--- /dev/null
+let f = "0123456789abcdef"
+let r, g, b = 1.0, 0.5, 0.0
+let h = 1. /. 2.
+let mk_h x = x +. (1. -. x) *. h
+let rr, gg, bb = mk_h r, mk_h g, mk_h b
+let mk_f x =
+ let x = int_of_float x in
+ print_char f.[x / 16]; print_char f.[x mod 16]
+let _ =
+ mk_f (rr *. 255.); mk_f (gg *. 255.); mk_f (bb *. 255.);
+ print_newline ()
--- /dev/null
+EXEC = xhtbl
+include Makefile.common
+XSLT = xsltproc
+XHTBL = ./xhtbl.native
+XSLS = xhtbl.xsl ld_basic_2.xsl
+LDWEB = ld_web.xsl ld_web_root.xsl ld_web_library.xsl
+LDURL = http://lambda-delta.info/
+XSLDIR = ../../xslt/
+SRCDIR = ../../web/home/
+HOMEDIR = ../../
+%.html: BASEURL = --stringparam baseurl $(LDURL)
+test: $(HOMEDIR)ld_basic_2.html
+$(XSLS:%=$(XSLDIR)%): $(SRCDIR)ld_basic_2.tbl $(XHTBL)
+ @echo " XHTBL $<"
+ $(H)$(XHTBL) -O $(XSLDIR) $<
+$(HOMEDIR)ld_basic_2.html: $(SRCDIR)ld_basic_2.ldw.xml $(XSLS:%=$(XSLDIR)%) $(LDWEB:%=$(XSLDIR)%)
+ @echo " XSLT $<"
+ $(H)$(XSLT) -o $@ $(BASEURL) $(XSLDIR)ld_web.xsl $<
--- /dev/null
+include ../../../claudio/Makefile.defs
+DATE=$(shell date +%y%m%d)
+OCAMLOPTIONS = -linkpkg -thread -rectypes -package \"$(REQUIRES)\"
+all: $(EXEC).native
+$(EXEC).native: $(wildcard *.ml) $(wildcard *.mli) $(wildcard *.mly) $(wildcard *.mll)
+ @echo " OCAMLBUILD $(EXEC).native"
+ $(H)ocamlbuild -ocamlc "$(OCAMLC)" -ocamlopt "$(OCAMLOPT)" -yaccflags "$(YACCFLAGS)" $(EXEC).native
+ ocamlbuild -clean
+ rm -rf $(DIST) $(DIST).tgz
+ mkdir -p $(DIST)/Sources
+ cp ReadMe $(DIST)
+ cp *.ml *.mli *.mll *.mly Makefile _tags $(DIST)/Sources
+ cd $(DIST); ln -s Sources/$(EXEC).native $(EXEC)
+ tar -cvzf $(DIST).tgz $(DIST)
--- /dev/null
+module L = List
+module T = Table
+(* true for a row specification *)
+type atom = T.css * bool * int option * int option
+type atoms = atom list
+let get_css a y x =
+ let map y x (c, b, x1, x2) = match b, x1, x2 with
+ | _ , None, None -> c
+ | false, None, Some c2 -> if x <= c2 then c else []
+ | false, Some c1, None -> if x >= c1 then c else []
+ | false, Some c1, Some c2 -> if x >= c1 && x <= c2 then c else []
+ | true , None, Some r2 -> if y <= r2 then c else []
+ | true , Some r1, None -> if y >= r1 then c else []
+ | true , Some r1, Some r2 -> if y >= r1 && y <= r2 then c else []
+ in
+ L.concat (L.map (map y x) a)
--- /dev/null
+module T = Table
+type 'a fold_cb = {
+ open_table : 'a -> T.table -> 'a;
+ close_table: 'a -> T.table -> 'a;
+ map_key : 'a -> T.key -> 'a;
+ open_line : bool -> 'a -> 'a;
+ close_line : bool -> 'a -> 'a;
+ open_entry : bool -> 'a -> 'a;
+ close_entry: bool -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a;
+let map h g f a b = h a (g (f a) b)
+let rec fold_table cb a t =
+ let a = cb.open_table a t in
+ let a = fold_entry cb a t.T.te in
+ cb.close_table a t
+and fold_entry cb a = function
+ | T.Key k -> cb.map_key a k
+ | T.Line (r, ts) ->
+ let a = cb.open_line r a in
+ let a = List.fold_left (map (cb.close_entry r) (fold_table cb) (cb.open_entry r)) a ts in
+ cb.close_line r a
--- /dev/null
+module A = Array
+module T = Table
+type cell = {
+ ck: string; (* contents *)
+ cc: T.css; (* css classes *)
+ cb: T.border; (* border *)
+type matrix = {
+ r: int; (* rows *)
+ c: int; (* columns *)
+ m: cell array array; (* matrix *)
+let empty = {
+ ck = ""; cc = []; cb = T.border false;
+let make ts = {
+ r = ts.T.rf; c = ts.T.cf;
+ m = A.make_matrix ts.T.rf ts.T.cf empty;
+let set_key m y x k =
+ m.m.(y).(x) <- {m.m.(y).(x) with ck = k}
+let set_css m y x c =
+ m.m.(y).(x) <- {m.m.(y).(x) with cc = c @ m.m.(y).(x).cc}
+let set_west m y x b =
+ let c = m.m.(y).(x) in
+ let cb = {c.cb with T.w = c.cb.T.w || b.T.w} in
+ m.m.(y).(x) <- {c with cb = cb}
+let set_north m y x b =
+ let c = m.m.(y).(x) in
+ let cb = {c.cb with T.n = c.cb.T.n || b.T.n} in
+ m.m.(y).(x) <- {c with cb = cb}
+let set_east m y x b =
+ if x < pred m.c then set_west m y (succ x) {b with T.w = b.T.e} else
+ let c = m.m.(y).(x) in
