| _, _, _ -> raise (ParsingError "???")\r
-let var_zero = "ω";; (* w is an invalid variable name *)\r
+let var_zero = "Z";; (* the name for the zero *)\r
let parse_many strs =\r
let f (x, y) z = match read_smt y (explode z) with\r
let _ = prerr_endline (">>>" ^ string_of_term (parse "(\\x. x y z z1 k) z1 z j"));;\r
- let parse' strs =\r
- let (tms, free) = parse_many strs in\r
- (* Replace pacmans and bottoms *)\r
- let n_bot = try Util.index_of "BOT" free with Not_found -> min_int in\r
- let n_pac = try Util.index_of "PAC" free with Not_found -> min_int in\r
- let n_bomb = try Util.index_of "BOMB" free with Not_found -> min_int in\r
- let n_z = try Util.index_of "Z" free with Not_found -> min_int in\r
- let fix lev v =\r
- if v = lev + n_bot then `Bottom\r
- else if v = lev + n_pac then `Pacman\r
- else if v = lev + n_bomb then `Lam(true, `Bottom)\r
- else if v = lev + n_z then `Var(lev, 0) (* FIXME why zero? *)\r
- else `Var(v,1) in (* 1 by default when variable not applied *)\r
- (* Fix arity *)\r
- let open Num in\r
- let exclude_bottom = function\r
- | #nf_nob as t -> t\r
- | `Bottom -> raise (ParsingError "Input term not in normal form") in\r
- let rec aux_nob lev : nf_nob -> nf = function\r
- | `I((n,_), args) -> `I((n,1 + Listx.length args), Listx.map (fun t -> exclude_bottom (aux_nob lev t)) args)\r
- | `Var(n,_) -> fix lev n\r
- | `Lam(_,t) -> `Lam (true, aux (lev+1) t)\r
- | `Match _ | `N _ -> assert false\r
- | `Pacman -> assert false\r
- and aux lev : Num.nf -> Num.nf = function\r
- | #nf_nob as t -> aux_nob lev t\r
- | `Bottom -> assert false in\r
- List.map (aux 0) (tms :> Num.nf list), free\r
let problem_of_string s =\r
-prerr_endline (s);\r
let lines = Str.split (Str.regexp "[\n\r\x0c\t;]+") s in\r
- (* let lines = List.map String.trim lines in *)\r
+ let head, lines = List.hd lines, List.tl lines in\r
+ let name = String.trim (String.sub head 1 (String.length head - 1)) in\r
let lines = List.filter ((<>) "") lines in\r
- prerr_endline("number of lines" ^ string_of_int (List.length lines));\r
- let aux (last, name, div, conv, ps) line =\r
+ let aux (last, div, conv, ps) line =\r
let chr = String.sub line 0 1 in\r
let line = String.trim (String.sub line 1 (String.length line - 1)) in\r
- if line = "" then chr, name, div, conv, ps else\r
+ if line = "" then chr, div, conv, ps else\r
let rec aux' chr line =\r
if chr = "#"\r
- then chr, name, div, conv, ps\r
- else if chr = "$"\r
- then "#", line, div, conv, ps\r
+ then chr, div, conv, ps\r
else if chr = "D"\r
- then chr, name, line, conv, ps\r
+ then chr, line, conv, ps\r
else if chr = "C"\r
- then chr, name, div, line::conv, ps\r
+ then chr, div, line::conv, ps\r
else if chr = "N"\r
- then chr, name, div, conv, line::ps\r
+ then chr, div, conv, line::ps\r
else if chr = " "\r
then aux' last line\r
else raise (ParsingError\r
("Unexpected at beginning of problem: `" ^ chr ^ "` " ^ line)) in\r
aux' chr line in\r
- let _, name, div, conv, ps = List.fold_left aux ("#", "no label", "", [], []) lines in\r
+ let _, div, conv, ps = List.fold_left aux ("#", "", [], []) lines in\r
let div_provided = div <> "" in\r
let div = if div_provided then div else "BOT" in\r
let strs = [div] @ ps @ conv in\r
- if strs = ["BOT"]\r
+ if List.length ps = 0 && List.length conv = 0\r
then raise (ParsingError "empty problem");\r
(* parse' *)\r
if v = lev + n_bot then `Bottom\r
else if v = lev + n_pac then `Pacman\r
else if v = lev + n_bomb then `Lam(true, `Bottom)\r
+ else if v = lev then `Var(v, min_int) (* zero *)\r
else `Var(v,1) in (* 1 by default when variable not applied *)\r
(* Fix arity *)\r
let open Num in\r
let from_file path =\r
- let lines = ref [""] in\r
+ let lines = ref ["#"] in\r
let chan = open_in path in\r
let _ = try\r
while true; do\r