+++ /dev/null
-*.cmi *.cmo *.cmx topLevel.opt
+++ /dev/null
-topLevel.cmo: ../mQueryGenerator.cmi
-topLevel.cmx: ../mQueryGenerator.cmx
+++ /dev/null
-BIN_DIR = /usr/local/bin
-REQUIRES = helm-urimanager helm-cic_textual_parser helm-cic_proof_checking helm-mathql helm-mathql_interpreter
-OCAMLOPTIONS = -I .. -package "$(REQUIRES)" -predicates "$(PREDICATES)"
-OCAMLC = ocamlfind ocamlc $(OCAMLOPTIONS)
-OCAMLOPT = ocamlfind ocamlopt $(OCAMLOPTIONS)
-OCAMLDEP = ocamldep -I ..
-LIBRARIES = $(shell ocamlfind query -recursive -predicates "byte $(PREDICATES)" -format "%d/%a" $(REQUIRES))
-LIBRARIES_OPT = $(shell ocamlfind query -recursive -predicates "native $(PREDICATES)" -format "%d/%a" $(REQUIRES))
-all: topLevel
-opt: topLevel.opt
-DEPOBJS = topLevel.ml
-TOPLEVELOBJS = ../mQueryLevels.cmo ../mQueryGenerator.cmo topLevel.cmo
- $(OCAMLDEP) $(DEPOBJS) > .depend
- $(OCAMLC) -linkpkg -o topLevel $(TOPLEVELOBJS)
-topLevel.opt: $(TOPLEVELOBJS:.cmo=.cmx) $(LIBRARIES_OPT)
- $(OCAMLOPT) -linkpkg -o topLevel.opt $(TOPLEVELOBJS:.cmo=.cmx)
-.SUFFIXES: .ml .mli .cmo .cmi .cmx
-.ml.cmo: $(LIBRARIES)
- $(OCAMLC) -c $<
-.mli.cmi: $(LIBRARIES)
- $(OCAMLC) -c $<
-.ml.cmx: $(LIBRARIES_OPT)
- $(OCAMLOPT) -c $<
- rm -f *.cm[iox] *.o topLevel topLevel.opt
- cp topLevel topLevel.opt $(BIN_DIR)
- rm -f $(BIN_DIR)/topLevel $(BIN_DIR)/topLevel.opt
-.PHONY: install uninstall clean
-ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), depend)
- include .depend
+++ /dev/null
-alias BV /Sophia-Antipolis/HARDWARE/GENE/BV/BV.con
-alias BV_increment /Sophia-Antipolis/HARDWARE/ADDER/IncrDecr/BV_increment.con
-alias BV_increment_carry /Sophia-Antipolis/HARDWARE/ADDER/IncrDecr/BV_increment_carry.con
-alias BV_to_nat /Sophia-Antipolis/HARDWARE/GENE/BV/BV_to_nat.con
-alias Exp /Eindhoven/POCKLINGTON/exp/Exp.con
-alias IZR /Coq/Reals/Raxioms/IZR.con
-alias Int_part /Coq/Reals/R_Ifp/Int_part.con
-alias Mod /Eindhoven/POCKLINGTON/mod/Mod.con
-alias NEG /Coq/ZArith/fast_integer/fast_integers/Z.ind#1/1/3
-alias O /Coq/Init/Datatypes/nat.ind#1/1/1
-alias POS /Coq/ZArith/fast_integer/fast_integers/Z.ind#1/1/2
-alias Prime /Eindhoven/POCKLINGTON/prime/Prime.con
-alias R /Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/R.con
-alias R0 /Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/R0.con
-alias R1 /Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/R1.con
-alias Rgt /Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Rgt.con
-alias Rinv /Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Rinv.con
-alias Rle /Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Rle.con
-alias Rlt /Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Rlt.con
-alias Rminus /Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Rminus.con
-alias Rmult /Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Rmult.con
-alias Ropp /Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Ropp.con
-alias Rplus /Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Rplus.con
-alias S /Coq/Init/Datatypes/nat.ind#1/1/2
-alias Z /Coq/ZArith/fast_integer/fast_integers/Z.ind#1/1