+ let cb = {c.cb with T.e = c.cb.T.e || b.T.e} in
+ m.m.(y).(x) <- {c with cb = cb}
+let set_south m y x b =
+ if y < pred m.r then set_north m (succ y) x {b with T.n = b.T.s} else
+ let c = m.m.(y).(x) in
+ let cb = {c.cb with T.s = c.cb.T.s || b.T.s} in
+ m.m.(y).(x) <- {c with cb = cb}
--- /dev/null
+let output_dir_default = ""
+let debug_lexer_default = false
+let debug_pass_default = false
+let pass_default = false
+let output_dir = ref output_dir_default
+let debug_lexer = ref debug_lexer_default
+let d0 = ref debug_pass_default
+let d1 = ref debug_pass_default
+let d2 = ref debug_pass_default
+let e1 = ref debug_pass_default
+let e2 = ref debug_pass_default
+let p0 = ref pass_default
+let p1 = ref pass_default
+let p2 = ref pass_default
+let clear () =
+ output_dir := output_dir_default;
+ debug_lexer := debug_lexer_default;
+ d0 := debug_pass_default; d1 := debug_pass_default; d2 := debug_pass_default;
+ e1 := debug_pass_default; e2 := debug_pass_default;
+ p0 := pass_default; p1 := pass_default; p2 := pass_default
--- /dev/null
+module L = List
+module T = Table
+module F = Fold
+type status = {
+ ts: T.size; (* current dimensions *)
+ tc: T.css; (* current class *)
+let empty = {
+ ts = T.no_size; tc = [];
+let init b ts =
+ if b then
+ {ts with T.ri = max_int; T.ci = 0}
+ else
+ {ts with T.ri = 0; T.ci = max_int}
+let combine b ts1 ts2 =
+ if b then
+ {ts1 with
+ T.rf = max ts1.T.rf ts2.T.rf; T.ri = min ts1.T.ri ts2.T.ri;
+ T.cf = ts1.T.cf + ts2.T.cf; T.ci = ts1.T.ci + ts2.T.ci;
+ }
+ else
+ {ts1 with
+ T.cf = max ts1.T.cf ts2.T.cf; T.ci = min ts1.T.ci ts2.T.ci;
+ T.rf = ts1.T.rf + ts2.T.rf; T.ri = ts1.T.ri + ts2.T.ri;
+ }
+let deinit ts = {ts with
+ T.ri = if ts.T.ri = max_int then 0 else ts.T.ri;
+ T.ci = if ts.T.ci = max_int then 0 else ts.T.ci;
+let open_table st t =
+ t.T.tc <- t.T.tc @ st.tc;
+ {st with tc = t.T.tc}
+let close_table st t =
+ t.T.ts <- st.ts; st
+let map_key st k =
+ let ts = match k, st.ts.T.p with
+ | T.Text _ , _ ->
+ {st.ts with T.rf = 1; T.cf = 1; T.ri = 0; T.ci = 0}
+ | T.Glue None , _ ->
+ {st.ts with T.rf = 0; T.cf = 0; T.ri = 1; T.ci = 1}
+ | T.Glue Some g, Some false ->
+ {st.ts with T.rf = g; T.cf = 0; T.ri = 0; T.ci = 1}
+ | T.Glue Some g, Some true ->
+ {st.ts with T.rf = 0; T.cf = g; T.ri = 1; T.ci = 0}
+ | T.Glue Some g, None ->
+ {st.ts with T.rf = g; T.cf = g; T.ri = 0; T.ci = 0}
+ in
+ {st with ts = ts}
+let open_line b st =
+ let ts = init b st.ts in
+ let ts = {ts with T.rf = 0; T.cf = 0} in
+ {st with ts = ts}
+let open_entry b st =
+ let ts = {st.ts with T.p = Some b} in
+ {st with ts = ts}
+let close_entry b st sst =
+ {st with ts = combine b st.ts sst.ts}
+let close_line b st =
+ {st with ts = deinit st.ts}
+let cb = {
+ F.open_table = open_table; F.close_table = close_table;
+ F.open_line = open_line; F.close_line = close_line;
+ F.open_entry = open_entry; F.close_entry = close_entry;
+ F.map_key = map_key;
+let process t =
+ let st = F.fold_table cb empty t in
+ st.ts
--- /dev/null
+module O = Options
+module T = Table
+module M = Matrix
+module F = Fold
+type status = {
+ ts: T.size; (* current dimensions *)
+ tm: M.matrix; (* current matrix *)
+let initial t m = {
+ ts = {t.T.ts with T.ri = 0; T.ci = 0};
+ tm = m;
+let resize b sts tts =
+ if b then begin (* parent is a row *)
+ if tts.T.rf < sts.T.rf && tts.T.ri = 0 then
+ failwith "underful column";
+ {tts with T.rf = sts.T.rf; T.cf = tts.T.cf + sts.T.ci * tts.T.ci}
+ end else begin (* parent is a column *)
+ if tts.T.cf < sts.T.cf && tts.T.ci = 0 then
+ failwith "underful row";
+ {tts with T.cf = sts.T.cf; T.rf = tts.T.rf + sts.T.ri * tts.T.ri}
+ end
+let fill b sts tts =
+ if b then (* parent is a row *)
+ {sts with T.ri =
+ let rf, ri = sts.T.rf - tts.T.rf, tts.T.ri in
+ if ri = 0 then 0 else
+ if rf mod ri = 0 then rf / ri else
+ failwith "fracted column"
+ }
+ else (* parent is a column *)
+ {sts with T.ci =
+ let cf, ci = sts.T.cf - tts.T.cf, tts.T.ci in
