let cols = new GTree.column_list in
let id_col = cols#add Gobject.Data.string in
let dsc_col = cols#add Gobject.Data.string in
- let interp_no_col = cols#add Gobject.Data.int in
+ let interp_no_col = cols#add Gobject.Data.caml in
let tree_store = GTree.tree_store cols in
let id_renderer = GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["text", id_col] in
let dsc_renderer = GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["text", dsc_col] in
let id_view_col = GTree.view_column ~renderer:id_renderer () in
let dsc_view_col = GTree.view_column ~renderer:dsc_renderer () in
- fun tree_view choices ->
+ fun (tree_view: GTree.view) choices ->
tree_view#set_model (Some (tree_store :> GTree.model));
ignore (tree_view#append_column id_view_col);
ignore (tree_view#append_column dsc_view_col);
tree_store#clear ();
- let idx = ref ~-1 in
+ let idx1 = ref ~-1 in
- (fun passes,env,_,_,_ ->
- incr idx;
- let interp_row = tree_store#append () in
- tree_store#set ~row:interp_row ~column:id_col
- ("Passes " ^ String.concat " " (List.map string_of_int passes));
- tree_store#set ~row:interp_row ~column:interp_no_col !idx;
- List.iter
- (fun (_, id, dsc) ->
- let row = tree_store#append ~parent:interp_row () in
- tree_store#set ~row ~column:id_col id;
- tree_store#set ~row ~column:dsc_col dsc;
- tree_store#set ~row ~column:interp_no_col !idx)
- env)
- choices
+ (fun _,lll ->
+ incr idx1;
+ let loc_row =
+ if List.length choices = 1 then
+ None
+ else
+ (let loc_row = tree_store#append () in
+ begin
+ match lll with
+ [passes,envs_and_diffs,_] ->
+ tree_store#set ~row:loc_row ~column:id_col
+ ("Error location " ^ string_of_int (!idx1+1) ^
+ ", error message " ^ string_of_int (!idx1+1) ^ ".1" ^
+ " (in passes " ^
+ String.concat " " (List.map string_of_int passes) ^
+ ")");
+ tree_store#set ~row:loc_row ~column:interp_no_col
+ (!idx1,Some 0,None);
+ | _ ->
+ tree_store#set ~row:loc_row ~column:id_col
+ ("Error location " ^ string_of_int (!idx1+1));
+ tree_store#set ~row:loc_row ~column:interp_no_col
+ (!idx1,None,None);
+ end ;
+ Some loc_row) in
+ let idx2 = ref ~-1 in
+ List.iter
+ (fun passes,envs_and_diffs,_ ->
+ incr idx2;
+ let msg_row =
+ if List.length lll = 1 then
+ loc_row
+ else
+ let msg_row = tree_store#append ?parent:loc_row () in
+ (tree_store#set ~row:msg_row ~column:id_col
+ ("Error message " ^ string_of_int (!idx1+1) ^ "." ^
+ string_of_int (!idx2+1) ^
+ " (in passes " ^
+ String.concat " " (List.map string_of_int passes) ^
+ ")");
+ tree_store#set ~row:msg_row ~column:interp_no_col
+ (!idx1,Some !idx2,None);
+ Some msg_row) in
+ let idx3 = ref ~-1 in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (passes,env,_) ->
+ incr idx3;
+ let interp_row =
+ match envs_and_diffs with
+ _::_::_ ->
+ let interp_row = tree_store#append ?parent:msg_row () in
+ tree_store#set ~row:interp_row ~column:id_col
+ ("Interpretation " ^ string_of_int (!idx3+1) ^
+ " (in passes " ^
+ String.concat " " (List.map string_of_int passes) ^
+ ")");
+ tree_store#set ~row:interp_row ~column:interp_no_col
+ (!idx1,Some !idx2,Some !idx3);
+ Some interp_row
+ | [_] -> msg_row
+ | [] -> assert false
+ in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (_, id, dsc) ->
+ let row = tree_store#append ?parent:interp_row () in
+ tree_store#set ~row ~column:id_col id;
+ tree_store#set ~row ~column:dsc_col dsc;
+ tree_store#set ~row ~column:interp_no_col
+ (!idx1,Some !idx2,Some !idx3)
