ [ [<<a href="#Id">Id</a>> | <<a href="#Varuri">Varuri</a>> ] ":=" <Expression> ";" ]* [ [<<a href="#Id">Id</a>> | <<a href="#Varuri">Varuri</a>> ] ":=" <Expression> ] ]? "}"</a>
<a name="Alias">
-<p><b><Alias></b>::= "alias" <<a href="#Id">Id</a>> <<a href="#Uri">Uri</a>>
+<p><b><Alias></b>::= "alias" "id" <<a href="#Id">Id</a>> = <<a href="#Uri">Uri</a>>
<a name="Genid">
<p><b><Genid></b>::= [ <<a href="#Id">Id</a>> | <<a href="#Varuri">Varuri</a>> | <<a href="#Indtyuri">Indtyuri</a>> | <<a href="#Indconuri">Indconuri</a>> ] <<a href="#Exp_Named_Subst">Exp_Named_Subst</a>>
<a name="Expr">
::= "Prop" | "Set" | "Type" | "?" | <<a href="#Uri">Uri</a>> | <<a href="#Id">Id</a>>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ <section name="getter">
+ <key name="mode">remote</key>
+ <key name="url">http://localhost:58081/</key>
+ </section>
+ <section name="search_engine">
+ <key name="html_dir">html</key>
+ <key name="port">58085</key>
+ <key name="valid_servers">mowgli.cs.unibo.it:58080 mowgli.cs.unibo.it localhost:58080</key>
+ </section>
open Http_types ;;
-let debug = true;;
+let debug = false;;
let debug_print s = if debug then prerr_endline s;;
Http_common.debug := true;;
(* Http_common.debug := true;; *)
- (** accepted HTTP servers for ask_uwobo method forwarding *)
-let valid_servers =
- [ "mowgli.cs.unibo.it:58080" ; "mowgli.cs.unibo.it" ; "localhost:58080" ];;
let mqi_flags = [] (* default MathQL interpreter options *)
open Printf;;
let daemon_name = "Search Engine";;
-let default_port = 58085;;
-let port_env_var = "SEARCH_ENGINE_PORT";;
-let pages_dir =
- try
- with Not_found -> "html" (* relative to searchEngine's document root *)
+ (* First of all we load the configuration *)
+let _ =
+ let configuration_file = "/projects/helm/etc/searchEngine.conf.xml" in
+ Helm_registry.load_from configuration_file
+let pages_dir = Helm_registry.get "search_engine.html_dir";;
+ (** accepted HTTP servers for ask_uwobo method forwarding *)
+let valid_servers= Helm_registry.get_string_list "search_engine.valid_servers";;
let interactive_user_uri_choice_TPL = pages_dir ^ "/templateambigpdq1.html";;
let interactive_interpretation_choice_TPL =
pages_dir ^ "/templateambigpdq2.html";;
let server_and_port_url_RE = Pcre.regexp "^http://([^/]+)/.*$"
-let port =
- try
- int_of_string (Sys.getenv port_env_var)
- with
- | Not_found -> default_port
- | Failure "int_of_string" ->
- prerr_endline "Warning: invalid port, reverting to default";
- default_port
+let port = Helm_registry.get_int "search_engine.port";;
let pp_error = sprintf "<html><body><h1>Error: %s</h1></body></html>";;
| "/locateInductivePrinciple" ->
let mqi_handle = C.init mqi_flags debug_print in
let term_string = req#param "term" in
- let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string term_string in
let (context, metasenv) = ([], []) in
- let (dom, mk_metasenv_and_expr) =
- CicTextualParserContext.main
- ~context ~metasenv CicTextualLexer.token lexbuf
- in
let id_to_uris_raw = req#param "aliases" in
let tokens = Pcre.split ~pat:"\\s" id_to_uris_raw in
let rec parse_tokens keys lookup = function (* TODO spostarla fuori *)
| [] -> keys, lookup
| _ -> failwith "Can't parse aliases"
let parse_choices choices_raw =
let choices = Pcre.split ~pat:";" choices_raw in
| ""::id::tail
| id::tail when id<>"" ->
(fun id' ->
-prerr_endline ("#### " ^ id ^ " :=");
-List.iter (fun u -> prerr_endline ("<" ^ Netencoding.Url.decode u ^ ">")) tail;
if id = id' then
Some (List.map (fun u -> Netencoding.Url.decode u) tail)
(fun _ -> None)
- let (id_to_uris : Disambiguate.domain_and_interpretation) =
- parse_tokens [] (fun _ -> None) tokens in
+ let id_to_uris =
+ DisambiguatingParser.EnvironmentP3.of_string id_to_uris_raw in
+print_endline ("id_to_uris_raw: " ^ id_to_uris_raw) ;
+print_endline ("id_to_uris: " ^ (DisambiguatingParser.EnvironmentP3.to_string id_to_uris)) ;
let id_to_choices =
let choices_raw = req#param "choices" in
parse_choices choices_raw
with Http_types.Param_not_found _ -> (fun _ -> None)
- let module Chat: Disambiguate.Callbacks =
+ let module Chat: DisambiguateTypes.Callbacks =
- let get_metasenv () =
- !CicTextualParser0.metasenv
- let set_metasenv metasenv =
- CicTextualParser0.metasenv := metasenv
- let output_html ?(append_NL = true) html_msg =
- let rec collect_string = function
- | `BR -> "\n"
- | `T s -> s
- | `L tags -> String.concat "" (List.map collect_string tags)
- in
- match html_msg with
- | `Error msg | `Msg msg ->
- (if append_NL then prerr_endline else prerr_string)
- (collect_string msg ^ (if append_NL then "\n" else ""))
let interactive_user_uri_choice
~selection_mode ?ok
?enable_button_for_non_vars ~(title: string) ~(msg: string)
(String.concat "<br />"
(fun (id, value) ->
- (sprintf "alias %s %s" id value))
+ (sprintf "alias id %s = %s" id value))
l)) ^
(String.concat " "
(fun (id, value) ->
- (sprintf "alias %s %s"
+ (sprintf "alias id %s = %s"
- let module Disambiguate' = Disambiguate.Make (Chat) in
+ let module Disambiguate' = DisambiguatingParser.Make(Chat) in
let (id_to_uris', metasenv', term') =
- Disambiguate'.disambiguate_input mqi_handle
- context metasenv dom mk_metasenv_and_expr id_to_uris
+ Disambiguate'.disambiguate_term mqi_handle
+ context metasenv term_string id_to_uris
(match metasenv' with
| [] ->
(fun line ->
let new_aliases =
+ DisambiguatingParser.EnvironmentP3.to_string id_to_uris' in
match id_to_uris' with
| (domain, f) ->
String.concat ", "
| _ -> assert false (*CSC: completare *)))
let processed_line =
[results_RE, theory_of_result results ;