+ if ci = 0 then 0 else
+ if cf mod ci = 0 then cf / ci else
+ failwith "fracted row"
+ }
+let place b sts tts =
+ if b then (* parent is a row *)
+ {sts with T.x = sts.T.x + tts.T.cf}
+ else (* parent is a column *)
+ {sts with T.y = sts.T.y + tts.T.rf}
+let set_key st t = match t.T.te with
+ | T.Key (T.Text s) -> M.set_key st.tm t.T.ts.T.y t.T.ts.T.x s
+ | _ -> ()
+let set_css st t =
+ let rec aux y x =
+ if y >= t.T.ts.T.rf then () else
+ if x >= t.T.ts.T.cf then aux (succ y) 0 else begin
+ M.set_css st.tm (t.T.ts.T.y + y) (t.T.ts.T.x + x) t.T.tc;
+ aux y (succ x)
+ end
+ in
+ match t.T.te with
+ | T.Key _ -> aux 0 0
+ | _ -> ()
+let set_borders st t =
+ let rec aux_we y =
+ if y >= t.T.ts.T.rf then () else begin
+ M.set_west st.tm (t.T.ts.T.y + y) t.T.ts.T.x t.T.tb;
+ if t.T.ts.T.cf > 0 then
+ M.set_east st.tm (t.T.ts.T.y + y) (t.T.ts.T.x + pred t.T.ts.T.cf) t.T.tb;
+ aux_we (succ y)
+ end
+ in
+ let rec aux_ns x =
+ if x >= t.T.ts.T.cf then () else begin
+ M.set_north st.tm t.T.ts.T.y (t.T.ts.T.x + x) t.T.tb;
+ if t.T.ts.T.rf > 0 then
+ M.set_south st.tm (t.T.ts.T.y + pred t.T.ts.T.rf) (t.T.ts.T.x + x) t.T.tb;
+ aux_ns (succ x)
+ end
+ in
+ match t.T.te with
+ | T.Line (true, _) -> aux_we 0; aux_ns 0
+ | _ -> ()
+let print st t =
+ if !O.e2 then
+ Printf.printf "#%u: (%u+%u, %u+%u) - (%u+%u, %u+%u)\n"
+ t.T.ti
+ t.T.ts.T.rf t.T.ts.T.ri
+ t.T.ts.T.cf t.T.ts.T.ci
+ st.ts.T.rf st.ts.T.ri
+ st.ts.T.cf st.ts.T.ci
+let open_table st t =
+ print st t;
+ let ts = match t.T.ts.T.p with
+ | None ->
+ let ts = fill false st.ts t.T.ts in
+ let ts = fill true ts t.T.ts in
+ t.T.ts <- resize false st.ts t.T.ts;
+ t.T.ts <- resize true st.ts t.T.ts;
+ ts
+ | Some b ->
+ let ts = fill b st.ts t.T.ts in
+ t.T.ts <- resize b st.ts t.T.ts;
+ ts
+ in
+ t.T.ts <- {t.T.ts with T.ri = 0; T.ci = 0; T.x = st.ts.T.x; T.y = st.ts.T.y};
+ let ts = {ts with T.rf = t.T.ts.T.rf; T.cf = t.T.ts.T.cf} in
+ let st = {st with ts = ts} in
+ print st t; st
+let close_table st t =
+ set_key st t; set_css st t; set_borders st t; st
+let map_key st k = st
+let open_line b st = st
+let open_entry b st = st
+let close_entry b st sst =
+ let ts = place b st.ts sst.ts in
+ {st with ts = ts}
+let close_line b st = st
+let cb = {
+ F.open_table = open_table; F.close_table = close_table;
+ F.open_line = open_line; F.close_line = close_line;
+ F.open_entry = open_entry; F.close_entry = close_entry;
+ F.map_key = map_key;
+let process t m =
+ let _ = F.fold_table cb (initial t m) t in ()
--- /dev/null
+module A = Array
+module M = Matrix
+module C = Css
+type status = {
+ m: M.matrix;
+ a: C.atoms;
+let initial a m = {
+ m = m; a = a;
+let process_cell st y x c =
+ M.set_css st.m y x (C.get_css st.a y x)
+let process_row st y row =
+ A.iteri (process_cell st y) row
+let process css matrix =
+ let st = initial css matrix in
+ A.iteri (process_row st) matrix.M.m
--- /dev/null
+type css = string list
+type size = {
+ y : int; (* first row *)
+ x : int; (* first column *)
+ rf: int; (* finite rows *)
+ cf: int; (* finite columns *)
+ ri: int; (* infinite rows *)
+ ci: int; (* infinite columns *)
+ p : bool option; (* parent kind *)
+type border = {
+ n: bool; (* north *)
+ s: bool; (* south *)
+ e: bool; (* east *)
+ w: bool; (* west *)
+type key = Text of string
+ | Glue of int option
+type table = {
+ mutable tc: css; (* css classes *)
+ mutable ts: size; (* dimension *)
+ tb: border; (* border *)
+ te: entry; (* contents *)
+ ti: int; (* table identifier *)
+and entry = Key of key
+ | Line of bool * table list (* true for a row *)
+let id =
+ let current = ref 0 in
+ fun () -> incr current; !current
+let no_size = {
+ y = 0; x = 0; rf = 0; cf = 0; ri = 0; ci = 0; p = None;
+let border b = {
+ n = b; s = b; e = b; w = b;
+let mk_key k tc = {
+ ts = no_size; tb = border false; te = Key k; tc = tc;
+ ti = id ();
+let mk_line b tl tc = {
+ ts = no_size; tb = border b; te = Line (b, tl); tc = tc;
