open Printf
-let prepare_insert () =
- (*
- let insert_owner a b =
- sprintf "INSERT %s VALUES (\"%s\", \"%s\")" (owners_tbl ())a b
+let execute_insert dbd uri (sort_cols, rel_cols, obj_cols) =
+ let sort_tuples =
+ List.fold_left (fun s l -> match l with
+ | [`String a; `String b; `Int c; `String d] ->
+ sprintf "(\"%s\", \"%s\", %d, \"%s\")" a b c d :: s
+ | _ -> assert false )
+ [] sort_cols
- *)
- let insert_sort a b c d =
- sprintf "INSERT %s VALUES (\"%s\", \"%s\", %d, \"%s\")" (sort_tbl ())a b c d
- in
- let insert_rel a b c =
- sprintf "INSERT %s VALUES (\"%s\", \"%s\", %d)" (rel_tbl ()) a b c
- in
- let insert_obj a b c d =
- sprintf "INSERT %s VALUES (\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", %s)" (obj_tbl ()) a b c d
- in
- ((*insert_owner, *)insert_sort, insert_rel, insert_obj)
-let execute_insert dbd ((*insert_owner, *)insert_sort, insert_rel, insert_obj)
- uri (sort_cols, rel_cols, obj_cols)
- (* ignore (Mysql.exec dbd (insert_owner uri owner)); *)
- List.iter (function
- | [`String a; `String b; `Int c; `String d] ->
- ignore (Mysql.exec dbd (insert_sort a b c d))
- | _ -> assert false)
- sort_cols;
- List.iter (function
+ let rel_tuples =
+ List.fold_left (fun s l -> match l with
| [`String a; `String b; `Int c] ->
- ignore (Mysql.exec dbd (insert_rel a b c))
+ sprintf "(\"%s\", \"%s\", %d)" a b c :: s
| _ -> assert false)
- rel_cols;
- List.iter (function
+ [] rel_cols
+ in
+ let obj_tuples = List.fold_left (fun s l -> match l with
| [`String a; `String b; `String c; `Int d] ->
- ignore (Mysql.exec dbd (insert_obj a b c (string_of_int d)))
+ sprintf "(\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", %d)" a b c d :: s
| [`String a; `String b; `String c; `Null] ->
- ignore (Mysql.exec dbd (insert_obj a b c "NULL"))
+ sprintf "(\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", %s)" a b c "NULL" :: s
| _ -> assert false)
- obj_cols
+ [] obj_cols
+ in
+ if sort_tuples <> [] then
+ begin
+ let query_sort =
+ sprintf "INSERT %s VALUES %s;" (sort_tbl ()) (String.concat "," sort_tuples)
+ in
+ ignore (Mysql.exec dbd query_sort)
+ end;
+ if rel_tuples <> [] then
+ begin
+ let query_rel =
+ sprintf "INSERT %s VALUES %s;" (rel_tbl ()) (String.concat "," rel_tuples)
+ in
+ ignore (Mysql.exec dbd query_rel)
+ end;
+ if obj_tuples <> [] then
+ begin
+ let query_obj =
+ sprintf "INSERT %s VALUES %s;" (obj_tbl ()) (String.concat "," obj_tuples)
+ in
+ ignore (Mysql.exec dbd query_obj)
+ end
let insert_const_no dbd uri =
let inconcl_no =
sprintf "INSERT %s SELECT \"%s\", COUNT(DISTINCT h_occurrence) FROM %s WHERE (h_position=\"%s\" OR h_position=\"%s\") AND source LIKE \"%s%%\""
(* TODO ZACK: verify if an object has already been indexed *)
let already_indexed _ = false
let index_constant ~dbd =
let query = prepare_insert () in
fun ~uri ~body ~ty ->
let query = prepare_insert () in
fun ~uri ~types ->
if not (already_indexed uri) then begin
- let metadata = MetadataExtractor.compute_ind ~uri ~types in
+ let metadata = MetadataExtractor.compute_obj uri in
let uri_of (a,b,c) = a in
let uris = UriManager.string_of_uri uri :: uri_of metadata in
let uri = UriManager.string_of_uri uri in
List.iter (insert_const_no dbd) uris;
List.iter (fun (uri, name, _) -> insert_name ~dbd ~uri ~name) metadata
+let index_obj ~dbd ~uri =
+ if not (already_indexed uri) then begin
+ let metadata = MetadataExtractor.compute_obj uri in
+ let uri_of (a,b,c) = a in
+ let uris = UriManager.string_of_uri uri :: uri_of metadata in
+ let uri = UriManager.string_of_uri uri in
