| Some pos -> move_solution_up ~unfocus:true status pos cache
and attack pos cache and_item =
- (* show pos; *) (* uncomment to show the tree *)
- match and_item with
- | _, S _ -> assert false (* next would close the proof or give a D *)
- | (_, depth, _),_ when Unix.gettimeofday () > flags.timeout ->
- debug_print ~depth (lazy ("fail timeout"));
- Gaveup
- | (s, depth, width), D (_, T as g) when not flags.do_types ->
- debug_print ~depth (lazy "skip goal in Type");
- next ~unfocus:true (solved g depth width s pos) cache
- | (_,depth,_), D _ when depth > flags.maxdepth ->
- debug_print ~depth (lazy "fail depth");
- next_choice (failed pos) cache
- | (_,depth,size), D _ when size > flags.maxsize ->
- debug_print ~depth (lazy "fail size");
- next_choice (failed pos) cache
- | (s,depth,size), D (gno,_ as g) ->
- assert (Z.eject pos = T.Nil); (*subtree must be unexplored *)
- match calculate_goal_ty g s with
- | None ->
- debug_print
- ~depth (lazy ("success side effect: " ^ string_of_int gno));
- next ~unfocus:false (solved g depth size s pos) cache
- | Some gty ->
- let s, gty = apply_subst s (ctx_of gty) gty in
- debug_print ~depth (lazy ("EXAMINE: "^ ppterm s gty));
- match cache_examine cache gty with
- | `Failed_in d when d <= depth ->
- debug_print ~depth(lazy("fail depth (c): "^string_of_int gno));
- next_choice (failed pos) cache
- | `UnderInspection ->
- debug_print ~depth (lazy("fail loop: "^string_of_int gno));
- next_choice (failed pos) cache
- | `Succeded t ->
- debug_print ~depth (lazy("success (c): "^string_of_int gno));
- let s = put_in_subst s g t gty in
- next ~unfocus:true (solved g depth size s pos) cache
- | `Notfound
- | `Failed_in _ ->
- (* more depth than before or first time we see the goal *)
- if prunable s gty () then
- (debug_print ~depth (lazy( "fail one father is equal"));
- next_choice (failed pos) cache)
- else
- let cache = cache_add_underinspection cache gty depth in
- debug_print ~depth (lazy ("INSPECTING: " ^
- string_of_int gno ^ "("^ string_of_int size ^ ") "));
- let subgoals, cache =
- do_something signature flags s gno depth gty cache
- in
- if subgoals = [] then (* this goal has failed *)
- next_choice (failed pos) cache
- else
- let size_gl l = List.length (prop_only l) in
- let subtrees =
- List.map
- (fun (_cand,depth_incr,s,gl) ->
- D(gno,P),
- T.Node (`And (s,depth+depth_incr,size+size_gl gl),
- List.map (fun g -> D g,T.Nil) gl))
- subgoals
- in
- next ~unfocus:true
- (Z.inject (T.Node (`Or,subtrees)) pos) cache
+ (* show pos; *) (* uncomment to show the tree *)
+ match and_item with
+ | _, S _ -> assert false (* next would close the proof or give a D *)
+ | (_, depth, _),_ when Unix.gettimeofday () > flags.timeout ->
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy ("fail timeout"));
+ Gaveup
+ | (s, depth, width), D (_, T as g) when not flags.do_types ->
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy "skip goal in Type");
+ next ~unfocus:true (solved g depth width s pos) cache
+ | (_,depth,_), D _ when depth > flags.maxdepth ->
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy "fail depth");
+ next_choice (failed pos) cache
+ | (_,depth,size), D _ when size > flags.maxsize ->
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy "fail size");
+ next_choice (failed pos) cache
+ | (s,depth,size), D (gno,_ as g) ->
+ assert (Z.eject pos = T.Nil); (*subtree must be unexplored *)
+ match calculate_goal_ty g s with
+ | None ->
+ debug_print
+ ~depth (lazy ("success side effect: " ^ string_of_int gno));
+ next ~unfocus:false (solved g depth size s pos) cache
+ | Some gty ->
+ let s, gty = apply_subst s (ctx_of gty) gty in
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy ("EXAMINE: "^ ppterm s gty));
+ match cache_examine cache gty with
+ | `Failed_in d when d <= depth ->
+ debug_print ~depth(lazy("fail depth (c): "^string_of_int gno));
+ next_choice (failed pos) cache
+ | `UnderInspection ->
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy("fail loop: "^string_of_int gno));
+ next_choice (failed pos) cache
+ | `Succeded t ->
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy("success (c): "^string_of_int gno));
+ let s = put_in_subst s g t gty in
+ next ~unfocus:true (solved g depth size s pos) cache
+ | `Notfound
+ | `Failed_in _ ->
+ (* more depth than before or first time we see the goal *)
+ if prunable s gty () then
+ (debug_print ~depth (lazy( "fail one father is equal"));
+ next_choice (failed pos) cache)
+ else
+ let cache = cache_add_underinspection cache gty depth in
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy ("INSPECTING: " ^
+ string_of_int gno ^ "("^ string_of_int size ^ ") "));
+ let subgoals, cache =
+ do_something signature flags s gno depth gty cache
+ in
+ if subgoals = [] then (* this goal has failed *)
+ next_choice (failed pos) cache
+ else
+ let size_gl l = List.length (prop_only l) in
+ let subtrees =
+ List.map
+ (fun (_cand,depth_incr,s,gl) ->
+ D(gno,P),
+ T.Node (`And (s,depth+depth_incr,size+size_gl gl),
+ List.map (fun g -> D g,T.Nil) gl))
+ subgoals
+ in
+ next ~unfocus:true
+ (Z.inject (T.Node (`Or,subtrees)) pos) cache
(next ~unfocus:true pos cache : 'a auto_result)