+ ti = id ();
--- /dev/null
+ module S = String
+ module O = Options
+ module TP = TextParser
+ let trim s = S.sub s 1 (S.length s - 2)
+ let out s = if !O.debug_lexer then prerr_endline s
+let SPC = ['\r' '\n' '\t' ' ']+
+let QT = '"'
+let STR = QT [^'"']* QT
+let NUM = ['0'-'9']+
+rule token = parse
+ | SPC { token lexbuf }
+ | STR as s { out s; TP.TEXT (trim s) }
+ | NUM as s { out s; TP.NUM (int_of_string s) }
+ | "{" { out "{"; TP.OC }
+ | "}" { out "}"; TP.CC }
+ | "[" { out "["; TP.OB }
+ | "]" { out "]"; TP.CB }
+ | "*" { out "*"; TP.SR }
+ | "name" { out "name"; TP.NAME }
+ | "table" { out "table"; TP.TABLE }
+ | "class" { out "class"; TP.CSS }
+ | eof { TP.EOF }
--- /dev/null
+module S = Str
+module L = List
+module T = Table
+let split s =
+ S.split (S.regexp "[ \r\n\t]+") s
+let mk_atom s rs =
+ let map c (b, (x1, x2)) = c, b, x1, x2 in
+ L.map (map (split s)) rs
+%token <int> NUM
+%token <string> TEXT
+%start script
+%type <(string * Table.table * Css.atoms) list> script
+ | TEXT { T.Text $1 }
+ | SR { T.Glue None }
+ | NUM { T.Glue (Some $1) }
+ | { [] }
+ | CSS TEXT { split $2 }
+ | css key { T.mk_key $2 $1 }
+ | css OC tables CC { T.mk_line false $3 $1 }
+ | css OB tables CB { T.mk_line true $3 $1 }
+ | { [] }
+ | table tables { $1 :: $2 }
+ | { "" }
+ | NAME TEXT { $2 }
+ | NUM { Some $1, Some $1 }
+ | SR { None, None }
+ | NUM NUM { Some $1, Some $2 }
+ | NUM SR { Some $1, None }
+ | SR NUM { None, Some $2 }
+ | SR SR { None, None }
+ | OB interval CB { true, $2 }
+ | OC interval CC { false, $2 }
+ | { [] }
+ | range ranges { $1 :: $2 }
+ | CSS TEXT ranges { mk_atom $2 $3 }
+ | { [] }
+ | atom atoms { $1 @ $2 }
+ | name TABLE table atoms { $1, $3, $4 }
+ | EOF { [] }
+ | directive script { $1 :: $2 }
--- /dev/null
+module P = Printf
+module S = String
+module T = Table
+module F = Fold
+type status = {
+ i: int; (* indentation *)
+ out: string -> unit; (* output function *)
+let home = {
+ i = 0; out = print_string
+let indent st =
+ S.make st.i ' '
+let add st = {st with i = st.i + 3}
+let sub st = {st with i = st.i - 3}
+let parent = function
+ | None -> "key"
+ | Some false -> "col"
+ | Some true -> "row"
+let size ts =
+ P.sprintf "(%u, %u); (%u+%u, %u+%u); %s"
+ ts.T.y ts.T.x ts.T.rf ts.T.ri ts.T.cf ts.T.ci (parent ts.T.p)
+let border tb =
+ let str = S.make 4 ' ' in
+ if tb.T.w then str.[0] <- 'W';
+ if tb.T.n then str.[1] <- 'N';
+ if tb.T.e then str.[2] <- 'E';
+ if tb.T.s then str.[3] <- 'S';
+ str
+let css tc =
+ P.sprintf "\"%s\"" (S.concat " " tc)
+let key = function
+ | T.Text s -> P.sprintf "\"%s\"" s
+ | T.Glue None -> "*"
+ | T.Glue (Some i) -> P.sprintf "%u" i
+let entry = function
+ | false -> "column"
+ | true -> "row"
+let open_table st t =
+ let str =
+ P.sprintf "%s[{#%u: %s; %s; %s}\n"
+ (indent st) t.T.ti (size t.T.ts) (border t.T.tb) (css t.T.tc)
+ in
+ st.out str; add st
+let close_table st t =
+ let st = sub st in
+ let str = P.sprintf "%s]\n" (indent st) in
+ st.out str; st
+let map_key st k =
+ let str = P.sprintf "%s%s\n" (indent st) (key k) in
+ st.out str; st
+let open_line b st =
+ let str = P.sprintf "%s%s\n" (indent st) (entry b) in
+ st.out str; st
+let close_line b st = st
+let open_entry b st = st
+let close_entry b st sst = st
+let cb = {
+ F.open_table = open_table; F.close_table = close_table;
+ F.open_line = open_line; F.close_line = close_line;
+ F.open_entry = open_entry; F.close_entry = close_entry;
+ F.map_key = map_key;
+let debug t =
+ let _ = F.fold_table cb home t in ()
--- /dev/null
+module A = Arg
+module F = Filename
+module L = List
+module O = Options
+module TP = TextParser
+module TL = TextLexer
+module TU = TextUnparser
+module P1 = Pass1
+module P2 = Pass2
+module P3 = Pass3
+module M = Matrix
+module XU = XmlUnparser
+let help = ""
+let help_L = ""
+let help_O = ""
+let help_X = ""
+let help_d0 = ""
+let help_d1 = ""
+let help_d2 = ""
+let help_e1 = ""