-alias ZERO /Coq/ZArith/fast_integer/fast_integers/Z.ind#1/1/1
-alias ZExp /Eindhoven/POCKLINGTON/exp/ZExp.con
-alias Zdiv2 /Coq/ZArith/Zmisc/arith/Zdiv2.con
-alias Zge /Coq/ZArith/zarith_aux/Zge.con
-alias Zle /Coq/ZArith/zarith_aux/Zle.con
-alias Zlt /Coq/ZArith/zarith_aux/Zlt.con
-alias Zminus /Coq/ZArith/zarith_aux/Zminus.con
-alias Zmult /Coq/ZArith/fast_integer/fast_integers/Zmult.con
-alias Zodd /Coq/ZArith/Zmisc/arith/Zodd.con
-alias Zplus /Coq/ZArith/fast_integer/fast_integers/Zplus.con
-alias Zpower_nat /Coq/omega/Zpower/section1/Zpower_nat.con
-alias Zpower_pos /Coq/omega/Zpower/section1/Zpower_pos.con
-alias Zpred /Coq/ZArith/zarith_aux/Zpred.con
-alias Zs /Coq/ZArith/zarith_aux/Zs.con
-alias ad /Coq/IntMap/Addr/ad.ind#1/1
-alias ad_bit /Coq/IntMap/Addr/ad_bit.con
-alias ad_double_plus_un /Coq/IntMap/Addr/ad_double_plus_un.con
-alias ad_x /Coq/IntMap/Addr/ad.ind#1/1/2
-alias ad_xor /Coq/IntMap/Addr/ad_xor.con
-alias allex /Eindhoven/POCKLINGTON/fermat/allex.con
-alias and /Coq/Init/Logic/Conjunction/and.ind#1/1
-alias appbv /Sophia-Antipolis/HARDWARE/GENE/BV/appbv.con
-alias bool /Coq/Init/Datatypes/bool.ind#1/1
-alias consbv /Sophia-Antipolis/HARDWARE/GENE/BV/consbv.con
-alias convert /Coq/ZArith/fast_integer/fast_integers/convert.con
-alias div2 /Coq/Arith/Div2/div2.con
-alias double /Coq/Arith/Div2/double.con
-alias eq /Coq/Init/Logic/Equality/eq.ind#1/1
-alias eq_ind /Coq/Init/Logic/Equality/eq_ind.con
-alias eq_ind_r /Coq/Init/Logic/Logic_lemmas/eq_ind_r.con
-alias eqT /Coq/Init/Logic_Type/eqT.ind#1/1
-alias even /Coq/Arith/Even/even.ind#1/1
-alias ex /Coq/Init/Logic/First_order_quantifiers/ex.ind#1/1
-alias f_equal /Coq/Init/Logic/Logic_lemmas/equality/f_equal.con
-alias iff /Coq/Init/Logic/Equivalence/iff.con
-alias le /Coq/Init/Peano/le.ind#1/1
-alias lengthbv /Sophia-Antipolis/HARDWARE/GENE/BV/lengthbv.con
-alias lift_rec_r /Rocq/LAMBDA/Substitution/lift_rec_r.con
-alias log_inf /Coq/omega/Zlogarithm/Log_pos/log_inf.con
-alias log_sup /Coq/omega/Zlogarithm/Log_pos/log_sup.con
-alias lt /Coq/Init/Peano/lt.con
-alias mapmult /Eindhoven/POCKLINGTON/list/mapmult.con
-alias minus /Coq/Arith/Minus/minus.con
-alias mult /Coq/Init/Peano/mult.con
-alias nat /Coq/Init/Datatypes/nat.ind#1/1
-alias nat_of_ad /Coq/IntMap/Adalloc/AdAlloc/nat_of_ad.con
-alias negb /Coq/Bool/Bool/negb.con
-alias nilbv /Sophia-Antipolis/HARDWARE/GENE/BV/nilbv.con
-alias not /Coq/Init/Logic/not.con
-alias odd /Coq/Arith/Even/even.ind#1/2
-alias or /Coq/Init/Logic/Disjunction/or.ind#1/1
-alias permmod /Eindhoven/POCKLINGTON/fermat/permmod.con
-alias plus /Coq/Init/Peano/plus.con
-alias positive /Coq/ZArith/fast_integer/fast_integers/positive.ind#1/1
-alias power2 /Sophia-Antipolis/HARDWARE/GENE/Arith_compl/power2.con
-alias pred /Coq/Init/Peano/pred.con
-alias redexes /Rocq/LAMBDA/Redexes/redexes.ind#1/1
-alias shift_nat /Coq/omega/Zpower/Powers_of_2/shift_nat.con
-alias shift_pos /Coq/omega/Zpower/Powers_of_2/shift_pos.con
-alias subst_rec_r /Rocq/LAMBDA/Substitution/subst_rec_r.con
-alias two_p /Coq/omega/Zpower/Powers_of_2/two_p.con
-alias until /Eindhoven/POCKLINGTON/fermat/until.con
