sanity p\r
+let finish p =\r
+ (* one-step version of eat *)\r
+ let compute_max_arity =\r
+ let rec aux n = function\r
+ | A(t1,t2) -> max (aux (n+1) t1) (aux 0 t2)\r
+ | L t -> max n (aux 0 t)\r
+ | _ -> n\r
+ in aux 0 in\r
+print_cmd "FINISH" "";\r
+ (* First, a step on the last argument of the divergent.\r
+ Because of the sanity check, it will never be a constant term. *)\r
+ let div_hd, div_nargs = get_inert p.div in\r
+ let div_hd = match div_hd with V n -> n | _ -> assert false in\r
+ let j = div_nargs - 1 in\r
+ let arity = compute_max_arity p.conv in\r
+ let n = 1 + arity + max\r
+ (compute_max_lambdas_at div_hd j p.div)\r
+ (compute_max_lambdas_at div_hd j p.conv) in\r
+ let p = step j n p in\r
+ (* Now, find first argument of div that is a variable never applied anywhere.\r
+ It must exist because of some invariant, since we just did a step,\r
+ and because of the arity of the divergent *)\r
+ let div_hd, div_nargs = get_inert p.div in\r
+ let div_hd = match div_hd with V n -> n | _ -> assert false in\r
+ let rec aux m = function\r
+ | A(t, V delta_var) ->\r
+ if delta_var <> div_hd && get_subterms_with_head delta_var p.conv = []\r
+ then m, delta_var\r
+ else aux (m-1) t\r
+ | A(t,_) -> aux (m-1) t\r
+ | _ -> assert false in\r
+ let m, delta_var = aux div_nargs p.div in\r
+ let p = subst_in_problem (delta_var, delta) p in\r
+ let p = subst_in_problem (div_hd, mk_lams delta (m-1)) p in\r
+ let p = {p with phase=`Two} in\r
+ sanity p\r
let auto p =\r
let rec aux p =\r
let hd, n_args = get_inert p.div in\r
raise (Fail(-1, "no similar terms"))\r
+ (*\r
(let phase = p.phase in\r
let p = eat p in\r
if phase = `Two\r
then problem_fail p "Auto.2 did not complete the problem"\r
else aux p)\r
+ *)\r
+ problem_fail (finish p) "Finish did not complete the problem"\r
aux p\r