+let help_e2 = ""
+let help_p0 = ""
+let help_p1 = ""
+let help_p2 = ""
+let hook = "xhtbl"
+let includes, tables = ref [], ref []
+let set_output_dir s = O.output_dir := s
+let process_directive och bname (name, table, css) =
+ tables := name :: !tables;
+ if !O.d0 then TU.debug table;
+ if not !O.p0 then begin
+ let size = P1.process table in
+ if !O.d1 then TU.debug table;
+ if not !O.p1 then begin
+ let matrix = M.make size in
+ let _ = P2.process table matrix in
+ if !O.d2 then TU.debug table;
+ if not !O.p2 then P3.process css matrix;
+ let name = if name = "" then bname else name in
+ XU.output och name matrix
+ end
+ end
+let process_file fname =
+ let bname = F.chop_extension (F.basename fname) in
+ let ich = open_in fname in
+ let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ich in
+ let ds = TP.script TL.token lexbuf in
+ close_in ich; includes := bname :: !includes;
+ let och = XU.open_out true bname in
+ L.iter (process_directive och bname) ds;
+ XU.close_out och
+let main () =
+ A.parse [
+ "-L", A.Set O.debug_lexer, help_L;
+ "-O", A.String set_output_dir, help_O;
+ "-X", A.Unit O.clear, help_X;
+ "-d0", A.Set O.d0, help_d0;
+ "-d1", A.Set O.d1, help_d1;
+ "-d2", A.Set O.d2, help_d2;
+ "-e1", A.Set O.e1, help_e1;
+ "-e2", A.Set O.e2, help_e2;
+ "-p0", A.Set O.p0, help_p0;
+ "-p1", A.Set O.p1, help_p1;
+ "-p2", A.Set O.p2, help_p2;
+ ] process_file help;
+ XU.write_hook hook !includes !tables
+let _ = main ()
--- /dev/null
+module A = Array
+module F = Filename
+module L = List
+module P = Printf
+module S = String
+module O = Options
+module T = Table
+module M = Matrix
+let i = 0
+let myself = F.basename (Sys.argv.(0))
+let msg = P.sprintf "This file was generated by %s, do not edit" myself
+let border cell =
+ let str = S.make 4 'n' in
+ if cell.M.cb.T.n then str.[0] <- 's';
+ if cell.M.cb.T.e then str.[1] <- 's';
+ if cell.M.cb.T.s then str.[2] <- 's';
+ if cell.M.cb.T.w then str.[3] <- 's';
+ str :: cell.M.cc
+let key cell =
+ if cell.M.ck = "" then "<br/>" else cell.M.ck
+let ind i = S.make (2 * i) ' '
+let out_cell och cell =
+ let cc = border cell in
+ P.fprintf och "%s<td class=\"%s\">%s</td>\n"
+ (ind (i+4)) (S.concat " " cc) (key cell)
+let out_row och row =
+ P.fprintf och "%s<tr>\n" (ind (i+3));
+ A.iter (out_cell och) row;
+ P.fprintf och "%s</tr>\n" (ind (i+3))
+let open_out html name =
+ let fname = F.concat !O.output_dir (P.sprintf "%s.xsl" name) in
+ let och = open_out fname in
+ P.fprintf och "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n\n";
+ P.fprintf och "<!-- %s -->\n\n" msg;
+ P.fprintf och "<xsl:stylesheet version=\"1.0\"\n";
+ P.fprintf och " xmlns:xsl=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform\"\n";
+ if html then P.fprintf och " xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"\n";
+ P.fprintf och ">\n\n";
+ och
+let output och name matrix =
+ P.fprintf och "<xsl:template name=\"%s\">\n" name;
+ P.fprintf och "%s<table cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n" (ind (i+1));
+ P.fprintf och "%s<tbody>\n" (ind (i+2));
+ A.iter (out_row och) matrix.M.m;
+ P.fprintf och "%s</tbody>\n" (ind (i+2));
+ P.fprintf och "%s</table>\n" (ind (i+1));
+ P.fprintf och "</xsl:template>\n\n"
+let close_out och =
+ P.fprintf och "</xsl:stylesheet>\n";
+ close_out och
+let map_incs och name =
+ P.fprintf och "<xsl:include href=\"%s.xsl\"/>\n" name
+let map_tbls och name =
+ P.fprintf och "%s<xsl:when test=\"@name='%s'\">\n" (ind (i+2)) name;
+ P.fprintf och "%s<xsl:call-template name=\"%s\"/>\n" (ind (i+3)) name;
+ P.fprintf och "%s</xsl:when>\n" (ind (i+2))
+let write_hook name incs tbls =
+ let och = open_out false name in
+ L.iter (map_incs och) incs;
+ P.fprintf och "\n<xsl:template name=\"%s\">\n" name;
+ P.fprintf och "%s<xsl:choose>\n" (ind (i+1));
+ L.iter (map_tbls och) tbls;
+ P.fprintf och "%s</xsl:choose>\n" (ind (i+1));
+ P.fprintf och "</xsl:template>\n\n";