-alias xH /Coq/ZArith/fast_integer/fast_integers/positive.ind#1/1/3
-alias xI /Coq/ZArith/fast_integer/fast_integers/positive.ind#1/1/1
-alias xO /Coq/ZArith/fast_integer/fast_integers/positive.ind#1/1/2
-alias zproduct /Eindhoven/POCKLINGTON/list/zproduct.con
-!n:nat.(eq nat (mult (S (S O)) n) O);
-!n:nat.(eq nat (plus O n) (plus n O));
-!n:nat.!m:nat.(le (mult (S (S O)) n) (mult (S (S O)) m));
-!p:nat.(eq nat p p)->(eq nat p p);
-!p:nat.!q:nat.(le p q)->(or (le (S p) q) (eq nat p q));
-!n:nat.(eq nat (double (S n)) (S (S (double n))));
-!n:nat.(and (iff (even n) (eq nat (div2 n) (div2 (S n)))) (iff (odd n) (eq nat (S (div2 n)) (div2 (S n)))));
-!n:nat.!m:nat.!p:nat.(eq nat (minus n m) (minus (plus p n) (plus p m)));
-!a:Z.!n:nat.(eq Z (Exp a (pred (S n))) (Exp a n));
-!a:Z.!x:Z.(eq Z (ZExp a (Zminus (Zplus x (POS xH)) (POS xH))) (ZExp a x));
-!p:nat.!a:Z.(Prime p)->(not (Mod a ZERO p))->(allex p (until (pred p)) (mapmult a (until (pred p))));
-!a:Z.!n:nat.(eq Z (zproduct (mapmult a (until n))) (Zmult (Exp a n) (zproduct (until n))));
-!p:nat.!a:Z.(Prime p)->(not (Mod a ZERO p))->(permmod p (until (pred p)) (mapmult a (until (pred p))));
-!p:nat.(Prime p)->(not (Mod (zproduct (until (pred p))) ZERO p));
-!p:nat.!n:nat.(lt O n)->(lt n p)->(Prime p)->(not (Mod (zproduct (until n)) ZERO p));
-!p:positive.(eq nat (convert (xI p)) (S (mult (S (S O)) (convert p))));
-!a:ad.(eq nat (nat_of_ad (ad_double_plus_un a)) (S (mult (S (S O)) (nat_of_ad a))));
-!p:positive.!a:ad.(eq bool (ad_bit (ad_xor (ad_x (xI p)) a) O) (negb (ad_bit a O)));
-!r:R.(and (Rle (IZR (Int_part r)) r) (Rgt (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r)) r) (Ropp R1)));
-!eps:R.(Rgt eps R0)->(Rlt (Rmult eps (Rinv (Rplus (Rplus R1 R1) (Rplus R1 R1)))) eps);
-!x:Z.(Zge x ZERO)->(Zodd x)->(eq Z x (Zplus (Zmult (POS (xO xH)) (Zdiv2 x)) (POS xH)));
-!v:Z.!l1:Z.!l2:Z.!x:positive.(eq Z (Zplus (Zplus (Zmult v (POS x)) l1) (Zplus (Zmult v (NEG x)) l2)) (Zplus l1 l2));
-!v:Z.!l1:Z.!l2:Z.!x:positive.(eq Z (Zplus (Zplus (Zmult v (NEG x)) l1) (Zplus (Zmult v (POS x)) l2)) (Zplus l1 l2));
-!p:positive.(and (Zle (two_p (log_inf p)) (POS p)) (Zlt (POS p) (two_p (Zs (log_inf p)))));
-!x:positive.(and (Zlt (two_p (Zpred (log_sup x))) (POS x)) (Zle (POS x) (two_p (log_sup x))));
-!n:nat.!x:positive.(eq Z (POS (shift_nat n x)) (Zmult (Zpower_nat (POS (xO xH)) n) (POS x)));
-!p:positive.!x:positive.(eq Z (POS (shift_pos p x)) (Zmult (Zpower_pos (POS (xO xH)) p) (POS x)));
-!U:redexes.!V:redexes.!k:nat.!p:nat.!n:nat.(eq redexes (lift_rec_r (subst_rec_r V U p) (plus p n) k) (subst_rec_r (lift_rec_r V (S (plus p n)) k) (lift_rec_r U n k) p));
-!U:redexes.!V:redexes.!W:redexes.!n:nat.!p:nat.(eq redexes (subst_rec_r (subst_rec_r V U p) W (plus p n)) (subst_rec_r (subst_rec_r V W (S (plus p n))) (subst_rec_r U W n) p));
-!v:BV.(eq nat (BV_to_nat (appbv (BV_increment v) (consbv (BV_increment_carry v) nilbv))) (S (BV_to_nat v)));
-!l:BV.!n:BV.(eq nat (BV_to_nat (appbv l n)) (plus (BV_to_nat l) (mult (power2 (lengthbv l)) (BV_to_nat n))));
-!x:Z.(Zle ZERO x)->(eq Z (Zdiv2 (Zplus (Zmult (POS (xO xH)) x) (POS xH))) x);
