let user_tbl = (ref [] : user list ref)
-(* session table: (user id, session id), matita status *)
-type session = session_id * (MatitaEngine.status * MatitaEngine.status list)
+(* session table: session id, (user id, matita status, matita history *)
+type session = session_id * (string * MatitaEngine.status * MatitaEngine.status list)
let session_tbl = (ref [] : session list ref)
List.remove_assoc sid' !session_tbl
| _ -> !session_tbl
- session_tbl := (new_session,(status,history))::clean_stbl;
+ session_tbl := (new_session,(uid,status,history))::clean_stbl;
-let get_status sid = fst (List.assoc sid !session_tbl)
+let get_session_owner sid =
+ let uid,_,_ = List.assoc sid !session_tbl
+ in uid
-let get_history sid = snd (List.assoc sid !session_tbl)
+let get_status sid =
+ let _,st,_ = List.assoc sid !session_tbl
+ in st
+let get_history sid =
+ let _,_,hist = List.assoc sid !session_tbl
+ in hist
let set_status sid st =
- let oldst, hist = List.assoc sid !session_tbl in
- session_tbl := (sid,(st,hist))::(List.remove_assoc sid !session_tbl)
+ let uid, oldst, hist = List.assoc sid !session_tbl in
+ session_tbl := (sid,(uid,st,hist))::(List.remove_assoc sid !session_tbl)
let set_history sid hist =
- let st, oldhist = List.assoc sid !session_tbl in
- session_tbl := (sid,(st,hist))::(List.remove_assoc sid !session_tbl)
-let logout_user uid =
- match List.assoc uid !user_tbl with
- | _,None -> ()
- | pw, Some sid ->
- user_tbl := (uid,(pw,None))::List.remove_assoc uid !user_tbl;
- session_tbl := List.remove_assoc sid !session_tbl
+ let uid, st, oldhist = List.assoc sid !session_tbl in
+ session_tbl := (sid,(uid,st,hist))::(List.remove_assoc sid !session_tbl)
+let logout_user sid =
+ let uid,st,hist = List.assoc sid !session_tbl in
+ let pw,_ = List.assoc uid !user_tbl in
+ user_tbl := (uid,(pw,None))::List.remove_assoc uid !user_tbl;
+ session_tbl := List.remove_assoc sid !session_tbl
let remove_user uid =
module Stack = Continuationals.Stack
+let rt_path () = Helm_registry.get "matita.rt_base_dir"
let utf8_length = Netconversion.ustring_length `Enc_utf8
let utf8_parsed_text s floc =
+let logout (cgi : Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi_types.cgi_activation) =
+ let cgi = Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi_types.of_compat_activation cgi in
+ let env = cgi#environment in
+ (try
+ let sid = Uuidm.of_string (Netcgi.Cookie.value (env#cookie "session")) in
+ let sid = HExtlib.unopt sid in
+ MatitaAuthentication.logout_user sid;
+ cgi # set_header
+ ~cache:`No_cache
+ ~content_type:"text/html; charset=\"utf-8\""
+ ();
+ let text = read_file (rt_path () ^ "/logout.html") in
+ cgi#out_channel#output_string text
+ with
+ | Not_found _ ->
+ cgi # set_header
+ ~status:`Internal_server_error
+ ~cache:`No_cache
+ ~content_type:"text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\""
+ ());
+ cgi#out_channel#commit_work()
(* returns the length of the executed text and an html representation of the
* current metasenv*)
let advance (cgi : Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi_types.cgi_activation) =
dyn_translator = (fun _ -> ""); (* not needed *)
dyn_accept_all_conditionals = false;
} in
+ (*let do_logout =
+ { Nethttpd_services.dyn_handler = (fun _ -> logout);
+ dyn_activation = Nethttpd_services.std_activation `Std_activation_buffered;
+ dyn_uri = None; (* not needed *)
+ dyn_translator = (fun _ -> ""); (* not needed *)
+ dyn_accept_all_conditionals = false;
+ } in *)
let nethttpd_factory =
; "retract", do_retract
; "bottom", goto_bottom
; "open", retrieve
- ; "login", do_login ]
+ ; "login", do_login
+ (*; "logout", do_logout *)]
() in
MatitaInit.initialize_all ();
(* test begin *)