+ close_out och
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ld="http://lambda_delta.info">
+ <head>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us"/>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"/>
+ <meta name="author" content="Ferruccio Guidi"/>
+ <meta name="description" content="lambda_delta version 2"/>
+ <title>lambda_delta version 2</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://lambda-delta.info/css/ld_web.css"/>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://lambda-delta.info/css/lddl.css"/>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://lambda-delta.info/css/xhtbl.css"/>
+ <link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://lambda-delta.info/images/crux_16.ico"/>
+ </head>
+ <body lang="en-US"><div class="spacer"><a href="http://lambda-delta.info/"><img class="icon32" alt="[lambda_delta home]" title="lambda_delta home" src="http://lambda-delta.info/images/crux_32.png"/></a></div><div class="head1">cic:/matita/lambda_delta/Basic_2/ (λδ version 2)</div><div class="spacer"><img class="rule" alt="[Spacer]" title="lambda_delta rainbow rule" src="http://lambda-delta.info/images/rainbow.png"/></div>
+ <div class="head2">Logical structure of the contribution</div>
+ <div class="text">The source files are grouped in planes and components according to the following table.</div>
+ <div class="text"><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="snns component grey">component</td><td class="snns plane grey">plane</td><td class="snns file grey">files</td><td class="snnn file grey"><br/></td><td class="snnn file grey"><br/></td><td class="ssnn file grey"><br/></td></tr><tr><td class="snns component sky">native typing</td><td class="snns plane sky"><br/></td><td class="snns file sky">nty</td><td class="snnn file sky"><br/></td><td class="snnn file sky"><br/></td><td class="ssnn file sky"><br/></td></tr><tr><td class="snns component cyan">conversion</td><td class="snns plane cyan">context-sensitive</td><td class="snns file cyan">cpcs</td><td class="snnn file cyan"><br/></td><td class="snnn file cyan"><br/></td><td class="ssnn file cyan"><br/></td></tr><tr><td class="snns component water">computation</td><td class="snns plane water">strongly normalizing</td><td class="snns file water">csn</td><td class="snnn file water"><br/></td><td class="snnn file water"><br/></td><td class="ssnn file water"><br/></td></tr><tr><td class="nnns component water"><br/></td><td class="snns plane water">context-sensitive</td><td class="snns file water">cprs</td><td class="snnn file water"><br/></td><td class="snnn file water"><br/></td><td class="ssnn file water"><br/></td></tr><tr><td class="snns component green">reduction</td><td class="snns plane green">context-sensitive</td><td class="snns file green">lcpr</td><td class="snnn file green"><br/></td><td class="snnn file green"><br/></td><td class="ssnn file green"><br/></td></tr><tr><td class="nnns component green"><br/></td><td class="nnns plane green"><br/></td><td class="snns file green">cpr</td><td class="snnn file green">cpr_lift</td><td class="snnn file green">cpr_tpss</td><td class="ssnn file green">cpr_cpr</td></tr><tr><td class="nnns component green"><br/></td><td class="snns plane green">context-free</td><td class="snns file green">ltpr</td><td class="snnn file green">ltpr_drop</td><td class="snnn file green"><br/></td><td class="ssnn file green"><br/></td></tr><tr><td class="nnns component green"><br/></td><td class="nnns plane green"><br/></td><td class="snns file green">tpr</td><td class="snnn file green">tpr_lift</td><td class="snnn file green">tpr_tpss</td><td class="ssnn file green">tpr_tpr</td></tr><tr><td class="snns component grass">static typing</td><td class="snns plane grass">atomic arity ass.</td><td class="snns file grass">aaa</td><td class="snnn file grass">aaa_lift</td><td class="snnn file grass">aaa_aaa</td><td class="ssnn file grass"><br/></td></tr><tr><td class="nnns component grass"><br/></td><td class="snns plane grass">static type ass.