-!n:Z.(Zle (POS xH) n)->(Zle ZERO (Zplus (Zdiv2 (Zminus n (POS (xO xH)))) (POS xH)));
+++ /dev/null
-let connection_param = "host=mowgli.cs.unibo.it dbname=helm_mowgli_new_schema user=helm"
-let show_queries = ref false
-let use_db = ref true
-let db_down = ref true
-let nl = " <p>\n"
-let check_db () =
- if ! db_down then
- if ! use_db then begin Mqint.init connection_param; db_down := false; true end
- else begin print_endline "Not issuing in restricted mode"; false end
- else true
-let default_confirm q =
- let module Util = MQueryUtil in
- if ! show_queries then Util.text_of_query print_string q nl;
- let b = check_db () in
- if ! db_down then print_endline "db_down"; b
-let get_terms () =
- let terms = ref [] in
- let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel stdin in
- try
- while true do
- let dom,mk_term =
- CicTextualParserContext.main [] [] CicTextualLexer.token lexbuf
- in
- match dom with
- [] -> terms := (snd (mk_term (function _ -> None))) :: !terms
- | _ -> assert false
- done ;
- ! terms
- with
- CicTextualParser0.Eof -> ! terms
-let pp_type_of uri =
- let u = UriManager.uri_of_string uri in
- let s = match (CicEnvironment.get_obj u) with
- | Cic.Constant (_, _, ty, _) -> CicPp.ppterm ty
- | Cic.Variable (_, _, ty, _) -> CicPp.ppterm ty
- | _ -> "Current proof or inductive definition."
- | Cic.CurrentProof (_,conjs,te,ty) ->
- | C.InductiveDefinition _ ->
- in print_endline s; flush stdout
-let set_dbms i =
- if i = 1 then Mqint.set_database Mqint.postgres_db else
- if i = 2 then Mqint.set_database Mqint.galax_db else ()
-let get_dbms s =
- if s = Mqint.postgres_db then 1 else
- if s = Mqint.galax_db then 2 else 0
-let dbc () =
- let on = check_db () in
- if on then
- begin
- let dbms = Mqint.get_database () in
- prerr_endline ("toplevel: current dbms is n." ^
- string_of_int (get_dbms dbms) ^ " (" ^ dbms ^ ")");
- Mqint.check ()
- end
-let rec display = function
- | [] -> ()
- | term :: tail ->
- display tail;
- print_string ("? " ^ CicPp.ppterm term ^ nl);
- flush stdout
-let execute ich =
- let module Util = MQueryUtil in
- let module Gen = MQueryGenerator in
- Gen.set_confirm_query default_confirm;
- try
- let q = Util.query_of_text (Lexing.from_channel ich) in
- Util.text_of_result print_string (Gen.execute_query q) nl;
- flush stdout
- with Gen.Discard -> ()
-let locate name =
- let module Util = MQueryUtil in
- let module Gen = MQueryGenerator in
- Gen.set_confirm_query default_confirm;
- try
- Util.text_of_result print_string (Gen.locate name) nl;
- flush stdout
- with Gen.Discard -> ()
-let mbackward n m l =
- let module Util = MQueryUtil in
- let module Gen = MQueryGenerator in
- let queries = ref [] in
- let confirm query =
- if List.mem query ! queries then false
- else begin queries := query :: ! queries; default_confirm query end
- in
- let rec backward level = function
- | [] -> ()
- | term :: tail ->
- backward level tail;
- try
- if Mqint.get_stat () then
- print_string ("? " ^ CicPp.ppterm term ^ nl);
- let t0 = Sys.time () in
-(* FG: Mettere a posto qui.
