--- /dev/null
+\title{Extensible notation for \MATITA}
+\author{Luca Padovani \qquad Stefano Zacchiroli \\
+\small Department of Computer Science, University of Bologna \\
+\small Mura Anteo Zamboni, 7 -- 40127 Bologna, ITALY \\
+\small \{\texttt{lpadovan}, \texttt{zacchiro}\}\texttt{@cs.unibo.it}}
+ \maketitle
+ V & ::= & & \mbox{(\bf values)} \\
+ & & \verb+Term+~T & \mbox{(term)} \\
+ & | & \verb+String+~s & \mbox{(string)} \\
+ & | & \verb+Number+~n & \mbox{(number)} \\
+ & | & \verb+None+ & \mbox{(optional value)} \\
+ & | & \verb+Some+~V & \mbox{(optional value)} \\
+ & | & [ V^{*} ] & \mbox{(list value)} \\[2ex]
+An environment is a map $\mathcal E : \mathit{Name} -> V$.
+\section{Level 1: concrete syntax patterns}
+ P & ::= & & \mbox{(patterns)} \\
+ & & S^{+} \\[2ex]
+ S & ::= & & \mbox{(\bf simple patterns)} \\
+ & & L_\kappa[S_1,\dots,S_n] & \mbox{(layout)} \\
+ & | & B_\kappa^{ab}[P] & \mbox{(box)} \\
+ & | & \BREAK & \mbox{(breakpoint)} \\
+ & | & (P) & \mbox{(fenced)} \\
+ & | & M & \mbox{(magic)} \\
+ & | & V & \mbox{(variable)} \\
+ & | & l & \mbox{(literal)} \\[2ex]
+ V & ::= & & \mbox{(\bf variables)} \\
+ & & \TVAR{x} & \mbox{(term variable)} \\
+ & | & \NVAR{x} & \mbox{(number variable)} \\
+ & | & \IVAR{x} & \mbox{(name variable)} \\[2ex]
+ M & ::= & & \mbox{(\bf magic patterns)} \\
+ & & \verb+list0+~S~l? & \mbox{(possibly empty list)} \\
+ & | & \verb+list1+~S~l? & \mbox{(non-empty list)} \\
+ & | & \verb+opt+~S & \mbox{(option)} \\[2ex]
+% IOT = Instantiate Two to One
+ \IOT{S_1\cdots S_n}{E} & = & \IOT{S_1}{E}\cdots\IOT{S_n}{E} \\
+ \IOT{L_\kappa[S_1,\dots,S_n]}{E} & = & L_\kappa[\IOT{S_1}{E},\dots,\IOT{S_n}{E} ] \\
+ \IOT{B_\kappa^{ab}[P]}{E} & = & B_\kappa^{ab}[\IOT{P}{E}] \\
+ \IOT{\BREAK}{E} & = & \BREAK \\
+ \IOT{(P)}{E} & = & (\IOT{P}{E}) \\
+ \IOT{\TVAR{x}}{E} & = & t & \mathcal{E}(x) = \verb+Term+~t \\
+ \IOT{\NVAR{x}}{E} & = & l & \mathcal{E}(x) = \verb+Number+~l \\
+ \IOT{\IVAR{x}}{E} & = & l & \mathcal{E}(x) = \verb+String+~l \\
+ \IOT{\mathtt{opt}~S}{E} & = & \varepsilon & \forall x \in \NAMES(S), \mathcal{E}(x) = \mathtt{None} \\
+ \IOT{\mathtt{opt}~S}{E} & = & \varepsilon & \forall x \in \NAMES(S), \mathcal{E}(x) = \mathtt{None} \\
+%% & | & (P) & \mbox{(fenced)} \\
+%% & | & M & \mbox{(magic)} \\
+%% & | & V & \mbox{(variable)} \\
+%% & | & l & \mbox{(literal)} \\[2ex]
+%% V & ::= & & \mbox{(\bf variables)} \\
+%% & & \TVAR{x} & \mbox{(term variable)} \\
+%% & | & \NVAR{x} & \mbox{(number variable)} \\
+%% & | & \IVAR{x} & \mbox{(name variable)} \\[2ex]
+%% M & ::= & & \mbox{(\bf magic patterns)} \\
+%% & & \verb+list0+~S~l? & \mbox{(possibly empty list)} \\
+%% & | & \verb+list1+~S~l? & \mbox{(non-empty list)} \\
+%% & | & \verb+opt+~S & \mbox{(option)} \\[2ex]
+ \section{Level 2: abstract syntax}
\ No newline at end of file