</td><td class="snns file grass">sty</td><td class="snnn file grass">sty_lift</td><td class="snnn file grass">sty_sty</td><td class="ssnn file grass"><br/></td></tr><tr><td class="snns component yellow">unfold</td><td class="snns plane yellow">partial</td><td class="snns file yellow">ltpss</td><td class="snnn file yellow">ltpss_drop</td><td class="snnn file yellow">ltpss_tps</td><td class="ssnn file yellow">ltpss_ltpss</td></tr><tr><td class="nnns component yellow"><br/></td><td class="nnns plane yellow"><br/></td><td class="snns file yellow">tpss</td><td class="snnn file yellow">tpss_lift</td><td class="snnn file yellow">tpss_tpss</td><td class="ssnn file yellow">tpss_ltps</td></tr><tr><td class="snns component orange">substitution</td><td class="snns plane orange">parallel</td><td class="snns file orange">ltps</td><td class="snnn file orange">ltps_drop</td><td class="snnn file orange">ltps_tps</td><td class="ssnn file orange">ltps_ltps</td></tr><tr><td class="nnns component orange"><br/></td><td class="nnns plane orange"><br/></td><td class="snns file orange">tps</td><td class="snnn file orange">tps_lift</td><td class="snnn file orange">tps_tps</td><td class="ssnn file orange"><br/></td></tr><tr><td class="nnns component orange"><br/></td><td class="snns plane orange">local env. dropping</td><td class="snns file orange">drop</td><td class="snnn file orange">drop_drop</td><td class="snnn file orange"><br/></td><td class="ssnn file orange"><br/></td></tr><tr><td class="nnns component orange"><br/></td><td class="snns plane orange">term relocation</td><td class="snns file orange">lift</td><td class="snnn file orange">lift_lift</td><td class="snnn file orange"><br/></td><td class="ssnn file orange"><br/></td></tr><tr><td class="snns component red">grammar</td><td class="snns plane red">local env. equivalence</td><td class="snns file red">leq</td><td class="snnn file red">leq_leq</td><td class="snnn file red"><br/></td><td class="ssnn file red"><br/></td></tr><tr><td class="nnns component red"><br/></td><td class="snns plane red">term hom.</td><td class="snns file red">thom</td><td class="snnn file red">thom_thom</td><td class="snnn file red"><br/></td><td class="ssnn file red"><br/></td></tr><tr><td class="nnns component red"><br/></td><td class="snns plane red">closures</td><td class="snns file red">cl_shift</td><td class="snnn file red">cl_weight</td><td class="snnn file red"><br/></td><td class="ssnn file red"><br/></td></tr><tr><td class="nnns component red"><br/></td><td class="snns plane red">internal syntax</td><td class="snns file red">lenv</td><td class="snnn file red">lenv_weight</td><td class="snnn file red">lenv_length</td><td class="ssnn file red"><br/></td></tr><tr><td class="nnns component red"><br/></td><td class="nnns plane red"><br/></td><td class="snns file red">term</td><td class="snnn file red">term_weight</td><td class="snnn file red">term_simple</td><td class="ssnn file red"><br/></td></tr><tr><td class="nnns component red"><br/></td><td class="nnns plane red"><br/></td><td class="snns file red">item</td><td class="snnn file red"><br/></td><td class="snnn file red"><br/></td><td class="ssnn file red"><br/></td></tr><tr><td class="nnns component red"><br/></td><td class="snns plane red">external syntax</td><td class="snns file red">aarity</td><td class="snnn file red"><br/></td><td class="snnn file red"><br/></td><td class="ssnn file red"><br/></td></tr><tr><td class="nnss component red"><br/></td><td class="snss plane red">parameters</td><td class="snss file red">sh</td><td class="snsn file red"><br/></td><td class="snsn file red"><br/></td><td class="sssn file red"><br/></td></tr></tbody></table></div>
+ <div class="head2">Physical structure of the contribution</div>