+ let columns = MetadataPp.columns_of_metadata metadata in
+ execute_insert dbd uri (columns :> columns);
+ List.iter (insert_const_no dbd) uris;
+ List.iter (fun (uri, name, _) -> insert_name ~dbd ~uri ~name) metadata
+ end
let tables_to_clean =
[sort_tbl; rel_tbl; obj_tbl; conclno_tbl; fullno_tbl; name_tbl; hypno_tbl]
- (** index a Cic.Constant object and insert resulting metadata into the db
- * PRE_EVAL(dbd) *)
-val index_constant:
- dbd:Mysql.dbd ->
- uri:UriManager.uri -> body:Cic.term option -> ty:Cic.term ->
- unit
- (** index a Cic.InductiveDefinition object and insert resulting metadata into
- * the db
- * PRE_EVAL(dbd) *)
-val index_inductive_def:
- dbd:Mysql.dbd ->
- uri:UriManager.uri -> types:Cic.inductiveType list ->
- unit
+val index_obj: dbd:Mysql.dbd -> uri:UriManager.uri -> unit
(* TODO Zack indexing of variables and (perhaps?) incomplete proofs *)
(** remove from the db all metadata pertaining to a given owner
let compute_term pos term =
let rec aux (pos: position) set = function
- | Cic.Rel _ ->
+ | Cic.Rel _
+ | Cic.Var _ ->
if is_main_pos pos then
S.add (`Rel (main_pos pos)) set
- | Cic.Var _ -> set
| Cic.Meta (_, local_context) ->
(fun set context ->
let set = aux pos set source in
aux pos set target)
| Cic.Lambda (_, source, target) ->
- assert (not (is_main_pos pos));
- let set = aux pos set source in
- aux pos set target
+ (*assert (not (is_main_pos pos));*)
+ let set = aux (next_pos pos) set source in
+ aux (next_pos pos) set target
| Cic.LetIn (_, term, target) ->
if is_main_pos pos then
aux pos set (CicSubstitution.subst term target)
aux false (IntSet.empty, IntSet.empty) term
-let compute_type uri typeno (name, _, ty, constructors) =
+ (** type of inductiveType *)
+let compute_type pos uri typeno (name, _, ty, constructors) =
let consno = ref 0 in
let type_metadata =
(UriManager.string_of_uriref (uri, [typeno]), name,
- S.elements (compute_term (`MainConclusion (Some 0)) ty))
+ S.elements (compute_term pos ty))
let constructors_metadata =
(fun (name, term) ->
incr consno;
let uri = UriManager.string_of_uriref (uri, [typeno; !consno]) in
- (uri, name, S.elements (compute_term (`MainConclusion (Some 0)) term)))
+ (uri, name, S.elements
+ (compute_term pos term)))
type_metadata :: constructors_metadata
-let compute_ind ~uri ~types =
+let compute_ind pos ~uri ~types =
let idx = ref ~-1 in
- List.concat ( (fun ty -> incr idx; compute_type uri !idx ty) types)
+ List.concat
+ (
+ (fun ty -> incr idx; compute_type pos uri !idx ty) types)
-let compute ~body ~ty =
- let type_metadata = compute_term (`MainConclusion (Some 0)) ty in
+let compute (pos:position) ~body ~ty =
+ let type_metadata = compute_term pos ty in
let body_metadata =
match body with
| None -> S.empty
let compute_term start_pos term = S.elements (compute_term start_pos term)
+let rec compute_var pos uri =
+ let o, _ = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph uri in
+ match o with
+ | Cic.Variable (_, body, ty, params, _) ->
+ let metadata_of_vars =
+ List.flatten
+ ( (compute_var (next_pos pos)) params) in
+ (match pos with
+ | `MainHypothesis (Some 0) ->
+ let pos = `MainHypothesis(Some (List.length params)) in
+ (compute pos ~body ~ty)@metadata_of_vars
+ | `InHypothesis ->
+ (compute pos ~body ~ty)@metadata_of_vars
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | _ -> assert false
+let compute_obj uri =
+ let o, _ = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph uri in
+ match o with
+ | Cic.Variable (_, body, ty, params, _)
