OCAMLC = ocamlopt -g -rectypes
LIB = unix.cmxa str.cmxa
-UTILS = util.cmx parser.cmx console.cmx listx.cmx pure.cmx num.cmx
+UTILS = util.cmx console.cmx listx.cmx pure.cmx num.cmx parser.cmx
all: a.out test4.out
# test.out
let problem_of ~div ~conv ~nums =
- let all_tms = (match div with None -> [] | Some div -> print_endline(div);[div]) @ nums @ conv in
- let all_tms, var_names = parse' all_tms in
+ let all_tms = (match div with None -> [] | Some div -> [div]) @ nums @ conv in
+ let all_tms, var_names = Parser.parse' all_tms in
let div, (tms, conv) = match div with
| None -> None, list_cut (List.length nums, all_tms)
| Some _ -> Some (List.hd all_tms), list_cut (List.length nums, List.tl all_tms) in
aux 0 where
-(************ Parsing ************************************)
-let parse' strs =
- let fix_arity = function
- | `I((n,_),args) -> `I((n,1+Listx.length args),args)
- | _ -> assert false in
- let rec aux = function
- | Parser.Lam t -> `Lam (true, aux t)
- | Parser.App (t1, t2) -> fix_arity (mk_app (aux t1) (aux t2))
- | Parser.Var v -> `Var(v,1) in
- let (tms, free) = Parser.parse_many strs in
- List.map aux tms, free
(************** Algorithm(s) ************************)
let eta_compare x y =
val mk_appx : nf -> nf Listx.listx -> nf
val mk_match : nf i_num_var_ -> var -> int -> (int * nf) list ref -> nf list -> nf
val subst : bool -> bool -> int -> nf -> nf -> nf
-val parse' : string list -> nf list * string list
val eta_compare : nf -> nf -> int
val eta_eq : [< nf ] -> [< nf ] -> bool
val eta_subterm : [< nf ] -> [< nf ] -> bool
-type term =\r
- | Var of int\r
- | App of term * term\r
- | Lam of term\r
-let mk_app x y = App(x, y);;\r
-let mk_lam x = Lam x;;\r
-let mk_var x = Var x;;\r
exception ParsingError of string;;\r
+let mk_app x y = Num.mk_app x y;;\r
+let mk_lam x = `Lam(true, x);;\r
+let mk_var x = `Var(x, -666);;\r
let isAlphaNum c = let n = Char.code c in\r
(48 <= n && n <= 90) || (95 <= n && n <= 122) ;;\r
let isSpace c = c = ' ' || c = '\n' || c = '\t' ;;\r
+ let parse' strs =\r
+ let (tms, free) = parse_many strs in\r
+ (* Replace pacmans and bottoms *)\r
+ let n_bot = try Util.index_of "BOT" free with Not_found -> min_int in\r
+ let n_pac = try Util.index_of "PAC" free with Not_found -> min_int in\r
+ let n_bomb = try Util.index_of "BOMB" free with Not_found -> min_int in\r
+ let fix lev v =\r
+ if v = lev + n_bot then failwith "Example with `Bottom"\r
+ else if v = lev + n_pac then failwith "Example with `Pacman"\r
+ else if v = lev + n_bomb then failwith "Example with `Bomb"\r
+ else `Var(v,1) in (* 1 by default when variable not applied *)\r
+ (* Fix arity *)\r
+ let open Num in\r
+ let rec aux lev : nf -> nf = function\r
+ | `I((n,_), args) -> `I((n,1 + Listx.length args), Listx.map (fun t -> aux lev t) args)\r
+ | `Var(n,_) -> fix lev n\r
+ | `Lam(_,t) -> `Lam (true, aux (lev+1) t)\r
+ | `Match _ | `N _ -> assert false in\r
+ List.map (aux 0) (tms :> Num.nf list), free\r
+let parse_problem s = failwith "TODO";\r
-type term =\r
- | Var of int\r
- | App of term * term\r
- | Lam of term\r
+exception ParsingError of string\r
(* parses a string to a term *)\r
-val parse: string -> term\r
+(* val parse: string -> Num.nf *)\r
(* parse many strings/terms, and returns the list of parsed terms + the list of free variables; variable 0 is not used *)\r
-val parse_many: string list -> term list * string list\r
+val parse_many: string list -> Num.nf list * string list\r
+val parse': string list -> Num.nf list * string list\r
+val parse_problem:\r
+ string ->\r
+ Num.i_var option * Num.i_n_var list * Num.i_n_var list\r