+ <div class="text">The source files are grouped in directories, one for each component.</div>
+ <div class="spacer"><a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer"><img class="w3c" alt="[Valid XHTML 1.1]" title="Valid XHTML 1.1" src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-xhtml11-blue"/></a><a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer"><img class="w3c" alt="[Valid CSS level 2]" title="Valid CSS level 2" src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-css2-blue"/></a><a href="http://www.w3.org/XML/"><img class="w3c" alt="[Generated from XML via XSL]" title="Generated from XML via XSL" src="http://lambda-delta.info/images/xml_xsl2.png"/></a><a href="http://www.w3.org/Graphics/PNG/"><img class="w3c" alt="[PNG used here]" title="PNG used here" src="http://lambda-delta.info/images/PNGnow2.png"/></a><a href="http://www.anybrowser.org/campaign/"><img class="w3c" alt="[Viewable with any browser]" title="Viewable with any browser" src="http://www.anybrowser.org/campaign/bvgraphics/abtfile.png"/></a></div>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<ld:page xmlns:ld="http://lambda_delta.info"
+ description = "lambda_delta version 2"
+ title = "lambda_delta version 2"
+ head = "cic:/matita/lambda_delta/Basic_2/ (λδ version 2)"
+ <ld:section>Logical structure of the contribution</ld:section>
+ <ld:body>The source files are grouped in planes and components according to the following table.</ld:body>
+ <ld:table name="ld_basic_2_src"/>
+ <ld:section>Physical structure of the contribution</ld:section>
+ <ld:body>The source files are grouped in directories, one for each component.</ld:body>
+ <ld:footer/>
--- /dev/null
+name "ld_basic_2_src"
+table {
+ class "grey"
+ [ { "component" * } {
+ [ { "plane" * } {
+ [ "files" * ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ class "sky"
+ [ { "native typing" * } {
+ [ { "" * } {
+ [ "nty" * ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ class "cyan"
+ [ { "conversion" * } {
+ [ { "context-sensitive" * } {
+ [ "cpcs" * ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ class "water"
+ [ { "computation" * } {
+ [ { "strongly normalizing" * } {
+ [ "csn" * ]
+ }
+ ]
+ [ { "context-sensitive" * } {
+ [ "cprs" * ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ class "green"
+ [ { "reduction" * } {
+ [ { "context-sensitive" * } {
+ [ "lcpr" * ]
+ [ "cpr" "cpr_lift" "cpr_tpss" "cpr_cpr" * ]
+ }
+ ]
+ [ { "context-free" * } {
+ [ "ltpr" "ltpr_drop" * ]
+ [ "tpr" "tpr_lift" "tpr_tpss" "tpr_tpr" * ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ class "grass"
+ [ { "static typing" * } {
+ [ { "atomic arity ass." * } {
+ [ "aaa" "aaa_lift" "aaa_aaa" * ]
+ }
+ ]
+ [ { "static type ass." * } {
+ [ "sty" "sty_lift" "sty_sty" * ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ class "yellow"
+ [ { "unfold" * } {
+ [ { "partial" * } {
+ [ "ltpss" "ltpss_drop" "ltpss_tps" "ltpss_ltpss" * ]
+ [ "tpss" "tpss_lift" "tpss_tpss" "tpss_ltps" * ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ class "orange"
+ [ { "substitution" * } {
+ [ { "parallel" * } {
+ [ "ltps" "ltps_drop" "ltps_tps" "ltps_ltps" * ]
+ [ "tps" "tps_lift" "tps_tps" * ]
+ }
+ ]
+ [ { "local env. dropping" * } {
+ [ "drop" "drop_drop" * ]
+ }
+ ]
+ [ { "term relocation" * } {
+ [ "lift" "lift_lift" * ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ class "red"
+ [ { "grammar" * } {
+ [ { "local env. equivalence" * } {
+ [ "leq" "leq_leq" * ]
+ }
+ ]
+ [ { "term hom." * } {
+ [ "thom" "thom_thom" * ]
+ }
+ ]
+ [ { "closures" * } {
+ [ "cl_shift" "cl_weight" * ]
+ }
+ ]
+ [ { "internal syntax" * } {
+ [ "lenv" "lenv_weight" "lenv_length" * ]
+ [ "term" "term_weight" "term_simple" * ]
+ [ "item" * ]
+ }
+ ]
+ [ { "external syntax" * } {
+ [ "aarity" * ]
+ }
+ ]
+ [ { "parameters" * } {
+ [ "sh" * ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+class "component" { 0 }
+class "plane" { 1 }
+class "file" { 2 * }