In Prop a unification problem was not solved, but I suspect that that was
a bug...
| #x; #y; *; #x0; #Hx0; *; #y0; #Hy0; nwhd;
napply (ex_intro ????)
[ napply (op ? x0 y0)
- | nelim daemon ]##]
+ | napply (conj ????);
+ nelim daemon ]##]
\ No newline at end of file
include "logic/".
-ninductive eq (A: Type) (a: A) : A → Prop ≝
+ninductive eq (A: Type) (a: A) : A → CProp ≝
refl: eq A a a.
interpretation "leibnitz's equality" 'eq t x y = (eq t x y).
-interpretation "leibnitz's non-equality" 'neq t x y = (Not (eq t x y)).
\ No newline at end of file
+interpretation "leibnitz's non-equality" 'neq t x y = (Not (eq t x y)).