--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Claudio Sacerdoti Coen <sacerdot@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 29/11/2000 *)
+(* *)
+(* This module defines the internal representation of the objects (variables,*)
+(* blocks of (co)inductive definitions and constants) and the terms of cic *)
+(* *)
+(* $Id: cic.ml 7190 2007-01-31 18:36:04Z sacerdot $ *)
+type id = string (* the abstract type of the (annotated) node identifiers *)
+type 'term explicit_named_substitution = (UriManager.uri * 'term) list
+type object_flavour =
+ [ `Definition
+ | `MutualDefinition
+ | `Fact
+ | `Lemma
+ | `Remark
+ | `Theorem
+ | `Variant
+ | `Axiom
+ ]
+type object_class =
+ [ `Coercion of int
+ | `Elim of sort (** elimination principle; if sort is Type, the universe is
+ * not relevant *)
+ | `Record of (string * bool * int) list (**
+ inductive type that encodes a record; the arguments are
+ the record fields names and if they are coercions and
+ then the coercion arity *)
+ | `Projection (** record projection *)
+ | `InversionPrinciple (** inversion principle *)
+ ]
+type attribute =
+ [ `Class of object_class
+ | `Flavour of object_flavour
+ | `Generated
+ ]
+type sort =
+ | Prop
+ | Set
+ | Type of CicUniv.universe
+ | CProp
+type implicit_annotation = [ `Closed | `Type | `Hole | `Term ]
+type name = Name of string | Anonymous
+type local_context = int * (term list) option (* shift, subst (None means id) *)
+and term =
+ | Rel of int (* DeBruijn index, 1 based *)
+ | Meta of int * local_context
+ | Appl of term list (* arguments *)
+ | Prod of name * term * term (* binder, source, target *)
+ | Lambda of name * term * term (* binder, source, target *)
+ | LetIn of name * term * term * term (* binder, type, term, body *)
+ | Const of UriManager.uri (* uri contains indtypeno/constrno *)
+ | Sort of sort (* sort *)
+ | Implicit of implicit_annotation (* ... *)
+ | MutCase of UriManager.uri * (* ind. uri, *)
+ term * term * (* outtype, ind. term *)
+ term list (* patterns *)
+and obj =
+ Constant of string * term option * term * (* id, body, type, *)
+ UriManager.uri list * attribute list (* parameters *)
+ | Variable of string * term option * term * (* name, body, type *)
+ UriManager.uri list * attribute list (* parameters *)
+ | CurrentProof of string * metasenv * term * (* name, conjectures, body, *)
+ term * UriManager.uri list * attribute list (* type, parameters *)
+ | InductiveDefinition of inductiveType list * (* inductive types, *)
+ UriManager.uri list * int * attribute list (* params, left params no *)
+and inductiveType =
+ string * bool * term * (* typename, inductive, arity *)
+ constructor list (* constructors *)
+and constructor =
+ string * term (* id, type *)
+and inductiveFun =
+ string * int * term * term (* name, ind. index, type, body *)
+and coInductiveFun =
+ string * term * term (* name, type, body *)
+(* a metasenv is a list of declarations of metas in declarations *)
+(* order (i.e. [oldest ; ... ; newest]). Older variables can not *)
+(* depend on new ones. *)
+and conjecture = int * context * term
+and metasenv = conjecture list
+and substitution = (int * (context * term * term)) list
+(* a metasenv is a list of declarations of metas in declarations *)
+(* order (i.e. [oldest ; ... ; newest]). Older variables can not *)
+(* depend on new ones. *)
+and annconjecture = id * int * anncontext * annterm
+and annmetasenv = annconjecture list
+and annterm =
+ ARel of id * id * int * (* idref, DeBrujin index, *)
+ string (* binder *)
+ | AVar of id * UriManager.uri * (* uri, *)
+ annterm explicit_named_substitution (* explicit named subst. *)
+ | AMeta of id * int * (annterm option) list (* numeric id, *)
+ (* local context *)
+ | ASort of id * sort (* sort *)
+ | AImplicit of id * implicit_annotation option (* *)
+ | ACast of id * annterm * annterm (* value, type *)
+ | AProd of id * name * annterm * annterm (* binder, source, target *)
+ | ALambda of id * name * annterm * annterm (* binder, source, target *)
+ | ALetIn of id * name * annterm * annterm (* binder, term, target *)
+ | AAppl of id * annterm list (* arguments *)
+ | AConst of id * UriManager.uri * (* uri, *)
+ annterm explicit_named_substitution (* explicit named subst. *)
+ | AMutInd of id * UriManager.uri * int * (* uri, typeno *)
+ annterm explicit_named_substitution (* explicit named subst. *)
+ (* typeno is 0 based *)
+ | AMutConstruct of id * UriManager.uri * (* uri, *)
+ int * int * (* typeno, consno *)
+ annterm explicit_named_substitution (* explicit named subst. *)
+ (* typeno is 0 based *)
+ (* consno is 1 based *)
+ | AMutCase of id * UriManager.uri * (* ind. uri, *)
+ int * (* ind. typeno, *)
+ annterm * annterm * (* outtype, ind. term *)
+ annterm list (* patterns *)
+ | AFix of id * int * anninductiveFun list (* funno, functions *)
+ | ACoFix of id * int * anncoInductiveFun list (* funno, functions *)
+and annobj =
+ AConstant of id * id option * string * (* name, *)
+ annterm option * annterm * (* body, type, *)
+ UriManager.uri list * attribute list (* parameters *)
+ | AVariable of id *
+ string * annterm option * annterm * (* name, body, type *)
+ UriManager.uri list * attribute list (* parameters *)
+ | ACurrentProof of id * id *
+ string * annmetasenv * (* name, conjectures, *)
+ annterm * annterm * UriManager.uri list * (* body,type,parameters *)
+ attribute list
+ | AInductiveDefinition of id *
+ anninductiveType list * (* inductive types , *)
+ UriManager.uri list * int * attribute list (* parameters,n ind. pars*)
+and anninductiveType =
+ id * string * bool * annterm * (* typename, inductive, arity *)
+ annconstructor list (* constructors *)
+and annconstructor =
+ string * annterm (* id, type *)
+and anninductiveFun =
+ id * string * int * annterm * annterm (* name, ind. index, type, body *)
+and anncoInductiveFun =
+ id * string * annterm * annterm (* name, type, body *)
+and annotation =
+ string
+and context_entry = (* A declaration or definition *)
+ Decl of term
+ | Def of term * term option (* body, type (if known) *)
+and hypothesis =
+ (name * context_entry) option (* None means no more accessible *)
+and context = hypothesis list
+and anncontext_entry = (* A declaration or definition *)
+ ADecl of annterm
+ | ADef of annterm
+and annhypothesis =
+ id * (name * anncontext_entry) option (* None means no more accessible *)
+and anncontext = annhypothesis list
+type lazy_term =
+ context -> metasenv -> CicUniv.universe_graph ->
+ term * metasenv * CicUniv.universe_graph
+type anntarget =
+ Object of annobj (* if annobj is a Constant, this is its type *)
+ | ConstantBody of annobj
+ | Term of annterm
+ | Conjecture of annconjecture
+ | Hypothesis of annhypothesis
+module CicHash =
+ Hashtbl.Make
+ (struct
+ type t = term
+ let equal = (==)
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash_param 100 1000
+ end)