+ | Cic.Constant (_, body, ty, params, _) ->
+ let pos = `MainConclusion(Some (List.length params)) in
+ let metadata = compute pos ~body ~ty
+ in
+ let metadata_of_vars =
+ List.flatten
+ ( (compute_var (`MainHypothesis (Some 0))) params)
+ in
+ [UriManager.string_of_uri uri,
+ UriManager.name_of_uri uri,metadata @ metadata_of_vars]
+ | Cic.InductiveDefinition (types, params, _, _) ->
+ let pos = `MainConclusion(Some (List.length params)) in
+ let metadata_of_vars =
+ List.flatten
+ ( (compute_var (`MainHypothesis (Some 0))) params) in
+ let metadata = compute_ind pos ~uri ~types in
+ (fun (uri,name,md) -> (uri,name,md@metadata_of_vars)) metadata
+ | Cic.CurrentProof _ -> assert false
+let compute ~body ~ty = compute (`MainConclusion (Some 0)) ~body ~ty
-val compute: body:Cic.term option -> ty:Cic.term -> MetadataTypes.metadata list
- (** @return tuples <uri, name, metadata> *)
-val compute_ind:
- uri:UriManager.uri -> types:Cic.inductiveType list ->
- (string * string * MetadataTypes.metadata list) list
-val compute_term:
- MetadataTypes.position -> Cic.term ->
+val compute:
+ body:Cic.term option ->
+ ty:Cic.term ->
MetadataTypes.metadata list
+ (** @return tuples <uri, shortname, metadata> *)
+val compute_obj:
+ UriManager.uri ->
+ (string * string * MetadataTypes.metadata list) list
module IntSet: Set.S with type elt = int
(** given a term, returns a pair of sets corresponding respectively to the set
type t = [ `Int of int | `String of string | `Null ]
-let columns_of_metadata ~about metadatas =
+let columns_of_metadata_aux ~about metadata =
let sort s = `String (CicPp.ppsort s) in
let source = `String about in
let occurrence u = `String u in
let (p, d) = columns_of_position p in
sort_cols, rel_cols,
[source; occurrence o; p; d] :: obj_cols)
- ([], [], []) metadatas
+ ([], [], []) metadata
-let columns_of_ind_metadata ind_metadata =
+let columns_of_metadata metadata =
- (fun (sort_cols, rel_cols, obj_cols) (uri, _, metadatas) ->
- let (s, r, o) = columns_of_metadata ~about:uri metadatas in
+ (fun (sort_cols, rel_cols, obj_cols) (uri, _, metadata) ->
+ let (s, r, o) = columns_of_metadata_aux ~about:uri metadata in
(List.append sort_cols s, List.append rel_cols r, List.append obj_cols o))
- ([], [], []) ind_metadata
+ ([], [], []) metadata
let pp_columns ?(sep = "\n") (sort_cols, rel_cols, obj_cols) =
| `String of string
| `Null ]
- (** @param about uri of object whose metadata are about
- * @return columns for Sort, Rel, and Obj respectively *)
-val columns_of_metadata:
- about:string -> MetadataTypes.metadata list ->
- t list list * t list list * t list list
(** @return columns for Sort, Rel, and Obj respectively *)
-val columns_of_ind_metadata:
+val columns_of_metadata:
(string * string * MetadataTypes.metadata list) list ->
t list list * t list list * t list list
let owner =
- with Invalid_argument _ -> "matita_test"
+ with Invalid_argument _ -> "matita_test2"
let _ = MetadataTypes.ownerize_tables owner in
if Sys.argv.(1) = "clean" then begin
incr n;
Printf.printf "%d\t%s\n" !n line; flush stdout;
let uri = UriManager.uri_of_string line in
- (match CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph uri with
- | Cic.Constant (_, body, ty, _, _), _ ->
- MetadataDb.index_constant ~body ~ty ~uri ~dbd
- | Cic.Variable (_, body, ty, _, _), _ ->
- MetadataDb.index_constant ~body ~ty ~uri ~dbd
- | Cic.InductiveDefinition (types, _, _, _), _ ->
- MetadataDb.index_inductive_def ~dbd ~uri ~types
- | _ -> assert false)
+ MetadataDb.index_obj ~dbd ~uri
with End_of_file -> close_in ic