+ ) env
+ ) envs_and_diffs
+ ) lll ;
+ if List.length lll > 1 then
+ HExtlib.iter_option
+ (fun p -> tree_view#expand_row (tree_store#get_path p))
+ loc_row
+ ) choices
method get_interp_no tree_path =
let iter = tree_store#get_iter tree_path in
(fun l ->
incr pass;
- (fun (env,diff,offset,msg) -> [!pass], env, diff, offset, msg) l
+ (fun (env,diff,offset,msg) ->
+ offset, [[!pass], [[!pass], env, diff], msg]) l
) errorll') in
(* Here we are doing a stable sort and list_uniq returns the latter
"equal" element. I.e. we are showing the error corresponding to the
most advanced disambiguation pass *)
let choices =
- let choices_compare (_,e1,_,_,m1) (_,e2,_,_,m2) =
- let m1 = Lazy.force m1 in
- let m2 = Lazy.force m2 in
- compare (e1,m1) (e2,m2) in
- let choices_compare_by_passes (p1,_,_,_,_) (p2,_,_,_,_) = compare p1 p2 in
+ let choices_compare (o1,_) (o2,_) = compare o1 o2 in
+ let choices_compare_by_passes (p1,_,_) (p2,_,_) =
+ compare p1 p2 in
let rec uniq =
[] -> []
| h::[] -> [h]
- | (p1,e1,_,_,_)::(p2,e2,d2,o2,m2)::tl when e1 = e2 ->
- uniq ((p1@p2,e2,d2,o2,m2) :: tl)
+ | (o1,res1)::(o2,res2)::tl when o1 = o2 ->
+ let merge_by_name errors =
+ let merge_by_env errors =
+ let choices_compare_by_env (_,e1,_) (_,e2,_) = compare e1 e2 in
+ let choices_compare_by_passes (p1,_,_) (p2,_,_) =
+ compare p1 p2 in
+ let rec uniq_by_env =
+ function
+ [] -> []
+ | h::[] -> [h]
+ | (p1,e1,_)::(p2,e2,d2)::tl when e1 = e2 ->
+ uniq_by_env ((p1@p2,e2,d2) :: tl)
+ | h1::tl -> h1 :: uniq_by_env tl
+ in
+ List.sort choices_compare_by_passes
+ (uniq_by_env (List.stable_sort choices_compare_by_env errors))
+ in
+ let choices_compare_by_msg (_,_,m1) (_,_,m2) =
+ compare (Lazy.force m1) (Lazy.force m2) in
+ let rec uniq_by_msg =
+ function
+ [] -> []
+ | h::[] -> [h]
+ | (p1,i1,m1)::(p2,i2,m2)::tl when Lazy.force m1 = Lazy.force m2 ->
+ uniq_by_msg ((p1@p2,merge_by_env (i1@i2),m2) :: tl)
+ | h1::tl -> h1 :: uniq_by_msg tl
+ in
+ List.sort choices_compare_by_msg
+ (uniq_by_msg (List.stable_sort choices_compare_by_msg errors))
+ in
+ let res = merge_by_name (res1@res2) in
+ uniq ((o1,res) :: tl)
| h1::tl -> h1 :: uniq tl
- List.sort choices_compare_by_passes
+ List.map (fun o,l -> o,List.sort choices_compare_by_passes l)
(uniq (List.stable_sort choices_compare choices))
match choices with
[] -> assert false
- | [_,env,diff,loffset,msg] ->
- notify_exn
- (GrafiteDisambiguator.DisambiguationError
- (offset,[[env,diff,loffset,msg]]));
+ | [loffset,[_,envs_and_diffs,msg]] ->
+ let _,env,diff = List.hd envs_and_diffs in
+ notify_exn
+ (GrafiteDisambiguator.DisambiguationError
+ (offset,[[env,diff,loffset,msg]]));
| _::_ ->
let dialog = new disambiguationErrors () in
dialog#check_widgets ();
match fst (dialog#treeview#get_cursor ()) with
None -> assert false
| Some tp -> tp in
- let idx = model#get_interp_no tree_path in
- let _,env,diff,loffset,msg = List.nth choices idx in
+ let idx1,idx2,idx3 = model#get_interp_no tree_path in
+ let loffset,lll = List.nth choices idx1 in
+ let _,envs_and_diffs,msg =
+ match idx2 with
+ Some idx2 -> List.nth lll idx2
+ | None -> [],[],lazy "Multiple error messages. Please select one." in
+ let _,env,diff =
+ match idx3 with
+ Some idx3 -> List.nth envs_and_diffs idx3
+ | None -> [],[],[] (* dymmy value, used *) in
let script = MatitaScript.current () in
let error_tag = script#error_tag in
source_buffer#remove_tag error_tag