- let list_of_must,can = MQueryLevels.out_restr [] [] term in
- let len = List.length list_of_must in
- let must = if level < len then List.nth list_of_must level else can in
- let r = [] (* FG e anche qui: Gen.searchPattern must can *) in
- let t1 = Sys.time () -. t0 in
- let info = Gen.get_query_info () in
- let num = List.nth info 0 in
- let gen = List.nth info 1 in
- if Mqint.get_stat () then
- print_string (num ^ " GEN = " ^ gen ^ ":" ^ string_of_float t1 ^ "s" ^ nl);
- Util.text_of_result print_string r nl;
- flush stdout
- with Gen.Discard -> ()
- in
- Gen.set_confirm_query confirm;
- for level = max m n downto min m n do
- prerr_endline ("toplevel: backward: trying level " ^
- string_of_int level);
- backward level l
- done;
- prerr_endline ("toplevel: backward: " ^
- string_of_int (List.length ! queries) ^
- " queries issued")
-let prerr_help () =
- prerr_endline "\nUSAGE: toplevel.opt OPTIONS < INPUTFILE\n";
- prerr_endline "The tool provides a textual interface to the HELM Query Generator, used for";
- prerr_endline "testing purposes. Toplevel reads its input from stdin and produces ith output";
- prerr_endline "in HTML on stdout. The options can be one ore more of the following.\n";
- prerr_endline "OPTIONS:\n";
- prerr_endline "-h -help shows this help message";
- prerr_endline "-q -show-queries outputs generated queries";
- prerr_endline "-s -stat outputs interpreter statistics";
- prerr_endline "-c -db-check checks the database connection";
- prerr_endline "-i -interpreter NUMBER sets the dbms to be used (default 1)";
- prerr_endline "-r -restricted -nodb enables restricted mode: queries are not issued";
- prerr_endline "-t -typeof URI outputs the CIC type of the given HELM object";
- prerr_endline "-x -execute issues a query given in the input file";
- prerr_endline "-d -disply outputs the CIC terms given in the input file";
- prerr_endline "-L -locate ALIAS issues the \"Locate\" query for the given alias";
- prerr_endline "-B -backward LEVEL issues the \"Backward\" query for the given level on all CIC terms";
- prerr_endline " in the input file";
- prerr_endline "-MB -multi-backward MAX issues the \"Backward\" query for each level from max to 0 on all";
- prerr_endline " CIC terms in the input file\n";
- prerr_endline "NOTES: interpreter numbers are 1 for postgres and 2 for galax";
- prerr_endline " CIC terms are read with the HELM CIC Textual Parser";
- prerr_endline " -typeof does not work with inductive types and proofs in progress\n"
-let parse_args () =
- let rec parse = function
- | [] -> ()
- | ("-h"|"-help") :: rem -> prerr_help ()
- | ("-d"|"-display") :: rem -> display (get_terms ())
- | ("-t"|"-typeof") :: arg :: rem -> pp_type_of arg; parse rem
- | ("-x"|"-execute") :: rem -> execute stdin; parse rem
- | ("-q"|"-show-queries") :: rem -> show_queries := true; parse rem
- | ("-s"|"-stat") :: rem -> Mqint.set_stat true; parse rem
- | ("-r"|"-restricted"|"-nodb") :: rem -> use_db := false; parse rem
- | ("-i"|"-interpreter") :: dbms :: rem -> set_dbms (int_of_string dbms); parse rem
- | ("-c"|"-db-check") :: rem -> dbc (); parse rem
- | ("-L"|"-locate") :: arg :: rem -> locate arg; parse rem
- | ("-B"|"-backward") :: arg :: rem ->
- let m = (int_of_string arg) in
- mbackward m m (get_terms ())
- | ("-MB"|"-multi-backward") :: arg :: rem ->
- let m = (int_of_string arg) in
- mbackward m 0 (get_terms ())
- | _ :: rem -> parse rem
- in
- parse (List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv))
-let _ =
- let module Gen = MQueryGenerator in
- Logger.log_callback :=
- (Logger.log_to_html
- ~print_and_flush:(function s -> print_string s ; flush stdout)) ;
- Mqint.set_stat false;
- Gen.set_log_file "MQGenLog.htm";
- set_dbms 1;
- parse_args ();
- if not ! db_down then Mqint.close ();
- Gen.set_confirm_query (fun _ -> true);
- prerr_endline ("toplevel: done in " ^ string_of_float (Sys.time ()) ^
- " seconds");
- exit 0